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/lit/ - Literature

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12800143 No.12800143 [Reply] [Original]

What are some things that a 2-bit chump like me can do to gain some life experience and become more interesting, specifically for the sake of becoming a better writer? I'm
>Hunched from years of slouching
>Very nervous in conversation
Despite pic related, I've never smoked. All I do all day is lie in bed, skip lectures (I'm studying CS, which I've grown to hate) and browse /lit/.

Have there ever been any really great authors who were complete loser shut-ins? I guess not.

>> No.12800171
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Buy an escort and kill her, then write a book on the aftermath

>> No.12800198

You're literally me except I go to the gym. Try that. Fuck cs btw. Fucking disgusting soulless pajeet tier npc career.

>> No.12800234


Get your CDL and become a trucker for five years or so.

>> No.12800260

Well for starters you can stop all the pitty, get out of 4chan and make some active changes in your life. You're already aware that there is a problem in your lifestyle, whivh is a start.
Also your middle-school counsler was right, smoking dosn't make you cooler. This is coming from sombody who is trying to beat the habbit.

>> No.12800639

this is a really strange board for this q

>> No.12800647

There are too many of us, Im doing an electronic engineering degree and I hate doing calculus but at least the electronics classes are nice and the teacher is a hottie.

>> No.12800806


>> No.12800863

Buy a bicycle and toodle around your city for a couple of months after work. You'll see a lot and feel much better afterwards

>> No.12802228

Literally just write about what you wrote about in this post. You can even have a delusional fantasy sequence where you >>12800171
Seriously, how much of an idiot can you be? Are you so self pitying that you'd throw away the material given to you and then cry 'oh what shall I write about'.
Do you even want to write?

>> No.12802261

Join the service, the Navy is a good way to see some of the world. You might decide to take your discharge overseas somewhere, like an Asian country where your penis size would be above average... The world will be your oyster!

>> No.12802398

>i've never smoked
buy cigarettes then? i started smoking because the doomer character seemed cool, and i don't regret it yet

>> No.12802542

You fucking idiot

>> No.12802575

>Start smoking because of an internet meme
First instance I've seen where the NPC meme is actually realised in a person. Bigg cringe my man

>> No.12802593
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>i started smoking because the doomer character seemed cool