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12753219 No.12753219 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, lit. I have been a long time lurker and some recent events have brought on extreme death anxiety.

>Neruosuegon father who I have looked up to my whole life and want to follow in his footsteps gets diagnosed with a brain tumor. 15-20 years to live

This has absolutely shattered my life. It is not as bad as a glioblastoma, but it still destroyed me.

Ever since, I have had pretty crippling death anxiety, Insofar as I feel lost and that life has no meaning or value, etc. I am trying extremely hard to be an optimist, but everything around me only reminds me more of death.

I have read worm at the core, nEEtzche, JP, and some other, but cannot find anything to help with this.

I still lead a very healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, eat very well, have some self-image issues, am in a good social position at school, have straight As with AP classes, but cannot shake this constant fear. It is leeching into my psyche and I feel powerless to stop it. It's making me have general anxiety and slight hypochondria.

I don't know if this post is breaking the rules or not, but I would really appreciate some help right now. Thanks.

>> No.12753234

youre just a fucking idiot, you dont understand the mechanics of death and how it all plays out, just fuck off and come back till you done your research novice , or lay off the edgy teenster faggot spirit

>> No.12753260


Yeah, that's not at all what I was going for. This is an honest problem that I have.

Not sure what you mean by the mechanics of how it all plays out? Or are you just saying to accept the inevitability? If so, that's what i cant do right now, i cant accept it, I just wanted some help on how to overcome it.

>> No.12753266

Honestly, you will have this problem until you actually die. This is basically the sum of human knowledge. Try to distract yourself as best you can, and do not, even, under any circumstances got on pills. In other words, get a hobby.

>> No.12753310

Look up Heidegger, and the being-towards-death. If you’re on /lit/ I think a book recommendation both what you’re looking for and the best you’re gonna get. Understanding that tha death is what gives life it’s meaning is the best human knowledge can give you. Although I don’t think you read/know your way out of what you’re feeling. It takes a lot more than knowledge of the world to get out of that hole, and that you won’t find anywhere. You seem like you’re not in deep trouble tough, so stay like that faggot.

>> No.12753334

I personally do not think it is a good idea to just ignore this reality of life by distracting yourself, as others might recommend. There is something horrifying to me about going through life as if chasing a carrot on a stick, moving from distraction to distraction, not being concerned with finding some sort of resolution to this horrible predicament of our existence. Death is inevitable.
On the other hand, I am very sorry that you are going through this. I wish you and your father well.

>> No.12753337


Thanks, I appreciate it very much. I will definitely look into it.

>> No.12753344


Accept the inevitable. I understand that, but I realize that I cannot do it right now, but it is something I can strive to do.

Thanks for the kindness anon, it means a lot.

>> No.12753347

If you're not averse to religions, Buddhism has a lot to say on the topic of death.

>> No.12753355

You are going to DiE one day, get over it. I plan to top myself off if my life stays shitty by fifty or at least when my body starts to fail as I get older .

>> No.12753361


>> No.12753370
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To be alive is to suffer. Death is the cure.
We should greet him with tears of joy

Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius; dont forget to pay the debt

>> No.12753392


Thanks, I have not done much with Buddhism but reincarnation seems too far out of reach for me logically. This does not demerit the material though. I will read up.

>> No.12753393
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Apologies for being overbearing, this is the last bit I will add. If you're at all curious, check out the Four Noble Truths and the recent Buddhism thread in the archive, with nearly 250 replies.
>"There are these five facts that one should reflect on often, whether one is a woman or a man, lay or ordained. Which five?

"'I am subject to aging, have not gone beyond aging.' This is the first fact that one should reflect on often, whether one is a woman or a man, lay or ordained.

"'I am subject to illness, have not gone beyond illness.' ...

"'I am subject to death, have not gone beyond death.' ...

"'I will grow different, separate from all that is dear and appealing to me.' ...

"'I am the owner of my actions,[1] heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and have my actions as my arbitrator. Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir.' ..."
I hope you find some sort of peace with your predicament.

>> No.12753395

Study eastern philosophy, it has a lot of good lessons about this

>> No.12753401


will do.

>> No.12753404


Thanks again, you are not being overborne at all. I will go check it out immediately.

>> No.12753417
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Hopefully the unfamiliar jargon and more 'supernatural' ideas don't scare you off enough to stop you from taking something out of it.

>> No.12753426
File: 76 KB, 882x960, 1550423816638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op I have pretty bad hypochondria and anxiety/panic disorder and I can only tell you from my experience that it gets better over time. You will find that life has more meaning when you strive for the greater good and find meaning in the things you do. This can involve religion or not but you must apply yourself to something. Death is not the end of you.

Feeling Good by David Burns is an excellent read , it teaches you Cognitive Behavioral Therapy without going to see a specialist, although if you combo both of them, as I did, you will reap far better results . Cbt has greatly changed my life and it is backed up by science although of course is not intended to be a self-help/"this is it!" type of book. It will teach you the ways you self defeat yourself and the negative subconscious thoughts over the multitude of patterns and ways of thinking you've built over your lifetime.

>> No.12753503

Focus on fortifying your character and inner personality, with the goal to become a person who produces results and gets shit done. Being a solid human being really balances out your psyche and makes you less prone to waver to anxiety.However, in finding who you really are, you are going to go through a very lonely and scary process of trial and error where you truly don't know where your instincts and critical thinking skills will take you. You gotta find it out

>> No.12753526


I’ve been considering going to somebody for a while, but I want to read up first. Thanks so much for the advice and It means a lot to me. Maybe just talking with some like minded people could help me along with all of this. Again, thanks for taking me seriously and for the advice.

>> No.12753529


Sooner the better I guess. I don’t want to live with constant doubt. I want to be prepared first though, i think I’ll read up and check out Buddhism then try and embark on facing myself

>> No.12754136

Philosophy (read everything), dwell on death and all it's possibilities it until the topic is exhausted and move on. I am sorry for what you're going through.

>> No.12754193

Just focus on making good use of the time you have, whatever that means to you. Ensure that when death comes, you at least don't feel like your life was wasted. That's the best you can do.

>> No.12754209

>15-20 years to live

>> No.12754213

op, I'm not kidding, Epicurus may seem to be a baby-tier philosopher but he's great. Read and read again and study thoroughly his page on death.
What I want = what is good = what brings pleasure
What I fear = what is bad = what brings pain
Pleasure and pain depend on the sense
Death = no more pleasure, no more pain
There is no reason to desire death, there is no reason to fear death
You will die, probably earlier than you expected
Being happy for a longer period of time would not mean being happier, anyway
This is not efficient if you only understand it, properly realize it. What is needed it to become accustomed. Think about it often enough, keep in mind the essential sentences, the essential truth
What can free someone from this anxiety is the ability to truly think: so, I can die even before the end of the day, so what?
I mean it, op. Feels so good to not care. You can make it.

>> No.12754650

Edge lord detected

>> No.12754676


>> No.12755184

start with In The Buddha's Words
it is a great anthology, an overview of things and I think it will best show you if you like it or not.

>> No.12755200

By Marcus Aurelius.