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12780082 No.12780082 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good introduction to occultism/esotericism or should is there something better to get into the medium?

>> No.12780109

Browse /x/, read gravity's rainbow and most importantly listen to alex jones on rogan and you're good bub. Unless you want to go around spending $300 on lion skin belts thinking you're a witch like the people on #Thelema and Ape in which case you can start here or with manly p hall or crowley and then read the others and eventually join a buttfucking cult

>> No.12780110

i read undoing yourself: a guide to energized meditation and really enjoyed it. the book i read is apparently a worse version of prometheus rising. i haven't heard anyone say anything bad about the book, and it is entertaining enough to introduce you to certain concepts without making your brain hurt too badly. don't trust anything he says at face value though.

>> No.12780190

Sounds like a really deep rabbit hole, not sure if I want to go into it.

>> No.12780199

That one sounds good as well.

>> No.12780476

It's a good intro, yes

>thinking you're a witch
Oh god, yes

>> No.12781279

Kurt Seligmann's Mirror/History of Magic
Grillot de Givry's book
both available online

>> No.12781302

Is there anything to occultism?

>> No.12781340

Just jesus christ and the devil. Everything else is an ornate lie.

>> No.12781347

yes, but metaphorically

>> No.12781399

It is a very bizarre mix of westernized bastardizations of eastern religion, modern psychoanalysis, and various psychological practices. It is an interesting book no doubt, but the author really lacks any sort of genuine metaphysical knowledge. It is overall an obsession with the psychic over the spiritual. He essentially claims that the human mind is continually evolving and can reach a point in which it is no longer limited by human constraints. I will say that I have retained some of the exercises he gives the reader, but there are much better works to read for such things.
The entire book seems to fit exactly with the western tendency for "becoming" instead of "being"; it is nothing less than an application of Darwinism to the spiritual domain.

>> No.12781471

>but there are much better works to read for such things


>> No.12781481

The Bible

>> No.12781512

Getting a spiritual teacher that isn't a crypto-materialist is a good start.

>> No.12781693

depends if you're the mark or the hustler.

>> No.12781706

Not him but literally where do I find one?

>> No.12781746

Right here. Send me your email and a beginners fee of $500 to cover my costs initiating you.

>> No.12781756

Matthew 13:35 King James Version (KJV)
35 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

>> No.12781768

Prometheus Rising isn't directly about occultism. It's about expansion of consciousness OR becoming one's true self OR de-robotizing one's self OR exploring and gaining access to the vast palace that is the human mind OR re-programming and meta-programming the human bio computer OR achieving "stream entry" OR achieving permanent increase of blood flow to the prefrontal cortex OR any other term or metaphor used to describe this phenomenon.
which certainly is the best part of any occult tradition.

>> No.12782023

This is the Truth, and really the only correct answer.

>> No.12782051
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>> No.12782069
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This argument might work if this thread was about dipshit atheist but even the deepest of LARPing witches will usually attest the great power of the name of christ to banish demons in the astral plane or whatever

>> No.12782100

hehehe, it wasn't "an argument". I thought it was amusing the way you presented a very firmly dogmatic sentence in a thread about prometheus rising, which is chiefly about freeing your mind from dogma.
As you say, Christianity can be very powerful, but I now believe I don't need to be dogmatic to enjoy the blessings of Mary, Jesus, or the saints.
I think Jesus would be really into Bob Wilson. The things he is saying couldn't possibly have been digested by iron age palestinian peasants, they get too slippery around the edges. But we've come a long way. Ideas aren't like physical objects. Thoughts aren't like actions. We can be a bit more... sophisticated? In the way we deal with these virtual objects.

>> No.12782927

>Ideas aren't like physical objects.
Interesting since occultism helped me realize the inverse of this.

>> No.12783840

>He ISNT the mark AND the hustler of his own self actualization spell

never gonna make it bro

>> No.12783963
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Yes unironically

>> No.12783976

story time

>> No.12784273

Start with

Eliphas Levi's Occult Philosophy
Crowley's Book 4

>> No.12786150

certainly there are differences and similarities.
Ideas have the same degree of reality as physical objects, certainly.
I was talking about the way we can manipulate ideas, dissect them, splice them, cut them up and get all up in their guts, but this is a completely non-destructive process, and at the end you can come back to the idea as-is, and then finally reject it or accept it, partially or totally, half- or wholeheartedly, etc.