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12784747 No.12784747 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind

>> No.12784760

First post is also best post

>> No.12784881


>> No.12784888

How do I make people gay for me?

>> No.12784921

P, O. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.
No. 12784747. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Gogol's "Nose."
No. 12768201. Dislike it intensely.
No. 12438739. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly rigmarole.

>> No.12784930

How do i know if im smart or pseud?

>> No.12784939

i dont want to read james joyce only because of the fact that he looks like a freaking creepy weirdo

>> No.12784941
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Be this guy

>> No.12784951

Well do you think you're smart?

>> No.12784964

Not really. I think that im a dumb person because seem to have their act.

>> No.12784971

too bad about the hairline

>> No.12785040

Haven't felt the want to read or write in months

>> No.12785132

Hairlines are of the upmost important. Young and image obsessed, you may be both.

>> No.12785138

>tfw balding doesn't run in the family but my hairline is still shit

>> No.12785165

false dichotomy

>> No.12785279

What's it like working in a history museum? I'm trying to get my life together in my late 20s and I want to go back to school for something I like even if it's not making me a ton of money.

I think I have a romanticied idea of it but I'm not even entirely sure how to express it. Irving Finkel says it's basically answering questions from stupid people.

>> No.12785348
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I wanted to be an author and an intellectual. Turns out I have an iq of 96. I'm so heartbroken for the past week I've given up reading, and writing. I'm currently looking for ways to drop out of my philosophy degree and get a trade job.

>> No.12785351

cursed image

>> No.12785371

I wanted to be a scientist of some kind but I failed that so badly it shattered by confidence forever. I thought that getting an IQ test would be a waste of money since I know that it's going to be alarmingly low anyway.

Let's be dumb and miserable together, anon.

>> No.12785409

The reason I’ll never write a great book is Women

>> No.12785413

Does anyone find themselves alienated and alone not because of legit autism or deep philosophic misgivings about life, but simply because they're unwilling to grow up?

>tfw manchild

>> No.12785454

deep philosophic misgivings about life for me. I'm really strict with dating people. Only Aries and they're hard to find..

>> No.12785462

I'm an Aries

>> No.12785464

i'm simply unwilling to live up to normie standards.
> mfw unironically supporting absurd viewpoints and opposing everything solely for lulz

>> No.12785487

Very nice. If only we weren't bound by the limitations of internet-based communication. I would've otherwise planned our imminent elopement.

>> No.12785498

Shame. Why do you want to only date Aries?

>> No.12785509

>letting a number ruin your life
96 IQ sounds about right.

>> No.12785512
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Everyone I've ever loved were an Aries except one person who was a Scorpio but didn't act like a Scorpio, more like a Pisces. Very strange. Either way, I'm an /x/-crossboarder so take that as you will.

>> No.12785556

Same but mine is 118 :(

>> No.12785563

People who never read joyce are more unique writers. I regret joycing it up.

>> No.12785570

>I'm an /x/-crossboarder so take that as you will.

I've never payed much mind to star-signs but best of luck finding a sweet little Aries to call your own, anon.

>> No.12785576

IQ doesn't measure intelligence, it just correlates with it. My IQ is 140 and I'm a complete fucking idiot.

>> No.12785582

It's so dumb how
Our politicians
Refuse to be good people
As if being honest is
That takes a lot
Of effort to do

>> No.12785589

Zodiac signs aee nonsense.

>> No.12785594

Ask a smart person that knows you well enough

>> No.12785623

>I regret joycing it up.
What do you mean?

>> No.12785635

I think the stereotype of someone with high IQ being a genius is probably from people who watch big bang theory. I have no clue what my IQ is but I've met a lot of people with high IQ and they are just people. They say dumb shit and are frequently wrong about things. Sure, they are smart as in being able to think fast and IQ has some merit but I wouldn't call someone with just an high IQ smart.

>> No.12785637

I dont know any smart people who know me well.

>> No.12785658
File: 624 KB, 879x792, Screenshot_20190319-030111~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an iq isn't a measure of intelligence, its a measure of your ability to take some sort of crazy assessment under time and social pressure

>> No.12785664


>> No.12785673

Eeeh, it measures intelligence in it's way but it isn't sixth sense by which you get to know all world secrets and become bilionaire.

>> No.12785693

What if Jordan Peterson and bill C16 HATE

is all because someone called him a woman by mistake

jordan peterson
looks like a non-passing trans-woman
when you're high on acid

>> No.12785734

You’re literally letting two numbers ruin your life. You know what? You deserve to be 96 IQ.

>> No.12785756

>2 numbers

>> No.12785768

9 and 6 are numbers

>> No.12785780

and 96 is a single number

>> No.12785793

I read a couple of his short stories. My mom had to read them in high school so it provides a good topic to talk about at the dinner table.

>> No.12785803

My desire to be a writer is based more on the fact that I want a easy job compared to working in a business all day long. I dislike driving to work and would rather spend all day writing in my pajamas.

>> No.12785819

learn to code and work from home

>> No.12785853

why would you want to transform your home into a workplace?

>> No.12785908
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i think like 90% of the people saying 'learn to code' dont themselves know what coding is like.

solo, you cant reach the level of coders from good universities unless you're basically autistic. they are average 120 IQ, programming 6 hours a day with guidance from lecturers with extensive industry connections, and will take up all of the interesting jobs at good companies.

the jobs left in their wake are like the mental equivalent of being a construction worker, and will be AI automated within 15 years.

>> No.12785923


theres that word again

>> No.12785931

coding is just such a bore to me.

>> No.12785941

Oh well.

>> No.12785947

Not really, most university-educated programmers are brainlets who unironically struggle to fizzbuzz. It is true you need a certain autistic devotion to learn though, the upside being that once you do learn you can stop being so autistic and limit your programming to working hours

>> No.12785951

what about cuddling

>> No.12785968

but you're a guy anon.

>> No.12785982

Being a writer is easy. Being one that many enjoy is not. But take solace in that there are no free lunches and most of us have our personal cross(es) to bear. One should do something because they enjoy it, not to try to avoid something else.

>> No.12785991

"...you can stop being so autistic..." wut? lol

>> No.12785993
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i agree that IQ is elitist, ablist, etc. but that doesnt change the fact that every software developer application ive completed in the past couple months has involved a mix of timed coding challenges and unironic IQ tests. i know of multiple people who actually practise IQ tests for this purpose

this hasnt been true in my experience. when i used /g/ a lot when i was 14 i remember reading about uni programmers being shit, but i guess it depends on the uni's level. most of the people i know on my course got into programming of their own accord in their early teens lol, and even here there's this constant air of employment anxiety.

>> No.12785997

i didn't necessarily mean with me

>> No.12786003

9 and 6 are digits.

>> No.12786004

i'm 26 khv, so no cuddling to me

>> No.12786013

Learn to appreciate your own. It's yours and it's all that you've got.

>> No.12786019
File: 48 KB, 540x960, my ideology no hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my dumbass thought you were some schizophrenic with multiple personalities claiming you had the personality of King Henry 1-5 until I googled

>> No.12786022

I actually agree.

>> No.12786028
File: 131 KB, 900x1416, 1485204018214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing a book right now :)

>> No.12786030

Work, honesty, and kindness are what's important. There are plenty of intelligent losers.

>> No.12786033

i don't even remember when or who my first kiss was with

but it might have been a guy

>> No.12786036

that was oddly specific

>> No.12786044

Wow I like fashionable cute women too.

>> No.12786052
File: 1.02 MB, 1242x1859, 05B93495-EEB3-4BF6-B6DB-87256B873CD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It bothers me that anti-semitism is so intertwined with continental philosophy. In my opinion it taints their opinions.

>> No.12786053


>> No.12786065
File: 253 KB, 1080x1080, moscowprayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help ive been rejected by 20 internships in like 2 months

>> No.12786073

open your own company and accept yourself

>> No.12786108

what the point of reading books?

>> No.12786118
File: 244 KB, 1478x806, abbie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think my parents would buy it

>> No.12786153

I was with my previous girlfriend in the 1990’s and she asked me to fill out an IQ test, thinking I am intelligent, and I said to her that I did not want MENSA to know because they gather information that could be used for their own purposes. I said to her, rather than answer all the questions true, I will get all except two’ wrong and showed her the two I would answer true. When the test score returned, I had proven my point. All except those two I wanted to answer true were false. That is one way to outsmart the information gatherers, not only had I got all the answers I wanted to get wrong, I had added intelligence by outwitting MENSA. If the highest IQ is 220, I score 221.

IQ is a spook. Have you people never wondered why depending on what test you take the IQ is always different? Fucking stop talking about this shit already it's cringe inducing. The fact that it has been proven that you can train to get better at these "tests" is further proof that it shouldn't matter in your life

>> No.12786262

Whenever I return to the countryside I witness the seemingly unyielding expansion of the local town and its conrete constructions into the dales, drumlins, lough lands and meadows of my townland and the surrounding districts. Some aspects of the landscape will hopefully keep its enlargement at bay, which I have already noticed. I appreciate the necessity for this growth. However, I still detest the destruction of the beauty of the land around me. By God, even the gradual extension of the local roads has removed their character and idiosyncratic twists and turns. Alas...

>> No.12786286

I saw the "alas" at the end coming, good post anon.

>> No.12786327


>> No.12786380

Socrates anon, if you dont know anything then you are smart

>> No.12786400


I got this one from Pessoa. I'm not that smart.

>> No.12786457

Am I in love if there's someone who makes me happy no matter what and I want spend all my time with them?

>> No.12786472


>> No.12786490

I think after sekiro im done with vidya for good

>> No.12786506

Well, shit.

>> No.12786524

Thank you, my fellow anon. There was one specific road extension which re-routed a meandering boreen at the foot of a particularly tall and wide drumlin. The non-drumlin side of the boreen has a small steep drop running all along it which blends gradually into meadowland. Another drumlin of equal height and length mirrors the aforementioned drumlin and marks the meadowland's far edge. This formation creates a dale a mile or so long through which a stream flows. Beside this stream and concealed in the heart of this dale is a near thousand year old Christian graveyard and chapel which may once have had a round tower. When you walk amongst the headstones and observe the waters of the stream you can understand why the site was chosen. It is a perfect solitude. Well, it was. A primary road has been built through the dale. Its tranquility is daily profaned by bloody townbound traffic! Thankfully I know of other serene sights of great antiquity deep in the countryside and hopefully safe from urbanisation. My forbears rest in them.

>> No.12786546

I'm feeling the same. It's the only video game I've been remotely interested in for a long time.

>> No.12786555

>the best ending is only achievable in zero death runs

>> No.12786560

the best ending is when you turn the game off and go outside

>> No.12786582

But outside is ng+

>> No.12786620

I need to recenter myself around something. While not unhappy at the moment per se, I don't really have anything to live for. I have things I enjoy doing, but I am not striving for any of them at the moment. I need to pick something and focus on it, not even necessarily to the exclusion of anything else just as a mental choice to orient my existence around something. I don't think this current situation is stable as I'm constantly on the edge of nihilistic panic, even if I feel alright.

>> No.12786658

I'm debating myself whether or not, I should continue writing my novel as is or rewrite it.

>> No.12786664

Depends. Do you read Plato?

>> No.12786666

I got rejected by one of those. Her presence made me feel really good, so I called her up, she said no.

I saw her last Saturday. We made short eye contact, I didn't break it, she broke it off. In that moment I had the feeling that she didn't really know why she acted the way she did. I didn't try to investigate it any further because, when it comes to girls, at least I know how to stay put.

Nothing on my side changed because of the rejection. I still feel the same towards her. I went through a really short period of what I would describe as "trying to cope with the rejection" or something similar to that, but I realized really fast that the thoughts that were racing through my head weren't a reflection of what I felt, so I stayed with the status quo with my side of the affair, and everything on her side, it's her business.

>> No.12786675

Back in a day.

>> No.12786717

I really only got rejected by one girl. I saw her again after many years, and I think I dodged a bullet.

>> No.12786742

I keep trying to write but I can't get into the rhythm. It feels weird.

>> No.12786744

Am I actually doomed to keep relating to people like this forever? Can I not change the fundaments of my personality and experience these situations in more harmonious ways instead of being subsumed under these bouts of crippling dread and shame and neurotic attachment? Jesus fucking christ

I also haven't read seriously in 2 months. Pineal gland calcified too much I guess, cut off from the akashic records

>> No.12786749

I usually dodge a bullet by not approaching. If I end up approaching someone, then I'm ready to take the bullet.

>> No.12786756

did you forget to embed a picture, what kind of people are you relating to? or do you mean that your relationship to people is beyond repair?

>> No.12786794


>> No.12786818

why are there so many threads about the pros and cons or marxism in this board

i thought it was for literature

>> No.12786831 [DELETED] 

The latter. "Like this" referring to the way in which I relate, not specific people
It's certainly not beyond repair, because it's not really that the way I interact is damaged somehow or otherwise externally problematic (generally; sometimes it is), but more that in seemingly every situation there's a psychic violence that I inflict on myself somehow. Internal more than external.

E.g., tried getting on some dating apps and had a mild anxiety attack because of the disparity in thought between not wanting to objectify women while also wanting to have sex with them and ultimately realizing that I'm not fit for romantic relationships

E.g. x2, maintaining close friendships causes me such fucking angst because, being a narcissist in disguise, I need fairly constant attention/validation, and when they understandably have their own lives to lead (that diverge from mine or don't include me in some way) that fucks with my head. This never comes out, though, I never make these feelings known to the people they regard. And then there's the attendant shame from being so secretly selfish and needing so much.

Or maybe none of this is even true. Need to become a hermit, clearly I'm unable to deal with people

>> No.12786875
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There's nobody I want to talk with more than you. I miss you, I'm dying without you. Please come back soon.

>> No.12786898

You shouldn't be afraid of objectifying women because, in your own relationship to them (if it goes far enough) I don't think they give a shit. It's in the public sphere they start yelling about that stuff.

Can't say anything to the narcissism though.

>> No.12786923

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