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/lit/ - Literature

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12780751 No.12780751 [Reply] [Original]

Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.
The Double. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Gogol's "Nose."
The Brothers Karamazov. Dislike it intensely.
Crime and Punishment. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly rigmarole.

>> No.12781429

Opinions nobody cares for. Dislike them. A cheap attempt at a thread. Crappy and uninteresting. Some of his words are okay. Nobody takes his OP seriously.

>> No.12781502

Agree, I don't think his religious crisis soap operas really hold up as well as they used to.

>> No.12781763


>> No.12781932

Dostoevsky was a much better writer than Nabby. Jealous, perhaps?

>> No.12781990
File: 3.89 MB, 241x328, 1552857577380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed.

>> No.12783084


>> No.12783190

Yea it's cope

>> No.12783216


>> No.12783293

100% true

This boards (and the literary establishments) obsession with Dosto is unfathomable.

>> No.12783355

Dumbfuck dipshit

>> No.12783371

Case in point. Typical Dostofaggot response

>> No.12783377
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>> No.12783381

Calling Dostoevsky reactionary is retarded.

>> No.12783385

Someone Photoshop a revolver in his hand.

>> No.12783423

I mean, I like him, too, but he was a reactionary. Objectively speaking. He was a political conservative who supported the Tsar, an opponent of liberalism, socialism, and Westernization, an antisemite and xenophobe, an Orthodox religious fanatic who believed that the Pope (or Benjamin Disraeli, depending on his mood) was the Anti-Christ. Need I go on? Dostoevsky was a great writer but also a fucking lunatic. On that point at least, Nabby is right.

>> No.12783425

Nab always struck me as a very mean person (not how he writes, rather how he looks). I could envision him in the Neil DeGrasse Tyson meme pasta, except it wouldn't be funny, but horrifying. Just looks like a cruel man.

>> No.12783429

Not a Dostofag but what the hell are you talking about? How is he a reactionary if he was defending the status quo

>> No.12783453

Oh boy

>> No.12783463

Fucking kek

>> No.12783482

I don't want to quibble over semantics, but generally, a person who opposes progressive social changes/modernization/etc. is classified as a "reactionary", though some might prefer to draw a firm distinction between "reactionaries" and "conservatives".

>> No.12783526
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>> No.12783554


>> No.12783679

That's only the voice of some of his characters though and doesn't fully inject his personal belief into any plot. Maybe read the Problem of Dostoevskys poetics. It's dialogical polyphony. He makes his characters self conscious and feeding off each other. Dostos books wouldn't have lasted or even worked in the first place if he was just another reactionary romantic.
Also I guess everything seems reactionary when you're a pedo

>> No.12783793

>Carroll, Lewis. Have always been fond of him. One would like to have filmed his picnics. The greatest children's story writer of all time.
What did he mean by this? Was he a pedo?

>> No.12785048

>a person who opposes progressive social changes/modernization/etc. is classified as a "reactionary"
if you're retarded ya

>> No.12785056

Have people here actually read his longer critique other than the meme snippet? He's pretty spot on.

>> No.12785072

This isn’t a thread. This is lowlevel bait.

>> No.12785104

Why do you come to a literature board when you don't even know what the word reactionary means? Why don't you go read first before you come and pretend to discuss literature?

>> No.12785116

The thing is, Nabokov said that Dostoevsky would be the best Russian dramatic of his generation, but but he ended up writing novels instead.

>> No.12785124

Continuing: Nabokov has a precise definition of the novel. The novel, for him, must account for all the little details. Dostoevsky doesn’t really do this.

>> No.12785161

christ for a second i thought it was paulie from the sopranos by the looks of the thumbnail

>> No.12785171


Whats your age?

and what is your >>12783355

I bet the second Anon is hardly more than 18

>> No.12785177


Lolita is a greater work of art than anything written by Dostoievsky.

And if Nabokov was jealous he would be of Tolstoy or Shakespeare, who were his greatest heroes.

>> No.12785349

OH yes, he was sick in the head old looser, who fucked and is still fucking brains of generations.
All Russian problems are because of this old fuck and his comrades Tolstoy, lermontov etc.

>> No.12785884

28 faggot

>> No.12785911


Lol, then you're even more fucked

>> No.12785925
File: 40 KB, 260x410, Vladimir_Nabokov_1969b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a famous account, perhaps apocryphal, of a visit made by a student to Vladimir Nabokov’s office at Cornell. The student declares to the writer his great desire to be a writer, too, at which point:
>Nabokov looks up from his reading he points to a tree outside his office window.
>'What kind of tree is that?' he asks the student.
>'What is the name of that tree?' asks Nabokov. 'The one outside my window.'
>'I don't know,'says the student.
>'You'll never be a writer.' says Nabokov.

>> No.12785958

Wtf I hate Dostoevsky and myself now

>> No.12785995


He actually asked the whole class, and to his astonishment almost nobody knew that it was an american Elm:


And since he - as all good writers - knew that details are the life-blood of fiction he was actually scared to see how so many students payed little attention to their surroundings.

Never seen an Elm myself: we dont have them here in Brazil.

And by the way, the info I gave you is on the great biography of Nabokov written by Brian Boyd.

>> No.12786002


>> No.12786012


>> No.12786023

Dostoevsky's beliefs were well known. Read a biography. He wrote in political journals, and his writing survives (you can read it for yourself if you're going to type yourself in knots to deny the obvious). Read a Writer's Diary. It's not in dispute that he was a right-wing Slavophile. I can't believe that you've actually bothered to read literary criticism of his work but haven't bothered to do basic reading about his background. His polyphonic literary style doesn't change what his politics were, which shouldn't be surprising to anyone who has read his novels regardless of how ambiguous they are.


>> No.12786051

I've read plenty of biographies and his books multiple times. Just because some of his political views were published iver the years doesn't change the Outlook of his work yo fucking imbecile. And the book I mentioned isn't even a criticism of Dostoevsky.

>> No.12786080

More like a weird emotional smug prententious aesthete.

It's a common trait among writers, though most of those who have it are at least somewhat gay.

>> No.12786101

Based and barkpilled.

>> No.12786115

The fun thing is even if you don't know what the tree is you can get out of the question creatively, by comparing it to another tree you know for instance.

Just stopping at "I don't know" when your literary idol asks betrays a damning lack of imagination.

>> No.12786129

You sound like you should stop drinking alcohol.

>> No.12786139

Holy trunk.

>> No.12786152

Stop being Italian.

>> No.12786186

You're in denial. I don't know what to tell you. Yes, I agree with you that his work isn't shallow political propaganda (isn't this true of any great artist?). Yes, I agree with you that his work contains many voices, and strong ones at that, which is why so many consider Ivan Karamazov's prose poem to be the greatest indictment of Christianity ever written regardless of Dostoevsky's own views. None of this changes what he believed, which isn't up for debate. Anyone who supports Tsarist autocracy is a reactionary. Full stop.

>And the book I mentioned isn't even a criticism of Dostoevsky.

The phrase "literary criticism" doesn't necessarily imply criticism in the sense of pointing out flaws.

>> No.12786235

So we are practically in agreement. Love you

>> No.12786460

Nabby was a sick man, a spiteful man.

>> No.12786505

Nabokov, Vladimir. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and verbose. A polylinguist, a claptrap novelist and a slapdash custodian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily dull. Nobody takes his inaccessible journalism seriously.
Pale FIre. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Dante's "Inferno."
Ada. Dislike it intensely.
Alita. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly repulsive.

>> No.12786527

Kek is this the new meme format

>> No.12786729

if Nabokov it's so good, why I haven't read any of his literary shit?

>> No.12786754


>> No.12787737


>> No.12787754

The only people who bring up age on 4chan are in high school.

>Just ask 'em their age. That'll dismantle any argument they make!

>> No.12787770
File: 153 KB, 902x902, wittgenstein_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore these comminist bugmen dude, you've just uncovered one of their older language contortions. Its clearly nonsensical, its purposefully dismissive and it leads to this retardation you see in >>12783423
Shut the fuck up you sniveling, word-mincing, newspeak pushing, dishonest jew.

>> No.12787775

>reddit spacing
both of you, out

>> No.12788654


>> No.12789045

Vá cuidar dos seus filhos, Italo

>> No.12789266


I hate you

>> No.12789477

Sometimes it's good to let 'em know that they aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.12790820


>> No.12790865

How old is it? Or are you blatantly lying?

>> No.12790873
File: 136 KB, 740x250, 2014-10-16.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a meme that stemmed from critics during the 80-90s.

>> No.12790882

I'm aware the prose is old lmao, I'm talking about that specific text

>> No.12790896 [DELETED] 

>Mon Dec 8 02:35:21 2014 No.5832973

>> No.12790898

the new meme format

>> No.12790906
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>> No.12791658
File: 87 KB, 842x600, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme format is perhaps the most based I've ever seen in years.

>> No.12792092

>Was he a pedo?
Do you really need to ask this?

>> No.12792122

Poster, Original. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his greentexts are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his involuntary celibacy seriously.
This thread. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Nabokov
His previous thread. Dislike it intensely.
His next thread. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly rigmarole.

>> No.12792167


>> No.12792173


>> No.12792186

Autism incarnate, I suggest you lay off the vaccines.

>> No.12792801

What does Nabby mean calling him a prophet?

>> No.12792807

>but he was a reactionary. Objectively speaking. He was a political conservative who supported the Tsar, an opponent of liberalism, socialism, and Westernization, an antisemite and xenophob
all these are good though

>> No.12793187

>be Nabokov
>drunk off his wits and didn’t read the student’s paper
>student walks in
>”so professor Nabokov, what’s my grade?”
>oh shit this is bad think of something witty to say
>look around for something to latch onto
>spots tree
>”hey you what’s that tree?”
>student is confused as fuck
>”you’ll never be a writer”
>student walks away, not understanding what just happened
>phew that was a close call

>> No.12794590

Someone who talks without knowing

>> No.12794625


>> No.12794632

I agree that Gogol is superior.

>> No.12794676


>> No.12794696

Someone who opposes change is a conservative. Someone who wanta to revert change is a reactionary.

The difference is that one defends the status quo while the other wants to return to how things were before the current status quo. They teach you this in school anon.

>> No.12794886

go back

>> No.12794896

>man only known for writing Twilight: Paedo Edition
>thinks he has the moral authority to call anyone a "cheap sensationalist"

>> No.12794897

why would someone defend status quo if he opposes change?

>> No.12795123


>> No.12796024
