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/lit/ - Literature

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12802276 No.12802276 [Reply] [Original]

Three act structure bores me. Post charts/rundowns/examples of alternative act structures itt
(hardmode: no Shakespeare)

>> No.12802306
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>> No.12802331

Didn't the far-east just copy the Greeks in most stuff anyways?

>> No.12802439
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so it's Shyamalan the plot structure?

>> No.12802520
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>> No.12802530
File: 273 KB, 1144x919, there_are_only_six_stories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, this one is more legible

>> No.12802565

is this Vonnegut?

>> No.12802567

>‘Icarus’ (-SV 2), ‘Oedipus’ (-SV 3), and two sequential ‘Man in a hole’ arcs (SV 4), are the three most successful emotional arcs.

the images are from "The emotional arcs of stories are dominated by six basic shapes" by
Andrew J Reagan, Lewis Mitchell, Dilan Kiley, Christopher M Danforth and Peter Sheridan Dodds btw

>> No.12802584

Fuck data driven literary theory.

>> No.12802598

SV 3 is noisy as fuck

>> No.12802609

>SV 4
not included on the charts?

>> No.12802645

SV4 = -SV1

The six arcs are
>“Rags to riches” (rise).
>“Tragedy”, or “Riches to rags” (fall).
>“Man in a hole” (fall-rise).
>“Icarus” (rise-fall).
>“Cinderella” (rise-fall-rise).
>“Oedipus” (fall-rise-fall).

There are more complex books (that can be modeled with more ups and downs) but they only analyze the most popular ones

whole thing is online https://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.07772.pdf

>> No.12803173
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>> No.12803178
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>> No.12803360
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>> No.12803369

based which way is up

>> No.12803386


>Closest 20 Books

so this goes for 120 books in total but has no information about other books?

>> No.12803447
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Check out the Canonical Narrative Schema and the Generative Route of Meaning by Greimas. Sadly i can't tell if you can find them translated in english

>> No.12803563

what did they actually do svd on?

>> No.12803576

am i to read thise like a dip = depression or sorrow point in the story and a rise is a sudden euphoria and the constant dip and rise is an emotional sort of thing?

>> No.12803583
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>> No.12803833

Recommend me books of the which way is up category.

>> No.12804062


>> No.12804166

The Sopranos

>> No.12804181


>> No.12804214
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It's loss

>> No.12805656

Emotional analysis, ie the cumulative sum of positive and negative words. (Higher value = more happy words)

>> No.12805687
File: 540 KB, 1280x1683, Berthold Woltze The Irritating Gentleman (1874).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change /lit/.

>> No.12805852


>> No.12805882

hey, they have it for movie scripts too

>> No.12806164
