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12773239 No.12773239 [Reply] [Original]

Why did god show moses the promised land but not allow him to enter?

>> No.12773246

Where you there at the beginning? If not then don't question Gods ways.

>> No.12773249

Stop being Christian.

>> No.12773251


>> No.12773252

Idk, just seems kinda cruel to make an old man walk that far and then tell him he can look but not rest

>> No.12773260

If was because he sinned if you read back in exodus. I can't remember exactly but it had something to do with the fact that he did a miracle or something impatiently.

>> No.12773290

I have no understanding of christianity but do all the people that died before the crucifixion just go to hell?

>> No.12773304

No, they just couldn't enter Heaven yet

>> No.12773306

They just kinda died.
The afterlife wasn't a thing until the new testament and that afterlife is "You die, wait until the apocalypse, and then you're resurrected as part of god's army" or something like that.

>> No.12773484

In the Nicene Creed it states that Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead, when people die they undergo particular judgement which decides whether they shall go to heaven, purgatory or hell. at the end of the world all peoples shall undergo general judgement by god himself- this is the final judgement.
there is also the belief that jesus went down to satan after he was crucified and released all who were in hell so the people who died before the crucifixion did go to hell but were released by jesus then

>> No.12773513

Glad that existence is all just to become some rankenfile mook in some cosmic war that doesn't even matter because I'm already dead?

>> No.12773539

read Kafka

>> No.12773549

Is that less exciting than nothingness after death?

>> No.12773557

Stop watching anime and you might understand it finally.

>> No.12773573

Except that doesn't happen, DUMBASS.
Your ENERGY just gets transferred to other animals. So you pretty much just get absorbed by whatever eats you, even if that's just a fungi or a worm. So, no, fuck off, Atheist.

>> No.12773613

Yes because I'm not subjected to perceiveing it

>> No.12773620
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Anime is life

>> No.12773641

Not the life you should care about.
The only life that is of any cocern to us id the one Jesus talked about.

Also you are a bitch ass punk .

>> No.12773666

lol fag

>> No.12773705

Lol are you powered by jizz you human mulligan ?

>> No.12773724

he's a poo poo

>> No.12773739

No I just don't believe in adult fairae tales ;)

>> No.12773746

God told Moses to speak to the rock and water would come out. Moses hit the rock instead. Moses didn't listen. His punishment was to be barred from entering the promised land. Numbers 20. Basically >>12773251, >>12773260.
No, they went to the realm of the dead. Call it Hades if you will. In between Jesus' death and resurrection, he went down there in the spirit to rescue the faithful who preceded him, including the prophets.

>> No.12773762

I'm so sorry.
Why did you make the thread in the first place.
You are a motherfucker

>> No.12773814

I didn't, dipshit

>> No.12773834

Israel murdered him and his son because they were fed up with his shit

>> No.12773839

I called you out for watching anime you cur.

>> No.12773857

Because thats what God does. Over and over again. It is practically the theme of the OT. God gives and he takes. He gives Jonah a tree and then destroys it. He leads the Hebrews out of Egypt under the guidance of Moses, but ensures Moses himseld never sees the Promised Land. He gives Abraham a son and then demands his sacrifice. He gives Adam and Eve the Garden and then casts them out. He blesses Job and then curses him.

And he takes and he gives. He condemns Adam and Eve to suffer toil and pain of chuldbirth, and then sews them clothes. He destroys everything in the Flood, but ensures just enough will survive on the Ark for it to start anew. He sees Jonah tossed overboard in a storm, then scoops him up with a whale.

The Hebrews understood that life is blessing and curse. Their transcendent observation (cf. Marcion and the gnostics) is that both suffering and joy flow from the same God, the God we are called to worship in all circunstances.

>> No.12773893

That doesn't sound like a merciful or loving god. Sounds more like a tyrant. Is /x/ right about god being a demiurge?

>> No.12773899

No you called the OP out for liking anime on an anime board

>> No.12773911

Morals are for humans

>> No.12773925

literature board.
And I can call you out if I think so, or OP, or anyone else.

>> No.12773964
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>> No.12773981

They should have drown you as they do with stray cats.

>> No.12773992
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Anime weebsite

>> No.12773994
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 85F11F14-87B1-4E75-8D8C-17D2089037C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a stray cat

>> No.12773997

First of all it is not for men to judge God, that is vain pride. Your pet my consider you cruel for not catering to its appetite, or for putting a shock collar on it so it doesnt run away.

Second of all, worldly suffering is practically meaningless measured against the eternal.

Life is what it is. It involves sadness that is difficult to comprehend or put into words. It involves suffering. Earth is not heaven. Nobody denies that. God did not create us in a state of heavenly bliss, get over it. Ask why. What is the meaning of this suffering, of all the humiliations and pangs of being human?

I think God flung us away from the Godhead so that we may experience the eternal joy of returning to it.

>> No.12774811

Earth is crap because of humanity's nature, wounded by sin. Every man has three enemies: satan, the one behind the other two, the world, which rejected Christ because it is drowned in darkness and themselves, their carnal body which is always against God because of that nature.