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/lit/ - Literature

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12796692 No.12796692 [Reply] [Original]

Where you discuss economics?

>/biz/ is about pump and dump shitcoins scams
>/his/ is about WWII and /int/ threads
>/pol/ is about nazi garbage race war BS
>/sci/ claims that economics are pseudoscience and mock you

>> No.12796726

come to /sp/

>> No.12796735

go to /tv/ and start a lord of the rings thread.

>> No.12796746

Have you tried your local community college?

>> No.12796752

try reddit

>> No.12796767

This but unironically

>> No.12796789
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but anon those are the designated gender discussion threads

>> No.12796819


>> No.12796964

What is your tax policy?

>> No.12796988

Isn't this meme basically just "sex is bad unless Im the one having it"

>> No.12797001

unironically the leftypol market thread

>/sci/ claims that economics are pseudoscience and mock you
is right though

>> No.12797011

on /lit/ they get 404'd. besides /sci/ is partly right. economics is pseudo science and is constantly changing

>> No.12797013

ive been browsing lit for 4 years and they've literally never have had an intellectual dialogue over economic, bonds, inflation rates or market structure.

>> No.12797026

also just find friends who trade, you can all wait for FOMC together and bet on powell bending and spreading for Trump and make loads of $$$$

>> No.12797027

the meme is unironically correct in a certain sense. In nature a lot of males of various animal species optimize by giving no parental input and just impregnating as many females as possible

it's like the polar opposite of putting in a bunch of effort to raise a child that isn't yours

>> No.12797038

monetary policy is the worst thing to discuss because it's so obscure and there's WAY too much speculation behind it. central banking, interest rates, inflation are all pseudoscience.

>> No.12797051

>in my third year of econ degree
>starting to agree with this
what the do I do? I think I fucked up. It's nice to know how monetary policy and banks work but theory is mostly applied psychology.

>> No.12797052

well cant we just take into the cental banking gymnastics of the "already priced in" pseudry backtrace/test on some bloomberg and come to mild conclusions? its better than heidegger identity kant observance of speculation circle dick rancid jerking thats done on lit either ways

>> No.12797061

what if /lit/ makes a general to discuss economic books?

>> No.12797065

A former colleague of mine studied econ as an undergrad, worked as a trader for a while, then did her PhD in comparative psychology, and was a post-doc in a neuroscience lab when I met her, she now teaches some classes on behavioral econ, but still mostly does animal decision making research.

Another person I know works for a non-profit for less money, but at least enjoys their job. But most of the econ people I know just have normal wage-cuck careers and go home to their wives/kids and drink or whatever, don't even think they fuck anymore. Anyways, more than anything I'd recommend getting into trading since it's a fun hobby at the very least. You can always end up switching fields in graduate school and have time to adjust your background in potential interdisciplinary or other interests (e.g. cs, psychology, neuroscience and so on)

>> No.12797066

it'll be shit up by post-keynesians who deny supply and demand

>> No.12797142

Would like to see that