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/lit/ - Literature

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12758816 No.12758816 [Reply] [Original]

Any good fiction from Israeli authors?

>> No.12758972

The Holocaust

>> No.12758995 [DELETED] 

i once went to tel aviv and jerusalem and israeli jews are among the most impolite people you can imagine.

>> No.12759926

Amos oz

>> No.12759937

My main man Yehuda Amichai

>> No.12759945
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>> No.12759948

Amos Oz

he's my favorite author, actually.

>> No.12759953

maybe they thought you were a creep. or a vagrant.

>> No.12759957

no, Jews really are fucking rude unless they were socialized almost exclusively around whites or are old country Ostjuden w/good temperaments and volkish hospitality.

t. kike

>> No.12759959
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>> No.12759960

Israel is a fiction which will soon be discarded.

>> No.12759965
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this is one of my favorite books.

the same sea by oz is also amazing.

>> No.12759967

Israel is going to annex Palestine and then become Arab majority in 30 years, by then Islam will be so anemic and defanged that it will be almost indistinguishible from Lebanon or Turkey and Jews probably won't have as large of a population globally, so no one will exact any revenge or enjoy the catharsis of palingenesis.

>> No.12759970

maybe you reeked of antisemitism.

>> No.12759977

no, they won't sacrifice their jewish identity like this.

>> No.12759989

Never gonna happen its necessary for the jews to preserve themselves if they become arabs the entire country will turn into a shithole

>> No.12761089

Etgar Keret is great for short form

I like Suddenly, a Knock at the Door but his non-fiction The Seven Good Years (year between birth of his first child and his father's death) is popular.

>> No.12761099


>> No.12761147 [DELETED] 

Nice redpill thread, Israelis are incredibly subhuman.

>> No.12761149

Very based

>> No.12761155

If there was, I wouldnt buy it. You should look up how and why to BOYCOTT the criminal and illegal state of Israel, until they change their racist, genocidal, and warmongering ways

>> No.12761162

Yalom bitch

>> No.12761166

When Nietzsche wept is awful

>> No.12761205
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>> No.12761209

>Judas was the good guy non-goyim
>He was even named after us
Jews are a waste of time

>> No.12761210

The Bible (New Testament, the Old Testament fucking sucks)

>> No.12761213


>> No.12761395

Yehuda Amchai and S.Y. Agnon

>> No.12761405

Their constitution

>> No.12761651

the bible

>> No.12763157

Amos Oz
David Grossman
Irit Amiel

>> No.12763311


>> No.12764645

>nothing interesting

>> No.12764735
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>> No.12765871

No, they just tend to be more intimate and informal with one another. As a result, they appear abrasive, rude, and imposing to the average westerner

>> No.12765881

I came for this

>> No.12765888 [DELETED] 
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some good mossad lit

>> No.12765905

You people are so boring, fuck.

>> No.12768003

Shlomo Sand - The Invention of the Jewish People

Norman Finkelstein
- Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom
- The Holocaust Industry