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/lit/ - Literature

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12809438 No.12809438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a must read.

>> No.12809449

I mean it's just pol talking points. I agree with some of it but this guy said nothing original

>> No.12809460

Are you denying europeans are getting replaced?
What part dont you agree with

>> No.12809504

Guy whined about muslim birthrate. What he should've done was marry and have children with a white woman. Oh well, a wasted life. Now he's never going to enjoy liberty ever again.

>> No.12809506


yeah, no thanks

>> No.12809511

Why original = good?
If people are convinced by mainstream media to deny obvious stuff it's good to repeat it

>> No.12809521

Europeans don't deserve life. You fuckers had us send innocent men to fight in your shitty wars. Thousands of men who didn't deserve to die, all for what, Europe to be united? Fuck that. Down with the European menace. I will dance on the grave of every dead European.

>> No.12809533

>Are you denying europeans are getting replaced?
obviously not, if anything the guy is not extreme enough for me, he doesn't even talk about Jews or several other topics

And while I dont really care that he shot up a mosque, what was that supposed to accomplish exactly? he just accelerated the cucking of NZ, the fucking PM is wearing a Hijab on national television

>> No.12809560

Spotted the muslim nigger

>> No.12809575

Did you even read it? He said all invaders must be removed from europe, including semites and others. Its there in the document

>> No.12809577

I'm a red blooded white (Anglo Saxon) American and I will NOT be bullied by your kind anymore!

>> No.12809591

Europeans middle east war? Are you kidding you faggot?
Its clearly the jews that made you fight in the middle east. America is the spearhead of the war in middle east
Kys you mutt nigger
Who started the iraq war?

>> No.12809605

I do not negotiate with terrorists. Do not speak to me. Europe has ruined the world long enough and I will NOT let them do it any longer.

>> No.12809610


madlad aussie BTFO'd

>> No.12809615

forgot to add this one

>> No.12809616

>he isn't aware of the Five Eyes
>he doesn't think the CIA had anything to do with it

listen. get /x/pilled and read Programmed to Kill. it's only available as a pdf.

>> No.12809630
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>> No.12809637

W hug does /lit/ attract conspiritards? We aren't even into the occult or anything

>> No.12809640

Man, I miss old /x/.
I swear it must be some sort of psyops forcing good threads out and replacing them with CIA data mining tarot ones. There's no other place like it and every other forum like it is filled with mentally ill morons.
ah, well. AT least YouTube still maintains the feeling of sleuthing the strings of reality and its mysteries.
Hey FUCK you.

>> No.12809682
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>> No.12809724
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Hey, MY tinfoil hat conspiracy book is exhaustively researched and provides sources. It also doesn't include any entry-level poetry to divide it into sections. Also, the guy who wrote it has (prrrrrroooobably) never killed anyone. And there aren't any Fortnite jokes.

The fringechan library died sometime in 2015/2016 and got turned into a shitty larper's website, I think that really reduced the board quality

>> No.12809749

I don't represent that asshole you're talking about, nor do I care that you have "evidence" backing up the existence of reptilians or whoever the fuck you think is filling the role of matryoshka doll shadow government.

>> No.12809767
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>didn't even look it up

I love you too, babe.

>> No.12809796

This is not a /x/ thread
Get out niggers

>> No.12809816

I'm sure his points are interesting, but i guess I'm just not a much of a nationalist so i will never fully agree with the view. i understand all that is happening, but I've never really given enough of a shit about the preservation of a race or ethnicity. Clearly diversity and multiculturalism hasn't done much good to the world and has degraded culture by quite a bit, but it really seems like a lost cause at this point. A new start or something is needed. Also what is killing muslims meant to do other than make people more sympathetic to these invaders due to the killing of innocents.

>> No.12809835


/x/ shit is just as on-topic and credible as the OP, you silly faggot. in fact, OP & Programmed to Kill are both examples of texts that couldn't exist without the internet. you're not contributing anything to the discussion.

>> No.12809915

No-brain nigger monkey

>> No.12809916


varg is cucked

>> No.12810083

>shitty nazi propaganda littered with memes and hate speech written by a neckbeared /pol/ack with no understanding of philosophy.
>must read
pick one

>> No.12810356

>kill 49 people so others will read your manifesto
>leave a typo

>> No.12810365


>> No.12810368
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>must read
and here I am not reading it and guess what? I'm not gonna

>> No.12810374

>hate speech
please try to remain serious