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12804855 No.12804855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Ew, what?!? No, I don't want to kill my father and fuck my mother

>> No.12804860

great thread

>> No.12804862

brothers just let the filthy sink and s a g e

>> No.12804863

Imagine a society where it isnt taboo to fuck your mommy. I bet it would be more peaceful. Less incel killers

>> No.12804873

Sexual societies are always decadent.

>> No.12804881

Don't need to imagine it, I just go to the front page of every porn website on the internet

>> No.12804889
File: 247 KB, 1777x999, MV5BZGJjOWU2MjUtYzhmMC00ZDIxLWE0NWUtYmI0NzBhYmUwZjIwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,1777,999_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not?

>> No.12804922

freud plunged the depths of his own unconscious on then projected it onto the rest of humanity

just because he wanted to fuck his father and skull fuck his mother doesn't mean that's the key to the rest of the human race and their psychoses

he was a fucking coke addled dime bag ding bat ding a ling dip shit donkey dick

>> No.12804931

>tfw you actually remember wanting to fuck your mother as a kid

Shit still haunts me to this day

>> No.12804945

All society is sexual, it's just hidden between different magnitudes of innuendo.

>> No.12804982
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>Penis envy? What kind of sick joke is this, anon?

>> No.12804984

daring synthesis

>> No.12806168

honestly speaking, was Freud complete psuedoscience?

>> No.12806175

all psychoanalysis is pseud shit

>> No.12806178

>in dreams, balconies represent women because they somewhat resemble breasts

Was this the dumbest thing Freud ever said?

>> No.12806185

he was a coke addict who thought with his cock, just like any other coke addict I've ever known. Coke fucks you up. unfortunately, he spawned a lot of ideas now permeating western culture. western culture is a progeny of sex freaks.

>> No.12806189

coke also leads to massively misplaced self assurance. some people are so self assured of their bullshit that they can convince other people of it, too, and a hundred years later, we still suck their dicks because of it. not that freud was completely useless, you can't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

>> No.12806235

definitely not

>> No.12806247

anti-sexuality is true decadence

>> No.12806265

yep, sadly. it had no basis in biology, which is the entry point to non-broscience psychology

>> No.12806268

itt: incels who can't come to term with their mommy fetish

>> No.12806277

>hate is true love
>death is true life
>black is true white
Based and retard pilled

>> No.12806607

>anti-sexuality is true decadence
Balance is the only thing that isn't.

>> No.12806654

you can replace the word sexual with literally anything and this sentence would hold just as much weight

>> No.12806659
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So, what happens when I kill my father and fuck my mother?

>> No.12806660

at an early age i transmogrified it into wanting to BE my mom, and here we are

>> No.12806663

great post