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12763220 No.12763220 [Reply] [Original]

Ebenezer Cooke edition

>> No.12763224

Fuck off.

>> No.12763250

always wanted to be a painter. Went to law school instead. Now old, tired, worn out.
Every day is a Hell regret.

>> No.12763618
File: 57 KB, 948x1405, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read almost all the great classics and this is the greatest novel ever written.

>> No.12763624

It's certainly a wonderful book. Did you read it recently?

>> No.12763628

I'm reading it now

>> No.12763633

How far in are you?

>> No.12763647

About 30% or so. I just finished the part where Rostov paid off his debt and I'm already pretty confident with my declaration.

>> No.12763657

In mindless nights there I sleep, a bastard of darkness, performatively humanoid. I haunt bars and clubs for their dazzling lights, small, pretty miracles coming undone with the passing of time and labour.
I find relief in those pseudo-solar serenades to the eye, as I cannot bear that scorching eye that witnesses the slow rot of day. Vampirism, you see: a condition born out of complacency towards norms and disgust for the usual.
One begins as a misbegotten soul, one who shuns contact and retreats among tomes and gormless online blabbering. Relief is a sombre room that goes unnoticed as long as one lets their attention be captured by baubles of philosophy and argument, and within those shadows a change takes place, a creeping modification of the soul, until one's body is one with twilight and alienation.
Do not let them fool you, vampirism is no bloodborne disease - it is a natural state of humanity, much like berseker rage or the rapturous morbidity of the hedonist. Darkness and solitude are the sole vectors of this contagion.
Idk, I'm at a pub and felt like writing all this without thinking about it.

>> No.12763666

the man in your pic is Ebenezer B. Finley, OP.

you mongoloid.

>> No.12763677

I'm glad you're enjoying it so much. Have you read Anna Karenina before, as well? Or any other works of Tolstoy's?

>> No.12763703

Yeah I've most of his major ones. I didn't care all that much for the The Death of Ivan Ilyich but I'm in love with Anna Karenina, The Forged Coupon, and The Raid.

>> No.12763896

What's The Raid about?

>> No.12763904
File: 171 KB, 1080x1349, F43649D5-28C9-4EDE-A2AD-D2260A90B41A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how people grow to accept their limits amd mediocrity. I’m constantly frustrated by my shortcomings, and most of the time I have very little that I can do about it except move on.

>> No.12763954
File: 50 KB, 970x545, ryan-gosling-blade-runner-2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so fucking bad. And for no reason at all. I've just been at home reading/listening to music/playing vidya like always but for some inexplicable reason I feel like shouting. I can't even explain it besides maybe that I'm uncomfortable just being me. And there's a sort of knot in my chest and stomach that's making it shit. I can't read or anything because it just feels awful. It doesn't seem like a physical thing either, as in I don't think I'm sick or anything. It feels entirely mental and I don't know why or how this is happening to me.

>> No.12764057

It's weird how a change in season so often coincides with a change in attitude, and this alteration is most pronounced in the transition between winter and spring. I want to have a conversation with everyone I pass on the street, even little kids!. Mostly everyone seems interesting and kind. It's as if the added light of springtime contracts my unconsciousness level and expands my consciousness level, just as the extra sunlight of spring shrinks the darkness of winter. In the winter I can seem to think only about one thing. Only one thought is still alive, just as a bare tree hangs on to a single dormant ember of life force. In the spring I can think about everything, just as everything is stirring with renewed life flow.

I know probably this is just some kind of wacko mood swing but I do believe in the placebo effect, in other words, I believe in believing. I want to believe in these parallelisms. The ultimate solutions to loneliness is not to feel that you belong with other people, but to feel you belong to the world.