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/lit/ - Literature

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12782662 No.12782662 [Reply] [Original]

What books does /lit/ consider fun ?
Y'know, books that don't really require you to think about them, don't have convoluted plots and a person can enjoy rather passively. What are the best and most memorable examples?

>> No.12782686

Most Murakami books, some of them do have a deeper level but his writing style makes for a very smooth read so you can usually enjoy his stuff passively. Some of PKDs books are easy reads as well, "Flow My Tears The Policeman Said" was alright.

>> No.12782687

All of sci-fi.
Iliad/Odyssey/Aeneid are quite fun
Even something like Madame Bovary

Can still be deep but enjoyed at a passive level.

>> No.12782697

The most "fun" I've ever had reading:
- Dune
- Neuromancer
- Man in the High Castle
- Lolita
- Lord of the Rings
- Women (Bukowski)
- Hemingway short stories
- Borges short stories

>> No.12782711

Is LotR still worth reading even if you haven't even watched the movies yet or is it too late for me to get into?

Also thanks for the recommendations.

>> No.12782719

I'd say it's better if you haven't seen the movies. I wish I could've read them before reading the books.

The world is vast and rich yet still easy to enjoy without a deep understanding.

>> No.12782741

Finnegans Wake. No, really. Just read it workout trying to decipher anything; let it decipher you. Don't think about anything; let it rearrange your brain.
Another example is Ashbery's poetry.

>> No.12782755

basepill me on ashbery

>> No.12782792

The movies are an absolute bastardization of the books that do not deserve an iota of the praise they've received. They took Tolkien's ode to language, myth and history and turned it into a retarded action flick in which, for example, Legolas the CGI elf slides down the trunk of a huge, glaringly CGI elephant after firing two arrows into its head. Read the books and never watch the movies.

>> No.12783234


>> No.12783256

The Ocean At The End Of The Lane by Gaiman