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File: 912 KB, 1365x2048, MV5BMTk5NDQ0ODAwOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjkyMjI0NA@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12799375 No.12799375 [Reply] [Original]

Authors you could beat in a fight

pic related. I think about driving to sante fe and punching his lights out at least once a week.

>> No.12799452
File: 23 KB, 210x400, B0F43738-03BD-42DB-9DF1-7B429D5B121C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s a fucking old man. Young Mcarthy was nothing to fuck with though

>> No.12799464
File: 746 KB, 639x724, pynchon old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12799519

>He’s a fucking old man.

>> No.12799532

>I think about driving to sante fe and punching his lights out at least once a week
You mean in Minecraft of course

>> No.12799548

No I want to clean his clock, ring his bell, give him the ole one two, introduce him to freddy the fist and his five fingers, give him the three piece and a soda, do you follow my jibe, turkey?

>> No.12799571

The old diamond sword with sharpness V enhancement

>> No.12799617
File: 150 KB, 671x1024, Noam_Chomsky_2011-04-07_002_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12799913
File: 1.66 MB, 1278x710, Lawluh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I could literally beat the fuck out of all of these guys at once
Thinking about this has really made me realize that might truly is right. Like what the fuck is the point of being intelligent if you are physically weak? What the fuck is Cormac going to do while I'm wailing at him? Describe some wheat fields or let out some lyrical descriptives relating to my fist being lodged in his ass? No, the only sound that will be coming out of his mouth is "EEUGH" and "AAHH" and "OOOF." These would be the words of the greatest living writer in the hands of some no name degenerate. Why would you even read and write when you could just get swole? The greeks were right all along.

>> No.12799962

Is this pasta? Lol. Anyway, might is right. That's why it sucks you are so weak. Even if you did beat the shit out of an old guy, you would be imprisoned by those stronger than you.

>> No.12800094

Yeah, I'd always assumed for some reason that brain>brawn because that's what the (((mainstream media))) had fed me but I just had an epiphany and realized that it was a bunch of malarkey. That there is nothing stopping me from imposing my will on my inferiors and that even the greatest intellects on the planet are ultimately my inferiors. Such a joyous and liberating feeling.

>> No.12800103

The government. The government is stronger than you. Generally unless you’re black the government listens to reason in figuring out how to implement their might.

>> No.12800107

I don’t think you understood his post. it’s a good thing brawn>brain, because you ain’t got much of the latter

>> No.12800117

The government isn't a person so it doesn't factor into the equation, I can't punch the government and it can't punch me. Are you going to tell me that tornadoes are also my superior? Ridiculous.
Keep running your mouth, I bet I could beat the living shit out of you without even breaking a sweat.

>> No.12800121

The government is the collective of the people. It’s that everyone in totality is stronger than you. Enforced by police and military. You could go punch a politician or a cop. See what happens. Go punch someone in the street, see what happens.

>> No.12800128

Yes, together they are stronger and thus have more might. In that way they are superior to me of course, but on an individual level I am superior to those that compose the government. When I walk outside for example, I could punch whoever I wanted and they would be powerless to stop me, in that moment I would be their superior and my will would thoroughly be thrust upon them. The government would only intervene later and that is a different matter to contend with but I am mainly concerned with that initial moment where I could take any individual and make them crumble beneath me. It is truly exhilarating once you understand the power your own hands possess.

>> No.12800144
File: 112 KB, 1200x1155, Yukio+mishima+famed+japanese+author+he+lifts+who+says+asians_c7963a_6806784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like what the fuck is the point of being intelligent if you are physically weak?
why not both

>> No.12800148

He would pull out his six-shooter and cap your cocky ass. Might makes right only in the days before spears. Maybe the greeks were right and tiny penises are manly in which case the greeks would think you one of the manliest men out there

>> No.12800151

>Are you going to tell me that tornadoes are also my superior?
we are
talk shit, get fucking hit

>> No.12800187

Mishima was close to being based but ultimately a coward. If he put his strength to use then he would've been truly based.
I also have a weapon but it wouldn't come to that as I would have him laying on the ground unconscious before he would even realize what happened to him. If he did somehow manage to pull out his weapon I'd snatch it out of his feminine, freshly lotioned hands and go to town. My dick is none of your concern, the Greeks had it right and I'll leave it at that. It is no surprise that our depraved society idolizes the vulgar.
If there actually was a tornado approaching me I would just cancel it out by punching it in the opposite direction so I would still technically be superior.

>> No.12800188


>> No.12800209

>not punching with the tornado instead, causing it to reach unseen levels of natural catastrophe and taking you in as its Aura, having wind sex and destroying entire metropolises, thus quenching its appetite for destruction and yours for slaughtering feeble intellectuals
This is why you gotta be smart AND fit.

>> No.12800240

>Mishima was close to being based but ultimately a coward
he would have cut your head off before you can finish off your first insult m8

>> No.12800275

>If there actually was a tornado approaching me
watch your back pal

>> No.12800406

Yeah but even Noam chomsky could dominate you with some pepper spray let alone a gun. But by all means masturbate to naive and delusional power fantasies.

>> No.12800555

I think old mac can knock some fat anon out no problem

>> No.12801272

>reddit """""banter""""""

>> No.12801384
File: 73 KB, 766x630, 1551370846777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like what the fuck is the point of being intelligent if you are physically weak?

>> No.12801390

>beating old people
pathetic. consider suicide.

>> No.12801402

I'd beat your ass for saying that to me. I'd break your teeth and tan your ass raw.

>> No.12801412

You sound like an angry nigger. Go back to Africa.

>> No.12801414
File: 88 KB, 459x720, FF7GY1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have beat the shit out of this bitch.

>> No.12801416

>le impotent racist edgy humor
epic son, but you would be crying for mercy if I ever saw you in the street. I'd pound your face into mush.

>> No.12801422
File: 223 KB, 671x914, 59A780AB-6E91-4B19-A41C-145307D6B05A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could fucking murder young Nietzsche in a fist fight

>> No.12801433

>being this sensitive
There's nothing racist in my reply, you pathetic underage faggot lmao

>> No.12801435

yes there is you've just been brainwashed by polshit ;)

>> No.12801440

And you've been brainwashed by American public education.

>> No.12801444

the nervous laugh of an impotent cuck. You're weak and you're an embarrassment to this board. I'd wipe you off it and grind your nose into the concrete. You know you'll always be at the mercy of men like me. Count each day we neglect to kill scum like you as a gift. you're like the shit on my boot and the day will come that I will wipe you off on the pavement.

>> No.12801451

no, im just not a degenerate racist

>> No.12801453

>This drunken son of a bitch slaps your gf's ass and turns around to look at you
What do? No shotguns allowed.

>> No.12801459

A singer I like recently made a song about being blacked.

>> No.12801461
File: 66 KB, 780x585, ernest_hemingway-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, fuck

>> No.12801585

Post physique or gtfo