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File: 348 KB, 244x204, dil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12807107 No.12807107 [Reply] [Original]

i,m going to kill myself on friday #wow #whoa

>> No.12807113
File: 134 KB, 1256x574, shrek is piss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12807129


>> No.12808627


>> No.12808732

What's the point?

>> No.12810103

Ur what's wrong with /lit/

>> No.12810111
File: 772 KB, 978x552, Shrek.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12810128

I'm sorry you are suffering anon. Be well.

>> No.12810133

Do not kill yourself. Life is worth living :3

>> No.12810136

I wish I were dead. Life is uncool.

>> No.12810145

Well, I don't really care. But someone out there does. No man is an island

>> No.12810174 [DELETED] 

Keep preaching your stupid platitudes, normalfags.
I feel like I'm terminally ill with some kind of cancer. I feel that I have the body of an 80 year old man. My memory is starting to decline. The only reason to keep living would be to please others by being a productive worker bee, but at this point I don't even care about what others think of me. I wish I was intelligent enough to create something great so that all the things I went through would have amounted to something but unfortunately I was never that smart. And whatever energy I had has completely dissipated after years of severe depression. I might as well have suffered some traumatic brain injury, the effects are the same. I'm gonna end it. I know some high rise with an unlocked roof door so that's a possibility. Or else I'll go with the traditional noose.

>> No.12810180

Don't kill yourself. We're all here for you.

>> No.12810183

If you are adamant about killing yourself, go sell all that you have and visit the national parks In your country. Once you have seen them all then you may die

>> No.12810184
File: 19 KB, 495x433, Frog_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait until you're 40 to consider suicide. life usually gets a lot better in your 30s

>> No.12810190

follow dilbert's example and take a few people with you

>> No.12810192
File: 64 KB, 271x308, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12810202

dont do it anon. you got plenty to live for. i knew a guy once that liked spaghetti os. one day they stole all his spaghetti os . he had a stock pile of it and seemed to eat little else. and he killed himself. then he came to my house and complained about me being a normal guy for like a week and i didnt look like a goat at all blah blah and i told him not to do it just before he did it. eventually he calmed down but think about others think about how this will impact them. like me. think about me FFS you selfish bastard. so much paper work

just 2 more years hold out for 2 more years. thats right i said it. survive for 2 more years and see the proper conclusion to the epic tale of the death of the west aka armageddon

>> No.12810206

Well, guess this is the last time I'll be talking to ya, buddy. Good luck. I'm sorry this life business hasn't worked out for you. If there's anything I can recommend, it's that you rid yourself of all worldly possessions beforehand. Sell it, give it away; someone can use the accouterments of your life. Don't let the state get their grubby hands on it.
Don't listen to this edgecommander >>12810190

>> No.12810213

Start giving your stuff away to strangers, make some people happy. See how you feel after doing that for a bit.

>> No.12810214

good riddance, dirtbag

>> No.12810381

Can you kill me too?

>> No.12810393

give a prayer for us @theman who will kill himself soon

>> No.12810395

Let's suicide pact, man. It'd be rad.

>> No.12810416

what are you a woman?

>> No.12810419

Fuck you too man I can do it myself.
Damn bastards.