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12757737 No.12757737 [Reply] [Original]

Amazon has banned Culture of Critique from its bookstore.


How do you feel about book burning /lit/?

Epub: https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/the-culture-of-critique_-an-evo-kevin-macdonald-epub.692826/
Mobi: https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/the-culture-of-critique_-an-evo-kevin-macdonald-mobi.692827/
Pdf: https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/kevin_macdonald-_the_culture_of_critique__an_evol-z-lib-org-pdf.692823/

(Last thread got bumplocked and expired.)

>> No.12757860

Damn I read that and I’m not even a jew hater. Inb4 it’s a private company and they can do what they want. It’s fucking amazon they run the world

>> No.12757863
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>> No.12757924

>How do you feel about book burning /lit/?

It's not book burning, you're just a reappropriating fascist

>> No.12757937

It's book burning for a private company to choose not to sell a product?

>> No.12757942

Okay sweaty

>> No.12757977

Right wing pseud shit seems pretty in vogue right now, no way they werent making some decent bucks from this book. Purely an idelogical move

>> No.12757992

God this guys Twitter reads like pure cringe.

>> No.12758007

t. Philosemite

>> No.12758027

Piece of shit book full of misinformation such as on the Frankfurt school, which is based on a conspiracy theory made up in the 90s.

>> No.12758090

Nope. I don’t hate any people based of their faith of choice. I personally don’t think religion in general has a place in contemporary society, but that’s just my opinion. I think we would have less problems in general if less people had less reasons to seperate themselves from other people.

People are people. Pure and simple. Pretending they are not is equivalent to people believing witches are real back in the Middle Ages.

>> No.12758093
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Shut up, you knew what OP meant. A monopolistic company has banned a major work because they feel in a moral position to dictate what people should or shouldn't read. I understand banning some bullshit like a guide to make bombs for terrorists because that's directly against the law, but this is an academic work from a respected professor in evolutionary psychology. Amazon banned it because they feel entitled to police what information goes into people's heads, just like Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube. Their goal is absolute control over the flow of information.
>private companies can do whatever they like bro
>if you dont like it just start ur own company bro
Yeah let me just set up an alternative to amazon that doesn't ban works that the SPLC deems 'hateful', before swiftly getting banned from all online payment processors like Paypal and getting smeared from the media for being an 'alt right platform'.
>just start your own online payment system bro
>banks won't accept your payment processor? just start your own banking system bro
God I hope all these Silicon Valley companies get smashed up by anti-monopoly laws or become public platforms.

>> No.12758099


>Pressure is systematically being brought to bear on every merchant selling a particular good.

Hardly book burning, but not some lone store making some innocent decision either.

>> No.12758111

theres literally nothing in that book worthy of a ban, im sure they didnt even review its contents before pulling it.

>> No.12758176

>major work
Doesn't register as any kind of work on any level

>this is an academic work from a respected professor in evolutionary psychology
Only respected by the alt-right that want their assumptions given a blessing by anyone in academia.

>> No.12758196

Even if you disagree that it's a good work, the fact you support a monopoly banning books that are controversial is abhorrent. Go suck corporate America's dick some more, faggot.

>> No.12758199

Why do fascists care so much? I thought they were supposed to be manly and stoic, but apparently a minor inconvenience is enough to have them start shrieking like entitled soccer moms.

>> No.12758228


>> No.12758248

Because it proves them right.

>> No.12758264

About what? The world doesn't care about their feelings?

>> No.12758273

>Ever increasing censorship among colluding major platforms is a minor inconvenience
>Calling attention to this is shrieking

>> No.12758292

That the world cares about their feelings and wants to stop other people from feeling as they do.

>> No.12758311

Uncensored and free speech is good, and arguing otherwise would simply be an exercise in it, therefore hypocritical. The "fascists" are simply smarter than you.

>> No.12758322

That's really fucked, even if I think the book is worthless. What is the reason for it? Their response is vague.

>> No.12758353

>from a respected professor in evolutionary psychology.

He literally attends white nationalist conferences and associates with white nationalists which makes me question his motivations and line of thinking. He may be a professor but that goes out the window once he gives credence to questionable organizations. It would be like Neil deGrasse Tyson speaking at a Flat Earth society and agreeing with everything they say.

The conclusions McDonald made can be said about white people in Africa or Japanese and Chinese in Southeast Asia. But if a book like that were to be written the fellows at any whitenat org would be in an uproar much like social justice warriors when Ben Shapiro speaks at their university.

>> No.12758365

Wouldn't the fascists be pro-censorship?

>> No.12758374

>What is the reason for it? Their response is vague.

You can't be this dense. It's the same reason it's popular among white nationalists, supremacists, and the alt right crowd.

>> No.12758378

racialist liberalism is just fascism with white guilt
eventually they'll start cracking down on actual dissent and all these pretend social democrats and poser anarchists in the united states will be dead in the water
you can applaud these gatekeeper companies for dismantling the aut right for you if you'd like but don't act surprised when they come down even harder on whatever neutered toothless movement the american left comes up with, if they ever stop bitching at eachother long enough to gain traction (unlikely)

>> No.12758384

There can't be any legitimate criticisms against jews

>> No.12758387

What is THEIR reason, I mean. What policy of theirs did it run against? The book isn't quite on the level of, say, books that are straightforward manuals on how to kill people and such.

>> No.12758389

Why criticise Jews? Why not criticise French people? Or Indians? Or Anglos?

>> No.12758397

They're both easily gullible. I wouldn't be surprised the Democratic party gets influenced by Russia next because of the ignorant masses on the left but by then you would't even hear from it unless its from a Woodward and Bernstein from some independent online magazine.

>> No.12758413

>Why not criticise French people? Or Indians? Or Anglos?

This, Chinese in Southeast Asia operated on the same level Jews do as did French in their African colonies. Brahmans literally call themselves God's chosen people as did the Japanese when they planted Shinto shrines in China and the Philippines. If Japan had kept their empire and satelite governments in Asia you would see Koreans shilling for Japan like Evangelicals wave the Israeli flag on Sunday.

>> No.12758415
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>But if a book like that were to be written the fellows at any whitenat org would be in an uproar much like social justice warriors when Ben Shapiro speaks at their university.
Pretty sure that these books exist and contrary to being banned by amazon are standard highschool curriculum. I know you're probably being intellectually dishonest but especially with that being the case you must realize how ridiculous this looks? Who do you presume to be fooling?

>> No.12758418

I don't know their policy but it would probably be something along the lines of banning books that promote hate. They banned a pedophile manual some time ago as well.

>> No.12758426

This book is now a best seller on barnes and nobel. I imagine both /pol/s must be memeing B&N as a white nationalist bookstore? If not really dropping the ball.

>> No.12758429


>> No.12758437

>standard highschool curriculum.

The textbooks I was assigned in high school did not describe Europeans as a monolithic group in the same manner McDonald describes Jews.

>> No.12758442

>Why criticise Jews? Why not criticise French people? Or Indians? Or Anglos?>12758413
>Chinese in Southeast Asia operated on the same level Jews do as did French in their African colonies. Brahmans literally call themselves God's chosen people as did the Japanese when they planted Shinto shrines in China and the Philippines
>Pretty sure that these books exist and contrary to being banned by amazon are standard highschool curriculum.
>I know you're probably being intellectually dishonest but especially with that being the case you must realize how ridiculous this looks?

>> No.12758443

they think imperialism and subterfuge are uniquely semitic

>> No.12758453

Incidentally the jews aren't "white" and are a wandering tribe unto their own and operate as such, which they have been accused of for some 4000 years. What is your point?

>> No.12758464
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>> No.12758479

My point is that what McDonald describes is not a unique trait among Jews but also appears among other people.

> are a wandering tribe unto their own and operate as such

What he describes in CoC didn't happen in Yemen, India, and Ethiopia which have Jewish populations.

>> No.12758480

Reminder that the 30th of March is the one year anniversary of the Great March of Return - a movement for justice for the Palestinians including the right to return to their own homes. People in all countries accross the world are called on to festivise and march on the 30th in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

>> No.12758486

what exactly is wrong with white nationalists?

>> No.12758492

Wow have you read the Bible too? It's like this insider book that details all there inner workings and beliefs and it's fucked

>> No.12758495

sounds like no one actually read the book

>> No.12758500


>> No.12758504

All ethnonationalists are trying to fight inexorable economic forces and typically end up doing inhumane things.

>> No.12758505

legitimate retards or dishonest trannies?

>> No.12758533

Obsession with purity and puts everything down to race when there's other factors.
I understand being against mass immigration but racial nationalism is a farce and judging from known WN speakers that are posted here, attracts the ignorant and outcast much like fringe groups across the spectrum.

>> No.12758534

Accusing anyone who thinks ethnonationalism is a bad idea of being transexual is the epitome of honesty. Based logic MAGApede!

>> No.12758549

project is doomed to fail. what makes north korea such a delapidated shithole? what made the warsaw pact collapse? jewish bolshevism and black magic? no, autarky.

if you managed to succeed somehow the rest of the world would cut off from you and you'd be left with a dysgenic decadent population of white collar middle managers and racist smackheads. it wouldn't last 30 years. you'd make rhodesia look like a grand and noble experiment

>> No.12758553

"white" and "black" are American concepts on race that are overly simplistic for the rest of the world, there's no homogenous "white" people in Europe like its presented in America.

>> No.12758590

Why do you guys keep repeating something that is clearly not true?
t. South American

>> No.12758684

Really? Where do white people begin and white people end? Are Scottish people white? French? Italian? Greek?

If Greek people aren't white but Italians are, then who do you explain the fact that Italians are genetically much closer to Greeks than they are to Scots?

There are posts here on 4chan that say "Catholics aren't white." If this doesn't prove that "white" is just a vague cultural sentiment instead of an actual racial distinction, I don't know what does.

>> No.12758696

Just because there is a continuum doesn't mean you can't place borders around certain segments and designate a name. And White being a social construct doesn't delegitimize it in any way.

>> No.12758700

>Just because there is a continuum doesn't mean you can't place borders around certain segments and designate a name
It literally does mean that though, when there's no obvious border to your category then it means your category doesn't exist in the first place

>> No.12758703

Ok, pay attention retard. I'm only going to say this once.

Where? Are you starting? Similarly, Scotland? French? Italy? Greece?

But if Italians do not use Greeks, do not you speak Italians and Italians to stay close to the Greeks?

This message is not "light". If it is "clean," it is very clear, irrelevant, and I do not know if there is no natural cultural perspective.

>> No.12758708

>The borders are blurry, therefore classification is impossible

>If Greek people aren't white but Italians
Who says this outside of /pol/?

>There are posts here on 4chan that say "Catholics aren't white."
Again, who the fuck cares about what /pol/ says? "Catholics aren't white" you can't compare that level of idiocy in a remark with the realization that races exist.

>> No.12758716

>when there's no obvious border to your category then it means your category doesn't exist in the first place
>There's no obvious border to what constitutes a tall person or a short person, so it means the categories "tall" and "short" don't exist

>> No.12758719
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it's not really that vague. do you view yourself as a link in the chain of western tradition? were your ancestors european, and if so does that mean something to you? if so you're white, get in line and stand at attention.

>> No.12758721
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Great I guess colors don't exist

>> No.12758722

Okay, you've determined that tall people are better and that short people destroy polite societies and should not live among tall people as equals. What height do men and women have to be in order to be full citizens in your tall nation? Remember, this is serious business and has a profound impact on everybody's life.

>> No.12758723

Bring them to the painful symptoms of today, today screaming, the day of suffering. You can't see the doctor. No disability. no job. not friend. I am 24/7. Then there will be a lot of work for all of them. I go to hell every day, I don't know if I don't have money, you don't have real friends. It is less powerful. Always change the study. What, after the pain.

>> No.12758724

>so it means the categories "tall" and "short" don't exist
Yes, this is also true. Napoleon, if he existed today, would be considered "short." When he existed in his own day, he was average or even slightly-above average.

This being, that becomes. Categories only exist when compared to each other. Do you even dependent origination, nigga?

>> No.12758733

it is undeniable that there are trannies among us who love to spew lefty/pol/ talking points and bring dissonance
what's the point? you're almost certainly one yourself

>> No.12758743
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>profound impact on everybody's life
it doesn't, you don't need to come to my country, no matter how beautiful our women are

>> No.12758745

>Okay, you've determined that tall people are better and that short people destroy polite societies and should not live among tall people as equals
Woah, that's a bunch of strong assumptions right there.

So because there's a relative dimension aside from an absolute one, comparison is invalid? What the fuck. Just see >>12758721

>> No.12758746

>He literally attends white nationalist conferences and associates with white nationalists
big whoop, so do i.
>white people don't exist - haha
reddit tier gaslighting

>> No.12758750

Oh but there are already short people among you! Surely you must have some policy on them.

>> No.12758755

Where does blue end and red begin? Or, if you wanna be more specific, where does blue end and purple begin?

Would a blue society allow indigo people into it? How about violet people? Violet still has shades of blue, after all.

>> No.12758756

But access to white people is a human right!

>> No.12758777

sucks to be you. the people who told you to come here will be punished, and you'll be given a free flight home. we'd give you an all-expense paid trip to an amusement park for the trouble but you're too short for all the rides :(

>> No.12758781
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Again, why is classification only possible in a binary world? See the link in >>12758708 for a better explanation that I might give.

>> No.12758782

Stay mad cuck, I'm as tall and white as they come.

>> No.12758797

In the future you will be considered short, so that means you aren't tall

>> No.12758798

back from an absence of around a year and a half, the threads on 4chan (or channel now) are surreal. I can't believe how far this site has fallen, I thought it had hit rock bottom but this prose is too much, most people in threads write like caricatures of redditors and share the same modernist hivemind. This really is the third epoch of chan culture, only this time it's not it's own, it's just an extension of reddit.

>> No.12758801

How can you claim this if classification is impossible? Maybe you're Arab, or Indian.

>> No.12758830

meds vs nords is just banter among vargfags, you have to be seriously retarded and out of touch with board culture to regard this as proof that "white people aren't real".

>> No.12758833

colonial racial systems are fundamentally different and the various nationalities of europe generally don't get along. many are internally adversarial as well, i.e. northern and southern italians, flemish belgians and walons etc. and maybe in these trying times there's a degree of solidarity between ethnic european racists but once those in power are done importing their cheap labor i'm sure they'll go right back to calling irish and slavic people white negroes

>> No.12758837

>Who says this outside of /pol/?
literally everyone, it's an internalized belief even if they will say they are "white" if asked directly, they will say the same thing about Mexicans or arabs or anyone that isn't obviously white, black or asian as these are the only racial categories they are aware of. Even blacks specifically refer to italians as "italian" in a separate group from white. In the americas where everyone is a mutt, people always refer to italian friends and acquaintances as italian, even if they are like 3rd generation. You will never hear this for someone who is french,or scottish or german or some shit unless they have an accent.

>> No.12758864

>specifically refer to italians as "italian" in a separate group from white
It's not a separate racial group, it's just specifying the ancestry which is normal in any colonial nation.

>> No.12758868

Meds aren't white and aren't even europeon. Meds were influenced by indo-aryan culture but so were the fucking indians. When people think white they think north-west europe. Even slavs are looked at as "ethnic" it's painfully obvious to everyone who is white and who is "white"

>> No.12758877

See what I mean? This shit right here is a real sentiment in "white supremacist" circles

>> No.12758881

Only white people know what white people are. The rest of us have no clue what you mean.

>> No.12758884

>it's just specifying the ancestry
How about you read my comment where I specifically refute that this is the case. Blacks do this in England, for an anecdote, I was just at a funeral where one of the speakers pointed out how the deceased got along with everyone in school, his exact words were "the whites, the blacks, the italians and the asians"

>> No.12758888

no this is some faggot falseflagging

>> No.12758894

>hurr durr divide and conquer

>> No.12758896

How about you read where I said "colonial nation"? I don't know about Europe, I expect the classification is much more local. That guy evidently distinguished between British/Northwestern Europeans and Italians or Mediterraneans.
Which makes perfect sense, if you go to Japan they will say Chinese/Japanese/Korean, not "Asian".

>> No.12758898

"white supremacist" circles are people who notice the taboo. It's a faux paux but even the most sheltered of boomers know this instinctively, and you see it in their mannerisms. They don't care that they aren't actually white, they just know they aren't the same but don't bother to put them in some other category.

>> No.12758906

i'm a slavic med and neither me, nor anyone in my social circle or extended family would regard themselves as anything other than white. you'd get laughed off as a weirdo for telling them they're "poc" or whatever hip term you're currently using in your lgbt-maoist activist group.

>> No.12758916

If you're of some kind of western descent and your pigmentation is of a certain level your'e white. Why this bothers some so much idk. Ethnicity and race are different they just influence each other that's basically it. Blame anglos for the autistic side of it

>> No.12758920

> "colonial nation"?
this was in canada, he was born and raised in england as was the speaker. he distinguished between WHITES and italians. Italians aren't a big ethnic group in england. They had polish, irish, welsh etc and shit too. Keep in mind he's also black, he doesn't have the same ethnic divisions among whites as native europeons, and also just lumped all asians (which were mostly indians) together.

>> No.12758922

>He literally attends white nationalist conferences and associates with white nationalists which makes me question his motivations and line of thinking. He may be a professor but that goes out the window once he gives credence to questionable organizations.
What? Look, facts are facts, regardless whether the person saying them is a professor or wearing a klan outfit. If Hitler says gravity on earth is 9.8m/s do you question his motivations

>> No.12758925

Why not just say "European" then? I'd agree more broadly that "European" is a more accurate label than "white"

>> No.12758929
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>> No.12758930

REMINDER : anyone spamming arbitrary distinctions between europeans in an attempt to classify some as white and others as non-white is either a lefty/pol/ faggot trying to encourage ingroup conflict or an 80iq nu-pol retard
pay no mind to them

>> No.12758937

yes, "white" people like yourself get offended if people would call you not white, and because most people don't care at all if you think your white or even have a better word to describe you they don't bother, but they know they always think twice if it ever comes up, which is why if you aren't white they prefer to refer to you as your dominant ethnic group. Not all slavs are "white" anyway. Same goes for italians, just the ones that look stereotypically slavic, italian greek, jewish etc.

>> No.12758939

Practically synonymous but white is so ingrained in common speech good luck changing it.

>> No.12758940

In the context of a book being censored i really do not give a loving shit if its thesis is correct or not

>> No.12758946

Literal NPC sentiment.

>> No.12758950

It's just banter m8

>> No.12758955

haha woah fucking nice dudes >:)

>> No.12758957

>Italians aren't a big ethnic group in england
This just makes it more likely that they will be highlighted then. It's like me saying "the Welsh" because there are some Welsh towns in my country.
You guys get too hung up on the semantics of it all, see >>12758925 for example. White and European are the same thing, use the latter if you prefer. I doubt anyone will care as much as this if I use "black" to refer to both a South African and an Ethiopean.

>> No.12758968

>White and European are the same thing,
And the mediterranean and central asia isn't part of europe.
Braindead redditor.

>> No.12758976
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>here's why you're not white
>incoherent weed smoker babble

>> No.12758984

Eh? What are you even trying to say?

>> No.12759028

You want us to shoot you outright instead of attempting civil discourse because you deny opportunity for it in every turn? Again? What incentive exactly does progressivism give for martyrdom? We get that you are a batshit insane religious cult but you don't seem to believe you get into some kind of Heaven for that so what the fuck.

>> No.12759039

>I don’t hate any people based of their faith of choice.
The vast majority of Jews aren't orthodox, even in Israel. Jews see themselves as a distinct race of people separate from all others.
>I think we would have less problems in general if less people had less reasons to separate themselves from other people.
That's a nice little platitude you have there, and quite frankly, is a platitude that namely white people have. Racial differences and tribalism have always and will always exist, and there is no group of people out there more ethnocentric and foreign to their surroundings than Jews.

>> No.12759046

He thinks he's righteous and you're evil and anything he does including censor you or kill you is fine because he is fundamentally superior to you. This is always the way of brainlets.

>> No.12759053

Economic power is firmly concentrated in leftist spaces. Any money they made could be easily be outdone by urbanites boycotting.

>> No.12759064

>Any money they made could be easily be outdone by urbanites boycotting.
the book has been out for decades and no one was talking about it in the first place, retard

>> No.12759068

>why do Jews see the world as their playground and as army men to manipulate and fight each other?
It's in the Talmud.

>> No.12759072

I was responding to the assumptions made in that first post, friend.

>> No.12759088

incredibly poorly

>> No.12759091

I think it's more complicated. Jordan Peterson is raking in dough without conforming to leftism, no? But he also doesnt overlap with the part of the Venn diagram that reads CoC.

>> No.12759119

>Jordan Peterson is raking in dough without conforming to leftism, no?
Jordan Peterson is a leftist, make no mistake. He is a globalist, but advocates for it in such a way that is anti-ideologue and anti-identity politics. He advocates radical individualism, but will fail to critique existing nation states, especially (((those with a lot of sway))). He also co-worked on A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies Through Sustainable Development, a piece part of an auxiliary panel of the United Nations alongside John Podesta.

>> No.12759137

>John Podesta.
We prefer to call him Skippy.

>> No.12759143

I suppose it hinges on what leftist means. I think of right and left as something like order/stability versus disorder/change and in that analsis he'd be a righty. There's also right and left as rough social groups, and I dont see any leftists on the Peterson train while I do see some fraction of righties as being his audience. But then lefty could also mean something like "liberal" and be associated with globalism and individualism, which seems to be how you're using it, I think? And yeah I can see how he fits that bill

>> No.12759152

Edgy, dude

>> No.12759154


This is why libertarianism doesn't work. You just end up with corporations so big and powerful, they essentially do what the government does and for intents and purposes, act as the government, fulfill the function of government, but with none of the public oversight or public participation that a formal government would entail.

>> No.12759169

>the public oversight or public participation that a formal government would entail

you were right before this though, there's no difference between a government and an ubercorp, ancap libertarianism could never be sustained, there will be a strongest gang.

>> No.12759179

>>the public oversight or public participation that a formal government would entail

At least a government that is open about being a government at least pretends to do this stuff. Like, a government has to adhere to things like the constitution and free speech.

A corporation in a libertarian society wouldn't even have to adhere to a constitution. They don't have to give a damn about free speech, they can just fire you and destroy your livelihood for having opinions they don't like.

>> No.12759192

left vs right to me is globalism vs nationalism. The rightists you see that like JBP are the ones who are also against identity politics, and pro civic-nationalism, which are both antithetical to actual right wing beliefs (ethno-nationalism), so they aren't really that right wing.
>reality is edgy
It'll hurt less over time, maybe.

>> No.12759198

I hate kikes as much as any bad goy, but holy shit the guy's twitter feed is pretty much identical to David Duke's. Really throws a wrench into the argument that he's not biased or countersemitic against Jews.

>> No.12759201

I have to riposte that my own American government doesnt exactly have a track record of rigid adherence to its own constitution

>> No.12759206

Partially correct. Ukraine is basically ancapistan and it's de facto ruled by three oligarch families, and it's poor as shit because everything is monopolized. However, the reason Ukraine ended up like this while none of the western countries did was because socialism created that opportunity. All those oligarchs are former "red barons" who had command over a lot of Ukrainian economy and bought it cheap when socialism collapsed and made everything worthless for a brief moment. If starting point is sane and normal (things have value beyond potato, markets exists), end result would not obviously be the same.

>> No.12759209

I'm the same to be honest. I'm a Catholic and I respect anyone who respects me. If a Jewish man believes in God as I do, and respects me and my faith and my cultural background, I will respect him and his. What I have a problem with is zionist supremacists who basically have no respect for Palestinian people living on their land, or the Palestinian Muslim and Christian claims to want a part of the holy city of Jerusalem, (which is just as valid as the Jewish claim, as its holy to all 3 celestial religions).

I also have no time for secular atheist Jews who constantly attack Christianity and Christian values in the media. But a Jew who just wants to go about his day and pray to God just as I do, and does not want to hurt or attack anyone else? I respect him.

>> No.12759217

>when a unbiased non-political entity doing an evolutionary analysis on Jews ends up becoming David Duke.
Goes to show you how absolutely fucking vile Jews are.

>> No.12759225

>I have to riposte that my own American government doesnt exactly have a track record of rigid adherence to its own constitution

Yeah I agree, the whole "can't diss Israel" legislation seems radically anticonstitutional.

I feel like the problem is in America, neither side gives a shit about the constitution. Articles which are as clear as water, such as those guaranteeing the right to privacy and preventing illegal searches are thrown a side as the government spies on every citizen, monitors their phones and the privacies of their own home; meanwhile the supreme court basically acts as its own legislature, "interpreting" those same paragraphs as somehow guaranteeing the right to abortion and gay marriage, even though the constitution doesn't even remotely touch on those topics.

>> No.12759236

>What I have a problem with is zionist supremacists
>I also have no time for secular atheist Jews who constantly attack Christianity and Christian values in the media
So you're an anti-semite then, because you just described all jews. That Jew who "goes about his day" is virtually non-existent.

>> No.12759239

>That Jew who "goes about his day" is virtually non-existent.

I'm sure there are some.

>> No.12759242

Actually cause and effect. Jews attacked Macdonald visciously over mere ideahistorical book featuring jews. If you are attacked, you normally end up detesting attacker. Like here in Sweden we train our women to vote for their interests by going to heavily arab/black night clubs, then losing them in crowd and turning off cellphone. Two days later call her in hospital after the usual violent rape has happened, and she a good girl now.

>> No.12759253


>> No.12759273

Doesn't matter, the Jewish power that does manifest itself globally is one of domination, subjugation, and hostility towards goyim. There is no group of Jews out there that is lobbying against the interests of AIPAC and it's sub-groups, only fringe individual Jew allies that appear on RT like Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen. All "go about their day" Jews are complicit with the Jewish agenda, by virtue of their silence.

>> No.12759341

I've never been a huge fan of jews but recently my eyes have been opened further. In order to finish my degree I've had to take a course on critical theory, which is taught by your typical european jew boomer, and he's quite literally your stereotypical subversive jew boogeyman. He attended Harvard, constantly writes about the Frankfurt School and primarily teaches Jewish history. There isn't a lecture that goes by where he doesn't mention his disapproval of Trump, the benefits of multiculturalism and diversity, and the horrors of the holocaust. Of course this is merely anecdotal but I've found it both humorous, as well as teetering on disturbing.

>> No.12759350

Sometimes I'm not sure if the problem is Jews or Americans. When I was studying medicine, I had this American doctor who was aggressively shilling transgenderism. Like whenever a child showed the slightest inclination towards it (pushed by social media), he would encourage the child to go all the way with it and stop the parents (who were often the only sane ones in the room) from discouraging it.

Being a student I couldn't say much but it disgusted me. Not sure if the problem is American culture, or if American culture is in itself just a manifestation of Jewish power, which is the real problem.

>> No.12759357

lol nobody in a country with bookshops will care. It's only in the US that if Amazon goes down everyone starves

>> No.12759364

Amazon is something like 70% of all book sales.

>> No.12759369

You guys ever play Metal Gear Solid 2? In it basically an evil cabal of people manage to exercise extreme control by regulating the flow of information. I don't really believe in evil cabals of hidden controllers but the flow of the bulk of information is held in the hands of a small few tech companies and how they decide what is to be reproduced and disseminated on their platforms has a direct effect on the propagation of ideas in human beings. Anyway, this situation seems pretty fucked up to me and another way market logic gets projected deeper and deeper into human relations and minds.

>> No.12759378

>or if American culture is in itself just a manifestation of Jewish power
Culture, academia, media, lobbies. All of it.

>> No.12759379

I've been trying to buy books (and other stuff) from non-Amazon companies of late. Amazon is pretty fucking evil for a variety of reasons. I know 'voting with your dollars' or whatever is gay lifestylist bullshit but I hate them getting my money.

>> No.12759405

Why are you so obsessed with killing people?

>> No.12759415

You'll censor someone's ideas, you'll kill them over it too, there's no difference.

>> No.12759425

No. I never want to see anyone die needlessly, including you. I may disagree with your ideas fundamentally, but I will respect your right to life always.

You know that phrase "I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death to preserve your right to say it?" The real quote should be "but I will fight to the death to preserver your right to life."

>> No.12759434

>it’s a private company and they can do what they want
Only idiots believe this.

>> No.12759437
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>why do fascists care about censorship lol werent you supposed to be tough lol :D
>you want us to shoot you instead of civil discourse or what?
>Why are you so obsessed with killing people???? :O

long time since I got to use this gif, thanks I guess

>> No.12759445

>Jordan Peterson is raking in dough without conforming to leftism
No. He's not right wing.

>> No.12759448

Right to life? Die needlessly? I have some bad news for you about both of us.

>> No.12759465

Further in that comment thread there's some going-into about leftism and rightism, probably the better entry point for a reply such as this. I am happy to hear you explicate what these terms mean for you.

>> No.12759466

This is why you can't allow monopolies (or more exactly monopoly like businesses). Monopolies will eventually resort to these authoritarian measures. Amazon, Google etc. has to be broken up and regulated to make sure that they can't discriminate with regard to race, political believes and so on.

>> No.12759473

We all die, I get that. I just feel life should be protected in the meaning time before someone's time is up.

>> No.12759487

Someone hates an idea enough to ban it, they'd kill to stop its spread. As we all know, history is replete with examples. If you are being censored I think it noways incongruous to respond as if your life is threatened.

>> No.12759543



>> No.12759552
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they don't want to engage with you because apart from the histrionic racism and national chauvinism you would probably agree on most of the important things including economics and they don't want to face the reality of that

i don't know what exactly caused all of you to turn into authoritarian cranks within five years time but it's kind of funny or would be if you weren't so fucking obnoxious

>> No.12759582

Most of those sales are the US and Canada. Selling shittonnes of ebook fanfiction to Ameritards does not mean you beat out Gallimard in France or other major sellers in their backyard and it makes little sense to buy physical books from Amazon outside their free shipping areas. I mean, do you think anyone in India is using Amazon above Flipkart, or that China suddenly got rid of Alibaba? Of course not, and they have far more readers. it's literally only America that is or can be dependent on them. If you tried to rely on Amazon delivering your shit to the Balkans, you'd have probably read ten books before it showed up while paying twenty times the price.

>> No.12759588

Listen, I respect your right to make long posts but Amazon banning books is gay & I will never not say so.

>> No.12759605

America ordering everything off Amazon is even gayer, I hope they ban all books and you lazy motherfuckers have to learn how to walk to the shop again.

>> No.12759609

and that's fine but amazon is still a colossal retail monopoly. at some point regional competitors will get subsidized or run out of business if it's allowed to keep growing

>> No.12759628

>Please care about America fucking itself to death
Lol no

>> No.12759652

p-please clap

>> No.12759665

You're not Tinkerbell

>> No.12759825

Amazon isn't a monopoly. They could fuck themselves over like from PR, or a huge security breach, or some important part of their business like customer service will go down the tubes, and another site can show up that people prefer and stop using Amazon. There's no real loyalty for brands. These companies aren't invincible and aren't legally backed to stsy permanently in the race.

>> No.12759840

>Amazon isn't a monopoly.
Amazon is everything people actually mean when they say monopoly. Don't even give me the dictionary definition you little shit. Read that first sentence and absorb its meaning

>> No.12759845

Oh no, how will you ever be able to buy a book on the internet from some place other than amazon?
>equating it to book burning
Dont be stupid kthnx

>> No.12759854

>Yeah let me just set up an alternative to amazon that doesn't ban works that the SPLC deems 'hateful',
Feel free to do this.

>before swiftly getting banned from all online payment processors like Paypal
This would never happen.

Nothing is stopping you from hosting servers where people can download pdf copies for free. Sit down and relax bucko

>> No.12759862

Banning is the same as burning. It's the same intent and intent matters more than outcome. If you would ban it you would burn it and you would kill whoever expounded persuasively as long as you could get away with all that.

>> No.12759878

>Banning is the same as burning
A site stopping the sale of a single book (oh no now you can only buy it from 999 web sites) is not the same as the government or some crazy group going through the streets, raiding houses for the forbidden writings, and burning them in the streets.
Im not reading the rest of your post. Have a good day m8

>> No.12759884

I managed to snag a copy of SIEGE when it went up for 5 hours on Amazon. Been worried that it was a honeypot

>> No.12759885

It's not operating as an official monopoly in any legal capacity. In 50 years, Amazon could be a name no one is familiar with besides the elderly. Even in 5 years it could find itself losing to a competitor. We have no idea what can happen. Amazon has already been running into tons of problems over the past couple years too.

>> No.12759891

I will be charitable, brainlet, and assume that if you had read the post then your own post would contain a sensible response instead of blundering into what was already explained, therein.

True. Sorry I called you a little shit

>> No.12760171

If some other splinter minority had a massive amount of influence in my country then I would be critical of them also. You are teetering towards whataboutism.

>> No.12760186

Are you unironically saying that niggers do not exist?

>> No.12760203
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>> No.12760215

Do you make the same arguments against blacks?

>> No.12760250

>I will fight to the death to preserver your right to life
No, you will not.

>> No.12760307

I don't approve of censorship in any form or Amazon's monopolistic practices but at the same time it's hard to feel much sympathy for the anti-semites...

>> No.12760329

Nothing is wrong with that.
We are biologically programmed to survive within our own group

>> No.12760885

>it’s a private company and they can do what they want
What would happen if Amazon decided to start openly discriminating against niggers in their hiring? Nothing, right? Since they are a "private company" after all.

>> No.12761011

There's cheaper options for books anyway, where you can find this book too. Amazon is for chumps and lazy assholes, sadly thats what most of our society is though

>> No.12761021

Go to bed, Kevin.

>> No.12761025

>There's cheaper options for books anyway

>> No.12761036

Tech companies control the space of discourse more than the government does at this point, so their banning is more important than anything the government could do. Anyone who cares about the existence of a free and open discourse should have realized that the right to be heard is just as important as the right to speak.

>> No.12761038


>> No.12761054

great /r/all opinion

>> No.12761067

Peterson is careful to stay right on the edge of acceptable discourse. Whatever he believes is secondary from his desire to make a profit, and if his books got banned from amazon, he would edit them to meet the site’s standards.

>> No.12761068

>Where? Are you starting?
gbt tumblr with this writing

>> No.12761084

Abe, alibris, bookoutlet, ebay etc.

>> No.12761110

>be a loser
>bully the Jews because they're scrawny wimps yet still successful
I really can't stand anti-Semites.

>> No.12761112

based jew defender

>> No.12761125

Good thing we're better than our base instincts, most of us anyway.

>> No.12761129

>base = bad
100iq move

>> No.12761130

You really aren't, you just have been spooked into thinking so.

>> No.12761132

No Im not a polcuck

>> No.12761134

You're not a girl, either, no matter how hard you try :^)

>> No.12761137

No that would be descrimination, which is different from refusing to sell something. Are all white supremacists this dumb?

>> No.12761140

Take your pills

>> No.12761141
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With Jews, you win. They literally have the best interests of America in mind

>> No.12761156

There is literally nothing wrong with this book. I was actually surprised how mild it is and it only tackles a few topics that not a single jew-to-jew communication would deny.

>> No.12761188

>blame Jews for being subversive and always crying about being oppressed.
>cry because your shitty anti Jew book is being suppressed by a website that is owned by a Jew.
Victim complex amongst poltards is so strong, actually it's not really hard to figure out why.

>> No.12761195

Is that bait?
>blame Jews for being subversive and always crying about being oppressed.
>Write book talking about them and they cry about being oppressed and ban it
How I thought that was going to go

>> No.12761208

if you have a problem with it, why dont you build your own international self publishing platform??
are you too stupid to do that? well, then people shouldnt read your books in the first place

>> No.12761221

Maybe I will

With blackjack

and hookers

>> No.12761230

>cry about fascists burning books
>defend the billionaire elite while they are burning books

imagine being this much of a corporate boot licking slave

>> No.12761253

Nobody cares what a gaggle of inbred overrich bumbfucks do on their own time.

>> No.12761257

Yeah that's why he left Patreon over some drama everyone forgot two weeks later.

Jesus, you're dumb.

>> No.12761444

They pulled it because people are reading it, not because of the content. The content is a peer reviewed academic study published by an academic publisher

>> No.12761452

And yuppilled

>> No.12761500
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Go buy the book, if you haven't already you are a bum

>> No.12761505

omg its teh pewds :3

>> No.12761511

I don’t follow Peterson enough to know just how much playing the victim is part of his business model, sorry. What is obvious is that he is far more strategic with transgressions than probably any other pop right shill.

>> No.12761535
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But... I bought Mein Kampf on Amazon

>> No.12761554

>historically, Jews didn't have a homeland
>therefore, Jews are always minorities
>therefore, they stand to gain a lot by promoting friendly attitudes towards minorities
>therefore, it's reasonable to believe that Jews in positions of power would a) seek to increase their power, and b) use that power to influence their host society in order to promote friendly attitudes towards minorities

>> No.12761570

Imagine being this reddit, it even reads like a parody dear lord

>> No.12761577

accidental altruism, how marvelous

>> No.12761637

>come sing this rap music for me my minority friend

>> No.12761669

>no you see him droping 80000$ a month is part of his greedy strategy

Sounds like you're full of bad faith desu.

>> No.12761695

He has to do what’s best for his brand, and in the long term, that probably was it.

>> No.12761714

What specific information was wrong?

>> No.12761725


>> No.12761785

Reality is always more hilarious than non-fiction.

Before I ever set eyes on /pol/ I was a christian liberal in my freshman year at college. I met a jewish guy in one of my classes who was the self-interest, duplicitous, marxist jew stereotype that I didn't even know was a stereotype yet. I knew close to nothing about jews, except that in elementary school our "general religious education" focused almost exclusively on jewish customs and holidays. I never questioned the holocaust or it's prominent inclusion in all history classes since turning 10.

So I had a conversation with this guy on politics and, among other things, the following ideas were admitted:
-communism is a better system than capitalism
-the soviet union wasn't that bad, red scare was perpetuated by retards and racists
-interracial marriage is great and abortion is the greatest
-veering a tad bit into anti-natalism. also going on about how everyone in the future will be mixed (and that's a good thing)
-but jews should marry other jews, to preserve the jewish race

Pro-jewish, really anti-everybody else. But justified due to historic discrimination.

At the time I kinda just thought he was a weird but well meaning guy, concerned about the world's future and his own.
Turns out, he's not weird or abnormal in the slightest. This is all par for the course and has been for an entire century.

And I never read a single part of Culture of Critique until today. Thanks Amazon, for banning it. Truly doing lucifer's (the true god's) work.

>> No.12761793

>Reality is always more hilarious than non-fiction.
btw before some redditnigger tries to fuck with me on this: I mean't what I said.

>> No.12761813

>If a Jewish man believes in God as I do
But that's what separates Jews from Catholics.

>> No.12761835

Amerimutt are just retarded. it's not that American is judaized, it is that in America even the Jews are stupid standard Americans.

>> No.12761840

>if you're not doing militant protest with us you're an enabler and should be hanged

This sounds like the alt-right version of an SJW.

>> No.12761848

That's funny, the only Jewish family I knew growing up were three generations of avowed Marxists (grandfather, father, son). I knew the son quite well, and he had a victim complex and a "chart of wrongs done to me" like nothing I have ever seen since. He would bring up to people things they did to him 10 or 15 years previous.

When i was in grade 3 he had a hamburger. I asked for a bite and took a comically large bite from it. He made me repay that to him for an unironic 10 years, guilting that it was his birthday. Might seem comical but these people are actually wizards of victim repayments and marxism.

I saw him a few weeks ago after I hadnt seen him for a few years. We talked and even about Jews (hes not a strongly identified jew). I told him about how the Holocaust was a hoax (which I thought would be good news), and he went full victim and full calling me an ebil nawdzee for the rest of the night.

End of blog post - tldr Jews recreate their stereotypes every time they do something

>> No.12761880

>I told him about how the Holocaust was a hoax (which I thought would be good news), and he went full victim
genuinely lold

>> No.12761888
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>I told him about how the Holocaust was a hoax (which I thought would be good news), and he went full victim and full calling me an ebil nawdzee for the rest of the night.
holy lmao

Ya know, besides the self-interested politics, grudge-holding, and not paying everything back, they're fairly nice people.
I guess because they're smart and also know when to limit their cunt-levels because it'd make them look bad.

>> No.12761900
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Marx wasn't a fan of the jews though.

> I told him about how the Holocaust was a hoax (which I thought would be good news),

Brainlets will live with brainlets.

>> No.12761902

>Obsession with purity
That’s a projection from the jews. Most WN I’ve seen are actually pretty lenient on percentages and lineage, whereas Ben Shapiro is bragging about his 100% Ashkenazi heritage on twitter and there are explicitly eugenic programs in Israel.
>puts everything down to race when there's other factors.
No, they just include race as a factor.

This is the problem with liberals. They take anything to do with race in logic to its most extreme. I’ve seen statements like “Well if blacks are intellectually inferior than the conclusion is to genocide them” or “If Asians are smarter than what is even the point of white people?” They’re sick and have no concept of belonging to a people, so it's always a matter of supremacy and inferiority. No, we just want to be left alone, to not have to integrate disparate groups. But to deny minorities access to us is practically murder, isn’t it?

>> No.12761903

ironically i had no intention of reading this before the ban. Now I am going to read it

>> No.12761918

>Might seem comical

It is and you're as much a tool as he is.

>> No.12761929

>communism is a better system than capitalism
>the soviet union wasn't that bad, red scare was perpetuated by retards and racists
>interracial marriage is great and abortion is the greatest
>veering a tad bit into anti-natalism. also going on about how everyone in the future will be mixed (and that's a good thing)
>but jews should marry other jews, to preserve the jewish race

Except for the last item all of this would be considered heathenry by any orthodox jew. Your guys is clearly a retarded secular suprematist in denial.

>> No.12761955

The thing is, the process of separating "races" will inevitably bring extreme amount of suffering as someone will have to froce millions of peoples to move.

Then you end up with differents tribes which have never lived peacefully together.

It's also higly ironh to consider white and blacks races when africa and europe were full of war and disparities between blacks and whites. This utopia of a segregated peacefull world is only an illusion that never was.

>> No.12761962
File: 536 KB, 2024x2659, WarInventions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not embracing the insidious scourge of judaism as our only hope to undermine the extraterrestrial invasion that seeks to dominate humanity

Take the galactic timeline pill

>> No.12761974

A descendent of 15 generations of rabbis starts to breed anti-semitism - Sounds more to me like a precursor to Hertzl and Warburgh, who also thought anti-semitism was essential to the strength of the jewish people

>> No.12761977

in the same way that the progressive religion of Utilitarian Universalism is the ancestor of the protestant/puritan/christfag school of thought (see: transcendentalism, Unitarian Universalism, etc)...
jewish secularism is the distilled form, the true form, of orthodoxy.

Most Christians, who make up the majority of the electorate, would disagree with the fine points of the progressive ideology, and yet the progressive religion marches on. Why? Because it's crystal core values of equality and hedonism are actually perfectly aligned with Christianity. And, yes, hedonism.

The rebels rebel against the orthodox in nothing but details. As a religion is stripped of its old rituals and it's arcane rules, it becomes more pure, more true.

The orthodox jews are jewish supremacists at the core. And the secular jews retain this. Otherwise they would not be jews.
Similarly, the orthodox christians are faggot nigger-lovers, and the secular christians retain this.

I could've written this more eloquently and accurately, but this is the gist.
The whole "he isn't a true X because he doesn't do the rituals" is retarded. The fact of the matter is that "X is a true X because he continue the core values of X regardless of his rituals".

>> No.12761981

I mean that's another problem with the anti-semitism ideology - or other similar movements
>x is bad because of y
>but x just did the complete opposite of y
>well that just prove that x is extremly devious

>> No.12761983

Available a lot of other places. Calling it 'book burning' is fallacious. If it were state sanctioned then I could see some parallel, but it's not like state banned media doesn't exist in many countries currently, either.

>> No.12761984

you're that bugman from the eco thread, aren't you
ye shall know them by their hissing

>> No.12761989

>>not embracing the insidious scourge of judaism as our only hope to undermine the extraterrestrial invasion that seeks to dominate humanity
explain further, I'm interested, despite my anti-semetic postings in this thread.
On fundamental level, jews are smart and honestly based. I cannot help but love them for their tenacity.

>> No.12762011

>The thing is, the process of separating "races" will inevitably bring extreme amount of suffering as someone will have to froce millions of peoples to move.
As opposed to the suffering of white people who get overrun in their own countries and systematically targeted? Look at what happens when a white population shrinks. In old Rhodesia and now in South Africa first the rights and property are stripped from them, then actual attacks occur while the government stands by and facilitates it. When the white people are totally marginalized or gone altogether the country degrades and then it’s the black subjugators that suffer as they are incapable of maintaining the previous standards of living.
>Then you end up with differents tribes which have never lived peacefully together.
>It's also higly ironh to consider white and blacks races when africa and europe were full of war and disparities between blacks and whites. This utopia of a segregated peacefull world is only an illusion that never was.
Except it isn’t about building a utopia, it’s about builing a functional, normal society. Americans often think in terms of race instead of ethnicity because of their adjacency with each other. Even if their is conflict between ethnicities in an ethnically diverse racially homogeneous society, those conflicts aren’t as irreparable as with those of other races.

>> No.12762021

>misinformation such as on the Frankfurt school, which is based on a conspiracy theory made up in the 90s.

Michael Walsh recently wrote two books on this. Latest is The Fiery Angel. Should have more /lit/ talk about them

>> No.12762045

Apparently a lot of of the books burned by the Nazis were pornographic, and I support this.

>> No.12762055

This. Hitler was the first NoFapper

>> No.12762080

I wouldn't mind it if both of you left the gene pool.

>> No.12762086

None of you actually think Jewish people run the world right?

>> No.12762106

Why not just read the thread?

>> No.12762120

>The thing is, the process of separating "races" will inevitably bring extreme amount of suffering as someone will have to force millions of peoples to move.

The gist of moderate ethno-nationalism is that, in order to have peace, you need to accept that bridges AND walls are necessary for peace. People need space. And some groups need space from other groups. Usually, they self-segregate.
Capitalism fucks with this a little bit. But then the government fucks with it a lot through diversity laws.

It is certainly true that nations drawing up the borders for foreign nations and foreign groups of people they know nothing about has produced conflict and strife, and:
>Then you end up with different tribes which have never lived peacefully together.

>This utopia of a segregated peaceful world is only an illusion that never was.
Yet the world is only slightly less segregated that is was before, and vastly more peaceful. The determining factor was certainly not ethnic diversity.

"forcefully separating the races" is not something that I support. But I do support the idea that nonwhites should not be immigrating into europe or america.
The difference between closing the border and putting people in camps or mobile gas chamber trains is somehow lost on the modern man.

On what negative characteristic? Me browsing /pol/? I sympathize. The tribalist behavior of human beans is, however, a necessary and good characteristic. For survival, because all things that we create are for survival. Even the period-blood modern art works. These too, are necessary, in moderation.

>> No.12762121

This is a moronically posed question. I don't even think the author of the book in question believes Jews or any one 'runs the world.' People just try, desperately, to steer the brute weight of history in this or that direction.

In truth it is the headless god of capital that 'runs the world' now

>> No.12762132

My girlfriend bought me this book. Should I read it? I have quite a backlog at the moment. Currently reading Jünger's WWII diaries. Very comfy.

>> No.12762144
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>Removing a book from store that you can find online within 5 seconds = mass book burnings

>> No.12762202

>Not sure if the problem is American culture, or if American culture is in itself just a manifestation of Jewish power, which is the real problem.

This is it. The amount of memory-holing of history, culture etc. as it existed pre-WW2 is really quite shocking. US history has largely been reduced to:

>we fought monarchy in 1776 (but they were racists, so still bad)
>then we fought racism in 1865
>then Roosevelt got elected and we fought antisemitism in WW2 and made the world Safe For Democracy
>then we fought racism again in 1965
>we almost beat racism in 2008 but then DRUMPFFFFFF

seriously most Americans could not tell you anything about their own history outside of these points.

>> No.12762211

Either advocate nationalizing or socializing it of fuck off with this whiny liberal shit. This is literally how captialism works

>> No.12762428

White women fuck anything, especially dogs, but they don't have children. The reasons why are the genocide.

>> No.12762440

>Its not significant or meaningful that monopoly companies are making political moves

>> No.12762620

Not really no

>> No.12762737

Mind literally blown from this argument

>> No.12762782

Censorship is censorship.

>> No.12762860

The only monopoly that Amazon has is over online distribution. Nothing is stopping you from this day and age from simply looking elsewhere or spending a little extra effort yourself to fling an e-mail off to the publisher to request a copy yourself. As despicable as I find naziboos, im not at all afraid as they all seem incapable of rising to even the simplest of challenges.

>> No.12762908

Its a precedent that is appearing in many aspects of society and hasnt been seen in america and will continue to get worse because people like you allow it when its applied to an opinion you dont like.
inb4 snarky and arrogant response

>> No.12762924

People with economic freedom and opportunities reproduce less than those without them. White countries tend to be prosperous and educated. Wow, amazing, much conspiracy.

>> No.12762927

Yeah like when that bakery refused to make a gay cake what an outrage

>> No.12762932

>As despicable as I find naziboos
you say this as a passing aside but really its the only point here, you dont care about censorship when it aligns in the direction you find righteous

>> No.12762934

Isn't it funny how all the organizations promoting women in the work force are Jewish?

>> No.12762940

It's not censorship

>> No.12762947

though it's not surprising to see another naziboo confusing state and private interests ;)

>> No.12762987

1)i'm not a nazi, boo
2)i didnt mention anything about the state or the private sectors
3)you are illiterate

>> No.12763005

yes you did when you conflated a business decision with censorship

>> No.12763027

censorship is not exclusive to the government at all, you're only trying to fit it to that procrustean bed so you can make some kind a free market argument that you dont even believe in to troll ancaps, or "naziboos," or whatever. you simpleton.

>> No.12763041

it sort of is when you're trying to paint this as a censorship of the masses. It's just one delivery vector dood.

>> No.12763290

Everyone makes political moves you idiot. The we are "pro free-speech" talk from the right is just a way to not get their views censored. Do you seriously think those who consider themself "pro free speech" don't censor?

>> No.12763310

>the suffering of white people
Yeah I'm pretty sure "whites" have it better now than say the 100 years war were villages and towns were getting destroyed left and right and heavy tawe were getting pushed.

>muh SA
Wow dictators blaming everything on ethnic minorities to stay popular. How peculiar! Especially for an african country!

>it’s about builing a functional, normal society.
Yeah so an utopia. A "normal" society doesn't exist.

>conflicts aren’t as irreparable as with those of other races.
What's your proof?

>> No.12763321

>Usually, they self-segregate
And then they invade the other assholes, which make the people mingle and now you're both tribes get their history mixed.

What's pretty funny is that today is more peaceful than the past were people were more racially seperated.

>> No.12763364

>And then they invade the other assholes
gentrification, immigration, etc. sure.
>people mingle
Not as much as you think they would.

>What's pretty funny is that today is more peaceful than the past were people were more racially separated.
I said in the post you replied to that ethnic diversity is not a determining or major factor of this.

The bottom line is that Japan and Iceland and many other european countries are fairly xenophobic and racist, and they're doing fine. Despite what some economists say. I genuinely doubt that America or Europe would be worse off if non-whites stopped immigrating into them.

I shouldn't have written this post. It's a waste of my time and yours honestly. And blight to put it on this hallowed board. Judging by your two posts, you're probably a double digit IQer or on drugs

>> No.12763431

Is it? So is the extremely low birth rate, high female labor participation rate and high rate of intermarriage of American Jews a big smoke screen? Just saying that simple technological and economic forces are a much simpler explanation than a conspiracy.

>> No.12763449

>Not as much as you think they would
Yeah its not like france and india have words with common roots because of the indo-europeans ahah

>The bottom line is that Japan and Iceland and many other european countries are fairly xenophobic and racist, and they're doing fine.
Sure but those are mostly exception if you look at the most powerful countries. What's also funny is that those countries often had to obliterate the local cultures to create some kind of common grounds between all the differents groups of the countries. I like how you don't bother quoting africans or arabs nations who could be used to provide counter-exemple for your ethnocentrism view either.

>I genuinely doubt that America or Europe would be worse off if non-whites stopped immigrating into them.
It would certainly have a huge impact though I don't know enought data to prove that.

Ethnocentrism won't bring peace.

>> No.12763824

Watch some of his interviews speeches on youtube. His autism levels of are off the charts.

>> No.12763841

>it’s a private company and they can do what they want. It’s fucking amazon they run the world
yeah if private companies want to buy the rights to govern everything you do down to how you wipe your ass IT'S THEIR RIGHT and WE SHOULD ALL RESPECT THAT and DON'T RESIST much less just FUCKING KILL THEM ALL like we could do tomorrow if we had literally 5-10,000 people ready to fight

>> No.12763907

>Seeing the 'it’s a private company and they can do what they want.' statement as a justification instead of a explanation that everyone is giving
I swear muh free speech right wingers are one of the biggest retards online

>> No.12763934

>implying its possible to create completing companies in corporatist America. Ha. You make me laugh.

>> No.12763936

Jewish donors promote X in the US and not-X in Israel regularly.

>> No.12764038

>muh blankets unsourced statements