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12753342 No.12753342 [Reply] [Original]

Let go of your passions for success. Let go of your passions for optimisation. Let go of the delusion of "being a writer". Let it all go.

To be "successful" in the modern world is to be a hack. To be "well-known" in the modern world is to be a charlatan. Let all of it go. Embrace your anonymity. It isn't that you are mediocre, rather, it is precisely that you are exceptional that you ought to let this all go.

Only the weak-minded seek fame in this wretched modern world. Embrace the abyss.

>> No.12753350

I actually agree with you, frog poster
God help me

>> No.12753360

10k for country house in Bulgaria. Cost of living is only $500 (that’s near city you can probably survive off $200 in country) so the whole “muh I need money to survive” is autistic. Let go of your consumerism drive a truck for one year and you’ll have enough money to retire for the rest of your life

>> No.12753362

I already have let go. I'm currently working as a security guard for minimum wage and living rent free with my mom. I'm basically getting paid to sit and read books and write for 6-8 hours a day. I'm healthy, decent looking, hygenic, and I'm pretty happy with life. I have zero career ambitions, and look upon that possibility with subdued contempt. I can see myself doing this for a long time to come. I'm very frugal and saving up a lot of money. Over all, life is good.

>> No.12753377 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12753378

Cool, any other countries with similar options? How much should I ideally have saved up to comfortably retire in some third world shithole? I'm a bachelor and plan to keep it that way, so my expenses are few.

>> No.12753406

Poland is another option it’s pretty cheap and not a complete shithole. Those are my choices. You could get an even lower cost of living in an actual shithole country. Fully retire and never work again? 150k (not accounting for inflation & 50yr retirement $250 monthly ) you can earn that as a truck driver in a year if you work really hard.(do call support while driving for extra money)

>> No.12753422

South America is fairly safe, cheap, and comfortable. As long as you live in the countryside, hide your wealth, and enjoy a simple life you could have a very comfortable retirement with a couple hundred grand.
Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Peru are all safe and developed countries with crap economies which have paradoxically created a cheap high standard of living.
Azerbaijan is another attractive option.

>> No.12753431

that water looks so comfy. if u drew that u did a great job

>> No.12754302

>South America
>fairly safe
Are you on crack? all the gore threads in /gif/ are filled with horrible shit that happens in South America. Look at the most murders per capita charts in wikipedia and see who dominates those. South America is a dangerous shithole.

>> No.12754371

what you should do to become security guard?

>> No.12754386
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I agree with you. However, autistic anonymity is not the only alternative. To become truly powerful, you must ASCEND TO THE LEVEL ABOVE HUMAN.

>> No.12754396
File: 57 KB, 571x472, yang pepe with coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12754451

>tfw accutely aware of how unethical possible "prestigious" career ambitions are and how they will end up feeding into the same shit cycle
>tfw not antisocial enough to just say fuck people and sell my soul for wealth
>also not pure and unegoistic enough to just not give a fuck about things like wealth or legacy
It's an abstract feel

>> No.12754460

Good luck getting mugged by local gypsies

>> No.12754484

its starting to become really hard putting the normie facemask on, i can take it anymore, its slowly slipping

>> No.12754582

And become a statue with a small dick?