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/lit/ - Literature

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12776867 No.12776867 [Reply] [Original]

I am sick and tired of it. Why must they use so diificult words? I am currently reading Lolita in English and half of the words are unknown to me! Wtf? I am getting tired using the doctionary every 19 seconds! What can i do?

>> No.12776870

i came here to laugh at you

>> No.12776871

Read more, write down the words you don't know, revisit them often, learn them.

Eventually you will know every word.

You will word the word.

>> No.12776872

Give me five words you needed to look up. Don't feel ashamed.

>> No.12776883

Potentate,dell,redolent,midges, jocularity,fastidious, etc.

>> No.12776885

Do you know what "context" means?

>> No.12776886


>> No.12776888

not op, but I like reading aloud and it hurts not knowing how to pronounce a word

>> No.12776894

Yeah i know Tyrone, but I want to fully grasp all the little elements. I am not a dumb barbarian to just be ok with the context you dumb shit.

>> No.12776897

Don't know most of those but I've read Lolita twice without trouble. Usually I don't look up a word unless it seems important or it appears more than once.

>> No.12776904

Nakobov is pretentious thats all. Its like a peasant who just learned new words.The same with Joyce. I can literally not comprehend the first page in A potrait of the artist.

Salinger on the other hand is based as fuck. Simple vocabulary. Simple narrative, simple prose. Made for us, by us.

>> No.12776919

>half of the words are unknown
>i dont want context
>i dont want doctionary

take meaning from space or stop reading lolita, fucking asshole. what advice did you expect to get?

>> No.12776933

Don't read The Terror, Dan Simmons is obsessed with little details and will waste hundred of pages describing boats.

>> No.12776938

Portrait is actually my favorite book. The first section is just various memories from early childhood. The moocow part is a story his father told him. I don't think he uses any obscure words there.

>> No.12776941

Moocow is extremely obscure. Never heard of it. What about tuckoo?

>> No.12776946

moocow = cow
tuckoo = joyce/stephen's nickname

>> No.12776948
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How can one possibly know all the words in Lolita?

>> No.12776953

Are any other difficult words in Potrait?

>> No.12776972
File: 165 KB, 1000x432, 1548980353040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take meaning from space
imagine falling this hard for that meme taught to grade children in exercises superfluously worded to give out the meaning. If you can tell what a word means by context clues, pro-tip, the author isn't using the word correctly. Either get a dictionary or just accept you don't know it. Don't be a pseud that invents a meaning based on what you think is being said. This applies to every book.

>> No.12777164


I think my classmates were taught this level of vocabulary around age 12-14. If you're learning English as a second language, I'd say you're about as fluent as an 8-10 year old.

If English is your native language, I'm very sorry.

>> No.12777179


go to a manual worker in Boston and ask him
"What does pellucid/lachrymose/redolent/fastidious mean?" You are going to get beaten up.

>> No.12777183

Dude l'm french and i know what potentate and fastidious means comme on

>> No.12777186

Not a lot

>> No.12777192


I'm from Boston, you little bitch, are you even Irish? Most Americans are stupid. Of course they don't remember the vocabulary. I'm saying that that's about when they're taught it.

>> No.12777199

Do you even speak Irish, James, or are you a literal cuckold and bow to your English masters?

>> No.12777204

potentate is literally a french word. Also what made you think i am an anglo myself? My native language is Greek.

>> No.12777214

stop being so bothered about dictionary definitions. good writers allow you to deduce an uncommon word's meaning via what's around it, maintaining the flow of the text (which is key). this is definitely the case with nabokov

>> No.12777216

Ok, Will Hunting.

>> No.12777225

You know the romanic one. What a surprise!
Get your IQ checked, frog!

>> No.12777239
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>tfw I knew every single one of those words, and I'm a lowly ESL

>> No.12777245

Brainlet. See here>>12776972

>> No.12777249

whats your native language?

>> No.12777258

Ok, then you're as proficient as a manual worker from Boston, with none of his practical skills or heterosexuality.

>> No.12777259
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>If you can tell what a word means by context clues, pro-tip, the author isn't using the word correctly.

>> No.12777264

english is my 2nd language though

>> No.12777271

You can always count on Nabokov for a fancy prose style.

>> No.12777283


>> No.12777288
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>> No.12777294

Nabokov's too.

>> No.12777300

yeah but i never studied in an English speaking country like Nabokov, moron.

>> No.12777342

Δε μου λες. So are you going to do anything about it other than whine and seethe on τετραδίαυλο;

>> No.12777343

αντε γαμησου

>> No.12777375
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cited a retarded post

>> No.12778697
File: 51 KB, 1488x1488, 1519762806002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask something related to vocabulary on /lit/
>get assaulted by passive-aggressive trannies who need to flex their big brain
>they will then cry about how masculine fraterniy is non-existent

Peak clownworld experience

>> No.12778709

>y-you're just a tranny!

lol cope

>> No.12778716

This. I'm an English speaker only, don't know most of the above words, and don't need to pretend like I learnt them as a child to flex to imageboard strangers. It's cringe to even see people doing so.

>> No.12778720


>> No.12778722

>Finnegans Wake

>> No.12778739

This is how this board cope. Many people do the same shit.