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/lit/ - Literature

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12750936 No.12750936 [Reply] [Original]

Post a stack, rate a stack

>> No.12751016

>buying physical books

>> No.12751126
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I enjoyed Stoner a lot, but I lack the knowledge and context to say anything about the rest.
I'm reading other books right now, but pic related is the stack my dad just gave me. He knows I enjoy sci-fi and pulp so he keeps an eye out when he's at thrift shops.

>> No.12751142

I don't have a camera but I have a bunch of Loebs so feel free to give me the midwit/10s I deserve.
Pretty comfy 6/10

>> No.12751163

Currently reading:
The Faerie Queene
The Lotus Sutra
Hard Boiled Wonderland
Platform Sutra
Being and Event
After Dark
Pantheon Collection of African Folktales

>> No.12751176

Bet $90 you live in Calafornia

>> No.12751202

no, I live in New England. Give me the money now, flyover.

>> No.12751206

>After Dark
>Pantheon Collection of African Folktales
Bet $100 he's a liberal soiboi who loves nignogs

>> No.12751244

sorry forgot to add the Bible and Siege by James Mason.

>> No.12751245

Allright, I just booked my the evening train ride. What's your address?

>> No.12751253

Current reads:
Rashomon and Other Stories
Turn of the Screw

I haven't started Gillespie yet but it sounds awesome.

>> No.12751254
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my last purchase. cost me exactly 5euros

>> No.12751261

I'm not even American, m8.

>> No.12752363
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rate todays pickups, lads

decent, bottom two are good. glad to see you're taking the kantpill



bad but i cant hate too much on a francobro

>> No.12752406


>> No.12752434

>Abridged Life Of Johnson

Other than that you're ok

>> No.12752443

my time is finite and it was only a dollar, but yeah, feel kind of like a cuck buying abridged versions

>> No.12752922

>Have Space Suit -- Will Travel is nowhere to be found in the stack
0/10 sort yourself out

>> No.12752942

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500

>> No.12752972
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These are the books I bought today at Barnes and noble

>> No.12753014

>at Barnes and noble

>> No.12753130
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>he isn't writing a 50-page paper on things that nobody else knows or cares about

>> No.12754197

good input ty

>> No.12754229

New books I purchased this month. Still a new reader.
Where do you get used books in India? I only know of the market in Delhi and I live in Central India. All the sites I've checked so far are trash and Library in my city is a joke.

>> No.12754237
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Forgot the pic

>> No.12754247
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7/10, nice picks but could benefit from some more non /lit/-core books.

>> No.12754257
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One of many stacks overtaking my house. Yup, love pulpy pleb shit. Fuck your pseud "texts"

>> No.12754261

>scarlet and black

>> No.12754619

Suggest me some good trashy page turner wise one.

>> No.12755210
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This is my 2019 goals stack.
Currently reading: Rings of Saturn.

>> No.12755380
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Found a new street vendor who has some pretty nice stock so I have bought more books than usual recently.
Not all are from there though.
Titles from top to bottom:
>Ádám Fejér - Raskolnikov, the victim of humanist thought
>Dostoevsky - The Adolescent
>Wagner - Tristan und Isolde, a bi-lingual edition
>István Géher - Shakespeare Reader, our reflections in 37 plays
>The Habsburgs - A European phenomenon

>> No.12755419

You sound really pretentious.

>> No.12755437
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100 pages left on zarathustra,not as hard as normies say it is,I've been enjoying it so far even if i have to reread parts often
I just got stoner too,not that big into philosophy tho
ordered crying of lot 49 yesterday,cant wait to start with Pynchon.Finished moby dick a month ago and it was as amazing as everyone says it is

>> No.12755484

>Notes from the Underground
That's a good one. The first 20 or so pages are really depressive. (The first part of the essay)
Be sure to read it when you are in a good mood.

>> No.12756380

Good stacks
Except for the stuck up pulpfag

>> No.12756518

Depends where you live, Anon. There are plenty of places in Delhi and Kolkata, but I'm clueless as to where you'd find used bookstores in central India. I assume you mean Madhya Pradesh?

>> No.12756522

momcore as hell.

>> No.12756602
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>> No.12756680

Graph Theory
Jude the Obscure
Donne's poetry

>> No.12756691

really love that 2001 cover.

>> No.12756700
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>> No.12756763
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>> No.12756776

>translated bataille
oh no, you were doing al-
>translated welbeck
no anon what are you doing

>> No.12756781

These are nice little starter kits. The fellow who picked Ulysses should at least read the Odyssey and Portrait first, however.

>> No.12756788

I have the Pleaides edition of Bataille's novels and the J'ai lu paperback of Houellebecq's poems in the basement at my parents' house. I did not bring them with me to my current residence.

>> No.12756791

good stack 8/10

>> No.12756827

You are correct, Welbeck's fancy dribbling and ability to play nice flick-ons and second balls does not translate into clinical finishing in front of goal.

>> No.12756855
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small reads for spring break

(Dorian Gray is not relatively new but still finishing it up)

>> No.12756873
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nice gl reading stein though.

(I see Blood Meridan and Lolita? in the back aswell :x)

>> No.12756976
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look what just arrived mothafuckas

>> No.12756984

Yeah. I know about the Sunday market of Delhi but I don't really go to Delhi that much. Where did you get those books?

>> No.12757006
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k here's the full stack of today's arrivals

>> No.12757775
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>> No.12758108

The used ones? Variety of places. I bought most in the United States, actually, but occasionally you stumble across vendors in India. You can get second-hand or illegally printed academic texts in places like Kolkata's College Street.

But now that I think of it, I can't think of awfully many places that specialize in used books. To be fair, most stores in India are so cheap that you may as well buy new--I remember purchasing a 1,000-page novel in Delhi International Airport that cost $30 USD but was available for only Rs 399.

>> No.12758302


>> No.12758324

Everything the man wrote in that novel wasn't true but damn good story

>> No.12758361

Yes, it's truly like he's telling you the tale in a harbour pub or a brothel.

>> No.12758597


I hope that pile of mediocrity one day falls and crushes you

>> No.12758610

gotta change this from /lit to /book collectors

>> No.12758726

If you like classics and you're a pervert you're in for a real treat with the Satyricon

>> No.12758847

Don't feel bad, Anon. I like the Vampire Chronicles and Mafia books when I was a kid--I don't say that to be rude, either.

Most of /lit/ can't read, write or spell for shit, but will condemn anything that isn't Nietzsche, Ulysses or Greek. Books are for learning and enjoyment; there's no reason you can't veer toward one or the other.

>> No.12759032
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>> No.12759089

If you can speak English then why would you ever read a translation of Suttree when you can just read it in English?

>> No.12759126
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I currently lack the funds to buy stacks. I just bought Logo's book though. This is just what is next to my bed currently. Nothing unique except maybe the Fichte.

>> No.12759131

Why dont you got money?

>> No.12759148

Read whatever you enjoy anon its your life. I have to ask though... Did you only read Eye of the World? If not then why not keep it with the others?

>> No.12759207

>College student
>Spent all my summer job money
>The money I leech off my parents goes towards food
>Don't think I could handle working during the school year (lazy I know)
>Don't want to sell my bitcoin or action figures
I am honestly fine living simply, and felt much less jealousy watching people travel and party over spring break than I would have in previous years. I am also graduating in less than two months so I should be getting money from my extended family. As soon as I'm done I want to go back to work, and I'll hopefully be an English TA in Austria this fall.

>> No.12759226
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>> No.12759695
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That looks like more than 30 books anon...

>> No.12760402

get the fuck out of here mr peterson

>> No.12760881

i hope you get raped

>> No.12761265
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>> No.12761415


>> No.12761426
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New to reading be gentle

>> No.12761430

I really want that K-Punk book, just waiting for the price to drop a little before I pick it up.

>> No.12761700

>Falling for /lit/ memes so hard that you immediately buy two philosophy books

>> No.12761734

>Plato and Aristotle are /lit/ memes

>> No.12761756

I didn't say Plato and Aristotle were a /lit/ meme, I said being "new to reading" and immediately jumping into playdough is a /lit/ meme.

>> No.12761779
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>> No.12761804
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gdfaklj 123<

>> No.12761805

These are not LITERALLY the first books I've ever read lol

>> No.12763135


Ciao postatore italiano

>> No.12763460


>> No.12763511


>> No.12763576 [DELETED] 
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Purchased these today

>> No.12763655

I've read Blood Meridian in translation back when I wasn't proficient and I enjoyed it. Later on I've read The Road in English and I hated it, thus I purchased Suttree in German.
This might have been a mistake since most of the book is written in a specific dialect? Maybe The Road simply sucked ass.

>> No.12764013

Goddamn does that copy of Hamlet have every fucking essay written about it in it?

>> No.12764139

Would you recommend Negarestani?

>> No.12764245

There's a lot of notes and a few essays

>> No.12764260

How is it? I would like to get a good copy of my favorite play of the Bards.

>> No.12764274
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all of this costed about $9
as i lay dying is neato, i should get against the day
lol are u my dad?
ada or ardor is a fantastic book hope u enjoy

>> No.12764374

What language is that?

>> No.12764382

Latvian or Lithuanian?

>> No.12764394

It is evident that Reza put a lot of effort into Intelligence and Spirit and the central conceit about 'AGI' is an interesting one to consider. It requires a fair amount of secondary reading to fully grasp, and maybe a little bit of math and engineering knowledge as supplement.