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/lit/ - Literature

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12759949 No.12759949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are accelerationism and Yangism thesis and antithesis? What will be the synthesis?

>> No.12759956

Hopefully the synthesis is a move of discussion of political figures to the politics board

>> No.12759980

Accelerationists talk the talk, but when the opportunity comes to actually hit the gas, they're too scared to walk the walk.


>> No.12759992

truly hilarious

>> No.12759994

land is not stupid, but stupidly blinkered re: economics.

>> No.12760043
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>> No.12760051
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How could anyone possibly support this clown over Sanders? Is the allure of the gibs really that powerful?

>> No.12760058

Sanders is a Kantian

>> No.12760063
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>> No.12760098
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>someone asks Bernie about UBI
>does his fake phone call shtick

>> No.12760100

Nobody really does, he is paying for this exposure. There is literally video of him saying that he wants UBI so he can pacify White People, then take their guns away, so they won't get mad when they are the minority in their own country - this will never stand in a general election

>> No.12760104


How could anyone possibly support Sanders?
That senile clown is peddling policies that would have been relevant half a century ago.

>> No.12760110

hello /r/The_Donald

>> No.12760113
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>> No.12760114
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Hey Americans, riddle me this:

What's the point in owning firearms when you're going to be a bootlicker and a pushover to any kind of authority anyway?

>> No.12760120
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various LARPing purposes

>> No.12760147
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gabidull zo bad id gud

>> No.12760277

Who the hell is this Yang guy I keep hearing about on 4chan? Are you guys trying to meme him into presidency? Do you think that's going to work twice in a row?

>> No.12760278
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>> No.12760288
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Emergent hyperstition

Case A: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yangism

Case B: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPEzXu-BtMs

>> No.12760293

meme magic

>> No.12760306

what strange and ancient magics are at work...

>> No.12760314
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>Mencius incorporated the Yangist concept of xing into his own philosophy. Some sinologists have argued that Yangism influenced Taoism, and can be seen as a "precursor" to later Taoist beliefs.
first comes Yang, then comes space-Taoism. the future was yesterday

>> No.12760315
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is Yangism replacing Kondoism?

>> No.12760320

Land got too memed by liberatarians to be a true accelerationist

>> No.12760353
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it's too late now

>> No.12761256
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>> No.12761288
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>> No.12761350

Kantian vs Deleuzean
Who will win? Will Trump complete the system of German Idealism or will Yang traverse the desert of the Body without Organs and shatter the capitalist barrier?

>> No.12761379
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How is andrew yang not the synthesis of yangism and accelerationism already?
it's happening again, isn't it? Is KEK returning for 2020 slowly revealing his machinations from the veil he hid it behind?

>> No.12761403


>> No.12761531

how will boomers ever recover?

>> No.12761561

if the propaganda is that effective then there's no need to disarm people

>> No.12761586

Great, another election period full of meme candidates to attract retards to this site by the droves.

>> No.12761620
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*honk* *honk*

>> No.12761624

very slim chance the guy will be nominated
they'll go for either tulsey or the other woman because that's kind of thing appeals to the dnc base and not macro-level experiments like basic income or what have you
pol will just continue to circle the drain and it's users will scatter

>> No.12761660

I wish people would take him more seriously than just saying 1000,2000,3000 and people who mock him say 4000. Its not about neetbux its about bringing people up so that they can improve prosperity in this nation and break out of the paycheck to paycheck rut.

Say this is /lit/ right? What if someone had enough money to eat and drink and get a studio apartment and just type a great American novel? That is a novel that might never have existed. Similar to JK Rowlings story right?

Making it into Neetbux is a craven insult to the intentions and promise of UBI. Nobody wants to pay so you spend 100 hours a week watching anime, its about doing your passion, even if its Twitch streaming or BMX racing. Hopefully its finding a new career or creating things.

Its a clusterfuck, now Beto is running, its going to possibly even be a 32 person NCAA style bracketology.

>> No.12761673

post-ideological 90s won't come back, sorry friendo
yang has no options, he will get chewed by the intersectional mafia, asian males are almost at the bottom of the progressive stack, and tulsi has no options neither, she's a brown woman but she doesn't stick to the party line, and there's nothing progressives hate more than minorities that get out of line

>> No.12761784

>What if someone had enough money to eat and drink and get a studio apartment and just type a great American novel
Nope, not gonna happen. Great art is born of suffering and struggle. People without means struggle with living, people with enough or more then enough struggle with ennui, decadence, lost youth, etc. People on UBI will only struggle with guilt and inadequacy and hang themselves or dabble in mediocrity, with the former being preferable.

>> No.12761818

I hate most of Yang's policies and what he represents.
But /pol/ has become so infested with ultra-serious boomer reddit faggot niggers that we need some way to get them to leave. And this meme has potential towards doing it.

My-little-pony-pol drove out them out before.
Maybe yang-gang-pol will drive out them out now.

There are people on that board who honestly think of themselves as christian conservatives and it's disgusting. They take themselves way too seriously and the board has just become so unfunny and unable to self-depreciate.

Disgusting. Really, really disgusting stuff. They've completely forgotten the true ideology: happenings.
Makes me sick.

Clown world needs to fought with clown world, and these absolute brainlets cannot understand that. Imagine actually using 4chan to discuss political "isms" and not just throwing shit at niggers and jews. Jesus fucking christ what a mess.

>> No.12761866

>Clown world needs to fought with clown world
you are not fighting anything just accelerating it, which may be adequate seeing this thread

>> No.12761877

4chan hasn't been good since 2012 and it never will be again.

>> No.12761882

>accelerationists can me-

>> No.12761901
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NeoBoomer arrives from eternal 1968.

>> No.12761904

'If you're going to be a zoo-animal, you might as well be a zoo-animal on twatter.'

>> No.12761913

Cringed and saved.

>> No.12761914

>4chan hasn't been good since 2012 and it never will be again
I apologize since I only came late 2015. I never knew the true greatness.
But even I, a newfag by even generous standards, know that something extremely bad happened in 2016 and after.

>it will never be again
I believe that the memescape (don't cringe) is self-cleaning. Despite the fact that barriers to entry have dropped and so has the IQ and effort-posting, I still think it could be reborn.

>> No.12761933

>calls others zoo animals for supporting Yang because of UBI
Yeah, says the guy who fled to Hong Kong.

>> No.12761943
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>>Clown world needs to fought with clown world
>you are not fighting anything just accelerating it

Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Mimicry is the highest form of mockery.

The difference between being brave and being stupid is a dice roll.

If we cleanse God of his own sins, who then will we rage against, but ourselves?

Postulates and theories are the bread and butter of a man with a broken toaster.

Silver linings can't be put in the dish washer.

Niggers. are. dumb.



>> No.12761946

4chan has never been good, that's the point retard.

>> No.12761950
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Little China arrives from Big Trouble

>> No.12761965

Is that guy saying that the only way the revolution can get started is if the US government takes all the guns away?