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File: 49 KB, 399x650, amazon-kindle-3g-graphite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1279678 No.1279678 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone had experiences with a kindle? I'm considering buying one but don't know anyone who has one IRL.

Also where/how can I pirate books to put on it?

>> No.1279702

Bought one two weeks ago.

Its a godsend.

I find my books in various seedy websites (torrents are a last resort) and they work just fine.

Also, if you get a .pdf file ebook, convert it to .MOBI.

You'll get more functionality out of the Kindle that way.

Of course, this is considering you actually get one.

>> No.1279709

Cheers, I've got a lot of money to waste so this could be a good thing to buy.

Link to the websites?

>> No.1279716

www.thepiratebay.org for torrents

http://calibre-ebook.com for conversion and management

>> No.1279718

my thoughts on the kindle

good ebook reader. however the screen can be fragile- get a cover for it. Also make sure your warranty is good AND never, ever admit fault (The screen stopped working in my laptop safe bag, etc). They'll ship you a new one right quick. 2-3 days. To pirate, dl the ebooks then convert to .mobi with calibre. easy.

>> No.1279725

Agreed, a cover will put your mind at ease, and the generic Amazon leather case is a bit costly but definitely long-lasting.

>> No.1279733

If the .pdfs are pure image scans, however, you are pretty much fucked. Calibre's default setting convert them into MOBI with teeny-weeny words.

>> No.1279745

agreed. try to get .epub or .pdf OP

>> No.1279763


If you want to waste the money then buy an iPad, if on the other hand you want an item that represents real value for money then buy the 3G Kindle.

I have had mine for about 6 weeks now and have not one complaint to make of it.

Here is a few links you may find useful.


>> No.1279789

Damn good point. You don't need to torrent pdfs for a Kindle to be a good investment. Thanks to Project Gutenberg and the like, it's an entire Library of Western Civilization that you can read on the bus.

>> No.1279800


Even Amazon has an enormous collection of free, noteworthy books

>> No.1279806

Thirded on getting a cover. You can get them from reliable ebay sellers for under $20.

>> No.1279825

I have the leather cover with built-in reading light. It's pretty nice; I can now walk down the street at night while reading, which I always found prohibitively difficult even with a booklight.

>> No.1279827

is the 3g really worth it? what's the advantage of having 3g; purely for downloading newspapers/magazines as they're released?

>> No.1279850


here's a good book torrent for ya.

>> No.1279856

Had the wifi kindle for a few months, extremely light without the cover. Very thin, add the cover and you double the weight but its still light. Also get the lighted cover if you read in the night. Now the bad, it crashed on me a few times, but only when I was looking up definitions for a word. Overall the experience was a good one. BUT I sold it, why? because I got an iPad and the iPad blows the fucking kindle out of the water. Tap the word on the iPad and bam you got the defition, the kindle you have to navigate up with the dpad to get to the word and say a tiny prayer it doesnt crash. iPad is also AMAZING for pdfs, you'll start downloading magazines and just whipping through them on the iPad. COLOR images, great for magazines and a few books. Super easy to highlight and create bookmarks. The overall view of your library on the iPad just looks slick. Now all that is great right and that alone is why I sold my kindle. But add on top of that all the other shit the iPad can do.....internet,apps,videos,pictures,push email....shit I'm reading a book and it dings when an email comes in. The display of the iPad is much large also, and no need for a light like the kindle at night.

Now all that said, if you spend a lot of time outdoors reading under the sun, then get a kindle because the iPad sucks under bright sunny conditions. If you don't speed most of your time outside, buy the fucking iPad, and yes you can download pirated books onto it just like the kindle...much easier actually since you usually don't convert them like the kindle...just drag, drop, synch in itunes.

>> No.1279857

Forgive me for sounding like a moron but what exactly are the advantages of having an e-reader? Other than a much more convenient way of storing and carrying your books and all the free downloads.

>> No.1279865

Indeed. I now have all (more than all, actually; I went on a dl splurge last night) the weird fiction I could ever want on my Kindle. I even decided to cough up a whopping $2.00 for the Definitive H.P. Lovecraft ebook.

Be careful of translations of classics, though. Look how badly the $0.99 translation of The Metamorphosis mangled one of the most wonderful opening sentences in Western literature:

>One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug.

The ability to download samples is great.

>> No.1279870

Personally I feel that ebooks are the future, how many trees will I harm downloading a 1000 ebooks. The answer is ZERO. If you cared about the environment, you would get an ebook reader and recycle all your old books.

>> No.1279871

>a much more convenient way of storing and carrying your books and all the free downloads

That's about it, but is that not enough? Even if you still buy all the books you read on it, the price difference between ebooks and physical books is enough that you recoup the cost of the device fairly quickly. I don't see any reason why someone who reads a lot wouldn't buy one.

>> No.1279873

I'm gonna have to break in here.

I've tried using the ipad for reading books.

That thing murders your eyes.

This is coming from someone who spends half the play playing video games.

I do not recommend the iPad for reading books.

>> No.1279881

Curious about the Kindle too. Might end up getting one around Christmas time, but I've never been one to pirate my books.

>> No.1279892

Hmmm that is strange, how old are you?

I actually get headaches playing video games, but can sit in front of a computer all day long with no issues. I have had zero problems with the iPad reading for hours on end, probably the longest being 4hrs. I don't know, I was worried about that possibility but apple said I could return it no problem if that was the case. I do agree the kindle looks just like reading out of a book, hence why you need a light source. Maybe age or glasses play a part? at least you tried it and found out for yourself it wasn't for you.

I forgot to mention this though, even though the kindle has a web browser, it is a complete joke. Dont even let that be a factor in purchasing a kindle.

>> No.1279895

>>1279827 what's the advantage of having 3g

When a Dance of Dragons finally comes out, you can get instant gratification of reading it even if you're up at Mount Everest base camp?

I think it depends on how much you travel. If I were using my Kindle as my main source of information and entertainment while traveling extensively (like many of my consulting friends do), having the 3g means not having to bother with negotiating local hot-spots when you want to grab something new.

It's hard to justify the extra $50, otherwise, if you ask me. Beyond the "I AM A HUMAN BOOKSTORE" geek factor, of course.

>> No.1279939

man I'd feel a little cheated if i got to mount everest base camp and there was still cell phone reception. The whole point of going to everest is to be challenged against the mightiest rock nature has to offer, it somehow just seems like if technology and niceties keep encroaching you're just on the way to Disneyland Everest, with a 2 hour tram ride to the summit.

>> No.1279940

yeah, right. i was curious if there was some hidden secret behind 3g that made it worthy. i'm not going to browse online for new books to buy via my kindle ever anyway, and i can wait till i get to a computer before reading ADoD :p

>> No.1279948

they installed a cell tower there just a few weeks ago :p

>> No.1279953

I really love my kindle because the battery longevity is amazing and I got over 100 classics FO FREE 'cuz dey public domain an' shit.

>> No.1279955

I bought one a couple of months ago, if what you need it for is reading novels, then I can only recommend it.

It supports .prc/.mobi , and for all the other formats there's Calibre converting them. Try not to get pdfs, they're the worst possible format to convert.
Mobileread is a good source of books, or just google the title and "lit" or "epub" whatever, you'll find what you search for soon enough,

>> No.1279963

Yeah, about the classics.
Nobody gives a fuck about the classics. Why do you think they're free ?
Fuck the classics.

>> No.1279967

well fuck, does K2 have cell coverage?

>> No.1279975

I'm in the middle of the boonies and the on campus wireless is all sorts of messed up, so for me the 3G was necessary. Closest bookstores are Christian owned and ordered everything from Amazon gets to be a little tiring after a month or two. Also, no bookshelves! Those are my reasons for owning a Kindle.

It takes a little getting used to, but I got the case along with it, and it lets me hold the Kindle sort of how I would a regular book. It's a good product, but I recommend you do your own research and see if it's a good fit for you.

>> No.1280184

Thanks for making this thread, OP - it saved me from making it and waiting around for replies

>> No.1280215

>Also where/how can I pirate books to put on it?

This thread is full of shit considering book sources.

Avoid pdf, it's shit. Get a real text format (epub, lfr, lit, mobi, txt, rtf, html or whatever) and convert it with Calibre to whatever your reader supports best.

Also avoid torrents, you will only find big packs of shit you don't want to read or novelties and bestsellers and most of the time in pdf. To search for a precise book you want to read use irc and #bookz on Undernet.

Project Gutenberg is good to get classics though.

>> No.1280224
File: 130 KB, 500x375, Stanier3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ebook reader
>value for money

>> No.1280234


^ 11,474 ebooks

>> No.1280245


>avoid torrents and pdfs

There are some sweet (non-fiction) pdf collections on torrent sites. Check some of these out. They're all real e-books that convert well and not shitty scans.





>> No.1280253

The Kindle is so cheap you can buy one on the chance that you'll like it and sell it for if you don't.

>> No.1280336

Well thanks for the replies I guess I'll try out a Kindle then, my bookshelves are so overstocked that sleeping underneath them is a terrifying ordeal.

>> No.1280407


just checked out that site, looked good until i realized that nearly all of the files are just jpegs of the book's cover and arent ebooks at all...

>> No.1280410


>> No.1280413

Rename to .rar and expand.

>> No.1280414

save them, rename them as .rar or .zip instead of .jpg then extract. if you get an empty folder try the other rename.

>> No.1280417


lol, i am serious, if you look at the John Steinbeck section, you see that there's only 2 pdfs of his books the rest are jepgs of his book's covers

>> No.1280428


But those covers are so pretty. Do you really need the entire book?

>> No.1280435

Its funny cause you're technologically illiterate.

>> No.1280437


holy shit it worked!

lol, i know i sound like a noob but i usually just download my ebooks as torrents

>> No.1280506

Just stay clear of jpegs of Canada Pacific Rail trains.

>> No.1280518

torrenting is like eating food of the street,

dont do it unless you need to. so far i've ownly used offical torrents (like Linux distros etc) & for pirating windows. everything else i download directly.

>> No.1280579


There's nothing wrong with eating food off the street.

>> No.1280601
File: 73 KB, 500x697, 9696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any thoughts on a good Kindle case? I'm probably going to get one of these Oberon bad boys because the Amazon cases seem a little on the flimsy side, and I don't like the idea of the clips being the only thing holding it in.

>> No.1280629

Actually, with the environmental costs of mining all of the materials and machining and manufacturing them into this piece of high-tech equipment, the kindle's worse for the environment

>> No.1280640

I call bullshit on that.
1000 books worth of paper & ink vs 1 Kindle?
Nigger please.

>> No.1280645

...and transport, for that matter.

>> No.1280651

>David Icke


>> No.1280655

well that's excluding the fact that its way easier to recycle paper than kindles and that the average lifetime of a book versus a li-ion battery and an e-ink screen is much higher.

>> No.1280662

Maybe your books - I read the shit out of mine & they tend to fall apart.

>> No.1280674


I think you're ignoring how many unsold books go to the dump.

>> No.1280682

in general they don't go to the dump but get pulped, and used for newspaper or something else, and yes sometimes they over anticipate demand but not usually.

Then you're doing it wrong, I don't treat my books gingerly or anything but they're all still holding together all the way back to my nostalgic childhood favorites

>> No.1280692

>nostalgic childhood favorites
You haven't touched them in 10 years, of course they've survived!

>> No.1280716

>implying i've matured as a person and don't like to read them once every few years or so.

>> No.1280727

You... really have enough time for this?

>> No.1280731

Fuck the environment, Kindles are boss.
Battery dies? I'll get a new one.
U mad, hippies?

>> No.1280758

Sony PRS650 bitches, the greatest ereader known to man.

>> No.1280767

>could get a Kindle and an amazing case for that much


>> No.1280771

I said it was the greatest not the cheapest, if you're poor by all means get the kindle, its the most cost efficient for your return, but if you're a man of taste refinement and with no love of your money get the sony. I love mine.

>> No.1280786

As a gizmo it's good, as a book replacement it's overkill.

>> No.1280791
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It's a pretty handy reference, I hear.

>> No.1280802

Goddammit, why is there no H2G2 cover for my Kindle?

>> No.1280809

Dear holy cockwallopings, I could have the fucker laser etched.

>> No.1280937

Alrighty scifyfags


See you next year.

>> No.1280994

Fuck torrents

#bookz @Undernet

>> No.1281526

Except price is an important property of the machine, just like battery life and screen size, and plays a significant role in which one would be considered greater. The Kindle is greater than the Sony knockoff in most ways, and price is but one of them.

>> No.1281535


Unless you don't want fantasy novels originally printed on toilet paper.

The first person to create a #bookz equivalent whose bots only carry shit that's actually good will have my undying admiration, and win up to 4 million internets.

>> No.1281536

The real reason to shy away from torrents is that you're distributing, not just downloading.

Due to the nature of torrents, whenever you're grabbing a movie/game/whatever, you're also providing it to others. It's the latter, not the former that lands you in deep legal doodoo if you're caught.

That's a huge IF though.

The odds are very much in you favor so don't let me stop you but there's better things out there than p2p.

>> No.1281547

Where I get all my ebooks, far less hassle than torrents.

As for the Kindle itself I've had mine about a month now, dropped it from about waist height and it was fine.
Screen is nice to read from, nice to hold etc.

>> No.1281644


>> No.1281656

I've owned one for half a month now. Far less hassle than paperbacks (you can actually read it in one hand while taking a piss and holding a drink in the other), but changed the default face to Times New Roman.

(anyone tried Duokan?)

>> No.1281659

You, sir. Are you a dolphin?

>> No.1281664

You tried flipping pages with a paperback with your non-dominant hand? I've ripped several pages like that.

>> No.1281665

Exactly how annoying is the 'flash'?

>> No.1281670

You phase it out after a while. It's a bit like the sound and delay of turning pages.

>> No.1281672

>you can actually read it in one hand while taking a piss and holding a drink in the other
>you have a prehensile penis
>you are a dolphin

>> No.1281675

Have you had any issues getting books from other sources onto the kindle?

>> No.1281676

He could be sitting or leaning over the toilet.
Why he would be pissing long enough to require a drink and a book is a mystery though.

>> No.1281682

I think you're missing the possibility of a vagina.

>> No.1281685


>> No.1281688

A dolphin is probably more likely.

>> No.1281689

Plenty of females use 4chan. Most pretend to be male to avoid the tits or gtfo posts.

>> No.1281694
File: 67 KB, 407x405, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1281697


>> No.1281699

Nothing wrong with that. I personally take my laptop and usually a plate of food.

>> No.1281700

Pics & timestamp or it didn't happen.

>> No.1281702

Well, fuck, I usually take a small bistro and a string quartet.

>> No.1281705

Nothing wrong with that. I personally take my desktop, a four-course meal, and a jigsaw puzzle.

>> No.1281709

How do you manage to do a puzzle while on the computer? I call bullshit.

>> No.1281713


>> No.1281749

I lean over the urinal. I've taken up reading between classes to stop myself from realizing I've got at least six pairs of stairs to climb and half a campus to traverse.

>> No.1281762

Would it not be more useful to stick some earbuds in & run/jog, then use the extra time to read when you're waiting outside the lecture theatre?
Still doesn't explain why you're pissing so damn long, either.

>> No.1281772

I read while I walk. I don't own an iPod, and I'm not sure how much battery playing music constantly will burn - although if turning on the wireless radio is any indication, I don't want to look forward to charging the device constantly. I haven't charged the device ever since its initial charge.

>> No.1282785


>> No.1282786

Another fucking dolphin?

>> No.1282792
File: 20 KB, 372x400, goebbels1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG, YES! get the Kindle, because then you can download the immortal essay of Dr Joseph Goebbels "The Jew" and have your eyes opened.

>> No.1282865

>walk while reading

>> No.1282871

Walking while reading is easy....

>> No.1282876

I dropped it about 4 feet above the ground by mistake, and the screen went all streaky and it died.

Had to get it replaced.

>> No.1282879

You ignorant fuck, watch where you're going.

>> No.1283077

>this thread is still going

I love you /lit/
Just bought my kindle today, getting it Wednesday with I swear the fourth time I've had a trial of Amazon Prime

>> No.1283112

What does Amazon Prime do?

>> No.1283132

free 2 day shipping instead of 5-8 day super saver

I always get the free shipping on my order then immediately set it to not auto-renew so I don't get charged an annual fee

>> No.1283165

Ah, that doesn't help much if you only use the kindle section.

>> No.1283172

Yeah I was talking about using it to get the kindle to me in the first place :)

>> No.1283323

I thought they automatically provided that, lol

>> No.1284026

Bump again

>> No.1284413

me too

>> No.1284504

Can Kindle display Arabic font?

>> No.1284507

*Arabic script

>> No.1284534

I was considering getting one of these soon, but you have helped me seal the deal /lit/. I didn't know it was that easy to add books from other formats.

In order to do this though, does it require cracking/modding/anything unsavory of the sort in order to get books of the web in a non legitimate manner, or is it as simple as convert file type and click/drag?

>> No.1284556


click and drag

>> No.1284574

That was my issue too. I have over 1000 books already converted, just waiting for the device to arrive. Stuck reading on my ipod until it gets here.

>> No.1284652

Let's say I don't want to purchase another device, what are the best ebook apps for PC? Any thoughts on the Nook app and/or the LendMe feature?

>> No.1284710

Kindle one is ok once you get the hang of it. But personally I hate not being able to take my books everywhere with me.

>> No.1285807

Other kindle bump

>> No.1285832


Use this to convert/manage your files.
I torrent everything...there are torrent packs of thousands of books. I just grabbed two or three of them, then I'm basically set. Then if theres a new book I want, I'll just torrent the individual book.

My Kindle has saved me hundreds of dollars

>> No.1286441


Most of the ones I've used are of pretty poor quality.

>> No.1286480

anyone know if the kindle will be on sale for black friday?

>> No.1286716

haven't heard of calibre until this thread, i always used stanza since i got my kindle 1.

>> No.1286737

I wouldn't buy an ebook that can't read epub format .... just sayin' ......

>> No.1286769

You may want to buy this one instead.


>> No.1286804

My collection


>> No.1286807




>> No.1286859

Don't mind me, just keepin' this thread alive. Any other good book collections would be appreciated.

>> No.1286865

It's ace, just don't expect to get a decent price off of the kindle store.

I usually have a few different books on the go and it's wonderful to dip between them

>> No.1286933

Anyone have a torrent/whatever for philosophy Mobi's?

Lit is great but how about some non-fiction?

>> No.1287054

kindle + duokan

I cried tears of joy when I realized the hegemony of the courier services were over

>> No.1287100

anyone know about this?

>> No.1287150

Seeing this thread days later proves that /lit/ is slow shit that really doesn't have any new ideas or authors they like to discuss.

>> No.1287608

Posting from my brand new kindle
u jelly

>> No.1288434

Probably not, if I remember correctly they sold out the last few years so they really don't need to put it on sale. It's already one of the cheapest ones out now (that is any good whatsoever). But then again, you can just go pick one up at your local Target, so they might be mass distributing them this year.

>> No.1288591

If anyone has a good link to a mass torrent, feel free to share.

>> No.1288621

kindle suck, get a fucking netbook

>> No.1288625

A netbook has a completely different purpose and fumction.

>> No.1288855

This thread has driven me to plan for a purchasing of the kindle. Thanks /lit.

>> No.1289027

I might be a bit late to this thread, but does anyone know of an e-reader that you can type documents on?

>> No.1289633

Kindle (compared to Nook):
>has more memory
>has longer battery life (with both WiFi on and off)
>is smaller size (with same screen size?)
>weighs less
>costs less

I can't imagine how the interchangeable back panel and personalized screen savers are selling points for the Nook, but hey. I also can't speak to compare the quality of the respective e-inks, so I'll assume they're equivalent. The biggest thing the Nook has going for it is that you can get microSD cards to expand its carrying capacity, everything else is pretty much equivalent.

The only reason an IPad would stand a chance against the Nook or Kindle is because you can do things other than read books on it. But, of course, with that comes a much, much larger pricetag.

Does Nook have native PDF support? How easy might it be to import books from *ahem* other sources?

Oh and I guess the Nook's color screen at the bottom is pretty cool, but it's also nice to have tactile buttons to type with on the Kindle. That point is pretty even

>> No.1290219

Mines coming tomorrow, very excited

>> No.1290964

Just got back from Target and Barnes and Noble, where they had their ebook readers on display (Kindle and Nook, respectively.)

The Nook screen appeared longer. But the contrast wasn't nearly as good, and it was annoying to read- it wasn't even as good as an actual book.

However if you plan on paying for books, they have a much bigger library to choose from and in most cases are a little cheaper, plus they can read epub format.

>> No.1290973

Target has Kindles? :0

>> No.1290982

Yeah, for $125.

>> No.1291930


>> No.1291932
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>> No.1291937

I'm also looking into getting a kindle. Do other ebook readers do better than the kindle? I live in Australia and Sony readers were insanely expensive. Also If I buy the kindle from Amazon will they use the current exchange rate?

>> No.1292006

Kindle is highest rated by consumers. Personally I've only tested Nook, Kindle, and Sony. But kindle was my favorite.

>> No.1292114

i'm on travel and i forgot to charge my Kindle, and the USB cord is at home, exept that my experience with my kindle is only positive.

>> No.1292126

>doesnt keep a usb up his ass
kids these days......

>> No.1292135

guize im new to this.
Isit easy to pirate shit on kindle, or it goes with tons of brainfuck like with ipads?

>> No.1292138

>computer illiterate
Kill these morons off

>> No.1292140

im a little cute child, what do you want from me?

>> No.1292143

Awarded dumbest lit comment of day

>> No.1292186

Nah, go for the new Hanvon with e-ink triton. Best reader not yet on the market.

>> No.1292210



>> No.1292247

any thoughts on Kindle vs Nook vs other e-book readers? Any of these offered in waterproof yet? doubt it but worth a try if u like reading by the pool and what not

>> No.1292267

well neither worked on my scuba trips, but I can offer you this: The kindle bears a better name.

>> No.1292337

Did you even read the thread?
And no. Not waterproof. Learn to google.