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File: 30 KB, 480x480, 884056723_preview_Suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12794756 No.12794756 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw intelligent and have talent for writing but spending days watching porn and browsing 4chan instead

>> No.12794765

Post writing or GTFO.

>> No.12794770

Want some genuine advice?

Start masturbating to nude models or lesbians 5 times a day and drink 5 cups of coffee a day, your mental capabilities should reach superhuman levels and ur intelligence will skyrocket (have tried this myself), also switch to a dumb phone and delete social media

>> No.12794960
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, 1512165354660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're so smart, then why don't you do something about it? Surely a man of your intellect can come up with a way to stop shitposting and beating your dick pink.

>> No.12795043

Suuure you are. Sure. Face it, you're a loser like the rest of us. Hell, embrace it. You'll feel less guilt.

>> No.12795124
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>> No.12795170
File: 189 KB, 600x637, 1541489958068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every lazy loser who has done nothing of note considers himself to be an intellectual...
Were you smart you would have made opportunities for yourself even if there were none offered to you. But, alas, you're just another underachieving loser without discipline or willpower (sings of LOW IQ). Enjoy trying to grapple with the cognitive dissonance of your perceived so called "GENIUS" and your quality of life. I'd pay good money to see your mental breakdowns when you fail to hold up the facade.

>> No.12795177


>> No.12795203
File: 411 KB, 1000x1480, 1553036931866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I want to quit the net and never use it again
>mfw I want to be able to check up what people think about me quitting the net and never using it again

>> No.12795389

Sorry to tell you that you are an attention whore.
t. Someone who deleted all social media without a word to anyone, not even his gf
I feel so much better, once I stop shitposting on 4chan I'll be free.

>> No.12795668

>once I stop shitposting on 4chan I'll be free.
If you only knew.

>> No.12795673

this. the challenge only begins.

>> No.12795858

>dumb phone
... took me a couple seconds to understand this.

>> No.12796027

Actually you are wrong and retarded. Dumb people are too dumb to question why they do things, and man is active by nature. They do shit but don't understand it on as deep of a level. High-IQs are neurotic and dont want to do anything because they think about it so often, at least some of them. So, they think and never do.

The problem is in considering IQ to be a value of worth when it is more of a value of potential, if anything. A value for sharp thought. I only have myself as an example, I'm a remarkable debater/communicator, I think hard, I think good, I'm brilliant, but I'm Adhd Bipolar zoomer with attention span raped by internet, and I lack much motivation due to having been out of school for such a long while. I'm aware of both issues and trying to work on them, but it is difficult.

Post score.

>> No.12796068
File: 57 KB, 300x177, 1421207289273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw no discipline. what you need is a proper struggle. consider autodefenestration

>> No.12796101

>dfw smart and have talant for write but be spending all time with peepee and 4 han

post write or gtfo! !!

wanting some true word?

start touch peepee to big gels with big boob and big bot or gels kising other gels 5 time!! (at lest) evry day and gluglug 5!!!!! (at lest) cofe evry day. you super smart then (me do and true) also go doodoo fone and delet tiktok

if smart......... then y not do sumthing grat?? if so super smart then you not 4 han and big doodoo tacher now... pink donger

sure sure dingdong... u lose like me and also me and my frend... heck, love it!!!


evry big loshead have biiig thots think suuuper smarter...... if so smart.... y not smart??


>mfw want no internet
>mfw want internet
.. :(

sry.. u big doodoohed crying... luk 4 me.. no need cry.. mama love me no matter wat :)

>hapy no internet

>doodo fone
a me dodo

u is dodo.. dodo is dodo to be smart.. ovious reatard. dodos do fings.. super smarts only finks.

super smart no gud tho.. me is super smart, but fill so bad.

dodo do hard!!

>> No.12796170

How do you know you have talent for writing if you never do any writing?

>> No.12796175


>> No.12796196

wtf u write so much stop!!! krezy dodohead!! u krezy! mama call dokter pagliacci! mama! he Kre azy!!!

>> No.12796217


>> No.12796263

Great post.

>> No.12796285

Ugh, low IQ.