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/lit/ - Literature

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12758283 No.12758283 [Reply] [Original]

How do we get kids to read books again?

>> No.12758287

Take away their phones/tablets/tvs

>> No.12758348

Very bad idea. They will just look unhappy and sleep or won't come home anymore

There is no way to force a kid to read anymore. Sadly, the social milieu in which kids grow up nowadays offer them the choice of what they want to do, so forcing them to read won't lead to anything but make them hate literature, and they will quit it as soon as they aren't obligated to.

>> No.12758351

start another war so we can get good books and when they turn 20-ish they will read them

>> No.12758356

Smart children = bad wives

>> No.12758368

>Very bad idea. They will just look unhappy and sleep or won't come home anymore
a heroin addict would act the same

>> No.12758577


I'm going to jelly jam my dick in your asshole.

>> No.12758594

You sound like an American. In my country we actually have a functioning education system and children read for pleasure. They also go outside and play.

>> No.12758603

I don't plan on giving my kids an option. I don't own a TV or cell phone and neither will they. They're not touching a computer until they're in their late teens.

>> No.12758606

If I were on a high school committee I would force every 16 year old to read Moby-Dick, write a report and expel everyone who does not satisfy me

>> No.12758619

I would close the high school and force all the students and teachers to work on a collective farm or factory.

>> No.12758625


>> No.12758628

>late teens
I'm sorry anon, but that's utterly impossible.

>> No.12759022

>read this book or your mother will die in her sleep tonight minianon

>> No.12759044

ITT: Retards who would create dysfunctional children.

The key is actually to get children to learn that reading can be fun. Taking away technology will only socially isolate them and deprive them of potential knowledge.

>> No.12759082


>> No.12759111
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Give them tablets with books on them.

>> No.12759140

>The key is actually to get children to learn that reading can be fun

Reading can be fun, but video games and YouTube are objectively more fun for a child. You're not going have any luck convincing kids to willingly spend time on less engaging activity.

>> No.12759158
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People will think this is extreme but it's very appropriate action given the current levels of addiction towards devices:
Once every weekend lock them in a room with a book and tell them they can only come out to play once they've read it. To prove they've read it give them a quiz about the book after they claim to have read it. Gradually increase the length and complexity of the book until they're reading Ulysses over two to three weekends, quizzing them on each part seperately. If you're feeling kind give them a dictionary also.
They'll thank you once they're older. It's the only way to avoid pic related.

>> No.12759237

why are you so interested in kids?

>> No.12759260
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>Taking away technology will only socially isolate them and deprive them of potential knowledge
shut up faggot

>> No.12759384

Not possible. These things have to come from within. The best you can do is prod them a little. If adult reading rates are in the shitter, how can you expect kids to do much better? Capitalist piggies have invented way better dopamine dispensers; it takes a whole lot of willpower to read these days.


>> No.12759389

Whip 'em!

>> No.12759397

Found the future wife beater/child rapist

>> No.12759558

>that moment wheb your toddler's literary intellect begins to surpass your own and he condescends to your quizes by writing responsws like, "I don't know, who DID Holden really catch, you philisitine?"

>> No.12759616

I didnt get a nintendo as a kid and im still pissed. The kids without tvs were weird and sort of missed out on shared generational memories.

>> No.12759640
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The way you get kids reading is to set an example and enforce household rules. Kids look to their parents to get a vibe for what's normal and what's not in their household, and they are watching what you do, not what you say.

When a kid sees their parents come home from work and rather than reading, they choose to bury themselves in
>their phones,
>their tablets,
>trash tv
>and video games,

they see what the adults ACTUALLY care about.

Forcing books on kids if you're not reading AT LEAST as much as you want them to read, or taking electronics away while you're still working through your Factorio and Netflix addiction, is the equivalent of drinking a diet coke after 15 plates at the buffet and thinking that you're a paragon of restraint.

You may have seniority, but the moral high ground is earned, not free. You want your family to read? Fill a house with books, throw away YOUR technology, and beat your kid at reading every last one of them.

>> No.12759645


>> No.12759670

You cannot pretend you care about your child's education if you won't take your own just as seriously. Kids have X-Ray vision when spotting hypocrites.

>> No.12759679

You know a lot about kids, sicko.

>> No.12759725


>> No.12760384

Instill them with an appreciation of reading from birth (protip: reading to kids is about the single most important thing you can do in this regard and they WILL remember) and then feed them suitable books as they mature. There are tons of great books relevant to any interest that a reasonably intelligent 12 year-old could get hooked by. They like adventure? Treasure Island. They're edgy? Dracula. They like fantasy? Conan and the Hobbit. They're budding pseuds? Animal Farm. More importantly, starting out with books that are entertaining and accessible but not without substance gives you something to work back from - the kid who likes the Hobbit or Conan might like Beowulf or Ivanhoe and the kid who likes adventure stories might go nuts for London and Conrad. HOWEVER, you have to keep an eye on them because just like how kids would happily exist on nothing but junk food they'll also read nothing but YA dogshit if you let them because those books are specifically tailored to be as appealing as possible to their hormone-addled little brains.

Been there. My family never had cable growing up and I was still rocking an Apple II and NES into 2002. I'm not too upset though.

>> No.12760545

Who says they can’t do both?

I grew up reading AND playing video games.

>> No.12760619

>tfw never read goosebumps because I found the covers too scary

>> No.12760629

Pewdiepie :)

>> No.12760639

Ideally, there should be no more children, but alas, that is an impossible pipe dream to attain.

The best way to get children to read, is as a previous poster said, is to leas by example. Sure some exceptional child may be able to read on their own, their parents being generally non-reading dullards, but that is the exception, not the rule. Most will follow the example set by their parents, and if their parents bury themselves in tablets, phones and TV, as will the children.

>> No.12760671

Gimme some of those books, friend.

>> No.12760678
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How do we get more adults to read anti-natalist literature?

>> No.12760707
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>just cuck out as the child escalates
do not talk to me or my son ever again

>> No.12760713

you sound totally and completely insane
things are the same everywhere

if you think your country is going to escape the worst of the worst without fighting a bloody civil war, you are truly riddled with mental retardation

>> No.12760724

Which of those coauthors is the starring David?

>> No.12760729

Why would that be impossible?

>> No.12760733

Cute soles

>> No.12760805

You'll see.

>> No.12760828

When I was in elementary school we were each assigned a "reading level" (corresponding with school years, e.g. you could be a 4th grader with a 5th grade reading level) which was determined through some sort of test. We were only allowed to check out books from the library which were within a certain range of our reading level. My reading level was 12th grade, which meant that I could check out almost none of the books in the library because it was primarily children's books. I didn't want to read books in my reading level, though, I wanted to read Goosebumps, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, etc. So I had to haggle with the librarians and get them to break the rules to let me check them out. In hindsight it was a really stupid situation.

>> No.12760829

Behave as though they're missing out.

>> No.12760833

Kids like manga since it's about their favorite anime, so make them watch/play something and then tell them that there's more in the books.

>> No.12760834

Don't bother with such stupid answers.

>> No.12760837

That's the easiest answer I can give. You will literally see.

>> No.12760918

It's not an answer at all. I asked you why it's utterly impossible to keep kids away from computers and you haven't given one reason.

>> No.12760925

Because once they are older than 15, they will buy those things with their own money, and there is literally nothing you can do about it.

>> No.12760938

no technology in the house

>> No.12760939

and if they don't they will be able to use computers at friends house/ library. Also, generally not a good idea, the kids that are the most restricted are more likely to rebel

>> No.12760943

I don't know why a 15 year old would have enough money to buy a computer but even so, 15 and on would count as late teens. But even if that didn't count as late teens and I still wanted to keep them away but couldn't, that's not a good reason not to try, just as some kids will buy drugs and use them no matter what the parents do. That's not a good reason to let kids do illicit drugs.

>> No.12760945

>I don't know why a 15 year old would have enough money to buy a computer
Birthday money
Christmas money
Summer job money

>> No.12760948

Again, some kids will go to their friends to buy drugs. That doesn't mean parents shouldn't bar their use. This idea that instituting rules will cause kids to rebel is a ridiculous cliche with no evidence to support it. If that was the case, literally every kid would be a heroin addict.

>> No.12760950

Your parents should have kept you from computers because it fucked your attention span.

>> No.12760951

There is a difference between drugs and computers, anon. Smart kid won't even want to try drugs. Smart kid wants to own a computer.

>> No.12760959

It didn't.

>> No.12760958

Oh I wasn't aware that there's differences between drugs and computers. Well that solves everything.

>> No.12760965

>This idea that instituting rules will cause kids to rebel is a ridiculous cliche with no evidence to support it. If that was the case, literally every kid would be a heroin addict
Dumbest shit I have read all day.

>> No.12761015

Education has always been in every country garbage, but I don't know how you parents mess up your kids so much.
My kid read literature on their own, and mostly the book I recommend them. I never had to force or private them in any way, my kids read and enjoy reading and also know youtube is an utter waste of time.

Every time any of my kids shown me the smallest bit of insolence I did punish them the adequate way.
I surely hope I won't ever see you and your mess.

>> No.12761019

Don't be surprised if your kids are cunts as adults or simply start to distance themselves from you as fast as possible.

>> No.12761035

Don't be surprised if your kids are complete idiots.

>> No.12761047

Well you are a cunt already, I guess it's only natural then.

>> No.12761048

Give them books that are interesting and not propaganda or board-chosen and stop forcing them to read in extremely specific analytical not fun ways

>> No.12761051

Youtube is full of educational videos which are definitely much more fun for kids than books, saying that Youtube is a waste of time is stupid.

>> No.12761064

I'm 32 years old and still living with my parents and I think a big part of that is how undisciplined the house was. I never really had any rules and both my parents worked so they always gave me whatever I wanted. I kind of resent them for it now because all of my old friends who came from the more strict houses are well adjusted and doing good for themselves.

Life is not like the movies where repressed Catholic school girls are likely to become a methhead or something. I'm sure it can happen because humans suck but in my experience those Catholic school girl types make for very happy adults. I lived the opposite life and I dropped out of high school and did lots of drugs. So did everyone else who group up in a similar household. Don't be afraid to discipline your kids.

>> No.12761102

I don't know to be honest, maybe.
By youtube I meant gaming videos and all the shit that goes with it, and it sadly represent the vast majority of it's content, the few times I've browsed it.

Just look at your post and try to guess why I'm being mean.

>> No.12761226

yes and look at how you came out

>> No.12762228

My father was like this. Forcing me to do sports and reading poetry. He manipulated me with his elitism "you dont need xyz popular thing you are above the other kids" (never had yu gi oh cards). I was only allowed to go out with high status friends and he would do controll phone calls to their parents so I dont go out with anybody but his chosen kids. He would also check every paper I brought from school so i would not write/draw anything he deems transgressive. I was not allowed to do anything on my own and he was so charming and manipulative that I thought I was lucky to be raised that way. Atleast until he started beating me that is. At 17 I had a fist fight with him and left him limping for a week. He stopped being a faggot (to some extent) and I gained some freedom. But alas it was too late. Anxiety and social ineptitude were already inside me. He was a psychotic bipolar narcisisst and I learned nothing. Funny thing is when my mother had cancer he mocked her for being weak and tired (literally imitated her gasping for air etc). Ironically he died of cancer himself and was the biggest baby about it. I fucking hate this dude but atleast I get to keep his bukowski, camus and hemingway shit

>> No.12762257

Destroy industrial society

>> No.12762286

Certainly by not having them read fetish fuel fiction like the one in the OP pic.

>> No.12762296

Because you're a cuck and autistic, and if your wife isn't either, she will have you buy them everything they ask for to maintain some type of dependency on you so that she can put at ease that little voice in her head that pleads her to divorce your pathetic ass.
If she's as much of a retard as you, she will give in to your "wise advice" and your kids will become exaggerated versions of you and and that retard you married. Is that what you want, to bring in an even more retarded version of you into this planet?
What good are you?
Imagine how useless your kid will be.

>> No.12762317

6 hours later and you're still steaming

>> No.12762322

The next American civil war will be mutts sharting uncontrollably and shooting each other with ar-15s in Walmart while riding their diabeetus mobility scooters.

>> No.12762327

That's a different person, I already beat you.

>> No.12762332

>atleast I get to keep his bukowski, camus and hemingway shit
kek. 10/10 pasta

>> No.12762344

No, I won.

>> No.12762347

If that makes you sleep better then you can think that.

>> No.12762361

I won you fucking fag

>> No.12762385
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Reading is an activity that should be a privilege for the elite. Its democratization affects taste and quality.
Let those faggots use their tablets and play fornite.

>> No.12762392

Your dad was a Chad. Stop complaining and man up faggot.

>> No.12762395

Kill yourself.

>> No.12762471
File: 249 KB, 960x539, pewdiepie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Role models/celebs who read books.
Pic absolutely related.

>> No.12762483

You read to your kid every night. Fuck other people's kids. Not literally.

>> No.12762529
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>> No.12762543

Burrhurt fag. Go masturbate thinking of your dad so you can feel better.

>> No.12762547
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that kid is gonna be screwed up
but goddamn I would do anything to nut in that bitch

>> No.12762593

Reading would have to be surrounded and supported by a strong personality. and I dont mean just an Eceleb recomending Krierkegaard or famous person. More like a culture around it. A show on netflix about some nerds solving a mystery by reading books, a popular musician advocating reading and creating an album around it. Rewards, kids wont do shit unless they're rewarded. Book fairs, those things draw in young kids like flies to shit. A lot would have to change in order for reading to get back in the mainstream since k=most kids (and adults) today just want to be entertained.

>> No.12762611
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>> No.12762675
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>> No.12762720

lmao saved

>> No.12763173


through memetic implementation. you can unironically intrigue millions of 12-14 year olds to read jung to even nick land/hegel/kant if you memetically implant them into it. the reason zoomers do so today is because of an alienation, but you could toggle this memetic implement through EXTROVERSION itself, leading all kids to be mass intellectuals. much conflict and societal shift (good or bad, up for debate) will commence. see pewdiepie reading don quixote for the easiest example. see /lit/ pandering in the same light, just different arenas, different degrees of intensity.

>> No.12763181

not true as they will pick up degenerate culture sociologically from friends. the daddy-mommy-me is not the full picture. they will most likely rebel the alien culture the family household "holds" and turn to the school culture and the likes.

>> No.12763206


>> No.12763226

2bh I think the only reason I like reading is because my dad read to me nightly growing up and would tell me stories all the time going bed and he himself would read.

>> No.12763335
File: 306 KB, 528x724, blart3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read to your kids regularly at a very young age to normalize it
>when leaning, make sure they have access to the kind of books that seem to interest them so they form a habit
>get them books as presents/rewards so they think of it as something positive and not a chore
>once they start reading on their own, make it as easy as possible for them get the books they want, regularly hitting up the store or library if necessary
>don't try to judge or manipulate what they read too much or they won't get interested
>don't let them have a tablet or phone until they're well into their teens or it'll melt their attention spans
>don't get them a computer until they're at least in middle school or they'll become desensitized to information

>> No.12763377

>don't let them have a tablet or phone until they're well into their teens or it'll melt their attention spans
I wonder if me using a computer since maybe being three, four years old fucked up my attention span so much. I pretty much was unable to even read a short book since my mid teens. I had the lowest grades in elementary, was the slowest in the class, etc. When I was a child it was so bad I stared at the television screen for few good minutes without realizing it was turned off. My teachers thought I was retarded which kinda made it funny since I was friend with a gifted kid from class.

>> No.12763397


Okay, but I warn you the.pdfs are haunted...

>> No.12763416

Based friendship

>> No.12763447

fucking retard. I live in a very wealthy area with tons of professors and other parents who actually read and don't really watch TV. kids don't merely take after their parents, it's their friends. and when they get even older it's almost entirely their friends and other peers.


>> No.12763471

IMO the internet and social media have been the main reason so many kids have shot attention spans, not computers in general. The fact video games have also been inching closer and closer to skinner boxes for years now doesn't help either.

>> No.12763476
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Possibly, but computers were different back then. Less engaging, and content was much different and less accessible. I was among the last of the millennials and grew up alongside the development of a lot of modern tech. Virtually no kids were using computers at that age, but now with interface improvements and child-targeted shit it's the norm. Now all the kids are growing up in a world where this shit already exists and their development is completely molded by interaction with personal devices. Their attention spans are alarming. Their emotions are duller. They have reduced interest in interpersonal relationships. The really young ones, they all have that fucking creepy iPad stare, like their minds are trapped in the matrix and every minute they're interacting with you is just biding time until they can return home. It's terrifying.

>While visiting his wacky uncle for the summer, a 10 year-old boy finds a mysterious device in the attic that might be haunted by the ghost of an evil author.

>> No.12763478

That wasnt my comment. Some other dude answered on my behalf. Honestly looking back, my story has a ton of cosmic humor in it. I hope this shit will make me a good writer. I am still dealing with the antisocial portion of it and it sucks but it gives me an absolutely unique vantage point. I am blessed in that regard. My worldview is unique and I wont fall for clichee drivel in my prose. I can write interesting characters because I have never been surrounded by normality. You will hear my name some day anon.

>> No.12763493

I am not complaining. Life is what it is. He actually was a chad in college and had tons of affairs. He married my mother simply because "she isnt fat". He hated fat people hahaha

He is still a fucking psycho and Iam glad he is dead. But I am not whining about the past. Only annoying thing is that he raterded me socially

>> No.12763497


>> No.12763544

>t. jacobus

hes one of us

>> No.12763584

>Less engaging
I would argue that entertainment on PC then was more engaging but less accessible.

>> No.12763606

More engaging to the type of person who'd wade through a relatively inaccessible experience to get to it, maybe. I could agree with that.

>> No.12763626

That was your only option at the time.

>> No.12763646

>all these spergs in this thread saying they won't let their kids use the internet
>meanwhile they spend the entire day online

>> No.12763664

Do like my parents did and be poor and live in a very isolated rural area with no cell service, cable, or high speed internet.

Also openly mock other children who are constantly on devices. Making fun of others is a great way to bond with your children.

>> No.12763690

>All these spergs in this thread saying they won't let their kids get fucked by adults
>meanwhile they spend the entire day having sex with adults
Nice observation, zoomer. It's retarded to think that your child's developing brain is something that should be taken into account when deciding what they should refrain from until they're older.

>> No.12763702


its okay nobody here will have kids

>> No.12763711

What merit is there in literature for kids that they can comprehend? They can't comprehend and appreciate literature for adults and YA is just pointless entertainment no better (from an entertainment perspective) than Vidya. What can you tell them is valuable about reading when they generally read books without value?

>> No.12763716

You sound like a cunt.

>> No.12763720

Why would I want my kids to be as dependant on the internet as I am?

>> No.12763727

Why, faggot?

>> No.12763734

If you watch videos of children being interviewed, a lot of them aren't as obsessed with internet as you'd think. Many of them like video games though but they don't care for Youtube and social media.

>> No.12763752

You drooling goddamn mongoloid. Childhood is just the tutorial for adulthood. You get kids reading Goosebumps and Harry Potter because it trains them to "get" reading and develops their interests. No one picks up Moby Dick when they're 30 and gets past the first few pages if they've never read a book before in their lives. Escapism and entertainment is an excellent way to demonstrate to a child their potential to connect with narrative fiction.

And if you actually read some damn studies you'd know that social media is now the #1 way that teenagers prefer to interact with one another and that interpersonal activities between kids have dropped by something like 75% in the past decade alone.

>> No.12763763

Teenagers are not children. The person I replied to said "kids.
I would be embarrassed if I had teenagers who read Goosebumps.

>> No.12763783

Learn to read you insatiable faggot. How the fuck do you encourage children to read by saying "Sonny if you read this shit book now you'll be able to appreciate something better later!"?
What merit can CHILDREN COMPREHEND that one can use to encourage reading?

>> No.12763834

>Sonny if you read this shit book now you'll be able to appreciate something better later
You don't tell them what they're reading is shit. For all intents and purposes, it's not. There's no shame in a simple story for simple minds. You've already said that complex fiction would be lost of them.
>What merit can CHILDREN COMPREHEND that one can use to encourage reading?
Reading is enjoyable. There. That's your hook. It's fun. Even vapid housewives enjoy reading. If it weren't enjoyable, literature wouldn't even exist in the form it now does. It sounds like you're trying to come off as no-nonsense when you're really just being deliberately dense. You sell reading to kids by giving them something that's valuable to them as kids, and that's not "merit" as adults think of it. They will gravitate toward merit as they catch glimpses of it and begin to develop a hunger for it. That's what happened to almost everybody reading this.

>> No.12763885

Fuck off luddite

>> No.12763918

It's no more enjoyable for a child than video games which is what you're going to be constantly competing with. You're being a moron by thinking you can simply sell an inferior form of entertainment as better because it has more merit to you as an adult.

>> No.12764054

>It's no more enjoyable for a child than video games
I played video games a lot as a kid, both alone and with friends. I also read my ass off, and I loved it, on top of watching a lot of TV and playing in the woods. You're trying to justify not putting any effort whatsoever into shaping your kid. The world you live in right now wants to get kids addicted to cellphone apps and social media as early as possible and turn them into paypigs at the expense of their own brain development. You can armor them against that by not letting your kid play Candy Crush before they can speak and not letting them watch Spiderman and Elsa all day. It's not hard, you pussy.
>You're being a moron by thinking you can simply sell an inferior form of entertainment as better
You don't have to if you aren't letting your child fry their circuits with overstimulation from the minute they're born. By the time they're old enough to not be stunted by that shit, they'll have already integrated reading, and a smart kid will always want to read. The problem isn't that kids stop reading because of cellphones and video games, it's that they never start because of them.

>> No.12764092


>> No.12764108

How about do what my parents did and read to them and encourage them to read instead of acting like an autist and removing anything that could "fry their circuits with overstimulation"? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You'd be a shit parent. If you were my kid, I would beat you and leave you under a bridge.

>> No.12764159

I encouraged exactly that: >>12763335 . You have no argument are are now resorting to assumptions. Sorry, zoomer. It's sad that the idea of denying young children devices they don't need and that impair their early development is this egregious to you.

>> No.12764166

The world's moving towards technocracy. The elites will eventually be computer programmers. A child should learn everything about a computer before they're an adult or else they will be enslaved like the wagecucks of today.

>> No.12764229

Assuming that you're right (you're not), letting your baby fuck with an iPad for hours a day isn't going to teach them to code. It's going to fry their brains and turn them into the complacent, matrix-addicted paypigs you'd never want them to become. I'm not talking about a technology blackout, I'm talking about removing content and devices that are literally designed to addict and brainwash people. At least until they're old enough to even stand a chance of handling it.

>> No.12764253

Seriously. I’ve learned a ton from YouTube. When I was younger I learned a lot about computers and software, it’s also helped me a ton with learning how to cook and minor home/auto repairs. That’s really only scratching the surface, too. There is a lot of garbage on YT though admittedly.

>> No.12764975
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>they will most likely rebel
>kids take after their peers over time

No shit, dumbass. This is an inevitability and is desired, rebellion is a natural impulse and a key part of a child becoming an adult who leaves home and becomes self-sufficient.

Additionally, pray your kids learn something from their friends and environment. It looks different than the one you were born in, and if the umbilical cord is never cut, no matter what century you live in, the result is making your child an outcast, "That weird kid" whom no one wants to know.

Your true goal is, during critical periods prior to that rebellion, laying a foundation that, puts them on bright paths with fruitful endpoints and fighting chances.

YOU, if you want a child who reads, are responsible to read.

You must prove that an independent adult who is important to them, with all the choices in the world, will choose to read. The adults who don't make that choice show their true opinion of books, and kids learn fast. The kids who would read will see their parents read and take it from there.

>> No.12765778

I read a book about dehaunting PDFs, no worries.

>> No.12765832

>If it's not obtuse it's worthless


>> No.12766827

what. how.

>> No.12766837

this unironically.
people only really cared about reading when it was harder to find or restricted.

>> No.12766849 [DELETED] 
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>Destroy industrial society

>> No.12766852

Back that claim up

>> No.12766862

That doesn't work anymore when the rest of society don't follow the same principles. But that's what I'm going to do anyway.

>> No.12766888

That seems like a good idea. Not sarcasm btw

>> No.12766918

It certainly seemed like you were whining about the past.

>> No.12766985

This surprisingly works.

>> No.12767197

based and tedpilled

>> No.12767482

Works in turning your kid into a weeb, yes. I’d rather he were illiterate 2bh.

>> No.12767526

I didn’t have a cellphone til 14. Laptop at 15. That delayed my porn addiction by a few years...
The real redpill is you need to be a respectable extroverted father w high social standing,money and discipline for you and your kid. They can still get fucked if their social circle are druggies or whatever. Then idk what you do desu...

>> No.12767861

>tfw read like 2 and used to shit bricks from fear at nights

>> No.12768067
