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/lit/ - Literature

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12791674 No.12791674 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 18 and about to graduate high school. I want to become a novelist but I haven't submitted any works for awards or anything. Aside from practicing my writing, what steps should I take in order to become a writer? Anything I should be doing? College? Things to study?

>> No.12791698

Don't go to college. It won't help a writer.

>> No.12791674,1 [INTERNAL] 

you're never going to make it if you didnt start out as a reader before you write

>> No.12791721
File: 57 KB, 300x177, 6875DF9A-891C-4A4D-A329-132361905F42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is literally a 1000 and 1 threads discussing steps to brcome better writer, what to study,what to major in,etc etc

There was literally a thread like 1 hour ago about this shit im so sick of you fucking zoomers, search the archive you mongrel cunt, you.

I bet you've seen these threads already and decided to post another one cause why the fuck not right? This is why youll never be a good writer, you need your hand held in every direction? You anonymous cunts online to tell you where to go, what buttons to press? No, you don't your just lazy,complacent and an untalented cunt. You think writers a few decades ago had /lit/?reddit? the internet? No you fucking idiot ofcourse the didn't, they just wrote, write you cunt why the fuck are you still reading my reply? write cunt, read stop procastinating you fuck shit mongrel.

I'm reporting this thread for the sheer fact of shit it is jesus, this board is absolute shit today but posts like this are the fucking worst, you know damn well people here will give you the worst advice in this scenario.. what the fuck you want me to say "Start with the greeks,read,write and maybe major in English" jesus such a fucking dry putrid gucking answer.

Fuck off mongrel

>> No.12791724

>I want to become a novelist but I haven't submitted any works for awards or anything
Here is my advice to you:
stop giving fucks for free and get ready for the long game

>> No.12791748

holy based

>> No.12791777
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checkem before you wreckem

>> No.12791783

Damn son

>> No.12791850
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>> No.12791869

the one time lit actually gives good advice is in these writers threads. Just listen to these, but go to university anyway anon use it as a fall back pls. I do not want to see another wide eyed hs senior anhero himself because of the novelist meme.

Now I have no idea what i'm talking about since I've never tried to be a novelist nor wanted to but I do read a lot of novels and about novelists. From what I understand 90 percent of novelists you probably love reading were supported by someone they loved or had a large inheritence. Everyone from Mcarthey to Pynchon. Delilo didn't but he also didnt start writing until he was 30 after spending some time as a copywriter for oligvy and mather.

>> No.12792455


>> No.12793104

Write porn and make a patreon page

>> No.12793134
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