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/lit/ - Literature

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12791921 No.12791921 [Reply] [Original]

>sali leggera i non pochi scalini
della scala interna e si gettò nelle braccia di Don Fabrizio; gli diede, sulle basette,
due bei bacioni che furono ricambiati con genuino affetto; il Principe si attardò un
attimo forse più del necessario a fiutare l’aroma di gardenia delle guance
adolescenti. Dopo di che Angelica arrossi, retrocedette di mezzo passo: “Sono
tanto, tanto felice...” Si avvicinò di nuovo e, ritta sulla punta delle scarpine gli
sospirò all’orecchio: “Zione!”
Wtf is this anime shit doing in the middle of a literary work?
Or has my mind been eternally poisoned by the few manga I've read when I was young?

>> No.12791938

>implying incest ain't literary

>> No.12791999

Not quite incest actually.Angelica(17 yo) is the soon-to-be spouse of his nephew.
I'm talking more about the writing,it's really out of place amongst the previous pages.Conversely I might just be retarded,what do other anons think?

>> No.12792003

io no parlo italiano amico

>> No.12792047

i don't understand what you mean, but i also don't read manga, so--

>> No.12792052

What page? I'm not a wop

>> No.12792059

First of all, that's rude.
It's a few pages after the exact middle point.At the begining of the fourth part.

>> No.12792066

My apologies based Italian anon

>> No.12792069
