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/lit/ - Literature

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12797250 No.12797250 [Reply] [Original]

So this just came in the mail. I got meme'd on by /lit/, didn't I? It costed me like $140 in total (all of the Pynchon books are used). Anyways, r8 don't h8.

>> No.12797267

You've been memed

>> No.12797269

Just bought Steppenwolf. Few pages in, and it seems pretty good

>> No.12797278
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Nothing particularly literary.

>> No.12797290
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How do you expect to read absalam or to the waves or the light house without starting with earlier woolf or faulkner... You also bought a shit ton of pynchon meme books... did it ever occur to you that an authors style might not appease to you as it does others? Like seriously you might not even like pynchons writing style. IJ and BM aswell lmao. Also how the fuck did you decide to get the hardest possible modernist books but not pick up a signle joyce? Like seriously? You bought absalom which is an equivalent to nearly Ulysses level of difficulty. Like this is some serious autist level fucking thinking here. Also, lit dident meme you, you memes yourself everyone fucking tells people like you to start with the greeks so shit like this doesent happen. If you bought all the greek epic poems and platos works the you'd be fine but I promise you, you wont finish not a sinngle one of these books with any fucking understanding. As for House of Leaves; its the only book that'll youll be able to finish a simpleton as yourself. Dis-fucking-grace.

>> No.12797294
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>buying books

>> No.12797315

Damn, you got memed so hard that I feel sorry for you.

>> No.12797349

I swear if I'm seeing Infinite Jest just one more time today on this board I'm going to kill someone.

>> No.12797366
File: 631 KB, 1653x2560, 834541D3-FC95-4542-86E8-FD199D1D5ACC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinite Jest

>> No.12797371

Sorry, im not a literaturey person,but whats the deal with infinite jest.
Is it just some glorified postmodernist trash for faggots to read or a legit good book?

>> No.12797384

>Is it just some glorified postmodernist trash for faggots to read or a legit good book?
it is unironically both of these things

>> No.12797389

look at all those shit covers

>> No.12797391

it's shit

you're unironically a faggot

>> No.12797413

Lolwut, that projecting. I already read The Sound and the Fury and TCoL49.

>> No.12797432

Which do you consider shitty?

>> No.12797439

As to why I didn't buy Ulysses, the sole reason is because I haven't read the Iliad nor the Odyssey yet.

>> No.12797446

All me btw (OP)

>> No.12797455

Read Absalom before starting Pynchon

>> No.12797460

>start with the greeks isn't a meme

oh sweetie

>> No.12797493

can u do some reading list if i wunna read joyce & pinchon? what 2 read before dem?

>> No.12797575

I also bought Ulysses for 50p.

>> No.12797696

Shirley you jest