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/lit/ - Literature

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12762553 No.12762553[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do we do about the Christian problem on /lit/?

>> No.12762555

Well, if people would post more Christian themed books, then it could probably be more prominent here. I'm on board if you want to push it in that direction... maybe try and start a reading club on light books in that direction.

>> No.12762575
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>> No.12762582

What do we do about the Tranny problem on /lit/?

>> No.12762612
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No, we want it to be LESS prominent. But I would have no problem with them if they generally posted any Christian themed books other than The Bible.

>> No.12762710

I think reading that image just gave me a stroke

>> No.12762730

Fuck them in the butt

>> No.12762739

they like that tho

>> No.12762752

Not if you have the ol' gonorrhea ;)

>> No.12762753

legitimately funny/10

>> No.12763141
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>> No.12763186

/lit/ is a Swedenborgian board

>> No.12763188


Anyone that likes Donald Trump is a retarded piece of shit.

>> No.12763229

>board infested with neo-nazis, racists, trannies, homophobes, anti-semites, misogynistic incels, and fans of Thomas Pynchon
>complain about Christians

>> No.12763231

41% of it will fix itself within the next few years

>> No.12763440

We need to get more people to read the Church fathers. You are right anon, there are too many heathens on this board. Clement of Alexandria has been my favorite as of late

>> No.12763448

I don't know, OP. I love that picture though, you 4channers always find the most fitting of images. I have no clue how you do it. Honestly, Christianity has truly ruined the West. I get so upset imagining how vastly better it would have been for the Greco-Roman culture, and specifically Neoplatonism, to have remained the bedrock of Western culture, with no Semitic influence entering and fusing itself with it. An anon recently told me about Plato's works being banned and burnt by the Latin West up until the Renaissance revived them. What an absolute travesty befell our culture, from which we still haven't recovered. I don't think we ever will, honestly. The psychological mechanisms which Judeo-Christianity taps into are simply too potent, too powerful, and too prominent in our culture for it to be fully escaped from. I've lately spent my time watching Christian apologetics on Youtube, just to admire how shameless these cosmic car salesman are, in their reasoning. Not once have I found even the slightest explanation for the existence of homosexuality within the animal kingdom, be it our species and all the rest, and how it is possible if the Judeo-Christian God designed everything. Either it was designed by him, or it wasn't; and if the latter, then clearly this God isn't omnipresent, and isn't so powerful after all, allowing for universal and time-persistent phenomena to hold across the animal kingdom which went against his will. If it was designed, then it's either designed by God, or it means there are designs-without-designers. Apply that logic to everything else in the universe that appears "designed". Everytime there's order in our world, the apologetic points to their God for its source; whenever there is dysfunction, and phenomena which contradict the scriptures, they point to "Satan", "free will", or "the fall", as if these puerile buzzwords will save them from having to provide a coherent explanation for these observed divergences to their doctrine.

The truth, more likely, is that Christians are a very bigoted bunch, having a real hatred for groups of people, in this case for gays, and their scriptures only a superficial justification for this hatred. Even if there was a Biblical story about Jesus preventing the execution of a gay couple, they would still despise them, and oppress them. That's it. No compassion, nor rational examination of why this phenomena exists at all. Just hatred.

Anyway, we missed our chance. We'll never be rid of this Semitic sh*t, as far as I'm concerned. I don't know if Westerners would ever be able to believe in realities like reincarnation/metempsychosis again, like Plato did, since they see those concepts as "Eastern" and "exotic" despite them having been held by the very founders of our culture.

Forget about it. Just tell me: where you acquire such silly images from?

>> No.12763458

yeah, I’m a Christian, you got a problem with that? I used to be a sinner like you but 2 years ago I found GOD. In my teens I would laugh at creationists; I would always tell my grandma that I didn’t want to go to mass; I was agnostic but not like r/Atheism. But when I GREW UP and became a man, I realised I needed to put childish things away (1 Corinthians 13:11). Why is that? Because I realized that we need Christianity to SAVE THE WEST. After I voted Trump in the 2016 election I decided to go to church again. I knew that I would find a QT pure Christian GF who I could lose my virginity to (I haven’t lost it yet because I’m saving myself for marriage, like God intended). I haven’t found her yet, but like Job I will pray and have faith in God. Then I saw Jordan Peterson talking about Christianity and I was hooked! (I don’t like him anymore though, he’s a fake Christian). I watched all his videos on the bible and realised how God reveals himself in many ways. I was on /pol/ (came from r/The_Donald during the election but I hate redditors now) Christian General and I saw /lit/ chart which had The Bible and I KNEW I found my people. Every day I see THE WEST falling because we gave up our FAITH. Well, the new Christian intellectuals are coming; We are the sons of the Crusaders and we shall not recoil before the sons of Voltaire! (Candide was shit, so is Nietzsche (haven’t read either of them)). /lit/ introduced me to Kierkegaard and I became a KNIGHT OF FAITH, so now I know that I just gotta believe and that’s TRUE bravery. I read DANTE and DOSTOEVSKY and I saw the beauty of God and true art. I’m a proud Catholic (Protestants are heretics) but I hate Pope Francis, he’s a heretic and isn’t MY Pope. /lit/ is a Christian board, and I know that if I just keep recommending the Bible, telling people to go to church, and making threads about how great God is, I will finally be able to sincerely believe in God and distract myself from the gnawing feeling that I’m a fraud. Faith ain’t easy.

>> No.12763475

see my post (linked/quoted below). There's no helping these people, the best we can hope for is that they move somewhere else, which isn't likely. /tv/ has been asking for a celebrity gossip board for years and instead 4chan gets /bant/
>Jonathan Edwards BTFO self-help/Christ-/lit/ 270 years before 4chan was even invented, don’t listen to these people
>>and then it may be they set themselves upon a new course of fruitless endeavours in their own Strength to make themselves better, and still meet with new Disappointments: They are earnest to enquire what they shall do? They don’t know but there is something else to be done, in order to their obtaining converting Grace, that they have never done yet. It may be they hope that they are something better than they were, but then the pleasing Dream all vanishes again. If they are told that they trust too much in their own strength and righteousness, they go about to strive to bring themselves off from it, and it may be think they have done it, when they only do the same thing under a new disguise... thus they wander about from Mountain to Hill, seeking rest, and finding none.
>From “A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God...”

>> No.12763477
File: 35 KB, 332x499, 51HLX79pJ6L._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join us

>> No.12763482

Hehehe... Sly.

>> No.12763498
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>The truth, more likely, is that Christians are a very bigoted bunch, having a real hatred for groups of people, in this case for gays, and their scriptures only a superficial justification for this hatred. Even if there was a Biblical story about Jesus preventing the execution of a gay couple, they would still despise them, and oppress them. That's it. No compassion, nor rational examination of why this phenomena exists at all. Just hatred.
Thats funny. I'm not Christian and i would say my hate for groups like sodomites and negroes far outsizes any Christian persons hate.

>> No.12763499

This board has always been full of christians, specifically Catholics and Christian anarchist tolstoybros (me), and it's less prominent now if anything. Most of the people who complain about it are just leftypol newfriends. But I guess you could try to contain us in a general thread or something

>> No.12763559

>I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to. ... Now it seems to me obvious that He was neither a lunatic nor a fiend: and consequently, however strange or terrifying or unlikely it may seem, I have to accept the view that He was and is God.
It's as if Christians want the world to doubt their capacities for rationality.

>> No.12763570

you're just a bad person then, i guess. i hope you develop more compassion for people you yourself could have been born as

>> No.12763588
File: 81 KB, 800x450, thats-just-like-your-opinion-man_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're just a bad person then, i guess

>> No.12763587

>>The truth, more likely, is that Christians are a very bigoted bunch

This is just what you tell yourself so you can live with being a sodomite. Far easier to believe the christians are unthinking bad people than you're just a fucking shit person.

>> No.12763594

i doubt he was born as someone who was raped and developed mental illnesses because of it.

>> No.12763598
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>This board has always been full of christians

>> No.12763615

I don't think you'll see much of a change here. Christian doctrine was spread by men who chose to confine themselves in monasteries instead of having families, while european ideas survived mostly with farmers. Who do you think /lit/ has more in common with?

>> No.12763622
File: 433 KB, 500x298, 1552254896894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great image, fellow european.

>> No.12763709

Not gay, myself. Also not an argument for why homosexuality is so universal. Are animals "shit people" too? They're not even people, dude.

Are rams "raped" and "mentally ill"? But I thought animals don't have "free will". Are you saying they can sin, too?

>> No.12764147

Not anon.


Anon's position on both posts make sense as pure argument, not factual statement.

I'd take half of vocal atheists more seriously if it didnt seem like the real objection they have against religion is it seems to have no sure reward but demands nofap and abstinence from fuckery as a matter of course.

>> No.12764165

Retake Constantinople

>> No.12764303
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It used to be full of Christians who actually read literature though.

>> No.12764345

I don't understand your first comments, and also don't appreciate you assuming I'm an "athiest". It shocks Christians to imagine that Theism isn't the only possible conception of Divinity. I'm also not sure what you mean by the bottom about "nofap", but I'm chaste and don't watch p*rn, does that help?

Why can't you just be kinder to gay people, and recognize their condition to not be their fault? Okay, hate "sodomy" if you want to, but can you at least let them love eachother? They literally feel no attraction to the other sex, else they wouldn't be in your crosshairs in the first place.

>> No.12764418

Most of the time I post in random /lit/ threads just like everyone else, and I imagine most other Christian anons do the same. You probably reply to us all the time and don’t even realize it

>> No.12764435
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I appreciate the generosity in which you approached this discussion.

>> No.12764445

I have no problem with /lit/erati that happen to be Christians. I have problems with the Christian contingent that just wanta to push religion, argue with atheists and gnostics and try to smear writers who attack Christianity, like Kafka.

>> No.12764458

Spam pluralism and structural psychology until they are disgruntled and dismantle into various symbol projections of the Self

>> No.12764483

Late Plato was anti-gay

>> No.12764536

Am not the first anon.

I dont assume youre an atheist; sorry if you picked that up. I meant generally, people with antitheist sentiments here on lit.

I am personally indifferent to nonhalal and nonkosher things like buttsex; the book says its not right, i say okay, thats all. It's not hate; i'm not going to grief any one who likes samese/hc/s. I'm talking about all the other things: nofap and not being an asshole. Around half of antitheists shit on "God" because they want the right to fap and be assholes without it being called "evil", not because of really philosophical objections or philanthropic sentiment.

Thank you for being courteous even while thinking i'm a jerkop. I do appreciate that. Happens more on /lit/.

>> No.12764550
File: 47 KB, 640x862, pew_religious_demographics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this image. Just look at it for a second. This image is everything you need to know about the future. Politics? Economics? They don't matter. Or put another way, they're just consequences of this. Demographics is everything. The future is simply Christianity versus Islam. This is THE issue facing the world. Atheists are going to breed themselves out. No one else reproduces enough to matter. Note that this image is only demographic trends for the next few decades; imagine the state of things in a century or two. There are only two parties in the world. And you, it seems, are only a dinosaur.

>> No.12764633

he was old and no longer wanted by the Athenian gay community, desupai. gays hate oldies, and this fact hasn't changed in thousands of years. Laws was a product of bitterness

that's no problem, and sorry for mistaking you. you seem so kind, i wish more discussions with Christians here could be like with you. i have no problem with people believing in a theistic God, whether Christian or otherwise, but i call out unrighteous treatment of others wherever i personally consider it to be. look, modern gay culture, and maybe ancient gay culture too, has problems. stuff i find too sickening to even read into, since i myself am chaste and have a personal aversion to sexuality. i find it dirty, generally. b*thhouses (dear lord), excessive libidinality, lack of want for wholesome intimacy, and so many other really reckless acts of sexuality that demonstrate many flaws to their nature, and of such an orientation (if it can be attributed to such). i don't blame them entirely, it makes sense that two men being together would see the multiplication of the libido found in just one man, which in hetero relations is kept under control by the woman, who is typically less libidinal than he is. gays don't have this feminine safeguard, and also have twice the carnality in one. the lack of commitment and desire for fleshly interaction common to many men is therefore given no restraint, instead amplified, and no parties involved see a problem with such an arrangement. wow, i'm rambling. the point is, i can recognize problems with the modern gay community, and of gay behavior in a general sense. but these are human beings, who any sane mind would recognize as not having been entirely control of their condition, and as having a condition which they cannot be removed from by any known method. you must treat them with as much compassion as you would any person of any orientation, even if you personally reprove of their lifestyle. stay away from them if you want to, but please respect them as people and don't make their life harder than it already is, being a minority to normal social and romantic relationships and ideals found in all of society, in all society (ex. imagine how much less literature they have to read which depicts romances of their own kind, compared to us heterosexuals)

anyways i hope you have a nice day and i don't wish you any disrespect with your Christian faith, save the above remark :) i also found your comments on f*pping quite funny, in the way you vilified athiests for such a relatively minor crime which i've never observed to be emblematic of them. i thought you might have been making a joke there, but even if not, the way you worded it was humorous. the juxtaposition of it and the concept of "evil".

anyway you take care my friend, have a nice night

>> No.12764677

I skimmed appendix C and A. There seemed to be a total lack of definition of historical/cultural context, those numbers mean very little outside anything purely behavioral and the skinny of just one aspect of große Politik.

>> No.12765070


>> No.12765089

Honestly, people like you are the only reason I like Donald Trump

>> No.12765102

I think the main problem there is /pol/tards calling everyone tranny. It encourages trolls to LARP as trans.

Proof of boomer infiltration.

Such thin reasoning, you make his point.

>> No.12765389

I can't tell if this picture is supposed to be demeaning or just descriptive, because it's way too on-the-nose to just be purely demeaning

>> No.12765401

We don't.

Christian posters are infinitely better than Nazi posters, haplogroup posters, Jezebel posters, anti-philosophy posters, etc.

I don't agree with their ideas, but they're usually civil and can actually argue their points, rather than just dump fake infographics endlessly and call it an "argument."

>> No.12765404

This picture is fake

>> No.12765411
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>read Aristotle and Aquinas
>reluctantly become a philosophical theist
>see clueless atheists "debate" clueless christians when neither seemingly have a rational foundation to stand on

>> No.12765426

Have you tried prayer?

>> No.12765435

it means it's time to leave this place, OP. there's no better reason to than ever, given how insufferable the demographic on here has become. i will leave for sure, not sure about you

>> No.12765438

>big sky man exists!
>>ok give me the proofs
>well if u read the bible..
>>lol stone age bs!
>ok so where did the universe come from huh??
>>it obviously came from nothing u dipshit

ad nauseum

>> No.12765443
File: 3 KB, 350x200, islam1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12765460

>it came from nothing
It didn’t come. It was and still is and will continue to be

>> No.12765472

based and eternalpilled (the most sensible and obvious position, and take it a step further and turn pantheistic, realizing the universe isn't beyond you but is you, and you yourself are eternalpilled too, at your bottom)

>> No.12765511

Back that up.

>> No.12765561

Wonderful bait, Anon. See, see the thing about people like (You), is that (You) think that the Devil lives in some sort of houseboat, just drinking daiquiris, and listening to Jimmy Buffet; people like (You) think that the Devil lives in some sort of abandoned railroad car, just traveling from state to state, eating sardines out of a can, and telling stories to strangers, and petting his scragg-a-ly little dog that he has. See, people like (You) think that the Devil lives in some sort of magical hot-air balloon kingdom, where he just zooms around on a Segway® scooter, and watches soap operas, and does Sudoku. People like (You) think that the Devil lives in a rundown laundry detergent factory, where he just eats candy canes out of a box that he has, and he writes short stories and twirls his hair. You see, people like (You) think that the Devil is some sort of stowaway on Paul Simon's tour bus, traveling across America, and eating Teddy Grahams® and, when people fall asleep, spitting them in their ears. See, people like (You) think that the Devil lives on some jewel-encrusted surfboard, just floating in the middle of a wave pool, reading romance novels and thinking about boys. People like (You) think that the Devil lives on a Hollywood movie studio set that's made to look like a World War II fighter jet, and he just lounges around all day, getting baked, and calling his friends and hanging up on them.

>> No.12765575

Go one step further and realize that since you are of the universe, you worship yourself
Not Spinoza, but Stirner

It’s hard to imagine infinity and eternity, but it is impossible to imagine a finite universe that once wasn’t.
The universe is one enormous fireworks show.

>> No.12765581

Wait a few months until they get bored and start LARPing as something else.

>> No.12765587

Plese have a you, sir. Very good post, very weird.