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/lit/ - Literature

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12777593 No.12777593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you enjoy them?

>> No.12777598

No I read books to justify cuckoldry

>> No.12777599

I read the Kindly Ones by Jonathan Littell and the main character is an SS officer who justifies his participation in the holocaust. Yes, I enjoy it but it’s also fiction.

>> No.12777600

One time I was walking in Chicago while reading a book and some little child niggers went "Nice BOOK!!!" and started laughing, which made me a little bit more racist

>> No.12777610

How can you be so thin skinned? I tell you wh*te fragility is what's killing western civilization

>> No.12777617


>> No.12777618

If culture is phenotype, then it’s reasonable to expect that the well-being of any culture is affected, positively and negatively, by changes in the aggregate genotype of its host population.

Anyone who reads books should acknowledge this even if its wrongthink nowadays

>> No.12777623

Based kids. I hope they grow up and ask you for money one day, not even threaten you, or show a weapon, just ask politely for money because they know you are such a coward you'll give it to them just because they're black

>> No.12777627

>If culture is phenotype
Well, culture isn't an organism, so...

>> No.12777635
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>culture isn't an organism

>> No.12777638

Read Yockey

>> No.12777646


Sorry, but the Nazis already got blown the fuck out decades ago

>> No.12777648

The Nazis are alive and kicking if you didn't notice.

>> No.12777649

Okay, but read Yockey

>> No.12777651

Neo nazi teenagers and drug addled bikers with repressed homosexuality are not the same thing

>> No.12777659

Is anyone else getting pop-up ads or do I just have a virus?

>> No.12777664

I seek out literature that's filled with anti Dutch shitposting, any reccs?

>> No.12777672
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This is my face when I read racist books.

I need God to save me and make me realize that there are no races.

>> No.12777677
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Barely related, but does anyone know where this quote came from?

Was it just some sperg on /pol/ that came up with a good quote or what? I really really really like it.

>> No.12777708

"justify x"=newspeak for describing reality as it exists outside of hyperreality
culture is a set of extended phenotypes that benefit its users' individual and collective interests
culture and civilization together are analogous to an organism

>> No.12777721

It's from his manifesto

>> No.12777731

Oh snap, pretty good quote for a sperg.

I had to stop reading it, it was awful. So poorly written, by someone with no experience in politics, but trying to write as if they knew what they were talking about.


>> No.12777743

yukio mishima's sea of fertility is pretty good

>> No.12777757

Not saying he was right but he's probably smarter than you desu.

>> No.12777760

>probably smarter than you desu.
Ouch. I'm offended.

>> No.12777762

Analogous but not the same

>> No.12777772
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>> No.12777800

Based on what? Can you quote some of the parts you thought were smart? Genuinely curious as to me it just came off as nonstop memes and pol copypaste

>> No.12777871

I don't know if you're expecting some PhD level analysis, but the guy clearly knows more about the state of the world, politics and media than the average person.

>> No.12777888

The guy had never even picked up a book, just spent some hours on /pol/.

Reading but one book would give you more insight than reading /pol/ for years does. His book is just buzzwords with slight strands of coherency.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if he copy pasted some anon's posts directly

>> No.12777937

But he's just spouting retarded polshit

>> No.12777959

I'm fucking tired of you people who didn't even read the whole thing or read but didn't understand it.

Yes, it's not some literary masterpiece, but it's at the level of mainstream political discourse.

>> No.12777996

It was just clearly written, not very well structured but coherent and understandable and clearly communicates his beliefs, the jokes were honestly pretty funny and he somehow managed to come off as a fairly chill guy in sections of a manifesto detailing why he's going to shoot up a mosque.
He's not a significant intellectual but his views seem pretty well formed and coherent, he said he deleted his initial draft which was a lot longer and written over longer period of time. He knows what kind of argument he wants to make (an emotive one) and he makes it even if he doesn't explain all his views.