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/lit/ - Literature

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12772404 No.12772404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books that can inspire a doomer to turn his life around

>> No.12772417

If you're asking this question you already want to turn your life around, you just don't know how.
so basically, read my diary desu; I'm trying to figure out the same thing

>> No.12772465

Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing by Stephan Hoeller

You are a divine being trapped in a fleshly prison in a material hellscape. You are destined for greater things. Wake up.

>> No.12772667

Post some doomer-tier books instead

>> No.12772822


>> No.12772830

Letters to a Young Poet

>> No.12772906

Fuck this self fulfilling spook. Being a doomer is extra gay and waste of your mental strength and youth. Take the bloomer pill and at least try and be happy.

>> No.12772939
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>> No.12772984
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>> No.12772991

>caring about society when individualism is the path to happiness
Most doomers are that way because they are already to caught up with how the world should be.

>> No.12772994

individualism is meaningless. You can improve yourself all you want, but without a fellow people to prosper with you will not be happy.

>> No.12773082

Crime and Punishment

>> No.12773091

The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.12773279

The Wind in the Willows

>> No.12773297

That pic hits home except I like reading and don't like drugs. I also prefer Fallout on the Ps3 than Ps1 crap.
I feel like if I can attain a job I could turn things around. I want to enter the tech field but am only attaining an AS. I have had friends but now they either moved or are busy so I barely see them. Never had a job, don't have a car so can only rely on others for transportation. The only chance of hope would be landing a job in the Northwest (yes, ex /pol/ fag) where my parents support me moving to. There I'd have to rely on uber and hope I can make friends and a gf though I have shitty social skills. What keeps me going is literature. Thank God for literature and Dostoevsky.

>> No.12773307

whatever you say retard

>> No.12773331

pathetic. you want everything nice and easy for you. happiness doesn't exist you mong. get to work or kill yourself you worthless cunt

>> No.12773355
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>Now this, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of suffering: birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering; union with what is displeasing is suffering; separation from what is pleasing is suffering; not to get what one wants is suffering; in brief, the five aggregates subject to clinging are suffering.

>> No.12773378

>u uttah uttah mong
>u roit bloody coont
>u no wot, neck urself
Imagine expressing yourself like this and expecting people to not just laugh at you. Do you represent the lollypop guild? Fucking faggot

>> No.12773453

Repeating digits and my genitals will be mutilated

>> No.12773524

waaahhhh no pwoint dwoing anything cwause im all alwooooone. nwo one is lwike mweeeeeeeee

>> No.12773537

Anything by Ligotti.

>> No.12773546

I'm not that original guy, I just can't stand your faggot fairy tale speak. This post is -atrocious-. How can anglos actually live with themselves acting like this

>> No.12773582

Repeating digits will confirm that my dick and balls will be shot off with a .38 special


>> No.12773588

I'll have to chop them off with an ax

>> No.12773589

Unironically Virginia Woolf, and read up on the pre-Raphaelites.

>> No.12773618

After getting shot in the dick or getting mauled by some sort of animal

In fact, I'll probably shoot myself in the dick in a lapse

>> No.12773623
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>> No.12773627



>> No.12773650

actually useful
I was a dazed and confused pothead, whose aspirations became smeared in self doubt and such.
trying to work on the first hindrance was all I had to do in order to get out of this state and start building a more stable and wise version of myself

>> No.12773700

Notes for Underground, it's pretty much intro reading for /r9k/ which is what this board is becoming desu

>> No.12773701
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No Longer Human
Oyasumi PunPun
Flowers for Algernon (manga)
Notes From the Underground
The Stranger
Ressentiment (manga)
Robert Crumb's work (comics)
Conspiracy Against the Human Race
The Sorrows of Young Werther
The Book of Urizen
Welcome to the NHK
Sabrina (comic)
The Bell Jar
Jude the Obscure
The Odd Women
120 Days of Sodom
First Love
How to be happy (comic)
To My Eyes (comic)
Epictetus' Discourses
The Enchiridion

>> No.12773704


>> No.12774153

The holy bible or Quran

>> No.12774165

Unironically this.

>> No.12774265

Can you /rec/ similar stuff?

>> No.12774480

there is no "turning your life around". if your life is in need of "turning around", it's too late, and it was always going to be this way no matter what. your happiness is pretty much entirely a product of your social life (ability to obtain friends and romantic/sexual partners), which is entirely dependent on how attractive you are, which is out of your control. except if you're fat; if you're fat, it's possible you can turn your life around by losing weight so that you can have friends and romantic partners and feel fulfilled and enjoy life, but only if you have the genetics to look good once you've lost the weight.

otherwise, you just need to find effective coping mechanisms. coping is very important, don't let people convince you it's inherently bad.

>> No.12774486

incel fag

>> No.12774491

No Longer Human. i like to think that i'm unique and i'm the only person that can relate but probably anybody on this board would appreciate it

>> No.12774504

Capitalism & Schizophrenia D&G

>> No.12774527

not everyone as ugly as you is as unhappy, anon. don't give up

>> No.12774710

Holy shit I'm a doomer

>> No.12774721

Underground man paradoxically has more dignity than r9k can fathom. Assigning him as a proto-incel is just a surface read of what Dostoevsky wrote.

>> No.12774806

Steppenwolf and or Siddhartha (novels)

Welcome to the NhK (anime)

Synecdoche, NY (film)

Acabou Chorare (álbum)

>> No.12774932

how so?

>> No.12774957

An /r9k/ poster would never dare to go to the dinner.

>> No.12774970

abre portaaaa e a janelaa e vem ver o sol nascer!

>> No.12774971

On Becoming a Person, by Carl Rogers.
A bit repetitive, but good.

>> No.12774986
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>> No.12774997

Dude, buy/download/pirate a website and app blocker. Use the schedule function to lock you out of bullshit in your computer during the week. If you've been reading a lot lately, put it off for a bit. Try to enjoy music more, and go to the gym. This isn't even some spook about "be fit and it will all go away bla bla bla", it's just to break your routine a little bit. Then try to think of small incremental goals and use an app to keep track of them.

>> No.12775100

underr8ed post

>> No.12775140 [DELETED] 

>happiness doesn't exist you mong
>get to work or kill yourself
I wonder (((who))) this fellow sounds like...

>> No.12775291
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I used to dwell too much...

>> No.12775487

I was in this state. For a year straight my schedule consisted of waking up at 4-5pm, lounge around the house in a hazy brain fog shitposting on my phone, going out and drinking coffee at 9 pm, coming home, taking a shit, smoking weed and watching YouTube/eating junk until 6 am when I'll finally sleep. Stopping any of these habits in my current place seemed terrifying, as I had bad memories of the place I was living in that when faced sober in a 12 pm sun killed my will to live. Got an easy part time job for a few months saving as much money as I can. I needed to leave and reset my fucked up head. Flew to Crete on my own(the island) and stayed there for a month so I can get through my demons in a place I didn't hate and had enough novelty to entertain my dopamine addicted brain. It worked. Came home a different person

>> No.12775753

Based and altruistic

>> No.12776071

Jesus christ, that sounds awful (the first bit).

>> No.12776200

There was a lot more depth to /r9k/ before it got overrun with race and tranny bait

>> No.12776243

It sounds like a dream to me desu

>> No.12776252

I miss it desu, I go every now and then to glance at the threads and it's pretty much unusable now.

>> No.12776294

You'll go nowhere in life, no matter what you convince yourself to believe, you'll always be that tiny germe stuck on the same fuckin' rock in the same planetary system spinnin' around the same boring star, prisoner of the same galaxy in the middle of a cosmic clusterfuck that screams nonsense. Your brain will work his best to create new thinking patterns designed to keep your fleshy vessel alive for the sake of nothing! Because you'll die! Then some other germe, your kids, grandkids what the fuck ever will take your place and... That person you thought you were will just be forgotten. Muahahahaaha

>> No.12776368

*cringe voice*
"Archetypal male"
"Wash your penis"
"Clean your room"
Reporter asks: "Dr. Peterson do you believe in god?"
Peterson "err.... Ahhh... Uhh... *cringe facial expression* I don't like that question... It's It's really a deeply personal question."

>> No.12776393

you sound like your room is unclean. you should work on that.

>> No.12776402

Why not just apply for an EVS project? They seek people like you.

>> No.12776428

get a girlfriend

>> No.12776678

Don't tell anyone, It's only because I've been sick.

>> No.12776688

No book will help you. The doomer mindset can't be beaten, just tricked.
Get into a relationship with someone you bately tolerate but don't love.
Get a job you don't mind doing, regardless of the wage.
Do whatever you enjoy doing.
There is only one thing that matters and that is to stop thinking, stop existing and just employ your time. No book will help you achieve this.

>> No.12776696

- How to win friends and influence people
- Rich dad poor dad
- The Mystery method
Those three helped me quite a lot back in the days.

>> No.12776702

roadside picnic

>> No.12776753

none really

>> No.12776982

I really hope this is a parody of autistic anti-JBP memeing and not sincere.

>> No.12777014

Don't be on your computer.
That's it, that's the secret.

Get up in the morning, read, go to work, come back and DONT ACTIVATE YOUR COMPUTER

In a month you'll feel more alive than ever, every experience not computer related will pour on you as though you have made a discovery few have come across.

>> No.12777286

But I feel so lonely.

>> No.12777335

Can confirm that although I'm still very much a doomer, ditching my PC was the best decision i ever made.

>> No.12778249

Omani master Kurosawa (manga)

Forest preserves





>> No.12778285

Exactly! fucking great album and lyrics

>> No.12778839


>> No.12779043

No book is going to inspire you, you should go outside and take a walk in the sun.

>> No.12779184
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>> No.12779315

How do you guys cope with being alone and virgin?

>> No.12779341

A person's looks are undeniably a bigger influence on life prospects than anything else. The blackest of pills

>> No.12779534



Pls. Stop feeling sorry for yourself or anyone around you. There will always be someone better at SOMETHING than you and you will ALWAYS be better than someone else at something also. :3

>> No.12779546

why did you edit out the "anti-" part of anti-imperialism in that image?

>> No.12779630

Read most of these book but no result.

>> No.12779836

Where did I say being alone and virgin was a negative thing?
It's my choice but I have a hard time coping.

>> No.12780246

Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch !

>> No.12780314


>> No.12780336

True. But coping can make you semi happy. I am not depressed anymore since I read and hit the gym. Still lonely as fuck but it isnt as crushing. Cope as much as you can. Cope until death. Fullfilment isnt for us but we can die half decent. In only five years you could play some decent piano, you could draw pretty nicely, you could write a book. Normie life will always be better. Having friends and girlfriends will always be superior. But having a hobby isnt half bad either. It wont get better and nobody will care but atleast your time doesnt feel wasted

>> No.12780492
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>> No.12781254

dis he realize how contradictory it is to believe in imperialism as well as ethnic autonomy?

>> No.12781256

This makes more sense

>> No.12781367
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This, also read the Nag Hammadi Library, specifically this edition

>> No.12781405

Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard

>> No.12781420

Philosophy for me

>> No.12781572

Underground man had a powerful pride to him, it only served to make things worse, but he genuinely thought he was great in some ways at times.

>> No.12782166

No Longer Human is unironically shit

>> No.12782247
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I beg that you all read this. It is truly helpful.

>> No.12782300

Get some hobbies that will help you meet other people.

>> No.12782307


>> No.12782342
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Just act like a Pynchon character lol

>> No.12782493
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>> No.12783077
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>> No.12783087

Is this what they mean by dense? I read the entire thing and feel like I didn’t progress at all. Basically what he said in one page what that they sit next to eachother and one of the desks is very dirty

>> No.12783160

I've not read any Thomas Pynchon besides this passage just now, but I find it compelling how through cataloging the grime and leftover particulates it succinctly and naturally describes the appearance of the desk, the feeling of the room and the traits of the characters as each listing is representative of an event that has occurred in the room at the desk to the Slothrop character. Each briefly imagined event provides development to the space and characters, and the listed format conveys monotony and repetitiveness and the time spent in this occupation. All while remaining engaging to read.

>> No.12783278

what is the deal with this one? i keep seeing it come up. my apartment is a shitting mess. can you convince me to read this

>> No.12783281

I read this and agreed with Cal a lot.
Then I proceeded to not apply any of his principals.