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12779809 No.12779809 [Reply] [Original]

I've got an interview tomorrow, and I'm fucking terrified. I'm terrified because I'm absolutely sure that I'll get the job. I'm well-spoken, people seem to think I have it "together," and I'm good at what I do.
HOWEVER, I'm fucking constantly terrified. For some reason, part of me cares deeply about what others think about me, even though I actively despise most of the coworkers I've ever encountered at my job.
What philosophy will help me mitigate my deep-seated anxieties? How do I just go with the flow and become someone who doesn't give a fuck?
We're all going to die, so why do I give a fuck if some roastie thinks poorly of me?

>> No.12779839

I’m so fucking sick of the *blogpost about your shitty life* - what books for this feel? threads. No one gives a fuck about how much of a loser you are. Shut the fuck up

>> No.12779860

uwu sowwy amonymous

>> No.12780013

You can always try meditation to become more mindful of what you are doing, and if you buy into purification, purify your deep-seated anxiety. I recommend The Mind Illuminated by John Yates (Culadasa). The most important elements of the book are secular and any Buddhist elements that occur throughout the book can be easily ignored.

>> No.12780045

Esacpe the fear? Anon, buddy... This isn't something you escape from. Your brain is terrified of the fact that you're going to sit pretty much every day 9-5 doing something that gives you no pleasure or fulfillment...Does spending most of your day doing something that you hate sound normal to you? Don't escape the fear. Face it. You're going to be a mediocre piece of shit for the rest of your life slaving away somewhere making money for some other guy, none of your dreams will ever come true and you'll be living in a boring, stressful and unfulfilling environment until you grow old enough to retire and then you'll spend that time stressing over the fact that you wageslaved through your youth and now can only regret that you didn't do something that you actually enjoyed. Escape that shit you fucking working class PLEB. AHAHAHAHAHAHA. YOU'RE GOING TO DIE ALONE, UNFULFILLED AND BROKEN DOWN BY THE SYSTEM ENJOY THAT SHIT SLAVE BOY ENJOY IT!

>> No.12780061

read nassim taleb to figure out how to escape. prior to that, read some of the stoic philosophers like seneca and aurelius. don't do it backwards like i did, or you'll drive yourself insane before you get anywhere. start meditating every single day. don't drink alcohol to deal with the stress, if it is a stressful job. that'll destroy you too.

have fun wagie!

>> No.12780063

Anon I don't give a shit about that. I'll take wageslavery if I'm finally not terrified to leave my apartment.

>> No.12780074

>4-Hour Work Week

>> No.12780083


also the mpst important thing: as long as you're nice to the girls they will leave you alone. you have to be as nice to the 20 year old piece of ass as you are to the 50 year old washed up broad. if some chick gives you shit unnecessarily feel free to assert yourself. learn a balance between being meek and being forceful when needed. never fuck anyone at the job.

>> No.12780090

I'm gay and quiet so that should be easy.

>> No.12780105

bro fuck the job, go bomb the interview for the shiggles and then set out on your own. live a vigorous life. live a virtuous life. finish your manuscripts, submit them to some place, and set out somewhere. sell the things you own but don't need and use the money to take a vision quest across the country and buy a bible.

>> No.12780113
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You don't give a shit? Well...salut then. Enjoy, pal.

>> No.12780123


there going to be gay people that you work with too, if not now then eventually. just be aware.

>> No.12780131

Not op but just becuase you aer so insufferable i will make these kinds of posts

>> No.12780136

he's right. there are 7billions of us now we don't care or need your shitty life story. put that in your fucking head moron. there are 80 threads in the catalogue, god knows how many posters and lurkers, and you seriously thought we gave a shit about some rando internet poster we know nothing about?

wasn't expecting much from a manchild posting frog pictures

jannies deleted a fucking LIT RELATED thread quoting a BOOK, banned me, and what do I see when I come back? Fucking pieces of trash jannies and frogposting faggots, kill yourselves

>> No.12780140

I really hope you didn't serve your ban

>> No.12780155

Ask reddit

>> No.12780460

depending on the job and the turnover you can fuck your coworkers, just make sure it's ones who will never end up promoted over you

>> No.12780522

Books that will help me do this? This is all I want to do with my life but I don't know where to start.