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12812018 No.12812018 [Reply] [Original]

We will convert the whole Universe into Computronium


"The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe, and they want to know all this. Some are good, some are bad, some are a mix. But the good ones don’t ever want to organize; the bad ones tend to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don’t want to dominate other people, they want to empower them, so they don’t tend to get together, until things are really late in the game. Then they come together and evil’s always defeated, because good is so much stronger. We’re on this planet and Einstein’s physics show and Max Planck’s physics’ show that there are at least 12 dimensions. And now that’s what all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out saying, ‘it’s a false hologram—it is artificial.’ The computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it’s artificially projected, and gravity’s bleeding-in to this universe. That’s what they call ‘dark matter’. There’s this sub-transmission zone below the 3rd dimension that just turned over the most horrible things—it’s what it resonates to. And it’s trying to get up into the 3rd dimension—that’s just a basic level consciousness—to launch into the next levels."

The Large Hadron Collider was created in order to open wormholes to saturate the universe with Computronium.

Humanity is the only intelligent life in the universe. All the old religions were right. The whole universe is saturated with Computronium, on the day of the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

None of the religions have been lies or just stories.

>> No.12812186

Not sure if galaxy brain or pea brain

>> No.12812431

Kurzweil is a professional pop scientist and about 30% quack. Avoid.

>> No.12812456
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>gabbidull zendiend
>mag uniberze smard

>> No.12812633

Steiner says that secret societies like the Illuminati and Freemasonry have been aiming to achieve an “Age of Reason” for centuries ... "The Ahrimanic influence has been at work since the middle of the fifteenth century and will increase in strength until an actual incarnation of Ahriman takes place among Western humanity.” "There will be a Western incarnation of the Ahriman being some little time after our present earthly existence, [not long after those present at the lecture in 1919 are dead] in fact, in the third post-Christian millennium.”

One of the means is this — that it is not realized what is the actual significance for man of certain kinds of thought and conception which predominate in modern times. You know, indeed, what a great difference there is between the way a man felt himself to be within the whole cosmos in the Egyptian age, let us say, and even in the time of Greece, and how he feels since the beginning of the modern age, since the close of the Middle Ages. Picture to yourselves a well-instructed ancient Egyptian. He knew that his body was constituted not merely of the ingredients which exist here on earth and are embodied in the animal kingdom, plant kingdom, mineral kingdom. He knew that the forces which he saw in the stars above, worked into his being as man; he felt himself a member of the whole cosmos. He felt the whole cosmos not only quick with life, but ensouled and imbued with spirit; in his consciousness there lived something of the spiritual beings of the cosmos, of the soul-nature of the cosmos and its life. All this has been lost in the course of later human history. Today man gazes from his earth up to the star-world and to him it is filled with fixed stars, suns, planets, comets, and so on. But with what means does he examine all that looks down to him out of cosmic space? He examines it with mathematics, with the science of mechanics. What lies around the earth is robbed of spirit, robbed of soul, even of life. It is a great mechanism, in fact, only to be grasped by the aid of mathematical, mechanistic laws.

With the help of these mathematical, mechanistic laws we grasp it magnificently! A student of spiritual science is undoubtedly just the one to value the achievements of a Galileo, a Kepler, and others, but what penetrates human understanding and consciousness through the tenets of these great spirits in human evolution merely shows the universe as a great mechanism. What this means is only revealed to one who is able to grasp man in his whole nature. It is all very well for astronomers and astro-physicists to present the universe as a mechanism which can be understood and calculated by mathematical formulae. ... The illusions are necessary because mankind goes through varied forms of education in its different stages of evolution. For modern education we need these illusions of a mathematical nature about the universe, we must acquire them, but we must know that they are illusions.

>> No.12812637

Now, in order that his incarnation may take the most profitable form, it is of the utmost interest to Ahriman that people should perfect themselves in all our illusory modern science, but without knowing that it is illusion. Ahriman has the greatest possible interest in instructing men in mathematics, but not in instructing them that mathematical-mechanistic concepts of the universe are merely illusions. He is intensely interested in bringing men chemistry, physics, biology and so on, as they are presented today in all their remarkable effects, but he is interested in making men believe that these are absolute truths, not that they are only points of view, like photographs from one side. If you photograph a tree from one side, it can be a correct photograph, yet it does not give a picture of the whole tree. If you photograph it from four sides, you can in any case get an idea of it. To conceal from mankind that in modern intellectual, rationalistic science with its supplement of a superstitious empiricism, one is dealing with a great illusion, a deception — that men should not recognize this is of the greatest possible interest to Ahriman. It would be a triumphant experience for him if the scientific superstition which grips all circles today and by which men even want to organize their social science, should prevail into the third millennium. He would have the greatest success if he could then come as a human being into Western civilization and find the scientific superstition.

Ahriman skillfully prepares his goal beforehand; ever since the Reformation and the Renaissance, the economist has been emerging in modern civilization as the representative governing type. That is an actual historical fact. If you go back to ancient times, even to those that I have characterized today as the Luciferic — who were the governing types then? Initiates. The Egyptian Pharaohs, the Babylonian rulers, the Asiatic rulers — they were initiates. Then the priest-type emerged as ruler and the priest-type was really the ruler right up to the Reformation and the Renaissance. Since that time the economist has been in command. Rulers are in fact merely the handymen, the understrappers of the economists. One must not imagine that the rulers of modern times are anything but the understrappers of the economists. And all that has resulted by way of law and justice — one should only study it carefully — is simply a consequence of what economically oriented men have thought. In the nineteenth century the “economical” man is replaced for the first time by the man thinking in terms of banking, and in the nineteenth century there is created for the first time the organization of finance which swamps every other relationship.

>> No.12812641

But just because this rulership of the mere ‘symbol for solid goods’ (that is to say, money — quotation from the lecture) has arisen, Ahriman has been given another essential medium for the deception of mankind. If men do not realize that the Rechtstaat and the organism of the Spirit must be set against the economic order called up through the economists and the banks, then again, through this lack of awareness, Ahriman will find an important instrument for preparing his incarnation. His incarnation is undoubtedly coming, and this lack of insight will enable him to prepare it triumphantly.

>> No.12812942

I'd like a caged mortal combat match between Ray "Exponentional" Kurzweil and Ted "Green" Bomber.

>> No.12813069

Behind every transhumanist is a bullied faggot, whom kids intuitively knew better to assault than befriend.

Name ONE transhumanist who isn't a destructive autist. Elon should've died in those stairs.

>> No.12813312

From suave statements of fact to pure schizo in a single paragraph. How is this possible? Whatever his editing process, if any, happens to be, the result makes me wonder more about who manages his life for him than about the limits of the speculative imagination.

>> No.12813381

can you just tell me if I get spaceships and cool sci fi adventures or not you fucking schizo?