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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 925 KB, 2560x1262, Crime&Punishment(deluxe).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12769984 No.12769984 [Reply] [Original]

Is Oliver Ready's translation the best version of the book so far in English? I know that the original is the ultimate version, and I plan to learn russian and read it, but is the best translation so far?

>> No.12770012

Why does Raskalnikov look like a creepy middle-aged man? He’s a handsome student, just sickly-looking and poor.

>> No.12770028

I'm not sure if that art is really bad or kind of good
Somebody should finally compose a proper chart of Dosto translations, with excerpts and the original text. We have to suffer through a best translation thread each time a newfag decides to read some Homer or a Russian and it's fucking unbearable at this point.

>> No.12770063

I think it looks fine. It's just a cartoony artstyle, and besides he's extremely distressed at this moment, so it makes sense for him to make such an ugly face.

>> No.12770070

>I'm not sure if that art is really bad or kind of good
It looks like an Archie comics take on Dostoyevsky.

>> No.12770104
File: 98 KB, 800x1242, crime-and-punishment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Oxford Classics edition is what I read and the translation by Jessie Coulson was very readable.

>> No.12770739

This. I'd be willing to participate in producing such a chart. The first hard work to be done is choosing the right passages for comparison. I'll look into that.

>> No.12771011

I read it and it's good (although it was the only time Ive read the book)
The translation, if you google around, has gotten pretty much universal praise. You can also listen to Ready talk about what he was aiming for and how he did it

>> No.12771068

definitely get the Penguin Deluxe though... the paper quality is amazing and the tactile feel on your hands as you read is worth it.