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/lit/ - Literature

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12769617 No.12769617 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ reads Hunger but only eats when Hamsun eats, portion size and all, preferably meals in close association.

>> No.12769684
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Already read this but it sounds like a fun ass concept.

>Maybe the overweight neets can take in the challenge, doubt it though.

>> No.12769688

Do we need to keep a pencil with us and lose points for chewing it?

>> No.12769711
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Nah, Hamsun for sure chewed on pencils prob more stuff too, remember the guy was pretentious as fuck although he was starving even if it looks like hes giving an honest first account I don't doubt he was much more desperate irl.

A point system actually sounds like a great fuckin idea not sure how it should be done, ill have to mull over it. Feel free to post some systems i'm clueless

>> No.12769822

this sounds hilarious i’m in /fitlit/

>> No.12769846

Quite boring book desu. I r8 1/5

>> No.12770939

London frog come in here, last binge ever