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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 91 KB, 992x558, richard-harris-dumbledore-gty-jef-181015_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12772142 No.12772142 [Reply] [Original]

>J.K Rowling confirms Dumbledore and Grindelwald were in a 'passionate' and 'intense' relationship that had a 'sexual dimension'


What are the implications of this for the plot of the Harry Potter epic saga? Do you think Dumbledore saw in Harry something that reminded him of his old flame? So do you think Dumbledore was the catcher or the pitcher? This also brings me back to a passage from one of based Evola's works (quoted below); I wonder to what extent J.K. Rowling purposely encoded metaphysical symbolism concerning higher states in Harry Potter, brimming as they are with esoteric and occult knowledge; may we perhaps speculate about Dumbledore "initiating" young Harry in the cloisters of the Headmaster's Office?

>There is a whole ritual related to anal penetration through the narrow door that opens on the labyrinth (in the man, the intestine). In Tantric Yoga, the center of Ganesha, the guardian of the gates, is in the region of the rectum. The male organ, if it penetrates directly into the zone of the coiled energy (Kundalini), can allow to awaken it brutally and to cause states of illumination and sudden perception of transcendent realities. This is why this act can play an important role in initiation. "This explains a rite of male initiation, widespread among primitive peoples, though rarely reported by Western observers ..., in which adult male insiders have sex in the anus with novices ... The custom of this kind can be very much at the basis of the homosexual eroticism encouraged so strongly by the Greeks in the classical period. This act is one of the accusations made against the Dionysian organizations by their detractors, and against certain initiatory groups in the Christian and Islamic world

>> No.12772239


>> No.12772266

>be JK
>write a series of books for children
>great success, many young fans
>spend the following years tweeting about the sex lives of your characters
anybody else find it all a bit gross?

>> No.12772281

Not when you realize how pedophiliac the PC brigade is

>> No.12772294

the fanbase grew up and she kept giving them what they asked for

also chekt ur trip-dubs

>> No.12772387

This bitch is so clearly jumping on the PC brand. The series always had the progressive ideas of sorts but she neither had care nor reason to write half the stupid canon she has produced on Twitter and in interviews these past few years.

>> No.12772418



>> No.12773736


>> No.12773745


>> No.12773751

Why were there no midgets or people in wheelchairs in Hotwarts? There were midgets and people in wheelchairs in my school.
At least midgets, like, okay, I understand magic making wheelchairs obsolete but what about midgets? I'm sure some of them didn't want to take the polliwog potion to turn into tall people and preferred to be small.

>> No.12773752

Sounds like confirmation bias

>> No.12773756

Midgets and wheeliepeople don't qualify for magic duh

>> No.12773759

why is she doing this? why wh ywh

>> No.12773765

She's just on the right side of history for this

>> No.12773779

They were transabled, you fucking bigot.

>> No.12773783
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>tfw you mom was right when she told you those harry potters books were no good and just a gateway to occult shit like witchcraft and an invitation to homosexuality and things that go against the values of the church
>tfw you should had listen to her and just read Aristotle instead

I am sorry mom.

>> No.12773787

Are these two guys or something?

>> No.12773947

How do you know there weren't midgets?

>> No.12774014

>J.K Rowling confirms Hagrid is black
>J.K Rowling confirms Voldemort was genderfluid
>J.K Rowling confirms Harry has a foot fetish
>J.K Rowling confirms Neville is a furry
>J.K Rowling confirms Flitwick is a pedophile
>J.K Rowling confirms McGonagall is a TERF lesbian
>J.K Rowling confirms Snape was vegan
What's next?

>> No.12774035

No, one is 115 years old, the other is a teenager

>> No.12774044

Didn't she steal from earthsea?

>> No.12774045
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ha, my mum said the same things. Shame I was to arrogant and stupid. She was right about everything, if only I had listened :(

>> No.12774079

She got addicted to being a progressive poster girl. But obviously in recent years the qualifications for that became more strict. Just having wide range of believable characters of both sexes from all strives of life isn't enough anymore. Your entire cast needs to be freaks and obscure identities now if you want to get any brownie points.

She tried to write new stories, but they all sucked and nobody wanted to read them. So she decided to retcon the shit out of her magnum opus instead.

>> No.12774093

A more interesting question: why are Anglos so fucking braindead?

>> No.12774122

did these actually happen or are these your guesses?

>> No.12774131

>J.K Rowling confirms Harry has a foot fetish

This would make /tv/ pardon all her misdeeds.

>> No.12774159

How do you know they weren't all midgets?

>> No.12774173

People are fucking stupid, and Anglos are the most people out of anyone.

>> No.12774196

It's also very likely that both Harry and Ron have a foot fetish, desu. I mean, hanging out with Ms Perfect Feet all the time...

>> No.12774220

YA pop fiction is basically the literary equivalent of MDMA for kids; don't feel bad.

>> No.12774241

Because of Henry VIII who killed logos in England.

>> No.12774248

Thank you

>> No.12774279

I think it reached peak surreal when she made up that thing about them shitting their pants

>> No.12774283

Anyone got the JK Rowling mom posts? You know what I’m talking about

>> No.12774291

What the fuck this is real

>> No.12774293

You do realize le muddleblood vs pure wizard thing is supposed to be commentary on mixed race vs white, right? Harry Poofter was always sjwshit retards.

>> No.12774325

She said that until like the 1800s wizards would literally just shit on the floor in a corridor and magic it away once they were done.

I can't be bothered to find it, but the tweet is out there.

>> No.12774410

Funny how J.K. Rowling failed in everything she did after Harry Potter.
Those two books (I can't remember the titles) are shit. The Fantastic Beasts films are shit. That play is shit...

>> No.12774425

Yeah. She became an internet star, that's why. Social networks are probably the worst enemies of a writer.

>> No.12774439

I think she wrote Harry Potter while being a poor single mother. Writers need struggle to write something interesting. Rich people who have everything they could ever want are just not interesting.

>> No.12774441

I’m pretty sure it’s obvious she sucked the dick of some higher authority in order to get her work placed where she got it.

I mean, society was really in the shitter at that time. She must have ACTUALLY gotten some authority figure to just drop trou and go to town so we could all read Harry Potter.

>> No.12774460


>> No.12774472

Sounds like leftist bullshit, son. It's not about economic wealth, it's about success in the society of mass media and spectacle. The internet has clearly made her a lazy inept woman unable to focus on her core self and inner life.

>> No.12774484

Hahahaha holy shit thats so fucking retarded

>> No.12774497

>What are the implications of this for the plot of the Harry Potter epic saga?
1. This is extratextual bullshit.
2. It's not new, she already implied this addition before.
3. You are a faggot and should kill yourself for caring or pretending to care about Harry Potter. Instead of concentrating on things that are of worth, you go out of your way to find shit that triggers you and the rest of /lit/.

It's not funny. It was to be expected. You see grey clouds, you expect rain. You see a talentless hack making it big by a stroke of luck, you don't expect them to become talented all of a sudden.

>> No.12774501


>> No.12774508

> You see a talentless hack making it big by a stroke of luck, you don't expect them to become talented all of a sudden
This, frankly.

>> No.12774514
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>> No.12774529

Well I think it is struggle in general that creates interesting stories. People trying to get over something hard. That's when people figure out new insights or get new perspectives. When they rebuild their character to deal with the new reality. Or maybe they fail and they lose the struggle.

It doesn't have to be financial trouble in particular, though that's obviously a strong motivating factor for change. In this particular case I think she became a rich boring old lady who sits in her mansion all day long and reads social media.

>> No.12774532

Turgenev and Tostoy disagree.
Jokes aside, I think she's an one-hit wonder writer like Sigrid Undset.

>> No.12774546

Yeah, that's it. I agree with you.

>> No.12774555

It’s in the history of the Harry Potter universe. Apparently some crazy stupid shit happened back then and they just got toilets in time for the group masturbation sessions

>> No.12774576

>what you tweet and say during interviews adds up to what is written in a literary work
This is pure retardation

>> No.12774589
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>> No.12774763

How many house-elves got raped by horny young masters?

>> No.12775230
File: 157 KB, 1859x358, jk rowling critique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12775299

She isn't pretty enough to suck dick. No one would want her. She just got lucky that's all.

>> No.12775316

flitwick was a midget.

>> No.12775320

Wrong one, I think

>> No.12775500

What's PC?

>> No.12775527

Do you rape your pets?

>> No.12775558

Personal Computer

>> No.12775559

I can't even tell anymore.

>> No.12775570

President's Choice

>> No.12775579

>gay man plotted to kill orphan boy
wow so progressive

>> No.12776390

Pet care

>> No.12776434

Philharmonic Composer

>> No.12776467

Bullshit man. In the 90s, she was a smoking blonde. Fuck yeah she sucked dick. She sucked dick all the way to the top! Her first two names might as well have been Just Kum

>> No.12776470

Penis Consulate

>> No.12776509

Peace Corps

>> No.12776525

How did a woman this fucking bad at world building manage to create the single most popular YA series in the world?
Pretty much the only good thing you can say about it is "well, at least it's not Eragon"

>> No.12776553

>leftist bullshit
>society of the spectacle
I don't know why I come here

>> No.12776976

Pop Culture

>> No.12777105

>tfw you should had listen to her and just read Aristotle instead
Wow, your mom sounds hot.

>> No.12777111

Porn Connoisseur

>> No.12777116

Ignore the other replies. They're trolling.
PC = Popular Culture.

>> No.12777122

That's not called "growing up". That's called degenerating. The children not interested in these topics are more mature than the 'grown-up' adults such as yourself that are.

>> No.12777146

P weird that she writes bad fanfics about her own books.

>Sounds like leftist bullshit, son. It's not about economic wealth, it's about success in the society of mass media and spectacle.

actually there's a very high correlation between being rich and having nothing to say, even for those much more cultivated than Rowling. Artists have to be keenly aware of their own and others' suffering, being well off tends to obviate that. Rich people with creative mojo usually have a big skeleton in their closet, like they were raped as a kid or something.

>> No.12777280

Why couldn't she establish this shit WHEN SHE WROTE THE FUCKING STORY? Revealing this shit makes it come off as forced "woke" BS. What's next? Oh, Peter Pettigrew is a trans-rat? Tonks is a dog fucker? Moaning Myrtle is transgender? McGonigal is asexual? Charlie is a dragophile?

>> No.12777407

LOL true. And Filch retarded.

>> No.12777408

There were no midgets or people with wheelchairs at any of my schools.

>> No.12777413
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>i will never grow up in a comfy boarding school in the beautiful british highlands
>instead i grew up in boring suburbia

>> No.12777421
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>> No.12777446

I went to a British-style boarding school in Africa. It fucking sucked.

>> No.12777452

>in Africa
do tell if you can

>> No.12777492

>Born in Zimbabwe
>Be 10
>Home schooled
>Read Harry Potter
>Fuck yeah, Hogwarts is awesome
>Be 11, get sent to boarding school
>Awesome, I'm going to make friends, go on adventures, meet girls
>School fucking sucks
>Don't know how to interact with kids my age
>Teachers are good, but I'm struggling and they just keep going
>Constantly homesick
>Sports are mandatory, as are afternoon clubs (chess, debate, snake handling, choir, etc...)
>Have to support First Team (the top school teams) whenever they're playing, which means standing around singing for 3 hours
>Daily inspections
>Prefects hand out punishments
>Certain teachers hand out corporal punishment
>I spend as much time in the library as I can just to avoid interacting with others
>Still get in trouble because I forgot a few prefects' names (you have to know all of them, plus a list of other things)
>Family emigrates at the end of the year so I start at a British government school a few months later
>Hate it there too, for different reasons

Maybe if I'd stayed the full six years I would have learned to fit in, but fuck me if I wasn't praying for the day I left that place every single night. Looking back, there was a lot of stuff there that /lit/ would probably adore, but I was completely unable to appreciate it at the time.

The school was Peterhouse Boys in case you want to check it out.

>> No.12777500

HP isn't really a children's series at all. Its popularity plays on JK setting up an innocent and playful world to defile. The fandom revolves around the perverse enjoyment of seeing this whimsical world be subjected to grotesque tortures. Like poor Neville: he started out as the fat comic relief character - the twist is that his parents were literally tortured into dementia, which is a burden that has destroyed his life. That's what they mean when they say HP is "nuanced" or "morally complex": it's an arena where moral innocence is produced in order to be destroyed for the audience's enjoyment

>> No.12777505

you might like Portrait of the artist as a young man by the big J.

>> No.12777509

god i wish that were me

>> No.12777512

that sucks man i'm really sorry to hear that
in zimbabwe of all places, you know africa has its own school in the HP universe?

>> No.12777577

I stopped reading them after the fifth book and read none of the extra material so no, I didn't know that. What culture did she base it off of? In my experience, Africans are terrified of magic and anything related to the paranormal. We had a lot of problems with our workers when a witch doctor briefly shacked up on our farm.

>> No.12777587



>> No.12777620

That could be a really cool setting for a story if JK wasn't so afraid of upsetting her sheltered audience. African magic is pretty fucked up.

>> No.12778126

I feel this sharply. It pinpoints the exact type and quantity of my disgust towards her.
>Tonks is a dog fucker?
well, she's a werewolf fucker to be precise, but she is on Team Knot.
Boy try american public schools (in our meaning it's the free government provided ones for poorfags and retards) in a black majority district. I took classes in trailers. Half the girls got pregnant before graduating. kids sold weed out of their backpacks. daily fights. we had about 12 bomb scares and numerous false fire alarm pulls.
in elementary school it turned out one of my teachers was dicking all the 6-8th grade girls. he was my favorite teacher too.

>> No.12778135

The author's dead sweetheart you retards are always telling nazis that they should appreciate post structuralist and Frankfurt critiques and here you are bitching when they do. God lefties are such sniveling womanly worms.

>> No.12778152

I'm not surprised that you feel like you're playing catch-up. You are.

>> No.12778171

Wow, this literature board sure spends a lot of its time talking about a book series for children.

>> No.12778981

>Yer a wiza- oh sorry one second
>Much better, Excrementus Vanishilus
>You're a wizard Harry!

>> No.12779008

Poo cup

>> No.12779017

I despise women

>> No.12779234

how did nobody check these dubtrips

>> No.12779241

i read fantasy and sci-fi for manchildren to relax myself after getting redpilled hard by Dr. Peterson

>> No.12779506
File: 141 KB, 700x1201, downloadfile-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is

>> No.12779522


>> No.12779858

persian camel

>> No.12780981

>J. K. Rowling reveals it was all just a dream
>Harry Potter died sad and alone under that staircase

>> No.12782585

I accept the "she was using a form of coded communication, known to her through her reading of Golden Age British detective fiction, to convey dumbledore's sexuality to readers who would recognize the signs" explanation. But the real issue is that she was using code at all and not just explicitly stating it. She needed to rely on giving herself an out both ways (plausibly being able to deny or confirm it) which is cowardly in and of itself.

>> No.12782586

Look how low you've come. A frogposter no less.

>> No.12782744

Penis Cleaning

>> No.12783248

>a literary tour de force

>> No.12783559

I don't buy this at all. I have yet to see any of those "coded messages" in the books about Dumbledore being gay. I think she just made that shit up after the fact. Just like she said Hermione wasn't supposed to be white, despite there being text passages and drawing that prove it.

>> No.12783576

She is the primary reason I don't respect female authors.

>> No.12783592
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>bad characters likes things I don't like

>> No.12783680
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>> No.12784373
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She's very pretty, and hot.

>> No.12784383

It's like she's writing fanfiction about her own story.

>> No.12784476

Dumbledore wanted to shag Harry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1c3EmrySSI

>> No.12784533
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Pic related is needed again i see.

Truth btw

>> No.12784649

Prehensile Cock

>> No.12784678

jesus fucking christ what an amazing post that is

>> No.12784700

Nice double trips anon!

>> No.12784730

>rowling confirms that flamboyant man who was never in a relationship with a woman but in his teens was in a very close relationship with another boyo is gay

this is /pol/'s response >>12774014

let that sink in

>> No.12784918

>was never in a relationship with a woman but in his teens was in a very close relationship with another boyo is gay
None of this is confirmed so much as decided on a whim somewhere down the line. She flirted with the idea of changing Hermione's race. It's really not very meaningful and primarily done for publicity.

>> No.12784929

No, it's /lit/'s response. You are on /lit/ anon. Do you have problems with basic orientation?

>who was never in a relationship with a woman
Not really said anywhere in the books. We don't know anything about Snape's sex life either. I guess he must be a furry or a pedophile since you are allowed to insert anything you want in a hole in characterization and claim it was there all along.

The gay dumbledore wasn't the only virtue signaling retcon either. Hermione is apparently not white despite evidence to the contrary in writing and concept art.

By the way Isaac Newton never was in a relationship either and supposedly died a virgin.

>> No.12785644

>he was my favorite teacher too.
your mad because he didn't dick you're ass

>> No.12785690

big truth

>> No.12786812

>By the way Isaac Newton never was in a relationship either and supposedly died a virgin.
If Einstein, Feynman, Schrödinger, etc. hadn't had relationships either we would have a colony in Tau Ceti by now.

>> No.12786814

Penile Circumcision

>> No.12786827

Are you german? One of those nth generation nazis?

>> No.12787148

Old meme, but it still gives me a chuckle

>> No.12787177

Polyphonic Chant

>> No.12787537

>gus johnson
hola reddit

>> No.12787550

my favourite was the post-release factoid that all wizards simply shit and piss where they stand and use magic to make it disappear lol

i really like that

>> No.12787554

kinda wanna try anal now desu

how do i do it without getting aids?

>> No.12787574

That's the thing, it's a total crap shoot


>> No.12787584


>> No.12787588

you're gonna want lotion. "How much" you might ask, well, more than what you're thinking

>> No.12787604

ikr? everything i dont like is reddit too

>> No.12787663

Didn't she (later down the line) say that there is no true muggle-born wizard and that every """muggle""" wizard just has some distant and unknown wizard family members?
Basically, Slytherin was right about everything.

>> No.12787673

I kinda felt as though that was implied from the books, even if she did say that.

>> No.12788003

Peripheral Cortex

>> No.12788023

Getting fucked in the ass sounds pretty awesome according to Evola

>> No.12788079

people need to let this series die already...

>> No.12789306

This, smart people must stop having fun and wasting their time on useless whores.

>> No.12789524

poop cum

>> No.12789530

>Getting fucked in the ass sounds pretty awesome according to Evola
Evola was unironically based and woke

>> No.12789539

Papal Certificate

>> No.12789547

If there was no plumbing back when Hogwarts was built, why is the Chamber of Secrets entrance in the bathroom?