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/lit/ - Literature

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12779712 No.12779712 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit. Has any of you read this? It's the best book on modern politics I've read desu

>> No.12779771

I haven't, what's so great about it?

>> No.12779779


>> No.12779907

Written by a prog tranny. Skip

>> No.12779942

i'm heavily involved in the nrx scene, never seen anyone talk about this
what do the frogtwitter guys think of it?

>> No.12779973

>alt right

>> No.12779983

They dont like it. Pretty sure you can find the pdf somewhere and give it a read, Nietzsche said you should listen to all criticism.

>> No.12779985

>heavily involved in the nrx scene
is there even an nrx scene anymore. all the blogs are dead and they just shitpost on twitter

>> No.12779986

>amerilard politics

pure cringe

>> No.12780039

Actually, it's extremely problematic: it engages in a tendency I believe is implicitly ableist, the valorization of empathy as an inherent good, and the use of concepts like the “sociopath” to explain right-wing extremism. “Sociopathy”—more accurately characterized as a lack of affective empathy, or theory of mind for other humans—is a characteristic several people I care deeply about have, and I would trust those people more than the vast majority of “empaths.” A lack of either empathy, or proper theory of mind—a characteristic often shared by autistic people, although not nearly as frequently pathologized by leftists because we autists don’t have nearly as many serial killer movies defaming our character—are traits (not necessarily always or even often found together) held by a vast minority of people, possibly fewer than there are transgender people, for instance. The majority of people who vote for evil candidates, who man concentration camps whether in Germany or the U.S., or who harass people with the intention of causing trauma, are perfectly capable of empathy and believe that they can imagine what it’s like to be someone who isn’t them—they just usually don’t care. Meanwhile, my friends who aren’t generally know the proper rules of how to behave and show real care and consideration—they just aren’t running simulations of other people’s brains and purporting to be somehow divining how others really feel.

>> No.12780047


>> No.12780290

This has to be bait

>> No.12780949

I have - it's disjointed, and indulges in a little too much of the Mark Fisher esque pop culture references for my taste, but there's some really solid passages (particularly about Land). The guest article about Austrian economics is good too, I'm waiting more for Jack Graham to write his own book.

>> No.12781288
File: 41 KB, 600x791, 1541561954322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, so her hot take is that the right is full of sociopaths and autists? She wrote a whole book on this premise?
into the trash it goes

>> No.12781319

Of course not. She just pokes fun at Land and Moldbug for being absolutely insane madmans (which they are) whenever she has the opportunity.

>> No.12781342

>She just pokes fun at Land and Moldbug for being absolutely insane madmans (which they are) whenever she has the opportunity.
so you are admitting it is an ableist book? moldbug and nick land are shitty people and white supremacists, which has nothing to do with them being on the autist spectrum, so please refrain from ableist language

>> No.12781410
File: 111 KB, 836x543, 1538194170236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But are Moldbug and Land REALLY the primary figures of the 'alt-right'?
It seems like the dominant strain of their thought comes more from stormfront than the 'dark enlightenment'
I know there's some meme some where that it started from these two, but it doesn't seem their thought really has had much of an impact
even then I think it's better to view the spread of these ideas as decentralized, more like 'rhizomes'
while that is actually fairly close to how these two thought things would happen, they really were more describing it than causing it, they are relatively small nodes
Most /pol/tards have no idea who Land and Moldbug are, and there isn't some cabal of neoreactionaries pulling the strings
this book, albeit only from the description I've read, seems to be taking a pretty reductionist view of this, but then I haven't read it.
So is she implying that there was some sort of top down control structure or at least 'ideological chain' for the alt-right? if she does, than I don't think this book has anything of value in it

>> No.12781440

No, she doesn't imply hierarchy nor anything like that. She just finds these particular thinkers interesting to examine. Sure, other alt-right figures may be more influential, but they aren't half as interesting as those two.

>> No.12781530

Does the following describe this book?
>The other ‘journalists’ are like the professional antigen-presenting cells that digest this dangerous foreign matter and present it to the immune system in a way that triggers the psychological allergic-reaction. The way these journalists make their money is to start these allergic reactions (audience-tailored ‘sensationalism’ compatible with, and merely serving to reinforce, the readership’s biases).
from https://handleshaus.wordpress.com/2014/02/14/adam-gurri-is-a-mensch/

>> No.12781774

I support this rebranding of autist shaming as ableism

>> No.12782020



>> No.12782147
File: 163 KB, 321x516, ElSandifer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeesh you're right

>> No.12782397


>> No.12782625

The thing that wrote this pretty much admitted to it being a failure after it rushed to finish the book to meet the deadline expected by the patreon sponsors that funded it.

>> No.12782647


>> No.12782651

sounds like their medium of discourse... accelerated :^)

>> No.12782672

>feminine chaos dragon

>> No.12782908
File: 185 KB, 595x662, we come from satan - the musulmanic trannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discordian tranny

>> No.12782918
File: 1.24 MB, 1797x2700, gypsy-sport-rf18-0911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothin' wrong w/ bein' a tramny.

>> No.12783032

America is hell on earth

>> No.12783057

She cute.

>> No.12783063


>> No.12783064
File: 166 KB, 1200x857, 1528192305297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want a critique of the alt-right?

>> No.12783082

if I wanted to read hot takes by retarded trannies I would create a twitter account

>> No.12783113

The alt right and neo reaction are different things.

The alt right is a passing mass movement and populist.

Neo reaction is intellectual, elitist, and has appeal to the sociopaths of silicon valley rather than the brainlets of middle america

They are both far right in a sense. The alt right is just a re branded facism for the internet age.

Neo reaction, nick land acceleration, this all predates the modern internet. They arent racist. They believe there is one race, the human race....And it should be wiped out by the coming AI god

>> No.12783284

the first chapters are ok as the vision of the author, then at some point it goes into meaningless progressive overdrive out of nowhere, one chapter it's all "nihilism, human life has no value!" and the next chapter it's all "racism is the worst thing ever guys!"

>> No.12783288

the book is about nrx not about the alt right

>> No.12783291

keked when this pic came out at the apex of the 56% meme

>> No.12783975

>feminine chaos dragon
>TARDIS Eruditorium
>Card carrying druid
This person was clearly developmentally delayed as a child.


>> No.12783979

There exists no good faith, actually educated take on the alt-right and there won't be one for a long time. That's not how boogey men work.

>> No.12783984

You don't know what you're talking about, stop acting like you do.

The Proud Boys are alt-lite, not alt-right. They believe in civic nationalism.

>> No.12783996

the actual alt-right is dead, there's a period of re-configuration currently on the right, what will come out of it who knows

>> No.12784024

The public face of the alt-right is dead because, as anyone would tell you, Charlottesville was retarded and made many of them surface for no fucking reason. However, all of its online components are only growing and spreading, especially with Gab's Dissenter app allowing renewed freedom online now.

>> No.12784040

i mean the same people are still around and have the same ideas, but all the alt-right leaders were just memes and faded out into oblivion so all that mass of people are up for the taking when any coherent right wing coalition and leaders appear, there is no such coalition currently

>> No.12784046

Oh yeah, if you're saying all of the public faces were memes, you'd be right. Spencer and Anglin are both jokes and I don't think anyone in the American's Worker's Party amounted to anything.

Has /lit/ actually talked about JFG at all? Or his book The Revolutionary Phenotype? I guess that only matters if you consider him alt-right though.

>> No.12784062

kek'd audibly

>> No.12784064

i mean the public faces and the ideas, at some point it seemed like they amounted to something but at this point they just have been cracked down by progressives on all social media and there's nothing they can do about it, doesn't matter how much they point out hypocrisy or bad faith the left can still do whatever they want and come out unscattered

on the other side nationalism is democratically on the rise, but currently they still have to pretty much follow the progressive global rules even if they get to resist them slightly on some fronts, the global framework is still completely progressive, if enough nationalist parties get into power this may change, but new ideas are also needed so those parties don't get just boomer-ified and neutralized

>> No.12784066

what does it take for someone on /lit/ to consider a gross low tier tranny cute? I dont get how people here think even contra is hot.

>> No.12784075

Twitter and Facebook are dying though and alternatives like Gab, Bitchute, Minds and stream.me are all perfectly okay with more right wing views.

Nobody actually thinks Contra is cute do they? They have to be shit posting.