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/lit/ - Literature

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12781189 No.12781189 [Reply] [Original]

Post your ethnicity and favorite book before the jannies come
>pic related
>don quixote

>> No.12781195

>ice nigger

>> No.12781201

Wow anon that’s insensitive

>> No.12781209

Irish not welcome, sorry.

>> No.12781235
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I’m a southern protestant American

>> No.12781265
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Why is Don Quixote your favorite? It was tedious to get through. Full of great wisdom though. I am an Amerimutt and my favorite book changes constantly but right now it is pic related and also Demons by Dostoevsky.

>> No.12781449

I'm interested in the philosophy of literary figures created in our novels. I think philosophy offers an argumentative explanation for deriving meaning or value in our reality. However, some authors are capable of doing the similar thing but through literature. Rather than proposing a structured argument that follows discourse, reasoning, logic, etc, they are painting a picture. What Cervantes does with Don Quixote is to offer a glimpse of how this man's imagination, or his perceived reality, affects his own value system and essentially those around him. There's countless of examples in both books of Don Quixote that state that his personalized philosophy or value system, no matter how ridiculous or archaic, touches other people. I think this selfsame philosophy of Don Quixote that is embedded in fantasy does the same with the readership, especially me of course. I genuinely love the color, which Cervantes paints for us, of the world in which Don Quixote sees the world.
Also I am a big fan of Dostoyevsky and I see that he does a similar thing as well. The two big attributes about the author is is talent in creating these dramatic situations in which his characters find himself in. They are always so thrilling and this is the central object of attraction for me with Crime and Punishment. But in The Brothers Karamazov he continues to pull from his talent in writing, but also paints these pictures of the protagonist's personalize philosophy. Especially the philosophy of Alyosha, which is so earnest and assured in the moral problem proposed in the book countless of times. He even propagates the constant arguments for the issues of faith, i.e. how could God exist when there is suffering. He does this by painting the picture of Vanya's problem with faith.
So I'm drawn to Don Quixote for the same reason I'm drawn to Alyosha and Vanya. Both authors don't directly introduce the doctrines of their respected, personalized philosophies. But rather they introduce the people in which these values are harbored. Reading these long accounts of the story involving both of these characters creates a relationship with the reader. I'm there as they face their moments of bliss, doubt, redemption, and so on. I remember during the second book whenever Don Quixote's senses were slowly coming back, I felt pretty sunken. His character wasn't of the same caliber within the first book. He was growing older and gaining his reason back and soon the color of his philosophy began to fade as he began to doubt his notions of value and his self.
Would you recommend demons?

>> No.12781556

Half Irish, half Ashkenazi
The Bible

>> No.12781573
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PoL (Person of Light)
Le camp des saints

>> No.12781883

Half Irish, Half Polish
Blood Meridian

>> No.12781893
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i really liked this book called asylum by william seabrooke

>> No.12781981

Europeans are a bunch of disgusting mutts.

>> No.12782014

63% white
37% mud

The Sound and the Fury

>> No.12782187
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Probably "Lolita." I have a major soft spot for "The Neverending Story," though.

>> No.12782562

Irish, Polish, French/German

the castle by kafka

>> No.12782597
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1.) Pashtun
2.) Anything by pic related

>> No.12782629


>> No.12782646
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Hello, fellow mountain nigger.

>> No.12782718

Salam bratuha

>> No.12782733

>straight-up Swede
>"Snow Country" by Yasunari Kawabata
I know, freebased and pilled.

>> No.12782735

Better not be Kadyrovites or IK scum

>> No.12782737

I’m an Ichkerist

>> No.12782743

Secular or Sunni?

>> No.12782746

Secular, but I do enjoy LARPing as Sunni jihadist from time to time

>> No.12782753
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>tfw haven't read the russians yet

>> No.12782757

Interesting. Thanks for the chat, Chechanon.

>> No.12783175

>Italian, Dutch
>Illiad and Odyssey

>> No.12783185

amerimutt with netherland and germanic roots
Stranger, The

>> No.12783191

Pin (by Andrew Neiderman)

>> No.12783203

This is true, meaning when within fiction or at least a book in which plot and feeling is seemingly primary has a deeper meaning within. Can have a very different effect upon the reader although one must make sure not to use overly fictional examples as anecdotal evidence for the writers person beliefs, as the Left often does hence their bad media (I don't mean News).

>> No.12783209

>I have a major soft spot for "The Neverending Story," though.

Every kid that had seen the first movie/read the book does.

>> No.12783211

don't have it on me but
>40% Irish
>20% Scandi
>20% English
>10% Scottish
>8% Northern Russian/Finnish
>2% Spanish or some shit

>> No.12783214

and my favourite book is 2666

>> No.12783593
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>just fuck my shit up
>blonde hair and blue eyes somehow
My favorite book is a tossup between Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge and Crime and Punishment.

>> No.12783656

Classic mutt

>> No.12783663

3/4 Lithuanian and 1/4 Polish
Crime and Punishment

>> No.12783671

Nigerian (Yoruba)
The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.12783673

Rumspringa Semen World Tour 1k850

>> No.12783674

Danish and probably some far southern or eastern euro thing
Melancholy of Resistance

>> No.12783683

>Wuthering heights

>> No.12783814

What is that? An app or website?

>> No.12783829


You pay a fee (under a hundred dollars). They send you a kit. You swab the inside of your mouth. You send it back in the mail. They analyze the sample. They email you the results.

>> No.12783859
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>pic related
>the sellout by paul beatty

>> No.12783871
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>23andme change me from 0.01African to 100% european even on 90% confidence

did they get sued or something?

>> No.12783882

They want to revoke any possible claim you may have to using the n-word.

>> No.12783890

>caring about the african
they kicked you out of the (((club)))

>> No.12783912

Map and the Territory by Houellebecq

>> No.12783931

I've never done one but I know quite a bit about anthropology so I'd be frank to estimate mostly North Germanic with some West Germanic and minor Baltic and Slavic influence something along the lines of 70/20/5/5 considering my family history.

Also Sprach Zarathustra and the Nibelungenlied because I suck for absolute individualism, meritocracy, aristocracy and philosopher kings even though it's rather unlikely and the Nibelungenlied is great because it's one of the few if not *supposedly* the only story where the hero does not go through the traditional hero's journey.

>> No.12783955

I did one of those DNA tests a little while ago expecting to come back with mostly Scottish and Norn Iron genetics. I would not have been shocked if there was some cross-border Bong or Republic of Potato contamination.
It turns out I’m one eight Portuguese.
How the fuck did this happen?
Did one of my grandmothers shag a Portugee sailor and cuck one of my grandfathers?
I’m waiting for our next big family gathering to let my grandmas know that I am privy to their harlotry. Hopefully the guilty one confesses and the innocent ones life will be spared.

>> No.12783962

Wypipo were trying to claim minority scholarships and other affirmative action benefits. They stopped sending out meme results soon after.

>> No.12783967

Whoops forgot favorite book.

Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.12783972
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>100% pure Italian
>Heath of Darkness

>> No.12783985

>italian is one ethnicity
lol spaghetti-nigger detected

>> No.12784008
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The Iliad

>> No.12784009

it is on these meme website ethnicity tests

>> No.12784030

Swedish, probably a few percent waloon and german.

Can life prevail?

>> No.12784033

>Can life prevail?

Those birds though.

>> No.12784052

Iberian sailors are pretty common in Ireland. We had miniature pirate states recognised by Elizabeth I so we were hooked up all the way now to Africa. Having Tuareg blood in you is pretty common in Scotland because of their shipping routes. So it could just be all your great great great great grandmothers fucked a lot of Portuguese instead of just one dude more recently.

>> No.12784065
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>The Tales of Ensign Stool
>Art of War

>> No.12784135

Reading an old man complain about the current state of the world is maximum /comfy/

>> No.12784145

Finding things quaint means your brain has been co-opted by modernity.

>> No.12784798
File: 358 KB, 1899x973, muh heritage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growth of the Soil

>> No.12784802

>le 56%

>> No.12784816

pls no bully

>> No.12784862

>giving away the rights to your own dna so you can posture about how white you are.


>> No.12784937

Coping mutt detected

>> No.12786419
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Probably War and Peace or Master of Go

>> No.12787004

Chinese, Ashkenazi Jewish with some Malay and possible Black and Russian ancestry
Kafka on the Shore

>> No.12787032


>> No.12787082

>The Divine Comedy
Surprising probably dozens.

>> No.12787212

Based Persiabro

>> No.12787340
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>> No.12787342

The Last Superstition by Edward Fraser

>> No.12787345

This is unironically such a good take on the big differences between the valid kinds of Christianity and protestantism.

>> No.12787358

Took me forever to find the photo so I impulsively post it but sadly I don't have a favorite book at the moment but I have a few that I think about more than others so, Anthem, Count of Monte Cristo, genealogy of morality.

>> No.12787367

Reminder that if you actually took a genetics test you are a bloody moron who should be shot.

That being said: German, French and a pinch of Spanish mutt genes. Probably that one Plato anthology from Hackett by John Cooper. Although In the Name of The Rose be Eco holds a special place for me.

>> No.12787388
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Brothers karamazov

>> No.12787395

What's up my brotha

>> No.12787439

'Broadly European' Genetics tests are such a fucking joke, unless you come from a center for inbreeders like the British Isles, New Zealand or Scandinavia it's basically guesswork.

>> No.12787458

people think if you give them too much "unassigned" they are aliens or some shit.

>> No.12787685

Iberian, French, Black, Native, Semite (jew and probably arab as well)
Favorite book : The Tartar Steppe

>> No.12787702

Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it was made up just to give people something. Simple research done by people giving their dna to different companies and getting different results seems to confirm at least a decent amount of personal interpretation.

>> No.12787703
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Dubliners desu

>> No.12787714

im not doing a dna test bc then the feds will get me if i ever end up doing some shit in the next 6 decades

>> No.12787767
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either gravity's rainbow or don quixote. i love comedic adventurous novels

>> No.12788120

lebanese/portuguese/french/african brazilian mutt

toss up between the book of disquiet and kafka's the castle

>> No.12788178
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>> No.12788579
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Just started reading again, i don't have favorites but really enjoyed Moby dick though.