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12787277 No.12787277 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry but the Greeks are just too fucking gay

>> No.12787281

The Greeks thought very lowly of women and were a bunch of fags

>> No.12787383
File: 33 KB, 596x388, sat3uc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and?

>> No.12787386

yeah, but the Greeks were hard gay. manly gay. not effeminate poofy limp-wristed gay.

>> No.12787408

There is literally nothing more emasculating than having sex with a woman.

>> No.12787417

It is chadly to disregard women and the greeks just took it to its logical conclusion. They were the single manliest group of men human kind has ever produced.

>> No.12787419

When do you think the transition occurred? How did the image of male-male romance change so drastically? Are today's gays putting on an act that media has influenced them to? Were ancient gays (using that term loosely) simply raised like normal boys and thus emulated typical masculine mannerisms? Why and how did the demeanor change?

>> No.12787426

:P this made me giggle. great comment (though i love women and hope nobody hurts them)

>> No.12787431

taking a cock in the ass seems pretty compromising

>> No.12787440
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It's extremely /lit/

>> No.12787447

they didn't like anal

if anything they weren't gay enough

>> No.12787452

that's an andro. not the same

>> No.12787462
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>> No.12787482

what does this mean

>> No.12787487

He was old and gross, therefore buttblasted young twinks didn't want his cock.

>> No.12787496

This sadly seems likely, knowing the gay community.

>> No.12787504

gay death comes to us all

>> No.12787513

Fags deny forms.

>> No.12787518

anyone? why/how did the image change

>> No.12787530

is this like what E Michael Jones talks about when he brings up denying the logos?

>> No.12787532

as objects of desire (a role of which men have not adapted to fill) gay men suffer the same loss of value that women are afflicted with when they hit the wall, except amplified by the effects of testosterone

>> No.12787542

Sounds p based to me

>> No.12787545

I have speculations that it has to do with the mother, or that a guy that projects his idea of the feminine on the mother always is going to see every girl in a similar way and be gay as a result. With gay guys and their moms they usually either hate em or it's best friends forever, I'm guessing the Greeks would be the former. For lesbians perhaps it's the opposite case with fathers.

>> No.12787548

Probably during the Renaissance

>> No.12787556
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if you would like the opinion of a literal nobody then i guess the more flamboyant image/stereotype came about in the second half of the 20th century mostly as a kind of contrarian thing against a society that didn't like homosexuals very much. almost like going out of your way to be obnoxious, loud, and crass. it's an reject of more conservative social norms. i guess the image kind of caught on and homosexuals still do it, either because it's all that they know about being gay thanks to media stereotypes, or they just think that it's fun, or they think that it's still an effective way to say 'in your face' to dissenters.

and of course obviously, homosexuals pre-stonewall acted much more 'normally' and blended in with regular people much more because they were in hiding due to society/legal taboos.

>> No.12787561
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NEVER gonna make it

someone post the pasta about Greek feats of naval endurance and Socrates fucking ass and going to the gym

>> No.12787565
File: 73 KB, 1545x422, lit_startwiththegreeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind i found it

OP is a physical and spiritual and moral FAILURE

>> No.12787566

:P made me chuckle

This genuinely makes me sad, when you write it out like this. Gay men really do have it rough, when you think about both the stigmatization of the condition, and the features inherent to the lifestyle itself: lack of substantial romantic opportunities (guys just want ephemeral carnal experiences), the highly short-livrd timeframe of desirability (especially for submissive/effem/twink/etc types), lack of partners in the first place...holy bros, I feel so bad for gay men. If any gay men are reading this I hope you're doing okay in life, fren. It'll be okay, don't worry. If you need counsellor or support, please make sure to seek it out. Your life is not easy and you shouldn't feel hesitant to seek help for that, thinking you're being "overdramatic" or similar.

>> No.12787590
File: 21 KB, 704x480, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If any gay men are reading this I hope you're doing okay in life, fren.

thanks i guess

>> No.12787594

"laughs in bisexual"

>> No.12787601

but what does this mean regarding gay manner transitioning from manly to effeminate from ancient times to modern ones

do you think it's erroneous then to think the homosexuality is connected to effeminacy? might future gays be more masculine again? are we just seeing a temporary cultural phase?

i read the wiki on stonewall some time ago. seemed so scary, man

>> No.12787640
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People often conflated homosexuality with transsexuality in the last. Now that that distinction is made clear, you will find that most gay men tend to be masculine, even surpassing the average heterosexual man in that regard

>> No.12787660

>to think the homosexuality is connected to effeminacy?

no, there certainly are a lot of effeminate homosexuals. although i think that's more of a loud minority. there are probably still a lot of homosexuals who act 'normal' or 'straight' and nobody would ever know.

> are we just seeing a temporary cultural phase?
probably, but i'm not an anthropologist or sociologist or anything so i can't say for sure

>> No.12787662

Do you mind telling me more about yourself, fren? Are you doing okay?

that's a good one. i've been on /lgbt/ and know about the infamous duplicity of the bisexual, and how they can tour the gay community when young and then leave it for a conventional marriage when time to settle down. you're mean anon :(

could both of you guys also tell me if asexuality is real? because i recently realized i might be that, but i previously thought it was just some tumblr meme sexuality that immature people use to feel special about themselves. but i legit think i might be that, since i'm realizing now that i've never liked sex, i've never pursued it with a girl, i have no desire to, i find it repulsive to think of or watch, i never watch p*rn with it, i don't like p*rn at all except as a proxy for female love (which i get from ASMR now, anyway), and i feel no real connection my genitals except as a patch of texture. when i f*p i only do it for the pleasure of textural stimulation, not as substitute for sex. Do you guys have REAL resources on asexuality? On youtube I only find tumblrites calling themselves "ace" and humblebragging about how unique they are...

>> No.12787664

I can’t speak on the gay death/wall thing because I’ve never been into twink types myself and I’m not one. However the limited pool for partners and the hedonistic/nihilistic nature the gay community tends to cultivate are a big source of anxiety for me. Among other things. Everyone has thier crosses to bear though. Thanks for the kind words.

>> No.12787671

Is it just the loud ones that, by virtue of being loud, and simultaneously being feminine, brand the public gay image as an effeminate one?

yeah i agree about the second part

>> No.12787676

Thats Etruscan

>> No.12787694

So do masculine/"daddy" gays make it through 'gay death' unscathed? Do they suffer no loss in value, themselves being prized for masculinity and age, and the ones valuating others? Can you tell me what your thoughts on that nihilism/hedonism stuff are? Is it really that bad? Is it merely the product of how recently gays became accepted in culture? Will it ever die down, and be replaced by a more "traditional" i.e romantic, platonic, straight-resembling culture? I just find this stuff fascinating to learn of, hope you don't mind me probing. Sadly, when I attended the LGBT club at my college, the people there really didn't seem to want me (i'm straight, presumably that's why) there...I just like learning about different walks of life, but it seems some groups might be more cliquey than others (and i understand, given their position in society and how many straights might treat them)

people say horrible things to me on /lgbt/ though, so i don't go there anymore either :(

>> No.12787700

It's much better to treat asexual as a description than an identity. Descriptions are fluid and identities are static. Don't corner yourself into your own mental box. If you don't like sex, don't have it. Young people nowadays feel so lost and unmoored that they will cling to any sort of identity they can get their hands on

>> No.12787722

>Do you mind telling me more about yourself, fren?
i'm not sure what there really is to tell. being a homosexual is the least of my worries honestly. it's never been a big deal for me aside from dating being a bit harder i guess. the problems plaguing me would probably still be with me even if i were straight.

>could both of you guys also tell me if asexuality is real?
as far as i know it's a real thing. i'm not sure what kind of resources you need but hopefully this could help as a start

>> No.12787744

Lgbt clubs are for getting hot gay sex

>> No.12787773
File: 143 KB, 600x450, gross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you tell me what your thoughts on that nihilism/hedonism stuff are?

i don't like it. i don't drink or do any drugs and i'm a very reserved/private person so pride-parades and simulated public-fornication is kind of gross to me. lots of people seem to enjoy it but i think it hurts their image more than helps it.

frankly i don't even like identifying as 'gay' and i really don't want to be a part of the 'gay community' at all, and not just because i don't want to be associated with those kinds of people. there seems to be a lot of infighting there about 'what it means to be gay' or why 'acting like a stereotype is bad' or why 'acting straight is bad' or whatever. i suppose having a group or union like the gay community was important at some point, bt now it just feels like a old dinosaur trying to justify it's own existence by picking fights with conservatives, or even itself.
>Will it ever die down, and be replaced by a more "traditional" i.e romantic, platonic, straight-resembling culture?
who knows, it depends what society at large does that will affect how the minority will be accepted/act.

>> No.12787788

are there many more like you? do many guys want deeper love but can't find it? is call me by your name a good film or a meme?

i just wanted to know if it's a real disposition just like hetero and homo are

i thought your despair image was for being gay, is why i said that. thanks for the links though. and good luck either way anon, through your problems

>> No.12787850

>is call me by your name a good film or a meme?
i haven't seen it so i couldn't tell you, sorry.
>are there many more like you? do many guys want deeper love but can't find it?
on this website there certainly. be visible in the real world can be a little difficult. as much as i would like to have a nice boyfriend, i have other priorities at the moment.
>and good luck either way anon
you too anon, you sound very nice. best of luck figuring out who you are.

>> No.12787899

CMBYN is a really great movie particularly if you’re interested in cinematography.

>> No.12787916

Sounds like /fit/ fan fiction again, they’re the biggest queens

>> No.12787918
File: 375 KB, 867x1000, greek assemblywomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the greeks were redpilled into oblivion

>> No.12787926

thanks anon and good luck to you again with those priorities of yours

I'll check it out. Speaking of which, Moonlight was genuinely great :) cinematography was really nice and I liked the lead actors, especially the adult one named Black, and his friend

>> No.12787930

>and we all accuse the cretans of concocting the story of ganymedes

>> No.12788017

fruity, flamboyant gays existed pre-stonewall. There's always been effeminate characters throughout time.

>> No.12788021

but why were the greeks and romans so macho

>> No.12788024
File: 1.27 MB, 1360x768, homo_is_ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace the homo.

>> No.12788039

It doesn't, unless it does somehow

I'd love to have meet Plato's and his mom in the same room, I bet she was very doting on him

>> No.12788044

>plato called homos degenerates thousands of years ago
how can one man be so based

>> No.12788045

they were at war with whoever all the time, and they liked physical fitness. or maybe they just never recorded any DYEL members of their society and it's all been lost to time.

i'll embrace it when i find a nice /lit/bf

>> No.12788065

he was literally gay lol

>> No.12788078 [SPOILER] 
File: 310 KB, 1134x1056, 1552971320069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato a shit

>> No.12788082

it feels vood tho

>> No.12788112

i-i still l-love women, desu. nothing will change that

anime is so adorable

>> No.12788127

is that just before and after makeup?

>> No.12788160

>contrary to nature
>impelled by their slavery to pleasure
not in the same sense as today

>> No.12788174

they weren't all like that. every society had their beta, untouchables. i highly doubt the worst part of their society have been canonized or left for time to discover

>> No.12788194

Sporus and Nero

>> No.12788202

delete your post, get this retard out of here. n---- is literally brainlet cancer.

>> No.12788211

Not sure what you intend by your post, but you know a lot of the macho Greeks and Romans were also fags - Leonidas, Socrates, Julius Caesar, Vergil.

>> No.12788221

sub twink type here. not doing too well without my ex. There are so few men like him gay or straight, and so few that would love the way he did. I'll probably cry myself to sleep again tonight.

>> No.12788243

Jesus Christ. These posts are getting out of hand.

>> No.12788278

what was so special about him? how did he love?

>> No.12788280


>> No.12788284

How do I make people gay for me?

>> No.12788337

>With gay guys and their moms they usually either hate em or it's best friends forever,
Interesting. My mum "realized" she was a lesbian when I was ten and informed my dad (I later found out that she had already had a carpet-munching affair with one of her co-workers). I'm pretty sure she basically gave him the deal that they could stay married but that she would never sleep with him again and would want to live with this woman and probably take the kids with her. My dad initiated the divorce (probably part of her plan) and I only saw him once every other weekend for the next seven years.
The funny thing is I'm not even pissed off about not seeing my dad very often, it's the fact that I had to live in the same house as her autistic lesbain dwarf. I have to emphasize that this woman was and is an emotional wreck - certainly incapable of helping raise children. I think the reason she did it was 1) because she didn't want my dad anymore (duh) and 2) because this woman, despite being very stupid, is a well-paid civil servant and together they make a lot of money (unlike her and my dad who never really pushed his career).
Anyway from what I remember my mum was not close to either of her parents (for context, we're a middle-class English family and my grandparents were very old-fashioned people. From what I've heard they never talked personally in an open way and had an almost stiff formality to their lives. Unfortunately my mum would inherit this which made me seriously resent her during my adolescence). Even though she was already in her 40s at the time I wonder if her lesbianism was some kind of strange attempt to talk to her parents and tell them how badly their way of doing things hurt her. The fact that she would dismiss her husband and replace him with a woman might have been a way of saying "do you see what a hole you left in my heart?"
I myself am 20 and have never had a relationship with a woman, not even a dumb fling at school. I'm not annoyed by it in the same way that so-called "incels" are, but I do wonder if the numbness I feel towards women is somehow related to my mother's betrayal (and it was a betrayal, inviting someone like that for the second half of our childhoods). To put it quite simply, I don't think I can trust them. Even tomboys or extremely innocent women I find myself just not being able to act with any openness or let my guard down for a second. It's exhausting to me and of course unfair to them. At the age I am now and with so much distance between me and other people, I don't know if I'll ever be quite right with them again. I don't know what age it is that these things become irreversible but I feel like I'm a foreigner to people now (not just women but them especially. Older women are okay sometimes but younger ones are just like migrants from an undiscovered land speaking another language). I'm not gay, but I have seriously considered being intimate with a man just for the sake of intimacy.

>> No.12788356

>the highly short-livrd timeframe of desirability (especially for submissive/effem/twink/etc types
This is especially true. Unless you're fortunate enough to look younger than you are, testosterone has probably killed your androgyny by the age of 21.

>> No.12788388

What a load of horseshit. Modern society has people whose lives revolve around working out every day, and their nutrition is sure as fuck better than the Athenian soldiery's. Access to meat and protein to start. I'm not saying the ancient people weren't fit, but the stories are obviously fucking exaggerated.
As for the gay shit, i change my mind frequently based off of what sources I've read recently. Sometimes I'm convinced they were all gay as fuck and at other times I'm convinced it's a modern projection. Doesn't really matter to me either way since I've never had that much of a problem with fags.

>> No.12788403

Yeah this. Overall fitness was probably a lot higher (no fatties around) and people probably had more lean, old-man strength from daily work, and it's fair to say that they were tougher and had more stamina just from the lack of modern conveniences that we have now, but they weren't supermen. My guess would be that that poster also has a big hard-on for Vikings.

>> No.12788412

Why do you think you enjoy being a sex object? Is it something you can't possibly explain or do you think that there is a psychological explanation maybe to do with your childhood or experiences?

>> No.12788447


>> No.12789284
File: 209 KB, 906x1024, Homosexuality 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been debunked time and time again.
You need to stop


>> No.12789290

based OP

>> No.12789302

Interesting that the tale of Ganymede and Zeus is considered by Plato to be Cretan pro-gay propoganda

>> No.12789323

The things that bother you about young women are increased tenfold in young gays, and even moreso in transexuals.
You unironically need to go out of your comfort zone and act against your nature in order to dispose of your sexual repression and issues with your mother. Only true experience can change your mind, there is no argument on Earth that will.
I have a decent relationship with my parents, but feel some kinship with you, because my father's behavior fucked my perception of what a man should be.

>> No.12789362


Don't let the gay cult overstate the presence of homosexuality in Ancient Greece and prevent you from learning the society's deeper truths.

>> No.12789388
File: 2.65 MB, 500x288, ScientificSorrowfulAmazondolphin-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/'s here everybody! Look look!

>Thers no gay peopel in grees.

>> No.12789415

Imagine being so sexually repressed that you can't handle thought of people sticking their penis in other men's anus out of their free will.

>> No.12789446

They all had wives. Caesar had several.

>> No.12789453

Having a woman around as a source of the womb doesn't diminish how gay the Greeks were.

>> No.12789487

Julius Caesar refused to divorce Cornelia even though he was deprived of his priesthood, dowry and inheritance because he didn't (not to mention the violence Sulla threatened him with).
At her death he gave a funeral oration in her honor, which was extraordinary for the time. She was obviously more than just a womb.

>> No.12789525

butterfly, I am disappointed with you, this is your male companion you reported two days ago :3 I am posting from work lol.

So, I've been thinking. And I do a lot of thinking. This cute babe. This AWESOME babe. Is basically mine. She's not doing anything with anyone because of me.

I've turned her straight.

Before, she was like the Symposium. But because of me, brethren, she is more like Laws. I often contemplate how much of her is different because of me. I'm sure she does too, I think she likes it :3

But I depend on her too, believe it or not. Two days ago, after I was dodging a ban so I could post, I ended up suggesting she masturbate. Well guess what happened. She disappeared. Completely. And people were asking her to reply. I can just imagine now the internet lesbians going "Please, reply butterfly, please reply" and she does not care. She's smiling because she knows thats true.

But I'm not an asshole, if you don't want this to continue say the word. So far you haven't ;) till next time qt

>> No.12789535

No, he "literally" wasnt.

>> No.12789557
File: 27 KB, 600x400, zJi7Rm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing as too gay

>> No.12789562

Of course, he wouldn't get rid of his only source of passing down his genes, regardless the circumstances of his life. He was just a smart gay man who was aware of his morality.

>> No.12789597

He remarried twice

>> No.12789601

And that's a good thing

>> No.12789618

He replaced a womb for other womb. Your point is?

>> No.12789627

She wasn't his only source of passing down his genes

>> No.12789647
File: 329 KB, 831x799, 1552790168281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you suggesting? You're basically saying that women weren't the only method for a man to pass down his genes in 50 BC?

>> No.12789652
File: 372 KB, 1806x237, 8f368242f1a804e0bf5fc6d3a43c8661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also Plato

>> No.12789691

Fags are pathetic at this point
Everyone wuz queer!!!!!!!!!!!
Cope incelfag

>> No.12789698

Socrates was not only ripped, he was FUCKING ripped. Pretty much every Greek philosopher, poet, tragedian, and so on would have been, because they were all adult male citizens, and either had to fight in the army or (later) row in the fleet. Or both.

People underestimate the level of physical exertion these things required. These guys worked out EVERY day. They worked out so much that they actually liked working out. They lived to work out. Their entire leisure time was composed of working out and getting gay over how hot their bods were in the balmy Mediterranean sun. The first ten fucking pages in Plato's FIRST dialogue have Socrates lusting over a teenager's sweaty, manly pecs through his toga. Socrates likens himself to a lion that is about to gobble up its prey. He can barely control himself. That is how the Western philosophical tradition starts: homoerotic lust for ripped abs. When Alcibiades, the manliest man in history, bursts into the famous drinking party, at which the guests are discussing the urbane topic of Love, it is to ask Socrates why he never fucked him in the ass when they cuddled. You know how the dialogue ends? Socrates goes to the gym and works out.

Modern recreations and reconstructions have not even succeeded in duplicating the physical feats reported of the Athenian soldiery - that is, the Athenian citizenry. Often, modern historians doubt that these feats are even being accurately reported, for instance the straight dash of the Athenian army across the entire field at Marathon. This is because modern athletes and bodybuilders can't even do these things, even with relatively light gear compared to what the Athenians actually carried. It took a team of Olympic master rowers to even APPROXIMATE the sailing techniques of the Athenian fleet, outside of combat conditions, on a placid sea. The entire Athenian fleet was regularly capable of these maneuvers, season after season, year after year, campaign after campaign. The sole engine of these maneuvers was muscle. Raw, sweaty, heaving Athenian muscle. Athenian men were the envy of the Aegean.

It is understandable that modern historians, coming from a society of flabby, skinnyfat wimps, are unable to comprehend the sheer manliness of Athens. Socrates saved Alciabiades in a hoplite battle in the Peloponnesian War. Aeschylus, the tragic poet, fought at Marathon. And all of them worked out and fucked ass, at every moment they weren't literally inventing Western civilisation.

>> No.12789720


>> No.12789744
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>> No.12789748

nice dubs

>> No.12789782

Plenty of very very gay depictions in his writing, plus he never took a wife ever in his life. He was more gay than straight, that's for sure.

>> No.12789797

can you write out a nice greentext or something please, tell us what made yout ex so special. no lewd though please, wholesome only

>> No.12789847

Wtf you degenerate shitposter

>> No.12789869

I find it interesting the amount of older gays I've met lived such idealized lives of the American man. I don't even think it can be put to boomer privilege, they're mostly from lower/lower middle class, went to ivy leagues, were athletic and well liked, married in 20s and made great families. Not everyone can fill that role, its just so odd to me, also the level of importance they place on values such as family and community where many straights don't.

>> No.12789926

really? that's interesting, all i hear about are the young gays who act the opposite, entirely carnal and without moral compass

>> No.12789984

He's the closest person i've met to resemble a Prince Myshkin. Even looking back at random photos the pure empathy and love characterized in his eyes and smile, but still wholly masculine.

>> No.12789989

i haven't read Tolstory or wherever that character comes from. please give a longer description

>> No.12789996

Nah, post WWII modernity, the sexual revolution.

>> No.12790124

But Achilles slept in the innermost part of the sturdy hut, with a woman he brought from Lesbos at his side, lovely Diomede, daughter of Phorbas. And Patroclus lay opposite, with fair Iphis, whom noble Achilles assigned to him at the taking of lofty Scyrus, city of Enyeus.

sounds extremely hetero to me

>> No.12790134

Man, NOT shitposting, me and her cucked all of you again two nights ago. It will happen again, lol. She is making an exception for my dick :3 but we're both pretty smart people, and she is also like an awesome babe. She could shoot me down right now. But her personality is sexy, it's like she's hardwired to care about me or something, she literally will support this even sometimes, it just gives me a boner thinking about it

>> No.12790145

The sole purpose of Greek literature is to describe gay orgies and anal sex.

>> No.12790165

bump, I too not understand faggotspeak

>> No.12790176

Are you saying he slept with a Lesbian?

>> No.12790212


in that same fucking passage he was also against spilling seed on rocks and shit. his entire argument is that breeding for the express for reproduction is the only respectable sex. he didn't even want men to sleep w their wives if they weren't planning on having children ideally. EVEN then, in his laws he decided there could still be some leniency

damn it. fuck this board makes me regret reading shit.

>> No.12790234

>he didn't even want men to sleep w their wives if they weren't planning on having children ideally.
I agree.

>> No.12790244

Sounds like Saint Paul

>> No.12790275

>fuck this board makes me regret reading shit
kek this, people taking apart writings just to find and decipher any possible ways in which those writings can enforce their pre-existing political leanings is fucking ridiculous behaviour and /lit/ (but mostly /pol/) is far too fond of doing it

>> No.12790346
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Yeah looks like, she's one of my favorite trip friends on /LGBT/. I really like her androgynous looks

>> No.12790353

I don't like being a sex object. I have far less sex than other men and am mainly interested in relationships. I currently just meet with one guy, we spend weekends together and both love each other to a point, i think his feelings have been growing even more lately. Maybe i'm just low test, i don't understand how other gays can so willingly fuck hundreds of guys who just want to use them as some fucktoy.

>> No.12790406

Imagine being such a piece of shit that all you can think about is mining the shit out of other people with your dick.

>> No.12790471

>the protagonist of Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel The Idiot. Dostoevsky wanted to create a character that was "entirely positive... with an absolutely beautiful nature",[1] someone who is truly 'Christian'. According to Joseph Frank, the character of Prince Myshkin approaches "the extremest incarnation of the Christian ideal of love that humanity can reach in its present form, but he is torn apart by the conflict between the contradictory imperatives of his apocalyptic aspirations and his earthly limitations

>> No.12790481

homosexuals don't just think about sex. it's just that when they *do* think about sex, they would prefer to do it with men.

>> No.12790665

>homosexuals don't just think about sex
this meme again..
explain then the astronomical promiscuity of fags relative to heteros.
As they are 2% or so in the population, you would think that once they find a partner, they would stick to each other as fags would be comparatively rare to find each other, but nooo they are like posessed to get literally hundreds of samples of stranger's faeces on their dicks
look.. I don't fucking care what you do to each other in bedroom or train-station toilets, but as a healthcare professional I am sick of subsidising expenses of your 60x inflated numbers of STD treatments from normal people's taxes.

>> No.12790672

Shut up, hipster.

>> No.12790685

They were effiminate like modern fags. Gay Vikings were also effiminate and shunned (lit. called cunt-fleers)

>> No.12790696

I am arguing with facts, logic and real-world measures, all you have is emotionalism, bullying and ad hominems

>> No.12790710


>> No.12790762

tfw i try to be like this

How do we make gay culture virtuous? And BTFO all the homohaters, when they realize gay men are more noble than they are, and they have nothing left to criticize?

>> No.12790777

By being virtuous of course. It wouldn't hurt to distance yourselves from other toxic groups that may have had to band together in the past.

>> No.12790779

love virtue and manly valiance. The rest will follow, like how ethics flows out of the righteous Confucian statesman and affects the lower classes.

>> No.12790832

I'm not gay. I'm straight. But I want to see the gay community undergo a drastic reparation, such that all it's current critics are forced to become silent. Wherein all the carnality, disease, lack of romance, discarding of self-dignity, and all other rightfully rebuked behaviors see their end, and are replaced by ones that match if not exceed the virtue found of straight people (not saying straights are inherently virtuous, they aren't, but today's gay community is such a swamp that anyone would look virtuous beside it). I want my gay brethren to become their own, respected subpopulation of the world that is no longer looked down on by the prevailing majority, nor needs their approval anymore in the first place because they are themselves of a finer stock.

>> No.12790901

Sexuality wasn't seen the same way back then, so they had normal gays, faggots and lots of big guys. For the romans it was manly to be a top and manly to get head from a guy but being a bottom or givving head was faggy, may have been slightly different with Greeks but very similar all throughout the ancient Mediterranean.

>> No.12790914

The stonewall inn was a gay bar owned by the mafia in manhattan popular in the late 60s/70s. It is considered by some to be a historical site because the so called stonewall riots took place there, which is widely considered the spark that set off the modern gay rights movement. Basically the mafia ran gay bars frequently back then since they didn’t give a shit about anything but money, the police would regularly raid these bars and harass thier patrons arresting people for disorderly conduct or really whatever they wanted. In 1969 the stonewall inn was raided and the days who occupied it decided they had enough and fought back, rioting and standing off with the police.

>> No.12790923

Why did they love men so much in the first place, and look down on women so intensely? It baffles me. These were men. Red-blooded. Why the heck didn't they love that sweet feminine charm, the soft, smooth skin and unrivaled curves, the beautiful hair and sensual lips, the big breasts and the wondrous milky therein, and the juicy p*ssy and the buttery thighs to which it is attached? How could they not appreciate any of this, and unironically went for men instead lol?

>> No.12790931

Christianity changed our view of love in general, so I imagine it would have had some effect on gays. In the ancient world love was a one way thing from a lover to a beloved. Love was always aimed upwards (the gods, being the highest didn't love (unless tricked by cupid or aphrodite)).
Gays in the ancient world were kind of like a mentorship, with a young lover and an older beloved.
Christianity reversed love from God downwards. Romantic love evolved from this later.

>> No.12790936

Because they're not effeminate numales and actually had a working endocrine system pumping the proper amount of testosterone into their bodies.

>> No.12790992

Indeed. That's why they stole Macedonia's territory.

>> No.12791012

>liking women = nu-male
oh dear

>> No.12791015

Breedist scum.

>> No.12791023

Romantic love evolved from that? You mean our model of romance today is not universal and timeless? The idea of two lovers whom the world rotates for, and no length of space nor span of time can ever separate, is only a modern invention? Is that really possible?

>> No.12791032

a woman is not the one who is holding the shield in a phalanx, guarding your life, the same as your shield is guarding the life of your comrade standing next to you, while you are fighting in formation against persian hordes. their women never could understand what they went through in battles, they were not dying on the fields together with women, but with other men, trying to protect each other to the last breath

>> No.12791038

Yes ancient love was quite different than modern love. Of course the beloved could feel affection and attraction for the lover, but it was not a mutual thing like it is today.

>> No.12791044

I'm trying to help you and your culture, anon. I want you guys to be seen as virtuous and for nobody to any longer feel right in taking rights from you, but you can only achieve this if you guys become genuinely virtuous and stop all this b*thhouse shit...there is nothing upstanding about promiscuity, disease, absence of love and romance, and whatever other ills plague your communities. You gotta change it anon, for the sake of yourselves and the gays of the world yet to be born...

>> No.12791055

for you, sorry

>> No.12791065

But they seemed to hold women in such contempt, in general.

>> No.12791089
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>anime is so adorable

>> No.12791090

let me do it instead

>> No.12791114

this makes Plato based. You're a stupid retard controlled by his impulses. You have no freedom and envy Plato.

>> No.12791132

in the better days you would be going through chemotherapy to cure yourself.

>> No.12791206

I’d argue that most relationships today follow the same ancient formula. Many relationships are quid pro quo money for sexual desire, or status for sex appeal.

>> No.12791215

make gays based again

>> No.12791227

Relationships are different than love though

>> No.12791364

good. Gays are smarter than straights. Only in a fully gay society will humanity reach the singularity. This is not up for debate

>> No.12791389

They might be smarter and more artistically brilliant, but how do we make them V I R T U O U S???

>> No.12791403
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>> No.12792259

Sacred Band of Thebes

>> No.12792261

"lovers and their favorites, thus indicating the dignity of the god Eros in that they embrace a glorious death in preference to a dishonorable and reprehensible life"

>> No.12792263
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False. I'm gay but still a complete dummy.

>> No.12792276

Philip of Macedon ordered his men not to laugh at all the dead gays because they fought and died honorably

>> No.12792283

>gay society
*destroys the embryo chambers*
lol better luck surviving next time, society

>> No.12792289

Gays can still reproduce with women if push came to shove. They're not sterile.

>> No.12792299

Worth noting that the Greeks (or the Romansfor that matter) didn't have "sexual identities" like we do (modern heterosexuality and homosexuality are mostly about identity).

A roman could fuck his buddy in the ass or suck is cock, and wouldn't think 'I'm a homosexual now', if anything he could fuck his wife or mistress the same day (without thinking "I'm bisexual actually"). They just did what they felt like. There were masculine/feminine stereotypes (sucking is less masculine than being sucked) but they hadn't the same content as "heterosexuality/homosexuality" nowadays.

>> No.12792307

30 thousand men had to be ordered not to laugh at a mass of dead faggots,

>> No.12792319

You're a very kind guy. I once met a bisexual who said he couldn't stand the gay community precisely because of the traits you mention (for him sex was a consequence of intellectual attraction first and foremost).

>> No.12792353

i doubt you're a fucking idiot, anon

>> No.12792378

Modern brute hasn't killed anything nor he has the need to, they just inject a bunch of juice to get ripe and that's it. Don't ever compare it with people that fought in actual wars.

>> No.12792386

>women take the power
>instantly impose communsit regime with shared property and sex for all

Unironically based.

>> No.12792416

suck my dick bitch

>> No.12792440

>*destroys the embryo chambers*
In what chamber does your society keep its embryos? And why is it readily destroy-able?

>> No.12792489

A lot of this seems dubious or exaggerated but goddamn
>that level of sexual profligacy

Can't help being a bit jealous.

>> No.12792532

FWIW the word "homosexuality" started appearing around the time of the French revolution.

>> No.12792541

This is just a classic foursome.

>> No.12792564

Nietzsche said that the warrior-poets, the troubadours of the middle age, invented courtly, romantic love (and even that it was our only distinctive European invention).

He was exaggerating on many accounts, in typical nietzschean fashion, but he had a point.

>> No.12792573

I can't beat the computer at chess.

>> No.12792586
File: 153 KB, 1125x930, 1549408081797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a friend who had a chess game on game boy and if he cranked the difficulty up past easy, the computer would rape him every time

>> No.12792904

So is there any such thing as "objective love", lying underneath these constructions? I just don't understand how it could be completely invented. Aren't experiences universal, though our framing of them cultural? ex. weren't there teenagers in ancient Athens who fell in love with eachother just as we do today?

>> No.12792916

i'm not kind. i'm a degenerate who has lately been torturing myself with sickening thoughts. i wish sick things didn't exist. it makes me so sad they do. i wish i could get rid of them. but bc they exist i torture myself with thoughts of them.

>> No.12792920

oh but thanks for the compliment though. i see gay people like anyone else but i also want to see them reach their potential as virtuous citizens without compromising their authentic identities

>> No.12793036

Going by the chin i'd say there's either some photoshop trickery going on or that's post-surgery.

>> No.12793046

Chess is first and foremost a game, with its own set of rules that have little connection to real life thinking. Your intelligence will help you in learning it but even if you're a genius a kid who has been taught by his dad or whatev is probably still gonna rape you if you're new.

>> No.12793069

Thats 100% a dude with long hair, not andro at all

>> No.12793074

Nowadays it's not hard to find a chess algorithm who can beat any human being in history at chess.

>> No.12793089

Different strokes I guess, still like her

>> No.12793096

There's certainly a neurolgical reality to attachment. Love as we understand it is a social and aesthetical processing of this phenomenon, and how it is process depend on places and eras. Also on individuals characters of course.

> I just don't understand how it could be completely invented

Those kind of social creations are never completely invented, they are build slowly over a more bare phenomenological ground.

Religion isn't a few random guys suddenly shouting 'ayy god lmao', it's a millenia-long process that has been changing up to this day.

The same goes for love, 'love' in the broadest sense is as old as mammal, but in our culture it has taken many forms over time.

>Aren't experiences universal

Experiences are framed by culture, and a lot of what constitutes culture lies in how we are allowwed (and allow ourselves) to live those experiences.

>weren't there teenagers in ancient Athens who fell in love with eachother just as we do today

just as much perhaps, but they didn't understand, talk about and act upon it like we would now. And all that is at least half the relationship (more likely 80% or more). It is permitted by emotions but it also shapes them in return.

The whole question is a difficult anthropological line of inquiry, really it would take decades of scholarship to answer.

>> No.12793106

> i wish sick things didn't exist. it makes me so sad they do.

If they didn't none of us could exist. Don't get too hung up on purity, life is a child of chaos.

>but bc they exist i torture myself with thoughts of them.

Why ? You're nt responsible for most of them and they dwarf you. Torturing yourself over the existence of ancient monsters is even more foolish than driving a wooden sword against their scales.

Learn to live in their shadows, or to understand yourself as their child, or forget a true steel sword against them.

>> No.12793159

>if you're a genius a kid who has been taught by his dad or whatev

I had to teach my parents chess. We didn't play that growing up.

>> No.12793354

If gays only think about sex, how did Winckelmann manage to be the first one in history to distinguish between the Greek, the Roman, and the Greco-Roman?

>> No.12793383

He was into both

>> No.12793388

Is bisexuality the most patrician sexual orientation?

>> No.12793390

No no, I mean was into Greeks and Romans

>> No.12793401
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Oh okay, but my question still stands.

>> No.12793415

I'm gonna say 'no'

pick a lane

>> No.12793431
File: 602 KB, 1024x533, lost-highway-1-1024x533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick a lane
No thanks, pleb.

>> No.12793435

>lost highway

look who's talking

>> No.12793444

It's objectively the best Lynch movie, brother.

>> No.12793872

it's ironic considering Phillip grew up in Thebes as a prisoner and was a poop dick himself

>> No.12794257

tpbp (?}

>> No.12795368

When 'gay' became some hard, identity thing and gays starting LARPing as women. Most trannies and gays are the same. Trannies just appropriate femaleness (poorly and shallowly) and gays hate women because they will never be them.