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File: 460 KB, 2560x2560, 81ohHAqOeIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12773447 No.12773447 [Reply] [Original]

is this actually a valuable take on internet culture, or is it just a lolcow meme?

>> No.12773500

designed to separate money from your wallet. either pirate or ignore.

>> No.12773504

It's shit, do not waste your time op

>> No.12773510

copy-pasted wikipedia shit

>> No.12773514

>muh gamergate was an harassement campagne against women
>instead of an online clusterfuck with only one unified group

>> No.12773516

It’s lowbrow as fuck and strikes me as a VICE documentary in book form

>> No.12773565

It's a lolcow meme. No different than Milo, Lauren Southern, Sargon, Cernovich, or Jordan Peterson. Just some bitch trying to make a buck.

>> No.12773575

Go read Neoreaction: A Basilisk. Way better.

>> No.12773578

>Zero Books
That should tell you everything you need to know

>> No.12773691
File: 316 KB, 638x512, pyramid_of_white_supremacy_campus_reform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angela Nagle has blood on her hands. Any so called 'leftist' who claims to be against open borders and says ''identity politics'' is ruinning the left has blood on their hands. If you have 'ironically' used slurs and spread phobic memes that dehumanise marginalised communities you have blood on your hands. If you are 'not racist' but you find sam hyde 'funny' and 'ironically' ordered a couple death in june vinyls from amazon you have blood in your hands. tIf you think the problem is political correctness going too far' and we should be nicer to straight white guys or they will turn into nazis, then you are either dishonest, evil or you have simply not been paying attention. If the request for you to display a minimum of empathy and basic human decency is enough to turn you into a fascist or make you sympathise with fascism then gee maybe you were a shitty person to begin with. You are a danger to others and we should go out of our way to make you feel unwelcome and uncomfortable, because you are probably not used to feeling uncomfortable. Strasserites like Nagle and Zizek are bullshitting you, it actually aint that hard to understand, there IS such a thing as white supremacy, there has been a long struggle to fight against this dehumanizing system, and now, the people who were used to being privileged and oppressing others feel threatened. This is the time to keep pushing, to concentrate on our biases, to sit down and LISTEN for godsakes. Any leftwing movement that doesnt center antiracism, that is not based on intersectional feminism cannot be a leftist movement. Antidpol class first marxists are colorblind white supremacists by default

>> No.12773703

Imagine actually wasting time reading this post, guys

>> No.12773709

god i hope your pets eat you

>> No.12773712

>female author
lolcow meme

>> No.12773717

I find their YouTube channel very informative

>> No.12773735

What is so bad about Zero Books?

>> No.12773903

I fucking hate the type of analogizing like is happening in pic related. "I drew them in a pyramid, because like a pyramid, genocide depends on you preserving your relationship with your shitty grandma"
They did this in the mormon church too. Ugh. So culty.

>> No.12774090

> the word nigger is a 'call for violence' on par with the KKK and neo-nazis, and above burning crosses.

>> No.12774200

got em

>> No.12774479

There's an audiobook of this lel

>> No.12774553

>and now, the people who were used to being privileged and oppressing others
this part is why you guys always lose the argument.
you failed to turn any incels into asexuals. you now have blood on your hands

>> No.12774621

It's better than I was expecting based on the subtitle but it lost me when she started talking about gamergate.

>> No.12774695


>> No.12774808

its about being a decent human being. if your way of desiring is toxic, you should adopt a way of desiring centered on social justice.the standard social justice lexicon and internet social justice a form of social engagement is but the culmination of all critical theory and human civilisation, finally reaching a bare minimum standard of empathy and basic human decency. the sjw is an ideal to aspire to, we should all try our best to get woke and become sjws

>> No.12774864

I would expect something like this to be awful, but I've heard Nagle speak before and read some articles she's written and she's not bad at all. I've heard Kill All Normies is pretty badly written however, and the academic work is poor.

>> No.12774886
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Got bored of it but this is pretty based.

>> No.12774912
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I liked it, but its forgettable as well. I'm reading "The Alternative Right" by counter-currents and so far (Im like 70 pages in) it's wonderful when it comes to the right side of what kill all normies covers. It covers the alt right from the right, and from sort of within but sort of outside as well, and it's a compilation of different writers. Jared Taylor's essay in it in particular is some of the most efficient, unambiguous shit I've read on the topic. I dont think there's a comparable thing for tumblrism though, unless you count Nagle, but she's more of a center leftist from what I could tell. Real tumbull-dykes probably cant write or organize well enough to get a book like this published.

>> No.12774916

based on the people i've seen prasing it, it's probably bad

>> No.12774935

>Real tumbull-dykes probably cant write or organize well enough to get a book like this published.
Why are they considered far left? Most of their politics is just liberal capitalism but with women taking the role of men.

>> No.12774947

it's mostly copy and pasted from Wikipedia and Know Your Meme

>> No.12774956

Can you link to or give the name of Jared Taylor's essay?

>> No.12774967

It's tricky isn't it. Do you call people by some 'objective' political measure or do you refer to them by their own label and the way that they see themselves?
They are considered far-left because they say they are very against the far-right, whatever that is. The left is considered to be pro-ladies and minorities and tumblr bull dykes are even more so, therefore they must be further left.
It's all shit.

>> No.12775051

It's called "Race Realism & the Alt-Right" but nothing came up when I googled that.
Because the right and the left aren't merely economic positions. I'm sure much of the tumblr crowd were vaguely anti-capitalist and pro-"some kind of socialism" though. Anti-tradition, egalitarianism, and "x is an arbitrary social construct" are some more common leftist positions taken by SJWs.

>> No.12775071

>but nothing came up when I googled that.
Same. Works on startpage.com

>> No.12775122

do you really believe in this?

>> No.12775160

as people like you aren't in large part response for far-right radicalization. the whole reason you're pissed off at nagle is that she pointed this out and this threatens your grift.

idpol is a way for upper middle class people to subvert socialist movements and turn them into a social club for the professional class and thus render them impotent at challenging capital as this threatens their own class interests.

your moralism is utterly fake.

>> No.12775172
File: 174 KB, 901x1200, DkbQroDUYAAupey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who wrote that is insane

>> No.12775212

>racism is actually the fault of marginalized folks being too uppity!

>> No.12775216

dude, get out of your 4chan incel bubble, anyone seriously involved in irl enmancipatory politics believes this

>> No.12775337

Anti-idpol is just mutt idpol. Antiracism is just mutt supremacism.

>> No.12775344

this but unironically

>> No.12775360

t. Republikkkan

>> No.12775362

all politics are identity politics.

>> No.12775369

>professional class grifters
>marginalized folks


>> No.12775380

no argument there. Still a good book.

>> No.12775382

t. 'Classical liberal'

>> No.12775389

It's kind of funny to me how the racialist right uses folk/volk and the antiracist left uses folk/folks to such completely different ends and you can always tell which is which.
I'm a right wing socialist UwU

>> No.12775424

the idea of the ''managerial class'' an antisemitic dogwhistle

>> No.12775439

who would've thunk that the adoption of racial identitarianism to the point of insanity (le cultural appropriation, anyone?) based on the symbolic exclusion (Girard would talk of symbolic violence) of the Other (you're a white male, therefore your opinion doesn't matter) in a world whose ethos was largely inherited from groups that wanted to dispense from precisely this kind of politics and the adoption of a crypto-puritan obsession with the signifier (to the point where saying a word is BAD because of the skin color of the person saying it, and not because of the context and the intention with which said person used it) in a world whose popular linguistic ethos had been an anti-bureocratic libertarianism for half a century as a legitimate form of political discourse would have caused other groups the same kind of discourse, mutatis mutandis?

>> No.12775441


>> No.12775469

to adopt*

>> No.12775494

U try to confus

>> No.12775770

What the so called "left" don't want to acknowledge today is their fetish of open borders was absolutely not normal among their idols of the past. Not even the Soviet Union just let people enter their country, they could hardly gain permission to move to another part of the USSR

>> No.12775794
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>this isn't pasta

>> No.12775809

How fucking geriatric do you need to be in order to use this font size

>> No.12775871

try reading it.

>> No.12775937

/pol/ types who think the NZ shooter was a false flag ignore the fact that this type of trash, which is not rare in many "news" rags, is pure accelerationism.

>> No.12775978

>A book about the comeupance of modern far right groups
>Written by an ugly tranny
Hmmm, I think a tranny has the capacity to put aside his identity and politics to write about about such a topic without any bias or agenda at all!

>> No.12775992

I became a national socialist to piss off trannies and chapo trap house.

>> No.12776062

I am an accelerationist in the sense i believe we must do everything we can to accelerate social progress and incorporate race and gender based critiques into all aspects of culture and daily life. I have a feeling many white dude 'leftists' are just into it because they feel uncomfortable with cultural progress and not out of any genuine empathy with the opressed people in society.

>> No.12776097

What this boils down to is just using moralizing and big words to assert that [non-white non-male] demographic interests = good and [white and / or male] demographic interests = bad. This is unreasonable because either [your demographic]-centrism is good for everyone, or it's bad for everyone

>> No.12776153

You fight for specific groups of people instead of everyone because deep down you think they're inferior to the majority and can't raise themselves up. Stop being racist and society will fix itself.

>> No.12776160

Liberalism was born in, and is advanced and proliferated through violence. Accelerationists want to bring about the death of the human race by progressing Liberalism to its logical conclusion.

>> No.12776259

I'm perfectly willing to accept that opinion (and I do agree with you on some aspects, bias definitely plays a role), but its pretty fucking gay how you're not reading a book because you believe you disagree with the bias of the author.

>> No.12776305

Is this bait or are there people that unironically believe this.

>> No.12776327

Well your feeling is shiet. Identity politics is not the path to freedom because it is just the negation of all gender, racial, inequalities. By simply negating you still operate within the inherently unequal paradigm of gender and race. True freedom comes from moving beyond the inequal constructs.

>> No.12776331

that's the reason I was surprised. We're on 4channel, not facebook.

>> No.12776342

They hated Jesus because she told the truth

>> No.12776389

It's not. Why should I give someone the time who does not have the self-awareness to put his bias in check or at the very least admit those biases?

>> No.12776403

Read the fucking book. Biases are admitted.
It's not a scientific paper it's a set of critical essays. Obviously coming from someone with a perspective, otherwise it wouldn't have been written.
I don't agree with the points. You see me posting here. Still a good read.
You don't seem like you belong on /lit/.

>> No.12776437

no u

>> No.12776448
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, angela nagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think she browses /int/? She's qt and seems interesting. I want to make love to her.

>> No.12776546

who do you think makes these threads friends?

>> No.12776559

I want to come inside her and impregnate her please

>> No.12776563

Contact zero books and get her email address

>> No.12776860
File: 37 KB, 445x482, 1550873873213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was too afraid to browse here

>> No.12776962

Somewhere in-between.

>> No.12778320

anyway by that chart if you're a "white supremacist" for the horrid crime of not being interested in politics to begin with, there's nothing to lose by going full genocide mode. why do retards not understand this?
if you call me a nazi no matter what I do, I may as well get my money's worth out of the label and reopen auschwitz.

>> No.12779768

I'm a vegetarian pacifist, but for you, I think I'd make an exception on both counts and give you the Bokassa treatment.

>> No.12779800

it's probably Potato-faced Angela shilling her book.

>> No.12780016

I blame historical materialism.

>> No.12780043

Not the other guy, but lampshading your own biases does not render what follows as valuable insight.

>> No.12780048
File: 212 KB, 434x357, Screen Shot 2019-03-17 at 9.50.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what counterculture means, Christian, even though you may not call yourself a christian you certainly sound like one. There are truths far older and more primal than the crucified God, the God of the weak, the god of love and tolerance. You will yield to the wyrd power of transgression and fear.

>The ONA promotes the idea that human history can be divided into a series of Aeons, each of which contain a corresponding human civilization. It expresses the view that the current Aeonic civilization is that of the Western, but claims that the evolution of this society is threatened by the "Magian/Nazarene" influence of Judeo-Christian religion, which the Order seeks to combat in order to establish a militaristic new social order, termed the "Imperium". According to Order teachings, this is necessary in order for a Galactic civilization to form, in which "Aryan" society will colonise the Milky Way. It advocates a spiritual path in which the practitioner is required to break societal taboos by isolating themselves from society, committing crimes, embracing political extremism and violence, and carrying out an act of human sacrifice. ONA members practice magick, believing that they are able to do so through channeling energies into our own "causal" realm from an "acausal" realm where the laws of physics do not apply, with such magical actions designed to aid in the ultimate establishment of the Imperium.

>"Let us not be mis-understood: genuine Satanists are evil… They cause, and strive to cause, Chaos, disruption, revolution... they bring joy, ecstasy and laughter, but perhaps most of all they bring death… death to those who have shown by their actions that they have a weak character or are a nuisance, or a hindrance to the spread of darkness." (O9A - 'Satanism - Epitome of Evil' ca. 2008)

>The Order of Nine Angles is a Nazi-Satanist “group” (or Nazi Occult as they prefer to describe themselves) that promotes a supernatural, hateful system of thought which condemns liberal, Judeo-Christian society and longs for a new imperial age created by a ludicrous sub-Nietzschean superman figure called ‘Vindex.’ Ultimately, the O9A elite aspires to colonise the solar system.

>Members, who can be fairly described as accelerationists, believe that violence, depravity and degeneracy are the only sure way to establish order in their dystopian and apocalyptic vision of the world.”

>“Culling is natural and necessary,” wrote Moult in The Dreccian Way. “To cull humans is to be the ONA. To cull – according to our guildlines and tests – is what makes us ONA.”


>> No.12780073

i'm saying you can read criticisms from someone knowing they have a biased perspective and still gain from reading, even if you disagree with everything written. it's enjoyable to think about stuff, part of reading for fun.

>> No.12780084

This is bait but this is how many modern liberals actually think

>> No.12780162

The Order promotes the idea that "Dark Gods" exist within the acausal realm. In ‘this world’ reside the highest Guides, inspirers and sustainers of Esoteric Hitlerism. At times Adolf Hitler is also there , able to return without our seeing or knowing. From there he will come as the Ultimate Avatar with his Last Battalion to fight the ultimate battle and defeat his enemies.

Savitri Devi considered Hitler to be the ninth Avatar of Vishnu, and called him "the god-like Individual of our times; the Man against Time; the greatest European of all times", having an ideal vision of returning his Aryan people to an earlier, more perfect time, and also having the practical wherewithal to fight the destructive forces "in Time". She saw his defeat and the forestalling of his vision from coming to fruition as a result of him being "too magnanimous, too trusting, too good", of not being merciless enough, of having in his "psychological make-up, too much 'sun' [beneficence] and not enough 'lightning.' [practical ruthlessness]" unlike his coming incarnation:

"Kalki" will act with unprecedented ruthlessness. Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, He will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine Cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the lukewarm, of the opportunists, of the ideologically heretical, of the racially bastardised, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or in character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen Ages.

“This is a great book. I'm glad my good comrade Ryan wrote this book. Give it a read if you're into Rape [sic] stories and post-apocalyptic child stabing [sic].”

>> No.12780196

But there's not anything even worth disagreeing with. I can understand going to the source (Foucault, etc.), but why would I waste my time reading it second-hand from some vindictive tranny who is using someone else's philosophy as an ad-hoc rationalization of their own frustrations, or to do philosophical parlor tricks with trendy topics? Actually, most post-structuralists might fit the latter description anyhow.

>> No.12780242

probably how the vindictive tranny is apparently quite familiar with chan culture so it's specifically related to something else you're interested in, or might enjoy thinking about, and there's some interesting takes on the roots of the online "rationalist" movement.
Also specific critiques of Nick Land. There's some flaccid bullshit obvi (author repeats the sentence "He thinks black people make good slaves" a couple times as if that was an (((argument)))), but also a different perspective on the whole thing and a pretty solid theory on why this movement is of and from the unregulated international internet.

>> No.12780308

>Strasserites like Nagle and Zizek

>> No.12780320

I think "mentally ill tranny" is a pretty good heuristic for dismissing some unknown to the history of philosophy, as knowledgeable on a topic as they might be.

>> No.12780332

the NZ shooter approvingly quoted Nagle and Zizek on his manifesto

>> No.12780356

Honi soit qui mal y pense

>> No.12780364

My belief is in favor of reading more people I disagree with rather than less, but do your thing man clearly you've got it all figured out and need only to shore up your ideological defenses.

>> No.12780382

>[citation needed]

>> No.12780398

i have it was trash

>> No.12780426

>Calling myself Nazbol makes me uncomfortable so I say contradictory shit like right-wing socialist

>> No.12780436

Pretty based and mandatory read for everybody on 4chan. It isnt annoying or preachy and critisizes the right but also the left. Honestly /pol/ influence and the global right shift start to bore me. Conservative and centralized or nationalistic thought is very obsolete. We live through its final deathrattle. Next step in human evolution will be globalism. People know that on a subconscious level and thats why you see all the right wing sentiment lately. It makes me yawn honestly. Doesnt mean that I am pro refugee or for open borders but the immense racism is kinda getting psychotic. Especially because americans borrowed our european nationalism and amplified it. You had no fking reason to. Upset europeans I can understand but it is eerily post modern that it spread to countries where this threat is only artificially constructed. I mean the fugees didnt impact my life in any significant way and I am german. Maybe we should start asking what we are actually scared of instead of blaming the uberjew or muslims

>> No.12780441
File: 756 KB, 1500x1500, ZizekThinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approving of mr. Zizek's genius is universal to any man with a three digit IQ

>> No.12780445

You keep speaking as though there is some insight here that I'm failing to address by not reading regurgitated tranny angst. I'd rather spend my time reading philosophers.

>> No.12780463

Based. Blood is cool.

>> No.12780471

you know he was memeing in it right he also said candace owens radicalized him

>> No.12780477

underrated post

>> No.12780538

Just say you are into the legacy of 19th century populism and tell people to read William Morris, Christopher Lasch, McLuhan and watch adam curtis documentaries. Isn't the whole earth catalog kinda cool? take nick land very seriously. don't let people on that you are actually a crypto catholic unless you know they are cool with it

>> No.12780572
