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/lit/ - Literature

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12776034 No.12776034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can a film be as meaningful as a work of literature? If so, what film?

>> No.12776048
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Yes, of course
But this is a board about this one medium

>> No.12776056

This is your defense mechanism for being attracted to me, congratulations. You aren't gay :3

>> No.12776066

Not saying she is or isn't gay, but that film is not about lesbian women...

>> No.12776074
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I am and it doesn’t have to be.

>> No.12776075

what's it about? pretty sure butterfly likes it cause there's a scene with butterflies in it

>> No.12776080

Meh, we've all seen proofs recently butterfly. They may not like me very much but you've been consistently 'not gay' for a little while.

And that whole preferential treatment thing. Don't act like that didn't happen. You can do whatever you want with your life, but I just wouldn't lie to myself.

>> No.12776094

Does anyone have a movie that's like that part in the Neon Demon where Jena Malone attempt rapes Elle Fanning except it actually happens?

>> No.12776102
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The butterflies were a happy happenstance
The film is about two young women who figure that it’s alright to misbehave since the whole world is doing it. It gets amazingly odd and strangely layered with meaning for such a light romp. It’s brilliant and fun.

>> No.12776106
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what's your opinion on pic related

>> No.12776113

That sounds like a nice movie. You have lived a long life, full of rich experiences. I have a question for you.

How are you still so cute? Do I need to add the face?

>> No.12776119

I liked it. Saw it once though.
The princess was hot. Need more weird films like that.

>> No.12776134
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>> No.12776147
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>> No.12776156

Check out Possession. If you like Heart of Darkness, Apocalypse Now is just as good if not better.

Love this one
This was shit

>> No.12776183
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Of course

>> No.12776186
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Oh, here comes the taste stasi to tell us what is alright to consume

>> No.12776217

pretty normie topic, of course films come from plays so why not ask what were the purpose of plays, or stage play or theater, obviously they create meaning in many ways but what meaning are you looking for?

>> No.12776236

the kind that's in literature

>> No.12776255

*This was shit in my humble opinion

>> No.12776345

The Godfather is better than most literature.

>> No.12776352

All of Kubrick's from Dr. Strangelove and after.

Most of Tarkovsky's.

>> No.12776360


Overrated he was.

>> No.12776361

you mean Strangelove and before?

>> No.12776385


>> No.12776388

No, fuck off, movies are for fat people and idiots.

>> No.12776395
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>implying this wasn't Kubrick's high point

>> No.12776420
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watched the Saragossa Manuscript the other day; it was fantastic

>> No.12776471
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>Implying this wasn't

>> No.12776487
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>Or this

>> No.12776516

Y'all dumb niggas need some L Y N D O N in your life

>> No.12776517

Tarkovsky, Kurosawa, Chaplin, Ozu, Dreyer, Bresson, etc. etc.
Film is just as good a medium as any for conveying meaning. If anything, it's one of the easiest since the mix of visual imagery, spoken dialogue and music is so direct.

>> No.12776550

Lyndon would be a 500 page snore, imo.

>> No.12776561

First let me caution that I am aware different minds may think differently.

Context (sight and sound) is probably something like meaningless until it is channeled into ideas, and ideas are expressed in word based thoughts. Most of us access art through words we think about the art.

No medium is able to directly communicate ideas as well as written words. This is the way in which writing is superior to all forms of art. No other medium can usurp the internal voice so completely, and the internal voice of thought is as near identity and selfhood as one may get.

>> No.12776755

Crave of fireflies.

>> No.12776793
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Daisies are art hoe core, this Chytilova kino on the other hand is a briliant commentary on post soviet block capitalism and the deep Czech soul in general.

>> No.12776804

Yes, possibly even more so. Shame the medium more or less died with Eisenstein.

>> No.12776812
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, Barry Lyndon (1975) 1080p BluRay 5.1Ch x265 HEVC SUJAIDR.mkv_snapshot_02.49.36_[2019.01.14_15.21.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If so, what film?

>> No.12776818
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>> No.12777067

Lyndon was great and I loved it, but it still isn't my favourite of Kubrick's. It is one of my favourites ever and of Kubrick but not my favourite ever and of Kubrick.

Ignore this peasant.

>> No.12777080

But what of the pure intake of emotion and meaning other than word? What if it were to be postured within word, with word? By the film itself or the viewer. The angles of the film, the access of music, the colours, the vision, the ability to use dialogue in a different manor and way.

All these ways it is not superior but simply a different artistic medium. The primary basis for a film is the general emotional theme, and how to best capture it. Everything comes after but at the same time the general theme is everything but simply the basis for everything while a book may aim to be the same it most definitely puts another form as priority.

I would considering most artistic mediums to be equal but some of course are inferior such as manga.

>> No.12777351
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La Traviata, the 1983
Check out the film adaptations of the operas of Verdi and Puccini

>> No.12777641
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i sometimes wish literature had music, its often so powerful in movies

>> No.12777988

I'll order it chronologically by release date:
Grififth's "Birth of a Nation" (1915)
Wiene's "The Cabinet of Dr. Calligari" (1920)
Benjamin Christensen's "Haxan" (1922)
Flaherty's "Nanook of the North" (1922)
Murnau's "Nosferatu" (1922)
Eisenstein's "Battleship Potemkin" (1925)
Lang's "Metropolis" (1927)
Dreyer's "The Passion of Joan D'Arc" (1928)
Vertov's "Man With A Movie Camera" (1929)
Chaplin's "City Lights" (1931)
Lang's "M" (1931)
Browning's "Freaks" (1932)
Riefenstahl's "Triumph of the Will" (1935)
Orson Welles's "Citizen Kane" (1941)
Pressburger's and Powell's "The Red Shoes" (1948)
Sica's "Bicycle Thieves" (1948)
Cocteau's "Orpheus" (1950)
Kurosawa's "Rashomon" (1950)
Ozu's "Tokyo Story" (1953)
Mizoguchi's "Sansho the Bailiff" (1954)
Dreyer's "Ordet" (1955)
Ray's "Pather Panchalli" (1955)
Hitchcock's "Psycho" (1960)
Wilder's "The Apartment" (1960)
Kobayashi's "Harakiri" (1962)
Visconti's "The Leopard" (1963)
Kalatozov's "I am Cuba" (1964)
Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove" (1964)
Ray's "Charulata" (1964)
Mishima's "Patriotism" (1966)
Vlacil's "Marketa Lazarova (1967)
Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968)
Tarkovsky's "The Mirror" (1975)
Fosse's "All that Jazz" (1979)
Loader's and Rafferty's and Rafferty's "The Atomic Cae" (1982)
Klimov's "Come and See" (1985)
Jodorowsky's "Santa Sangre" (1989)
Anderson's "Boogie Nights" (1997)
Tsukamoto's "Tetsuo, the Iron man" (1989)
Kiarostami's "Close Up" (1990)
Fricke's "Baraka" (1992)
Kar wai's "In the Mood for Love" (2000)
Yang's "Yi Yi" (2002)
Mairelle's "City of God" (2002)
Cuaron's "Children of Men" (2006)
Almodovar's "The Skin I live in" (2011)
Korine's "Spring Breakers" (2012)
Cynn's and Oppenheimer's "The Act of Killing" (2012)
Poitra's "Citizenfour" (2014)
Egger's "The Witch" (2015)

There you have it, cinema ended in 2015. Also, fuck Fellini, Bergman, Godard, Nolan, Cameron, Tarantino and Lynch.

>> No.12778244

Its a good movie but its basically an adaption of genre fiction

>> No.12778267
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Learn the differences you plebs

Low Brow: Lynch, Kubrick, Bresson

Middle Brow: Tarkovsky, Godard, Bergman

High Brow: Griffith, Eisenstein, Bunuel

>> No.12778269

No, never. Not even close. Once I learned to appreciate literature I became unable (and unwilling) to even watch an entire movie

>> No.12778292


>> No.12778331

Less artistic merit

>> No.12778341

How do you figure that?

>> No.12778399

Yes. See Roma (2018).

>> No.12778431
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>> No.12778493

its typically the difference between literature and genre fiction. genre fiction is more about world building and wish fulfillment. Life lessons aren't learned from genre fiction.

>> No.12778495

I took a film class in college too lmao

>> No.12778876

this was pretty shit

>> No.12778950

This is the worst case for literary vs. genre I’ve ever seen.

Probably intentionally made that way.
Never had any interest in it personally

>> No.12779001

it was good if you weren't expecting Naked Lunch

>> No.12779038

they spent the entire swedish film budget on this tripe

>> No.12779088

money well spent, then

>> No.12779119

>evil priest did nothing wrong

>> No.12779436
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>> No.12779731

>Birth of a Nation
Overrated. Practically unwatchable
>Triumph of the Will
>Baraka. No Qatsi trilogy
>Boogie Nights
Haaa hahahah
>Kar Wai. No Kurosawa’s Ran
>Sprin Breakers
The fuck?
Mostly good list. Nothing personal
>cinema ended in 2015
Haaaa hahahaha. Pretentious prig

>> No.12779734

Let me check the objective measuring stick of meaningfulness and ill get back to you

>> No.12779739

Its copy pasta

>> No.12779750


>> No.12779786

>Fellini, 8 1/2
>Cameron, Terminator
>Lynch, Mulholland Dr.

Hey buddy as soon as you stop putting yourself egotistically in compliant position of 'mr.contrarian.' forever, you might find some of the best films of the era.
Do yourself a favour and log off for a week, stop considering art as a product or a trend for you to attach yourself too.
Better yet, make some art of your own and tell yourself to go fuck yourself.

>> No.12779792

A movie has more faucets to look over. Directors must be as detailed in each frame of a film as a great author is of each word. However, in those frames, containing whatever they contain, each of those details must be thought over as well. It's not that movies are a lesser medium. The media of film is more labor intensive, more open to flaws. A writer must look over a thing of each word on his page. The amount of detail to look over in even a single frame of a film is so muc, that 99% of directors don't even bother. Then add in actors, sound design, all that jazz. If those things go under a directors radar, it's fucked the film. See why films, though they SHOULD be better, don't always live up to their expectations. Sorry for weriting this, dunno why.

>> No.12779957

2001 is on par with any book ever written

>> No.12779962
File: 101 KB, 1334x750, E9F4FEC1-6F76-431A-BEE2-850CD1733491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a failing film student and I know this pain. Whilst almost every other medium can be carried out by a solitary artist, film is, with virtually no exceptions, collaborative. Often it’s not even a case of lack of attention or vision, but everything going wrong on the day of a shoot and having neither the time or money for reshoots.
Give me the will to keep on going, lads. I’m slamming my head against a brick wall here.

>> No.12780216
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Pic most definitely related. Jarman's work was, in my eyes, just as rich in substance and meaning than most great novels I have read.

>> No.12780232

Perfect movie.

>> No.12780265

>Replacing college syllabus movies with college syllabus movies

>> No.12780285

who cares if they are shown at colleges, how about I show the video of your birth at a college so it can be forever relegated to the situational grade of 'could have been better'

>> No.12781018
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Of course.

>> No.12781072

Your tier list correlates directly with age...

>> No.12781104

I guess every film teacher I have had was wrong about the first 2. They rayciss anyway.

>> No.12781293

Films are entertainment. Just like comic books & professional sports games.

>> No.12781309

this one is the best

>> No.12781396

The one on the left is a girl (male) right?

>> No.12782031

yes, do you think Fellini banged?

>> No.12782034


>> No.12782097

>Fuck Fellini

Yeah, nah. Go fuck yourself cunt.

>> No.12782115

When asked why both the leading roles [of Satyricon] were played by foreign actors and not Italians, Federico Fellini replied. "Because there are no Italian homosexuals."

>> No.12782158

how does he come to that conclusion?

>> No.12782170

Butterfly, not being rude, but do you mind giving me insights on what being lesbian is like? Is it true that there's a moving truck on the second date i.e you bond very close very quickly? There's an ASMRtist on Youtube named Goodnight Moon, she's lesbian and really sweet and pretty. You might like her. Is it okay if I'm a straight boy but I crush on lesbians? I just want them, for some reason. Will any lesbians ever like me, as an exception to their rule, or is it rude to even think of being with a lesbian? I just have a fantasy where I get one to fall in love with me, despite her still being lesbian, and not wanting any other men. Anyway what are lesbians generally like? In character and in romance?

>> No.12782222

Don't worry, anonpai. You'll do great :) Every great filmmaker has gone through that same experience as you, I'm sure. Just persevere through those hiccups and you'll come out polished on the other end, I'm certain of it :) don't be so silly as to think that all the greats never went through the same frustration as you. I'm sure you're learning with every shoot :)

>> No.12782233
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Don't mind me, just posting objectively the best film ever made.

>> No.12782283


>> No.12782302

Didn't he know about that Salo, Gospel of St Matthew faggot?

>> No.12782312

Unironically the best movie to come out in the past 10 years.

>> No.12782327
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>> No.12782505
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Some straight women like to hang out with gay men a lot. They get called affectionately "fag hags". The reverse is less common I would say, with the still recent to my ears term "dyke tyke" moniker.
You don't sound like like dyke tyke material at all. I donno what you want with a woman that does not want you in that way. You're developing a fetish that's just gonna cause you pain. Deprogram it.

>Goodnight Moon
Damn, she's pretty. I'm not into this ASMR stuff, but I'll probably listen for a bit.
So many girls are out of my reach, anon. Not only are they mostly straight, but I am getting older and older. This Goodnight Moon girl wouldn't have me. It does not frustrate me in the least. Because I am getting older and older. Breath in the stuff of life and love. If they do not want you, consider it their loss and move on. Be light. Be light till it's safe to fall passionately and obsessively. Just mind your Epicurus.

>> No.12782514
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>Is it okay if I'm a straight boy but I crush on lesbians?

>> No.12782532

B-but lesbians seem so mysterious and cool to me...they seem so different to other girls...like Goodnight Moon. I want to fall in love with one even if I end up unrequited for it...it'd be so aesthetic...

n-no u

>> No.12782536
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PTA's movies are the best films that give you feels like from a good book,

>> No.12782541

No. Get a handle on it. Do that and someday you can be friends with one maybe.
No fantasies about turning them straight.
Look for a bisexual who might take you in. And don’t push buttons (like this fucking troll) trying to make someone something they’re not. It’s beyond rude

>> No.12782548

I wasn't trying to change them, only to myself and her experience something on a different wavelength of life for both of us. But alright, fantasizing over. I won't infringe further.

>> No.12782565

How'd you watch it? I'm an outsider to the private tracker world and it sucks ass.

>> No.12782573
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>I won't infringe further.
haha... for now...

>> No.12782576

Would you let a man fuck you for the sake of the experience?

>> No.12782591

lol you put in shit like Boogie Nights and not Network

>> No.12782596

n-no but i do find the idea of a straight man and a gay man first being friends and then falling into some kind of subtle romance with eachother (that never becomes a full on gay affair) to be quite poignant and interesting, as in, it would make for a great story and one i'd want to read. i similarly wanted the same undertones of such an other kind of romantic experience in my own life. it would be a real life art project, something that would make for an aesthetic experience

>> No.12782618


>> No.12782652

Human relationships aren't built on aesthetic grounds

>> No.12782684

okay, you guys have chastised me enough, i get it. just a dumb fantasy of mine and i'll stop thinking about it :( i wasn't even discriminating against gays, i have no problem with them

>> No.12782689

Wait are you a faghag or a gay guy I don't get it.

>> No.12782693

Isn't this just a really empty and pretentious question with only as much usefulness and insight as the responses that it provokes?

>> No.12782803

the fact that you don't even get why what you're saying is ridiculous speaks volumes about how you view gay people.

>> No.12782830


>> No.12782996

He is a "muh black and white films superior" fag.

Aint you?>>12778267

>> No.12783036
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The three levels of Masterwork within film. All are good directors but none as good as another in the same sense.

The Poets of the Art: Tarkovsky, Kubrick, Akira Kurosawa. (Pretty sure I am missing someone but for now this shall suffice).

The masters: Lynch, Bergman, Coppola, Scorsese, Hitchcock.

The great directors: Scott, Polanski, Malick, Welles.

>> No.12783045

Look Butters I understand you read all day everyday and it is your passion but are you serious? Couldn't I simply say reading is for entertainment? You must realise that most (I would be lying if I said every) art forms have the potential to be shallow and purely to fill time as well as to represent, to express, to reach a purity of Human expression, to FIND OUR VERY WILL, THE HUMAN WILL THROUGH THE UNITING OF UNCONSCIOUS TO CONSCIOUS, IRRATIONAL TO RATIONAL, EXPERIENCE WITH KNOWING. That is to truly create a work of art.

>> No.12783046
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>the only good north american director ever

>> No.12783048

I don't know where to start.

>> No.12783049

>No fantasies about turning them straight.
Try to stop me faggot

>> No.12783053

Isn't every question?

>> No.12783059

A Lot of films. They have different lenguages. Soundtrack, Picture and script.

>> No.12783066

Off topic

>> No.12783072
File: 583 KB, 1240x698, first_reformed_publicity_h_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This film, it is the best film of the decade and anyone who says anything else is actually fucking retarded

>> No.12783122

It’s the laser focus on character in his writing.
Phantom Thread was b a s e d af.

>> No.12783509

>xD le 18 year old redditor film "connoisseur"

>> No.12783537

wow you're a faggot