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12797217 No.12797217 [Reply] [Original]

Reading Dostoyevsky has changed my life and I am convinced God planned for me to join an Orthodox monastery. Is there any other good works that will inspire me and do I have to know Russian?

>> No.12797332

You should read "The way of a pilgrim".

>> No.12797353
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If you're not larping, consider going to one of the monasteries of mount athos. There are monks from all backgrounds and countries, so you're likely to find someone that actually speaks your language

>> No.12797364

You should read about Prelest. People often read these kinds of books and start imagining becoming a monk will fix all their problems, but it's just trying to escape, a delusion.

These monks have a lot of experience with people like us who want to escape from their problems, becoming deluded that they must be called by God to become a monk. You should know they'll see right through you and should be prepared for them to send you away.

>> No.12797377
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Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.
The Double. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Gogol's "Nose."
The Brothers Karamazov. Dislike it intensely.
Crime and Punishment. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly rigmarole.

>> No.12797438


>> No.12797449

What do you do if you go there?

>> No.12797459
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>Nabokov, Vladimir? Bourgeois, pseudo-intellectual who valued his prose far too highly as to what it actually is worth.
>I'm certain he fled to a foreign nation solely because he wouldn't have kept up to par with the great authors of his mother tongue, like Dostoyevsky
>Lolita. detest it. his most acclaimed work, but only for obvious reasons of perversion.
>Pale fire. detest it vehemently. his best, if it weren't for all those dreadful poems.
>The rest of his works. Detest them vehemently. They can all be ignored as they will be forgotten in time along with him.

>> No.12797517

A formidable mediocrity.

>> No.12797561
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Depends if you just want to visit or join a monastery.
The island is a self regulating, autonomous theocracy. Women are literally not allowed on there. You can only visit for a maximum amount of four days. It has an continuous Christian tradition of 1800 years. The Mountain is considered holy by all major orthodox dominations, which are all present on the island.

If you find the time, have a look at this documentary. It captures the beauty and spirit of mount Athos perfectly

>> No.12797599

>A formidable mediocrity.
Isn't that an Oxymoron?

>> No.12797613

Who's allowed to actually live there? Are outsiders ever allowed to stay?

>> No.12797621

>Women are literally not allowed on there
Based and redpilled

>> No.12797627

And? It communicates the idea very well

>> No.12797642

I wonder what the natively religious at those places of worship (whether they be Orthodox, Islamic, or even Catholic) think of overzealous young Western male converts who cite books or even blogs as their calling

>> No.12797665

>Who's allowed to actually live there?
>Are outsiders ever allowed to stay?
Yes, about four days if recall correctly. My grandpa was there several times and always praises the place. He actually managed to get some icons from there which are amongst his most prized possessions. He won't stop talking about how beautiful and magical that place is.
You have to go through one of their travel agencies to get a permit to enter the island.

>> No.12797675

I mean can any new monks ever join? how does it work?

>> No.12797677
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jesus retard. You would expect someone who found 4chan to be able to use google or any search engine to figure this trivial shit out themselves

>> No.12797690

>I mean can any new monks ever join?
No, all the dudes there are centuries old. Jesus, anon.

>> No.12797718

>I mean can any new monks ever join
No, they have figured out a way to get each other pregnant anally, using century old ecclesial magic which dates back to the byzantine empire.
But seriously anon, you can just contact the monasteries: http://mountathosinfos.gr

>> No.12797720
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>that one time in WWII when the Germans occupied Greece and the monks warmly welcomed them and Hitler agreed to not interfere with the monasteries and defend them from communism, earning
him the title “Protector of the Holy Mount”

>> No.12797730
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>> No.12797776

How come the Nazis hated Catholics but supposedly liked the Orthodox

>> No.12797786

Christianity is a death cult that forgoes this world in order to focus on that unreachable afterlife, which will haunt them for eternity

>> No.12797791
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I really wonder what the succesful National Socialist dominated World would look like.

>> No.12797797

>and then communism comes in anyway and destroys most monasteries

>> No.12797799
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I think “hated” is a strong word, they were ambivalent for the most part. I suppose that they probably saw Orthodoxy as more localized and pro-nationalist whereas they may have viewed Catholicism as more international and globalist, which they despised.
Regardless, they were okay enough with Catholics that they recruited a shitload of them in the Walloon Legion (mainly from the Rexist party in Belgium) in the SS. They even gave them a chaplain from the abbey in Chimay (yes the same one that makes beer). Pic related (Leon Degrelle, foremost Rexist and leader of the Walloon Legion) was a lifelong Catholic, even after his SS years when exiled in Spain.

>> No.12797817

Haha lol’d irl. I mean wtf kinda question is that, fuck

>> No.12797818

Really? I didn't know that's possible

>> No.12797830
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I am Catholic but I sure wish that we had the monastic infrastructure, for lack of a better word, that the Orthodox have. It has always been a dream of mine to join a monastery but so many of them seem to be either watered down or too reactionary at the expense of spirituality. To be honest, even the American Orthodox monasteries seem but a shell of their European counterparts. I was thinking about going to a Byzantine rite Catholic monastery in Ukrainian but I am worried about the conflict with the Russians.
Sometimes I feel that my dream of joining a monastery with truly ancient spirituality, self-sufficiency, and diversity in age will never amount to anything. It feels bad bros.

>> No.12797839

Okay, so it’s not only sexist but also fascist.
Sound pretty anti-christian.

>> No.12797843

A swift dawn

>> No.12797869
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>t. bolshevik

>> No.12797882

>t. anti-christ

>> No.12797885

What is good about the most intelligent men of a generation not breeding and having children with their genetics?

>> No.12797893

lol suck it fag

>> No.12797903

People of all levels of intelligence and aptitude go to monasteries. It is most about their love of God. Ultimately you are right that they would make great fathers, but not everyone is called to marriage unlike hyper-sexualized modern culture would like you to think.

>> No.12797907
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>> No.12797922

Monks include the most intelligent and the ones who can control their urges and plan for the future better than anyone, but instead of having multiple children with these traits they die childless.

>> No.12797935

I smell a fag

>> No.12797946

Every Christian is called to fulfill those same virtues, it doesn't matter where you live. Historically, being a monk was not all that different from being an average pious believer besides for where they lived. Everyone that was a serious believer used to observe the fasts. Everyone that was a serious believer used to go to daily mass. While monks have higher pressures not to fulfill their urges and less opportunities to do so, they still are human are struggle just like the rest of us. Many monks say they chose a life of seclusion because their character especially need it.
What needs to happen is a rebirth in virtue occurring in the general populous, not a death of monasticism.

>> No.12797970

Thanks to people like you Christianity is dead on the inside.

>> No.12797983
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>Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty

>> No.12797988


>> No.12797993

They are probably stand offish and not willing to offer any guidance

>> No.12798020

Most of Elder Ephraim's monasteries are as austere as anything you'll find in Europe, if not more so. A friend of mine from the southwest visited Athos and the monks asked him why he didn't just go to the "mini Athos" in Arizona.

That aside, the Catholics are pretty boned on their monastic austerity. If I'm not mistaken, there is only one monastery left worldwide that holds to the rule of St. Benedict. Just join the east, anon.

>> No.12798037
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Lol ok

>> No.12798042

I just think it's a waste to have the best men rot away as genetic dead ends

>> No.12798056

>If I'm not mistaken, there is only one monastery left worldwide that holds to the rule of St. Benedict.
You are mistaken, and frankly I don't know how one could even believe such a statement. Even if you are strict in your classification of "Benedictine," there are hundreds of Trappist monasteries that strictly observe the Benedictine rule and would undoubtedly apply to such a categorization.

>> No.12798060

If you think unmarried life is tantamount to rotting away, I'm not sure what else I could say to convince you. We are not beasts; there are higher things in life that passing on one's genes.

>> No.12798075

so actual Christianity does still exist somewhere, I am genuinely surprised

>> No.12798080

It's dysgenic.

>> No.12798086

Either you've understood some higher thing that all of your ancestors failed to understand throughout all their collected experiences

Or you've misunderstood the purpose of procreation

Which is more likely?

>> No.12798098

Christianism=/=communist faggotry

>> No.12798156

it's a traditional monastery and monks must abide by their precepts. those precepts are not in line with modern social norms. that's kind of the point

>> No.12798164

son, you've been seriously misled

>> No.12798231

You are implying that just because someone marries, they somehow so too believe that unmarried life is purposeless. Nothing could be further from the case. My great grandparents, who even though were married, would've been overjoyed at the prospect of their son being a priest.
It is only in the age of quantity that people have become so myopic as to actively criticize those who simply wish to be alone. It is bizarre that in a world where so much is wrong, one would be criticized for simply wanting to live a peaceful life alone, loving God. Such is a sign of the times, I suppose.

>> No.12798434

I did not imply this. Obviously many men live and die without having children, and to say that none of them had purpose in living is foolish.

I don't care about your anecdote.

I am not criticizing you or your ideal path, and have never "actively criticized" those noble and devoted monks for their paths.

I am rather criticizing your idea that not procreating gives way to "higher things in life". Doesn't that sound a little like going out of your way to reassure yourself of something that is so against nature? That your life will end with your death and selfishly deny that eternal life which has had continuity for countless generations? I'm genuinely curious

>> No.12798618

Consider the book "How to stop being an impressionable incel LARPer autistic fuck for American imbeciles without identity who take internet memes too seriously"

>> No.12798669

yeah, I’m a Christian, you got a problem with that? I used to be a sinner like you but 2 years ago I found GOD. In my teens I would laugh at creationists; I would always tell my grandma that I didn’t want to go to mass; I was agnostic but not like r/Atheism. But when I GREW UP and became a man, I realised I needed to put childish things away (1 Corinthians 13:11). Why is that? Because I realized that we need Christianity to SAVE THE WEST. After I voted Trump in the 2016 election I decided to go to church again. I knew that I would find a QT pure Christian GF who I could lose my virginity to (I haven’t lost it yet because I’m saving myself for marriage, like God intended). I haven’t found her yet, but like Job I will pray and have faith in God. Then I saw Jordan Peterson talking about Christianity and I was hooked! (I don’t like him anymore though, he’s a fake Christian). I watched all his videos on the bible and realised how God reveals himself in many ways. I was on /pol/ (came from r/The_Donald during the election but I hate redditors now) Christian General and I saw /lit/ chart which had The Bible and I KNEW I found my people. Every day I see THE WEST falling because we gave up our FAITH. Well, the new Christian intellectuals are coming; We are the sons of the Crusaders and we shall not recoil before the sons of Voltaire! (Candide was shit, so is Nietzsche (haven’t read either of them)). /lit/ introduced me to Kierkegaard and I became a KNIGHT OF FAITH, so now I know that I just gotta believe and that’s TRUE bravery. I read DANTE and DOSTOEVSKY and I saw the beauty of God and true art. I’m a proud Catholic (Protestants are heretics) but I hate Pope Francis, he’s a heretic and isn’t MY Pope. /lit/ is a Christian board, and I know that if I just keep recommending the Bible, telling people to go to church, and making threads about how great God is, I will finally be able to sincerely believe in God and distract myself from the gnawing feeling that I’m a fraud. Faith ain’t easy.

>> No.12799822

There is a long waiting list and you are highly unlikely to get invited to join. It's all highly educated people with PhDs and heavily involved with the church for many years... Not some guy who isn't even orthodox and just read Dostoevsky.. wake up man

>> No.12799885

holy yikes

>> No.12800415


>> No.12800491

You don't understand what a death cult is, what a cult is, what a religion is, or what Christianity is. A death cult is a particular kind of destructive cult. Death cults worship death itself, frequently denying any form of afterlife or resurrection, and endorse murder and suicide and blood sacrifice. They typically engage in ritualistic murder, and end in mass murder-suicides. Examples of actual death cults include the Thugee and Adam's House, which worshiped the Hindu death goddess Kali and committed mass murders/suicides. Many death cults operate clandestinely while teaching an eventual bloody revolution against mainstream society. Christianity is a world religion, teaches an afterlife and bodily resurrection, doesn't practice blood sacrifice unless you count the Eucharist (which a stretch), forbids suicide and murder, and forbids revolution, all of which disqualify it from being classified as a death cult. Christianity has produced death cults over the years, but those are regarded by Christians as heretical. Note that cults aren't even inherently religious. Plenty of death cults have been atheistic or anti-religion, such as various Marxist cults. Please read up on the formal classification of religions and new religious movements before abusing specialist terminology to prop up your empty rhetoric.

>> No.12800505


>> No.12800516

>Christ would've buttchuged opiates, who are you to judge
Someone who's not a faggot lol

>> No.12800519

You've never read the Bible, communist shitposter.

>> No.12800538

The monk in the picture is Romanian.

The inscription on his schema reads:
" My knees are weak from fasting and my flesh has changed for wood-butter"

In Romanian "wood-butter" is a word for "oil" in general; and remains used as the term for oil used for the lighting of icons/candles.

>> No.12800549

Monasteries are a dead end in today’s world. Join a whaling ship.

>> No.12800581

>dude go kill whales lmao

>> No.12800667
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>> No.12801521

The most predominant death cult today is the cult of materialism, the cult of spiritual death (which goes beyond physical death) that pervades every faction of this age, with its creation myth the world wars and the Holocaust, and its teleology and eschatology the end of history.

>> No.12801582

Don’t drop the soap.

>> No.12801596

Start by joining an Orthodox church and talking to your priest about it, you stupid LARPer.

>> No.12802509

Read "Everyday Saints", good book about monastic life and anecdotes of monks in Russia. Copies can be found in English and Russian