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12791152 No.12791152 [Reply] [Original]

How is it even possible to read?

>> No.12791173

Is wikipedia's citation URL autofill button not working for anyone else?

>> No.12791175

You just force yourself into it

>> No.12791177

I think he means the cognitive instance of reading.

>> No.12791240

Yes, this

>> No.12791257

P, O. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A phaggot, a claptrap autist and a slapdash pseud. Some of his posts are extraordinarily seething. Nobody takes his butthurt caplocks seriously.
No. >>12791152. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of The American Psychiatric Association's "DSM-5"
Future Post 1. Dislike it intensely.
Future Post 2. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly repetitive.

>> No.12791261

Ape brains are strangm, innit?

>> No.12791264

Well I don't know then! But I'm sure some pseuds without a background in relevant scientific fields would be happy to provide a jargon filled explanation of how reading works while somehow simultaneously using this explanation to justify left wing political ideas that "critique" "capital"!

And I'm further sure that there are plenty of weak minded onions boys on this very board who would gladly perpetuate said pseuds comfortable careers by parroting their bullshit.

>> No.12791271


t. Ludwig "Hot Ziggity!" Wittgenstein

>> No.12791281

It isn't.

>> No.12791418

Reading a spook. You can only understand ideas due to the fact that we're part of the same hive-mind consciousness.

>> No.12791423

>hivemind consciousness
man, panpsychist and pantheistic thoughts are truly coming to be mainstream...i can feel the future resurgence :)

>> No.12791425

Grug make picture for sound

>> No.12791611

Crazy shit right? It's one of those things that people can do that is so common we don't realize how strange it actually is. Like how almost every 3 year old can learn enough language to talk is unbelievable. They are soooo dumb, but capable of understanding something as complex as language without another language to learn from. Humans are symbol specialists, not logic specialists.

>> No.12791702
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>> No.12792290

Like just open ur eyes nigga lmao

>> No.12792526

What should I read?

>> No.12792856

Advanced pattern recognition.

>> No.12793162

It isn't. Even if something could be read, it could not be understood.

>> No.12793330
File: 22 KB, 153x208, 5152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are absurdly accustomed to the miracle of a few written signs being able to contain immortal imagery, involutions of thought, new worlds with live people, speaking, weeping, laughing. We take it for granted so simply that in a sense, by the very act of brutish routine acceptance, we undo the work of the ages, the history of the gradual elaboration of poetical description and construction, from the treeman to Browning, from the caveman to Keats. What if we awake one day, all of us, and find ourselves utterly unable to read? I wish you to gasp not only at what you read but at the miracle of its being readable.

>> No.12793455

Speaking and listening is even weirder, we basically breathe rythmically to each other to communicate

>> No.12793457

delet this

>> No.12793515

Morality is still real

>> No.12793577

>all speech is really just music

>> No.12793589
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>t. George Berkeley