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12803143 No.12803143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's some literature on why trannies are perverted fetishists who let their sexuality take over their lives?

Also, why do they have life so easy? How can we make them suffer as they deservedly should?

>> No.12803148

"The Story Of Eye" by Georges Bataille

>> No.12803736
File: 401 KB, 2048x1365, 4AF0972C-0874-4FD8-AC07-03E038D11AC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies is just the cope of men who can’t admit they enjoy cross dressing. It isn’t so much that they are only comfortable as women it’s just they can’t fathom themselves being comfortable men.

>> No.12803753
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Trannies are heralds of the future
Try Fanged Noumena

>> No.12803760

If you can't trivially find literature with this description you must not read, therefore you don't belong on /lit/

>> No.12803761
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>Neovagina arrives from future

>> No.12803762

based and pinkpilled

>> No.12803765
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>> No.12803778
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Holy fucking based

>> No.12803797
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I get turned on by the thought of fucking femboys, but I'm aware that a great deal comes from my self hatred and inadequacies. Ideally I'd be able to have true companionship with other guys and wish for their personal growth.

>> No.12803800

when integrating your anima goes haywire you grab a last resort that unfortunately is already a branch of monopolized pharmapsychiatry market perpetuated by media

>> No.12803804
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The statistics are that trannies make up less than 1% of the population. But that must have fucking doubled in the past few years; they're everywhere now.

>> No.12803825

Trannies do not exist in meatspace. They can only become who they are are on the internet, at least for now...

>> No.12803845

I never even crossdressed beyond just wearing a female hat or something. I hate these straight males who are so depraved they decide to live their life a fetish and get upset when cis females don't want to fuck them. Ban straight males from taking hormones and you get rid trans hysteria and anime discord trannies and transgenderism becomes a niche thing again for people with actual legitimate dysphoria, and something that can gain actual sympathy from society. I truly hate these people.

>> No.12803853

Because it’s not some super rare unexplained phenomenon where you are born mismatched biologically. It’s such pseudo science bullshit and no one even knows how to begin confirming. It’s a fucking fetish and fetishes spread when you expose people to them on the cusp of puberty. Imagine if someone started putting pamphlets in elementary schools about what it means to have a foot fetish, parents would be postal, yet they’ve been brainwashed into requesting pamphlets for something even more deranged.

>> No.12803865

What is the pinkpill?

>> No.12803867

fuck is this schizo garbage?

>> No.12803874

normie post

>> No.12803876

>It’s a fucking fetish and fetishes spread when you expose people to them on the cusp of puberty.

Is this the case for everyone, though? I saw all kinds of depraved shit starting around age 13, including Sonic the Hedgehog doujins, but none of it stuck.

>> No.12803877
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Capitalism deterritorializes and reterritorializes: A factory is better here than a field. A high IQ person is better than OP. Men become women.
Likewise, capital decodes and recodes. Semiotics represent man as wretched. Women become the future. In the genetic code, Y chromosomes will be come X chromosomes (CRISPER).

>> No.12803879

I don’t think sexual orientation has jack all to do with it. Some people just can’t imagine feminine men and so they mutilate themselves and play dress up because their dad beat them or they got shunned by the other little boys. People are selfish where does it end, should everyone be allowed to change everything about themselves freely or should we learn to play the cards we’re dealt. If we are allowed to change everything about ourselves where does it end, what if we want to change how we see other people does that not encroach in their own excessive self-determination.

>> No.12803885

Same. I guess we're just so intellectually superior that we can't fall for that crap.

>> No.12803892

gender dysphoria is an actual thing though that affects mostly children. Even though about 90% or so grow out of it by puberty i think parents should know what it is and that in reality it is generally just a developmental phase.

>> No.12803898

That is true I saw lots of weird shit too but some of it did stick you know, it was like lightning striking. It is a rare coincidence but does that mean we should encourage children to play in storms or teach them to carry a metal rod in one hand from infancy so their mind isn’t made up for them.

>> No.12803899

>life so easy
dramatic life is mostly tragic

>> No.12803911

If that was true it invalidates transsexuals and would explain why so many 30 year old trannies wind up chowing down on a bullet.

>> No.12803918
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>> No.12803929

Reading too much into it. Supply any addict with drugs and blare support for them everywhere and illusions of grandeur take over, you get the perfect consumer slave.

>> No.12803943

>invalidates transsexuals

It does invalidate the vast majority of them, for some people dysphoria never really leaves. i wonder how many people who transition today even ever had dysphoria, it's so disconcerting seeing all these people very into traditional masculine things like football and what not transition, they're generally straight men too.

>> No.12803953

I bet you eat wheat. Disgusting.

>> No.12803966

Great literature discussion in this definitely not /pol/ bait thread

>> No.12803979

What you refer to as trannies, as in the modern conception of transgender people, are in fact misdiagnosed crossdressers who are being fed hormones and subjected to surgery in the name of profit. Actual real trannies don't suffer from this degree of narcissism

>> No.12803999

>play dress up because their dad beat them
>implying these people have dads
>and if they do have dads, implying they aren't weak pieces of shit

>> No.12804003

>It’s a fucking fetish
That's like claiming apotemnophilia is a fetish. Some people might actually get off sexually to the idea of castration but that would be a small subset of a small subset.

>fetishes spread when you expose people to them on the cusp of puberty
Sexuality already starts forming before puberty. You can gain a fetish at any point in life.

"Feminine men" don't get psychological stress from their genitalia, you're conflating different things.

Most crossdressers are heterosexual men that don't desire surgery and would probably choose suicide instead of being forced to transition e.g. see Iran where surgery or death is an option.

>> No.12804009

Thank you for understanding. Actual passing trans girl here that actually takes interest in men.

>> No.12804011

I'm pretty sure these numbers need a source cause actual sexual dysmorphia is fairly rare, isn't it more likely that there is a case here of conflating gender dysmorphia with play outside of or with opposing gender norms?

>> No.12804032

No problem, I'm just exhausted with the way our culture has glorified this shit.

>Most crossdressers are heterosexual men that don't desire surgery
Exactly, and that's why there's a 40% suicide rate

>> No.12804039

I mean ya, sure, but hormones up my game.

>> No.12804088

>Exactly, and that's why there's a 40% suicide rate
I don't know where your getting that number but I'm pretty sure suicide is actually much lower amongst crossdressers than transexuals.
You can learn from suicide statistics that men kill themselves in higher numbers than females and whites more than blacks... make of that what you will.

>> No.12804099

I'm saying that "trannies" are mostly misdiagnosed crossdressers who don't react well to hormones and surgery

>> No.12804113
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>> No.12804127

the teachers and social workers are now rebranding autistic kids as trannies.
if this was happening 10 or 20 years ago, we would all have been put on hormone blockers, and probably an hero by now.
let that sink in.

>> No.12804140

Tranny-ism is a disease that spreads partly by social contact with other people that are trannies.

>> No.12804167

>another thread about trannies

I swear these are all being made by the same guy

>> No.12804194

non memeing for one second to say that transsexuality and autism have an unnusualy high degree of co-morbidity.

>> No.12804205

Uh at least I'm honest enough with myself to admit that my sexuality does run my life, when the fuck has anyone ever won an argument with their dick? dumbass OP look at the way the world is shaped, it was never even an argument