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File: 84 KB, 1170x707, 1de3bbb1ae968833f25f284280bb7206_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12796418 No.12796418 [Reply] [Original]


Say something nice about him

>> No.12796431

fucking legend

>> No.12796442

April 19th

>> No.12796450

Zizek is 70? No way, he seems so lively.

>> No.12796849

>‘Writing saved my life. Years ago, because of some private love troubles, I was in a suicidal mood for a couple of weeks. I told myself: “I could kill myself, but I have a text to finish. First I will finish it, then I will kill myself.” Then there was another text, and so on.’
He will always be /ourguy/

>> No.12796891

>and so on
that's how you know

>> No.12796916

Legit looked like the walking dead when his face stopped working.

>> No.12796992

And here I thought he just had a substantial cocaine and alcohol concern

>> No.12797023

why can't I copypaste shit from that site

>> No.12797050

He's great for spurring interest into Hegel

>> No.12797053

hope he lives many more fruitful years :)

>> No.12797056

I would prefer not to

>> No.12797076

I really like him. I like listening to his lectures. Some of it stuck with me, most didn't because I have amnesia.

>> No.12797092

I had a class with him
no papers
everyone got an A
LOVE you you fucking cunt for saving me senior year

>> No.12797096

When jabbascript sends its people, it's not sending its best.

>> No.12797101



>> No.12797102


I feel like he doesn't he give a shit about teaching, maybe I'm wrong. But he is that professor who is literally is 2 cool for school.

>> No.12797112

I've heard about that class. How was it? Did he just go off and everyone listened?

>> No.12797123
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, dont read zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the fact that he's not a postmodern for the most part, but that's about it.

>> No.12797130

more like Zihack

>> No.12797241

where was that at? based af

>> No.12797347

and sho on...

>> No.12798633

When is the third Pervert's Guide coming out?

>> No.12798639

absolutely based

>> No.12799114

Do you guys think the Zizek bloodline will prosper in the post-post-modernity?


>> No.12799118
File: 65 KB, 472x329, Slavoj+zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12799126

he seems cool, too bad he adheres to a cringe ideology

>> No.12799362


>> No.12799440

>No tics
What the fuck? This nigga allergic to english?

>> No.12799539

yeah he tics way more when he speaks English

>> No.12799718


Fisht fuck me and scho on and scho on schniff

>> No.12800051

>i tako dalje, i tako dalje
Lmao, he says it even in Slovenian. Adorable.

>> No.12800063

I wish I were you

>> No.12800192

it's Croatian, you pleb

>> No.12800194

Lol and what is that?

>> No.12800199


>> No.12800327


>> No.12800347

The added cognitive load of speaking a foreign language triggers his tics.

>> No.12800385

No need to be rude to a random anon for not properly recognising your irrelevant language.

>> No.12800397

Based 6 year-old neolib owning the commies.

>> No.12800441

redpill me on this guy

>> No.12800450

absolute madman

>> No.12800852

I agree with Zizek when he said that asking the right question is more important than having an answer.

>> No.12800859

This is precisely why that one Anon who promised needs to actually ask him and Peterson "Penis?" and so on.

>> No.12800871

In that interview (the op picture) there is a great part where Zizek explains to the reporter what sex without love is. He says something like "It's like bringing two sex toys. An artificial vagina and a dildo, and we would connect the sex toys while we talk about philosophy." The reporter stops and does not ask anything about that topic anymore.

I love that guy just for the obscenity alone.

>> No.12801376

What? Pls context

>> No.12801980

>No arrogance, no racism.
He's right you know

>> No.12802127

Zizek is debating Jordan Peterson soon, and there will be a Q&A. One poster here said he'd go and said trips or whatever would decide what he asks. The answer was he needs to ask just "Penis?"

>> No.12802138

Plashtic Penishes?

>> No.12802473

he had a kid in his 50s?

>> No.12802529

Birth control is bourgeois ideology

>> No.12802610
File: 92 KB, 720x720, come to bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek is in your bed. What do you do?

>> No.12802622


>> No.12802638

read him a story until he falls asleep

>> No.12802674

head pats

>> No.12802678


>> No.12802709

He basically says that capitalism creates ideology that serves the interests of keeping capitalism and class exploitation going, and gives people false ideas about how the world works, then shows that process through funny examples from movies.

>> No.12802834

/ourguy/ did it again! holy based


>> No.12802860
File: 52 KB, 500x459, 1533134286478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12802866
File: 64 KB, 416x796, 1552417980853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12802903

>Eminent Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek explaining the mysteries of the man cave.

>> No.12802906

Can't be my bed, too neat and tidy.

>> No.12802909

I seem to always agree with communists on economic aspects, but their social policies disgusts me too much to ever become a communist.

>> No.12802921

that's a good one

>> No.12802944

this is pretty much any neomarxist
where Zizek sets himself apart in ideology is his reversal of the meme: "forgive them, for they know not what they do"; for Zizek, ideology is: "they know very well what they do, and yet they still do it". Cynicism isn't an enemy of ideology, it's the basis of ideology itself; the only proper violence towards ideology is that of self-critique. This relates to the Lacanian idea of the big Other, the virtuality by which we maintain appearances for. Unironically Pervert's Guide to Ideology is a great intro.

>> No.12802954

expected marxism so this was a nice surprise thanks

>> No.12802962

this is what "pure sex" looks like

>> No.12803038


Cuddle and discuss Hegel

>> No.12803383

lit incarnate

>> No.12803409

his wife is gorgeous, holy shit

>> No.12803542

Based and tenurepilled.

>> No.12803630

>I want to create the material conditions to solve injustice but also do not want to solve these injustices towards which the material conditions outlined in marxist strive towards.

>> No.12803643
File: 172 KB, 1920x1280, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He divorced her and remarried a 30 years younger reporter couple of years ago

>> No.12803719

m a d m a n