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12792638 No.12792638 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best novel written by a non-European writer?

>> No.12792737

I've never read a book by a non-Eurpean writer.

>> No.12792747

>has never read The Tale of Genji
ha retard

>> No.12792754

tale of genji is a glorified soap opera

>> No.12792810

>t. western chauvinist brainlet

>> No.12792816

imagine inventing the novel itself, over 1000 pages of intricate prose, written a language where you have to memorize every fucking symbol to write anything, and some faggot who's never written more than 200 pages in his entire life comes along and calls it a soap opera

>> No.12792822

no it's Moby Dick

>> No.12792827


>> No.12792839


>> No.12792858

God, you fags are insufferable

>> No.12792867

buddy you're on a 4chan board devoted to lit-rah-choore I don't know exactly what you expected

>> No.12792899

Yeah man and when your doctor tells you that you have cancer, what the hell does he know since he's never had cancer. And when I go to a restaurant and my food tastes like shit, I'm extra careful to keep quiet since I'm not a chef

>> No.12792927

go invent an entirely new art form and then get back to me, faggot

>> No.12792967


I'm about a third of the way through. It's pretty good so far

>> No.12792993

It's pretty good but no

>> No.12793002

America is not located in Europe

>> No.12793014

Learn something new everyday.

>> No.12793021

But how can you be sure? It's true that on the surface it does seem that way, but anything is possible. What if the Atlantic ocean is just a big French lake and America is just Western France. It could be.

>> No.12793498

I, too, want to challenge a weak critic to a duel by the beach. This book is cool as fuck.

>> No.12793615

I don't know but I'm halfway through 2666 and loving it. Should I get savage detectives next?

>> No.12793663

I haven't read 2666 yet. I finished reading Savage Detectives a couple of hours ago and ordered three other Bolaño novels on Amazon, shorter ones. This dude most certainly FUCKS, and you should definitely read S.D.

>> No.12793697
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you'll like 2666. I'll move to SD next. thanks fren!

>> No.12793706

which part of 2666 are you on? im on the crimes part

>> No.12793731

Why the fuck didn't you buy 2666, like, immediately?

>> No.12793740
File: 42 KB, 600x800, ohiggins-araucano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2666 is truly better than TSD. Fate's part was my favorite. Felt Lynchean. Also the section in Amalfitano's part when he talks about this book ("O'Higgins es araucano", by Lonko Kilapan) that tries to argue that the Araucanians came from Greece and had telepathic abilities is probably the section that stood out the most to me. The fact that this book exists and was written by an art teacher legally called César Navarrete that worked in my town's (population of about 250 mil) main public school (Liceo Abate Molina de Talca). The fact that I held this book in my hands and read it from start to finish. It was a surreal experience, you really end up wondering if this teacher was just a cracknut and/or a Pinochet agent. Strange shit had to have happened in this country for that book to exist. It's like Bolaño just made it up but somehow in a schizophrenic frenzy or dream I've been able to read it. The copy I read was available at the Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, for anyone wondering. Pic related is not mine, but that's the book.

>> No.12793745

it's not even the best novel written by Bolaño, let alone by a Chilean, or a LatinAmerican.. So no, it's not.
Is this your first book anon?

>> No.12793746

I mean, Chile also produced Miguel Serrano. What the fuck is up with Chile?

>> No.12793750

Not even on the top 10 argentinian literature. Why do you shame yourself like this?

>> No.12793759

Taste, for once. But i am a diluted faggot

>> No.12793765

i'm in the part about fate. some anons said it was very twin peaks-y and I guess i'm waiting for that to happen.

you again? Is this pasta or do you show up and post this every bolano thread?

>> No.12793767

Consequences of a nation's socialist dream and hopes for a better future being crushed by almost 20 years of persecution, torture and horror. Basically.

>> No.12793771

They literally namedrop Twin Peaks. I don't see how it's Twin Peaksy at all though. If anything it kind of reminds me of Lost Highway.

>> No.12793785

But did you like the part about the Araucanians?

>> No.12793814

Sperg-t-t-t-tastic post

>> No.12793895

Yes I did like it, but can't say I understood it. i can't wait to read this one through again. what a dense but very rapid read this is...

>> No.12794467

Nigger Detectives more like

>> No.12794705

Big if true

>> No.12794717
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Close but no cigar.

>> No.12795237

Don Quijote is.

>> No.12795337
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>food analogy

>> No.12795348

2k666 is way more cohesive and structured than Detectives. I think it's the better novel, but Detectives still rules.

>> No.12795444

>Not reading el chileano in castellano

>> No.12796393

>el Chaos Mexicano

>> No.12796567

i want to read this but want to get as much out of it as possible, is there anything i should read before?
i hear it's quixotic, but i havent read don quixote yet, is it necessary to fully understand?

>> No.12796745

Not even a good writer*
Cortázar is the starter pack of latinoamerican literature,, and his books are closer to be YA fiction that latinoamerican works

>> No.12796759

ah yes the young poet who has tons of sex. how identifiable.

>> No.12796769

i started this book this week. still at the beginning and not sure where the plot is going, but I am enjoying reading it so far. it's very pleasant and surprisingly funny.

>> No.12796797

Agreed. Cortazar is the one and only mistake that Borges made in literature.
Rayuela is forgettable.

>> No.12796825

Read his short stories, they are much better

>> No.12796865

Do you need to read kafka to understand every kafkaesque book?

>> No.12797098

yeah you should

id rec pale fire before you read a bolano

of course, I didn't do that and had the best time

>> No.12797106

It goes nowhere. It's still extremely good.

>> No.12797138

and now i know you're a retard

>> No.12797143

>Cortazar is the one and only mistake that Borges made in literature.

>> No.12797165

I think he refers to the fact that Borges praised him often (so did Bolaño btw).

>> No.12797176

Recommend some shit, motherfucker. I'm learning Spanish (about to move to Mexico), so I wanna know what to look forward to.

>> No.12797181

>about to move to Mexico
wherefrom and why

>> No.12797197

Some stuff from Argentina that I would recommend to anyone:
Borges short stories and poems
Cortázar's short stories
Sabato's the Tunnel and Sobre Héroes y Tumbas
Piglia's Respiración Artificial

>> No.12797218

From NYC. Why? I got a remote job so I've been traveling. I've dabbled in language learning for years but never became fluent in anything, so I figure this is a good opportunity to both learn Spanish and travel. I'm in DR now, but wanna spend a few months in Mexico with consistent lessons and then journey southbound until I get to Argentina.

Already a big Borges fan from the translations and El Tunel has been recommended a bunch to me. But never heard of Piglia, will look into it.

>> No.12797224

>Already a big Borges fan from the translations
If you have only read his short fiction and none of his poetry you are missing out big time

>> No.12797239

>postmodern good
>weird format good!

>> No.12797249

I will look into it when I am more fluent. Speaking of poetry, do you recommend any other Spanish poetry? Outside of Neruda, who I think I like but time will tell I guess.

>> No.12797270

I like Lorca and Jattin a lot. I read a lot more fiction than poetry desu but maybe another more knowledgeable anon will chime in

>> No.12797457

>Rayuela is forgettable

Maybe if you read it as a 30 yo boomer it is. I read at age 17 and 10 years later I still think about it and has shaped me in various ways.

>> No.12797553

I don't think its really twin peaks-y but I feel like the twin peaks name drop has some signifigance in the context the murdered women

>> No.12797572

>Criticize a book you read ten years ago and as a teenager

>> No.12797586

>Maybe if you read it as a 30 yo boomer
Ayyy lmao that just confirms what I said about Rayuela as a YA-tier book

>> No.12797596

t. 30 yo boomer

>> No.12797682

Not even 25
Pretty sad for your part being closer of what you mock

>> No.12797683

>non european

>> No.12799107

Deja de postear esto en todos los hilos conchetumare me haces pensar que estoy alucinando

>> No.12799565

Por que te hace pensar que estás alucinando wn jdkskdjd

>> No.12799968

hoo boy nobody tell 'im

>> No.12800294

Itt: people that don't realise most Latin American writers are pretty much Europeans, Borges for example isn't exactly a native.

>> No.12800653

well meme'd my friend

>> No.12801101

average argentino that wants to be eurocuck detected.

>> No.12801118

El pisco es peruano

>> No.12801130

Bolaño was from Chile, what are you talking about?

>> No.12801154

but the best non-european writer is mario bellatin

>> No.12801227

Juan Rulfo my dude.

>> No.12801544

i enjoyed the section where some guy explains which poets are faggots, queers, butch dykes, sissies, etc. for several pages.

>> No.12801552

i just find it odd that there's no real story. I'm not entirely used to that.
still, im really digging it.

>> No.12801556


>> No.12801685
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>> No.12801686

the fuck dose the wnding mean

>> No.12801693

Why the fuck is it always an Argentinian or Southern Brazilian (i.e. practically an Argentino) who does this?

>> No.12801718

what the fuck is this argument?
what's wrong with you?

>> No.12801837

Look through the window, bro. What do you see?

>> No.12801964

Can you explain more about the Pinochet part why was he mentioned in the book as a possible writer. Is it part of his propaganda?

>> No.12802229

Lol I'm from England, you can't deny most good South American writers are of mainly European decent.

>> No.12802234

Yes I can.

>> No.12802541

Of course I can. They're all mutts, and that kills the literary racist.

>> No.12802872

Its not even good.

>> No.12803348

It's well known that Pinochet wrote and fancied himself a kind of intellectual (he had a huge library), but of course no one took him seriously and no one thinks he's an intellectual. In fact, he was rather dumb and only had a huge library for compensating this (just as many /lit/ posters).

Him writing this is obviously just a fun little thought experiment. I don't think Pinochet wrote it but these kind of books were used as a tool to legitimize some shady institutions created during the dictatorship (with Lonko Kilapan leading them) that tried to highjack actual Mapuche institutions. When the autoproclamed "Prince of Araucania" (Philippe Boiry) came to Chile in the middle of the dictatorship, actual Mapuche people weren't the ones who spoke to him, but rather these shady Pinochet-baked "Araucanians" institutions (Bolaño names some of them in this section, "Academia Araucana de la Lengua" and "Instituto Araucano de Parapsicología"). Of course, the Chilean media presented this as an actual encounter between the Mapuches and the "Prince".

Read this (in Spanish), it's a good read on the topic:


>> No.12803639

Porque siempre me meto a revisar /lit/ en la madrugada y anoche estaba teniendo un episodio cuasipsicótico, aparte que a nadie le hace bien leer de O'Higgins araucano a esas horas
Chupame el clitoris peruano culiao

>> No.12803649


>> No.12803657

and you're disagreeing with both Bolaño and Borges?

>> No.12803968


>> No.12804156


>> No.12804263
