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12751782 No.12751782 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it popular to hate this guy? He has superb observational abilities making the mundane seem interesting. Too, he has a grasp on the grammar of English that is seldom surpassed. Hating superior things is for edgy high-school outcasts.

>> No.12751797
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>> No.12751813

Find me one (1) "critic" who actually hates DFW. They all write whiny blogs complaining about people who read DFW, but none of them have dared to read him themselves.

>> No.12751820

Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.12751930

Honestly? I hate him because of the way he looks and how much of an autistic sadboy faggot he was. Seriously question, what do I have to learn from someone that killed themself? Aren't there enough authors out there that I could read other than ones that were depressed faggots? I'm sure his work is great and I am sure I would enjoy it but I avoid losers like the fucking plague and so far it has worked out for me pretty well so I think I will continue to moderate the amount of garbage I allow into my mind.

>> No.12752212


I think he was kind of full of it. A smart guy who knew the trick of writing and did the trick to please the crowd. Dave Eggers fits in this camp too. There might be a few others from that same general time period. Clever, "funny", blablabla and also in their own way insincere or I don't know what, just faking it

>> No.12752225

>reading to learn

>> No.12752405

I like him but he was not a genius, he was undeniably pretentious, and his fanboys are painfully obnoxious. Most of the ribbing he gets are in-joke references coming from people who have clearly read his books. I for one have read Infinite Jest in its entirety, Oblivion and most of his published nonfiction, and have seen or listened to just about all of his innumerable Q&As, interviews, recorded talks, and media appearances.

He's a fascinating guy--really more as a celebrity character than as a writer--and a fraud, which he was deeply aware of and spoke and wrote about at length. I don't hate DFW and I think he was talented writer, but I'm not part of his cult either.

>> No.12752794

Because only David could make his writing style work and he already has 1,000,000 inferior copies wandering around convinced that poorly aping his writing style is a free pass to an A through all of their undergrad

>> No.12752804

A fine writer, I think people are just mad because he's discussed so much and seems like someone who shouldn't have succeeded.

>> No.12752805

I will never not laugh at the greatly deserved ridicule of this hack fraud. DFW will be remembered by posterity as the most incompetent snake oil salesman western literature has ever produced.

The only sincere act of his life was when he kicked away the chair. His life was nothing but a series of ironies and lies predicated on the the joke that is new sincerity. The big punchline was the creaking of the rafter and the piss trickling down his leg to the floor.

his epiphany that the only viable thing for him to do was to kill himself was the best thing to happen to literature in 30 years since he began writing because behind all the self aware gimmicks and self help books and the drugs and the audience pussy there was no discernible talent

>> No.12752846

>and a fraud
What was fraudulent about him? I've read IJ and I don't think he's a fraud. I'm not a fanboy, but he definitely earned his place.

>> No.12752892

He just apes pynchon and barth's style, but in a turgid, bland 90's kinda way. His writing reminds me of seinfeld. Retards will insist it's good and deep but it is actually shallow and boring.

>> No.12752946

Absolutely, ABSOLUTELY should've stuck to short/non-fiction

>> No.12752963

>David Foster Wallace was born in Ithaca, New York, to Sally Jean Wallace (née Bauman) and James Donald Wallace, a jewish publisher with ties to the bilderburg group.

>> No.12753026

Infinite jest? More like infinite book

>> No.12753033

BEE literally comes on here and bashes DFW.

>be me at 19, love BEE
>be me at 29, love DFW

>> No.12753040

>reading for pleasure

>> No.12753047

It's because people love DFW so much that it makes them easy targets for trolls. Trolls look for the thing which people hold most dear, and attack it. Pretty simple. Has nothing to do with lit. The vast majority of /lit/ threads have nothing to do with lit.

>> No.12753054

Very uninteresting fellow once you get 'it'. Self-hatred from deeply desiring to be authentic yet incapable of being so (because he was middling but acted as though embracing his middling nature elevated him). A waste of time, a bore, not even popcorn, not even the cob. Hot air with second hand smoke mixed in. I pray for his soul.

>> No.12753064

Does he ever say it's him or do you guys just guess?

>> No.12753076

Was he BPD? And what specifically made him a fraud?

>> No.12753077


Imitating someone's "style" isn't fraud...

DFW was a legitimately talented writer. His voice resonated with 90's slacker culture and was unique at the time. His articles and fiction were widely anticipated by critics and consumers alike. He was a narcissist, but not a bad writer. He owed an enormous debt to Pynchon (and others), and he wasn't nearly as mind-blowing as he expected himself to be, but he wasn't a hack.

>> No.12753082

he is the modern ayn rand, not a bad thing but if he had lived longer to argue his claims he coudve been very influential. Instead he dropped his shit mid way due to being a terrible being if he had lived long enough I dont doubt he would have been a bigger legend. But he died.

Seriously though the comparisons between Rand and DFW is unreal.
>Ridiculously long books that are criticized for not being cut down shorter
>Philosophers that would have been way off better writing non-fiction/essays on their ideas so no to be misunderstood
>Cult like fanbases that tear anything and everything criticizing their gods
>Shitty people
I like both of them desu and dont have much against them. The only reason rand gets moderste hate here is because shes not a male, if she was she woudve been included much more in the vast majority of the /lit/ canon. I reccomend The Fountainhead in anyone interested in Rand her best work by far(Atlas Shrugged is eh).

>> No.12753088


>> No.12753136

if Pynchon was good, or even readable, he would be DFW. Pynchon may be smart, but he has no idea how to write prose or create characters. DFW realized that if he could take what Pynchon and Barth did, and actually make it readable (which takes a lot of work, and layers) it could actually be really good. And he was right. I don't understand why you should get angry about that. It's not like he ever disrespected Pynchon or Barth

>> No.12753179

Read Good Old Neon. He directly tells you himself

>> No.12753197

>wardine be cry
>good prose
that's a long way of saying
>no trust me he's really good
I've read him and he really isn't

>> No.12753203

DFW having giga grade imposter syndrome dne him being a fraud

>> No.12753217 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12753277

>that's a long way of saying
>>no trust me he's really good
>I've read him and he really isn't

I'm just explaining that it wasn't always popular to hate him, quite the opposite. Whether you think his writing is good or not is going to be subjective but he was generally well-received. Your opinion, though, is worthless because you fail at reading comprehension.

>> No.12753303

your opinion is worthless because you think wallace is a good writer lmao

>> No.12753511

For Broom of the System I completely agree.It's an agonizingly transparent Pynchon knock-off. I don't totally agree regarding IJ though, but I can agree with it being turgid and bland.

>> No.12754446

>Why is it popular to hate this guy?
probably because he kicked people out of cars and shit. But he's written some good stuff.

>> No.12754466


>an artist life determines whether his work is good

Good luck reading Homer, bucko

>> No.12754475

he was a bit of an annoying autist

>> No.12754504

Imagine a version of this board where people read Sorrentino’s Mulligan Stew instead of DFW’s bs.

>> No.12754694
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>wardine be cry
Easily the worst part of a massively long book. I think the reason is the extreme inauthenticity. DFW definitely never spent enough time around really ghetto black people to be able to reproduce that voice in a believable way.

By contrast, I find he does an amazing job recreating other regionally-based voices and characters. As someone who's spent a lot of time in Boston and around addicts, he absolutely hit the nail on the fucking head with almost all of the Gately and Ennet House stuff.

>> No.12754712

Based. If he looks like an insufferable faggot cult-leader of pseuds then he probably is.

>> No.12755375

LMAO lets be sincereTM, I fight for the average joe, BTW here's a doorstep filled to the brim with footnotes
There's always a gap between what he says in interviews and what he actually did
Or just this>>12753047

>> No.12755400
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>Pynchon may be smart, but he has no idea how to write prose

You saying GR doesn't have layers?

>> No.12755723

I'm getting the feeling you read ONE (1) (Uno) Pynchon book, encountered a joke about a mathematical equation and found him 'smart', didnt get the joke and dismiss him.

>> No.12755818

>Pynchon may be smart, but he has no idea how to write prose or create characters
Are you seriously suggesting Pynchon is wanting in those areas? and compared to DFW of all people?

>> No.12755857

>not even popcorn, not even the cob. Hot air with second hand smoke mixed in.
these are good together, like burning your own popcorn and breathing in someone else's smoky exhalations at once. banal pleasure, slightly poisoned. epiphany of the total inadequacy of the palliative for the discomfort.
but they need to be reworked a little, they aren't connecting as they could.

>> No.12755913

Because he abused his wife or something

>> No.12755942

>I avoid losers like the plague
Why are you here, then?

>> No.12756142

>he has no idea how to write prose
Absolutely insane, uninformed, idiotic opinion. Nobody has as much command over the modern English language as Pynchon. The fun of reading comes from his total and complete mastery of "prose." He can do dad jokes and sitcom shenanigans alongside the most beautiful and detailed descriptions of reality in the same fucking paragraph, and he does it in an original and rewarding style which is completely sincere and his own.

You've obviously never read him, which means you're running your mouth about something your stupid ass is too stupid talk about. Please shut the fuck up and stop posting about "prose" and writers you're too stupid to read

>> No.12757461

>popular to hate this guy
i once met a guy that looked 90% like dfw. he worked retail. showed him a picture on my phone and he agreed. he didn't even know who dfw was.

>mfw no one knows who dfw even is

>> No.12757610

ellis gets btfo by norm macdonald on a consistent basis so he's not to be worried about anyway.

>> No.12757864

Absolute bullshit. Everything else aside, Mason & Dixon is one of the most beautifully written books in English, bar none

>> No.12757895

Please tell me the best Pynchon book. I’ve read IV, CoL49, and Slow Learner. GR to me is unreadable, but I’ll try again.

>> No.12757903

It's Mason & Dixon

>> No.12757926


>> No.12758263

Quite the catch...