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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 420 KB, 800x794, Pewdiepie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12791115 No.12791115 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read The Republic by Plato yet?

>> No.12791121

yes i studied philosophy. now i post on 4chan

>> No.12791128

I've translated The Symposium and the Republic from greek you bitch ass old man

>> No.12791129

we need a /yootoober/ board

>> No.12791141

I personally dislike PewDiePie, not for anything he has ever said or beliefs or so forth. He just strikes me as someone who isn't particularly that intelligent and wastes too much of his life on distractions. I cannot suffer listening to most anyone I perceive as significantly less intelligent than myself.

>> No.12791169

> reading books
Fuck off nerd. Real men only read shoujo manga and eroge.

>> No.12791513

if you made millions screwing around playing video games and laughing at memes on camera, would you dislike yourself? he's not really my thing but lol

poor pewds, man

>> No.12791612

Pretty sure he does a lot of travelling and that. If that is wasting your life then what isn't

>> No.12792269

>this level of cope
Because of his genes, his iq is definitely higher than yours. Also he read +70 books last year while you only read Infinite Jest

>> No.12792314
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anon dear, the p is silent

>> No.12792324

It is a very important book that talks about the importance of politics, the importance of the right people in power, as well as the importance of proper training of a nation's leader.

>> No.12792338

yeah it's so satirical

>> No.12792345
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woah, definitely time well spent

>> No.12792351

I dislike this youtuber not because of his psuedo-intellectual posturing or his immature, quite frankly cringy content that caters to edgy teens and underdeveloped failsons alike. What I truly dislike is how his following has plagued the internet. You can not go on any forum or site without some brain dead Mongolian fuck telling you to "subscribe to pewdiepie" or unironically referring to him as "pewds" in some faux-endearing tone. It's embarrassing. His fans will have you believe that he has evolved, that the person who was playing slenderman and screaming at the television like an escaped asylum patient is no more, that now he is a sophisticated Übermensch who "gets it." The truth is that his adolescent viewers have grown up physically but remain mentally stagnant. They still enjoy the same brain dead schlocky entertainment they did as children but now they have dignity you see, now they must veil their immaturity behind a veneer of irony and intellectualism. They must spread their delusions to the masses enmasse, refusing to accept the putrid state of their being, failing to realize that their minds have remained still from when they first started watching these videos. Instead they live in fantasy and trade in delusions, undeniably, they are not simply content to writhe in their escapist filth but they must pull others down into the muck. The will not be satisfied until this mass hysteria has successfully permeated the mind of every individual on the internet. Indeed, this is an issue of ideology and idolatry. I merely dislike the youtuber but I truly despise his acolytes for they are the ones who do his bidding and it is due to them that I can't shitpost on this misbegotten hellhole for two seconds without seeing a thread about this guy. If the lord smote every single one of these individuals it would to be far too kind. One can only hope that these foolish individuals come to their senses one day and finally grow up. It is much more likely however that the whole of humanity while enjoin in their escapist delusions, and that my friends will surely mean the end of us and the end of what little life remains on this wretched planet. Steel your souls and sage.

>> No.12793456

Plato's Socrates said the ideal society is ruled by philosophers. If we apply this ideology to modern day, I think it makes a case for the rule of tech.

Coding is essentially logic. Wouldn't the modern day ruler-philosophers be people who can create computer code? They're making logic the rest of society has the freedom to use in the form of websites, apps, services, etc. If some sort of uprising were to occur within the American government, I think the tech giants would be the next rulers in line. They sort of already are. It's a bit sad to see, though, some brilliant coders are actually horrible people corrupted by ego, greed, and power.

The current caveat is major providers of logic in the form of computer code expect a payout. In a more ideal society, open sourced software is available to everyone for free. Plato and Socrates would agree this thing, The Internet, which provides knowledge and communication to everyone across the globe through the use of a computer-device, is the single most important creation of mankind. Anyone who has the ability to code, to essentially make a pre-built mental model, for anyone to download and use, has the ability to participate as a ruler-philosopher guiding society to a better future.

>> No.12793461

Lol, what a thot tier comment.

>> No.12793462
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Oh yeah.

>> No.12793503

>that pic


>> No.12793572

La goblina de la muerte.

>> No.12793579

Yes, but I always get a little confused when people start taking it as a serious political manual. Plato begins the dialogue with a discussion on justice and how someone should behave. The character of Socrates then creates a macro version of man, the city-state, to create the ideal. This isn't to say that the politics of The Republic should be thrown out, but that the primary focus of the dialogue is on the soul.

>> No.12793683

>reading a lot makes you smart
yea, nah. but I do think he aint no dummy.

>> No.12793718

dr. jowett?

>> No.12794006

>Insinuating he's more intelligent cause he's Swedish
There's such a thing as variation inside groups moron. Anyway Pewdiepie is an alt-lite moron who only pretends to read to seem smart. Just check out his review on beyond good and evil by German Mustache man to discover how dense he is.

>> No.12794010

Correct take

>> No.12794825

pewdiepie bad

>> No.12794831

I listened to a reading of it on youtube when I was 16, mostly went over my head

>> No.12794838

People like you are the reason the world is going to shit.
And that is a good thing

>> No.12794845

Pewds is obviously quite stupid (probably from wasting his entire youth on bideogaymes and anime) but at least he's trying to ameliorate the situation. He sounds like an uneducated person with fairly high IQ.

>> No.12794850

I agree with this, if you're not intelligent enough to learn to code I'm not interested in what you have to say in any other regard either
It is the truest and most meaningful test of intellect and foresight

Saying this as someone who was too dumb and lazy myself, not just trying to wank myself off here

>> No.12794856

>Coding is essentially logic
No it's not, what are you talking about? Coding is just a language for machines.

>> No.12794857


>> No.12794861

He's just as smart as any retard on this board
Probably smarter, at least he does more than just talk about what books he's going to read without ever reading them

>> No.12794874

>Unironically using 'alt-lite'
What does this mean? Is he a white supremacy identitarian only on Wednesdays? Or are all edgy teen-minded anti-left ID politics "alt-lite"?

>> No.12794889

>and wastes too much of his life on distractions
You are posting on 4chan right now

>> No.12794899

PewDiePie has the blood of 50 innocent men, women, and children on his hands.

>> No.12794901

Swedes are inferior to Mediterranean master race, when my ancestors were building the Colosseum and mastering logic and the elements, his were living in mud huts shitting in a cafe

>> No.12794906

I fucking hate casual philosophy readers, or casual readers in general, especially pick-and-choose type of readers like Pewdiepie. The likes of him glaze over the 'essentials', pluck a few books here and there, engage with it absentmindedly for a month or two, and move on to the next self-aggrandizing hobby, having been satisfied with their newfound 'certified intellectual, has read smartboi books' badge. These are the people who always produce the most retarded opinions on everything, for they are both blind and bold in their convictions.

>> No.12794911

yeah when i was 14

>> No.12794923

t. alt-lite

>> No.12794947

heh XD okay

>> No.12794956

Alt-lite are essentially just neocons and not far right like alt-right.

>> No.12795067

No. I don't read the 'philosophy' of ressentiment.

>> No.12795073
File: 32 KB, 636x469, Kantian Power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my philosophical genealogy

>> No.12795081

Except that Plato just resented the power of the Greeks and walked around the city complaining to everyone because he didn't have power.

>> No.12795089
File: 170 KB, 790x350, 2018_08_steven_pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Best society in history.

And improving by the day.

Engineers are the philosopher kings.

>> No.12795103

>Blocks your path

>> No.12795147

>The Guardian

>> No.12795306

One of the most successful satires in history

>> No.12795327

I despise self-aggrandising scum like you.

>> No.12795833

That is true

>> No.12795857

>t. Turkroach
Post your picture next to one of the statues.
Actually, don't bother, anyone can look it up and see that Medroaches look nothing like the old statues.

>> No.12796590

I can't read Greek.

>> No.12796616

I agree with the message of this post, but what have you describe we can attribute to another aspect of modern culture like music or film and I don't know how one may overcome this situation. Any books which discuss this issue?

>> No.12796783

I think people use it to distinguish between implicit and explicit racism, although I'm not sure if that's the case. It could also be a way of the identifying white identitarian right and other forms of right wing ideology that deviates from the standard form of rightism (hence the use of "alternative")
It's probably just a pejorative hurled at people who have vague similarities to the alt-right but dont identify as such.

>> No.12796810

/pol/ much? yikes

>> No.12796847

>just agree with whatever commies what or else
Fuck off, contracord.

>> No.12796866

You are calling your fellow man roaches just because they were exposed to more sun over the ages. This hatred is not necessary.

>> No.12796870

Okay then...

>> No.12797902

faggot detected

>> No.12797921

Thank gott somebody said it.

>> No.12797925

Not an argument for racism.

>> No.12798158

cringe please shut up

>> No.12798184 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12798638


>> No.12798645

reddit much? yikes

>> No.12799027

Pewdiepie strikes me as a guy who is probably smarter than you'd think. He reads a lot and has been studying Japanese.