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/lit/ - Literature

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12748748 No.12748748 [Reply] [Original]

tell me PewDiePie isn't based. he's gonna tell a bunch of 12 year olds to read Plato.

>> No.12748750

If you're going to put a period at least capitalize your first letter. Plz and thanks.

>> No.12748764

about the right age to read it as well. bass and pills

>> No.12748772

until he's reviewing kaczynskis manifesto or meditations I don't care

>> No.12748793

Will he discuss the female sex police and women not having souls?

>> No.12748795

>12 year olds
Someone had a birthday?

>> No.12748799
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It really frustrates me contrarians like you assume his audience are 12-14 years old. Clearly his audience isn't so young. Instead, it is made up of young people over the age of 18 who act about that age with unselfaware horrific irony and black humour like a cycle. I think he only truly had the 12-14 year old age range when he was known as a scary lets-player. I think it's seriously wrong he became so famous, regardless of whether he talks about good books or not, they are beside the point to his personality and real life influence.

>> No.12748803
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>> No.12748805

>youtube who got popular by screaming tries to appear intellectual
this is like when dunkey did that embarrassing The Shining review

>> No.12748812

The people who watch his videos don’t read books, just like how they never used to play games. At most they’ll just turn into wikipedia/youtube puesds

>> No.12748814

hey youtube man, remember to tell them to start plato with the four books.

>> No.12748832

Pearls for plato

>> No.12748852

Thinking that Pewdiepie has influenced his younger audience to read the likes of Mishima and Nietzsche is laughable. Def more of the older viewers, but I doubt a good amount of them actually stick to literature and dont just go back to fortnite and donating to their favorite twitch streamer.

>> No.12748864

He's dying to not be remembered as an entertainer for 10 year olds, he's not an intellectual and The Republic sucks

>> No.12748868

His country is being invaded by arabs and Pewd says nothing about it. Fuck him

>> No.12748873

You can't ask for a better influence on kids though. If he gets 1000 out of 10 million kids to start reading, that's probably 1000 kids who would have never started in the first place.

Besides, it's so plainly obvious that his tastes come from /lit/. Prepare for another wave of zoomers to start talking about the Book of Disquiet over the next few years.

>> No.12748879

very true

>and The Republic sucks
i wouldn't go that far

>> No.12748887

it's boring and not controversial

>> No.12748889

Dunkey trying to review things in general is almost always a miserable experience

>> No.12748899

This is gonna be cringe

>> No.12748901

Not based until he names the Jew.

>> No.12748906

i'd rather have 1000 threads on that than some shitty thread about some shitty instathot poet

>> No.12748952
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>> No.12748958

>it's so plainly obvious that his tastes come from /lit/
He would've started with Hamilton's Mythology, then Homer's Iliad & Odyssey, etc., if that were the case.

Jumping straight into The Republic is not how you Start with the Greeks™.

>> No.12748966

fuck off pewds

>> No.12748980
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I didn't want to say it but you are exactly right. Pewds is a reddit fag, dying for recognition by the IDW

>> No.12748983


>> No.12748990
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>Hamilton's Mythology
Replace with The Bibliotheca

>> No.12748993
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>not controversial
It kinda is in the (((current year)))

>> No.12749004

why do you guys act as though he is the first famous person to talk about books.

>> No.12749019
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will get thru dis fren
teh normies will move onto movie or /sci/ stuff when they get bored with us shhh itll be ok

>> No.12749042

Pewdiepie appeals mainly to 14 year old redditors who like le maymays and, ever since he used the epic gamer word and cried about that WSJ article, /pol/ edgelords. Since this board is filled with both, a thread about him is inevitably going to get a lot of replies.

>> No.12749049

Because it's unusual for a YouTuber whose main thing is playing games and reviewing memes to read classics and talk about them, especially in this age of instant gratification and all-pervasive degeneracy. He could make a lot more money streaming games, but he chooses not to, which is really admirable.

>> No.12749050

which of plato's works does he get most into his metaphysics?

>> No.12749063

Phaedo, Heraclitus,Parmenides

>> No.12749064


>> No.12749071

bruh he already has enough money to buy a small third world country

>> No.12749073

Phaedo or Parmenides I guess?

>> No.12749087


>> No.12749090

If you’re going to ask for people to use proper grammar, at least use it yourself. Please and thanks.

>> No.12749096

how so you review the republic?

>it was good
>i didnt like it

is there an actual attempt at formulating a thought beyond i agree or disagree with x? does he promote discussion? does he respond to discussion?

>> No.12749115

most his content is still talking about games and memes.

>> No.12749136

Do you honestly think that kids will read his recs? do you know how easy it is to skip a video and watch something else? therea rent a thousand kids reading anything he's talked about because of him. this isnt the 18th century where all you had to play with are sticks and dirt.

>> No.12749154

I'm not usually a secret club autist but something irks me about a man with a subscriber base more than the population of Germany having his recommendations and opinions dripfed by a small community of maybe a couple thousand weekly regulars.

>> No.12749157

watch this shit for 20 seconds and tell me that Pewds doesn't read /lit/. all of these books are front page memes.

>> No.12749160

It's not about proper grammar, but when using a period a capital letter literally goes hand in hand, its awkward.

>> No.12749163

>13 yo fans of piewdipie ever reading or understanding Plato, Abe, or Pessoa


>> No.12749169
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>it’s not about proper grammar, it’s just about proper grammar

>> No.12749171

It's very easy to argue against absolute statements. Do I think the vast majority of his fanbase is going to read even one of those books? Absolutely not. Will there still be, ultimately, a large number of people who will? Yes because we're dealing with the largest YouTube channel on the planet. Pewdiepie is going to have a lot of influence on impressionable kids, and I'm sure a few hundred thousand out of, what, 50 million?, are going to at least dip their toes into the sea of literature.

>> No.12749174

this fag singlehandedly destroyed /lit/

>> No.12749181

It depends on how he presents the book.
I think this is a very positive thing. If there is anyone that can make younger people read books, it is Pewdiepie.
Or can you think of a better idea?

>> No.12749196

>Literally millions of young people will start with the Greeks because a popular entertainer wants to promote reading

>Some people genuinely think this is a bad thing, or more bad than good

Faggots all of you who criticize the dude

>> No.12749197

How is the Republic not controversial?

>> No.12749202

There's a lot of jaded people who don't think it's possible for a kid who likes even a single kind of normie content to be interested in literature. Do people think that there's not a single Minecraft fan who would appreciate reading? That's preposterous. Don't underestimate the potential of human beings.

>> No.12749207

>it's boring and not controversial
>Plato is boring
>the foundation of political philosophy, itself a controversial field, is not controversial
>suggesting a radical epistocratic monarchy is not controversial in the age of democracy
>denouncing performative arts as degenerate is not controversial, even while millions are plugged into the MCU
What the fuck are you smoking? What is with these low-energy shitposts on /lit/? Where have all the cowboys gone?

>> No.12749208

Ummm... by not being controversial? What a ridiculous question.

>> No.12749214

t. unironically Pewdiepie

>> No.12749215

I started seriously reading in my mid twenties. But I wouldn't have started if philosophers hadn't picked my curiosity in my teenage years after being exposed to their ideas by a cool professor and thinking "some day when I have the time and money I'll read the full books".

Exposure is good enough.

>> No.12749222

He's fucking retarded, but in an entertaining way.

>> No.12749234

Literature at a young age isnt supposed to start with Pessoa an Mishima. If by some chance these kids are somewhat understanding the syntax of Nietszche they wont have the moral maturity to see it for what it is, misunderstand it and grow up to be whinny edgy nihilists. That's why good YA is necessary, to ease them into better works. Moreover, you need to have an interest in literature in order to pursue it. Most people get turned off from reading in school precisely because they get assigned works that dont appeal to them, burning that image of books being boring and pointless. Not to say it happens to everyone, but the few who do find literature early on dont have a sense of balance and knowing to differentiate books from real life. You need to experience life before you try to fix it.

>> No.12749235

>reading Plato without starting by apology which is the reading key of all his later works

>> No.12749255

Yes, I'm sure his views on how people should procreate are totally accepted nowadays.

>> No.12749268

How would you even review a work of philosophy? You should be formulating a response to the arguments put forward by the writer, not treat it as a light novel.

>> No.12749273

So when will he review Nick Land and De Sade?

>> No.12749281

Can some explain why it's good to have a bunch of edgy midwit children reading Plato?

>> No.12749283
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>kids reading Krierkegard

you are very disconnected if you think this happens.

>> No.12749285

Most of /lit/ hasn't even read Plato so good on him for setting the youth up for success.

>> No.12749287

Plato is the cornerstone of Western civilization?

>> No.12749290

I think you underestimate young people. And which YA literature has good moral themes?
Other than Lord of the Rings and Narnia?

>You need to experience life before you try to fix it.
It depends on what you mean by experience life.

>> No.12749291

you mean starting with euthythro

>> No.12749292

as if the works of plato are obscure or something lmao

>> No.12749293

No shit. But what does this achieve, really? How many of these children are actually capable of engaging with Plato? And what will they do with the knowledge?

>> No.12749303

Phaedo is one of his earlier dialogues and sets up the immortality of the soul. Book VI of the Republic has Socrates point to the sovereignty of the Good. Parmenides is a wonkfest that begins with a critique of Platonic Ideas and ends with a dialectic that is likely not representative of Plato's own thought (but it may not be of the Eleatics either). Timaeus is a weird cosmogony wherein the concept of the benevolent Demiurge is introduced; since this is one of Plato's later dialogues, Socrates mostly sits on the sidelines.

So, Phaedo is the most "traditional" of Plato's metaphysical works, but the Timaeus represents how the Ideas interact with the world. Really, all of Plato's work is suffused with his metaphysics.

>> No.12749304

Here is the Plato recommended reading order and ranked by quality.

Euthyphro God Tier
Apology God Tier
Crito God Tier
Phaedo God Tier
Cratylus God Tier
Theaetetus God Tier
Sophist God Tier
Statesman God Tier
Parmenides God Tier
Philebus God Tier
Symposium God Tier
Phaedrus God Tier
Charmides God Tier
Laches God Tier
Lysis God Tier
Euthydemus God Tier
Protagoras God Tier
Gorgias God Tier
Meno God Tier
Lesser Hippias God Tier
Ion God Tier
Menexenus God Tier
Republic God Tier
Timaeus God Tier
Critias God Tier
Laws God Tier

>> No.12749309
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>> No.12749331

I don't think Pewdiepie fans are worse than others from their same age group. And reading Plato would improve their lives, if they did so.

Let's think about what the other people who influence young adults and teenagers do:
- You have rappers and other social media influencers preaching materialism, promiscuity and drugs.
- You have Netflix which is not very different from rappers
- You have schools teaching them to be super sensitive SJWs

But yet, the one that is being criticized is Pewdiepie for getting them to learn about Plato.

>> No.12749333

that's why you read Plato :)

>> No.12749411

>good YA

>> No.12749419


>> No.12749428

plato is considered boring by pseuds because hes so well known and established

>> No.12749445

How long until he reads the communist manifesto unironicly.

>> No.12749451
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How long until he reads Dugin and fulfills the transformation into NazBol?

>> No.12749457

Why does everything he's reviewing seem taken from some pseud starter kit list, I mean if he wanted to be a booktuber channel he'd be reviewing some YA fiction or whatever zoomers are currently reading, hell perhaps he'd review an obscure book he enjoyed that isnt necessarily popular
But instead he is actively seeking "philosophy" and "classics" as if trying to show off by only reading the canon

>> No.12749461

hes literally the pinnacle of neoliberal consumerist entertainment

>> No.12749480

If you are starting somewhere, why not start with the Classics?
Why should you read John Green instead of Plato?

>> No.12749497

He used to come to /b/ and /gif/ for his you laugh you loose videos. I am sure he then started browsing /lit/ and that's were he got all that book recs and that pseud taste that, undoubtky, comes from here

>> No.12749507

Which is a good thing.

>> No.12749580
File: 457 KB, 1098x616, Screenshot from 2019-03-12 17-33-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12749581

He 100% gets his recommendations from /lit/ meme charts

>> No.12749598

(March 13 is fine too, since you've probably already recorded today's video)

>> No.12749602

>posturing /lit/ pseuds seething at another posturing /lit/ pseud

>> No.12749610


>> No.12749616


>> No.12749689


For some reason you believe that teenagers would be interested in reading pessimist texts and existential philosophy as well as avant garde fiction, but somehow you dont think that out of hundreds of thousands of books meant for kids there isnt a good one in the bunch.

>> No.12749726

>all the pseuds crawl away in defeat when people list reasons for why PDP getting kids to read books is a good thing

>> No.12749737

I didn't say that. I genuinely want to know what you would consider good YA.
There are good children's books, like Winnie the Pooh, Alice in Wonderland, Roald Dahl, Charlotte's Web and Dr Seuss. I'm not disputing that. I just can't think of any good YA, unless something like Adrian Mole counts, which I don't think it does.

>> No.12749744


>> No.12749749

Has he read any other Plato? I wouldn't think it's a good place to start. Shorter ones like Euthyphro might hold the interest of plebs.

>> No.12749753
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>> No.12749754

What risks Pewdiepie takes by promoting Plato ? 0
What risks would he have taken by promoting ? I don't know, Céline?

You would hear the ADL scream from Mars...

>> No.12749777
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>> No.12749834
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>> No.12749885


>> No.12749887

I never said I had an issue with him promoting books, but he’s a faggot and I’ll probably stop browsing this place the second there stops being pushback to his faggotry.

>> No.12749932

Do you really think his audience is going to get anything out of reading Plato, especially when they're starting with the Republic?

>> No.12749945

I'm currently reading the odyssey. Can I skip The Histories by Herodotus and The First Philosophers by Robin Waterfield before I jump into Plato and come back to them later?

>> No.12749946
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stfu old man

>> No.12749952

nobody is going to get much out of the first 10 books, hell, maybe even the first 50 books they read.

>> No.12749958

yeah you can

>> No.12749974

tubes lol!

>> No.12749980
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a chicken!

>> No.12749984

You don't start the Greeks with the fucking Republic

>> No.12749995

Very based

>> No.12749997


>> No.12750006

t. fifteen-year-old

>> No.12750013

So he went from producing Teletubbies-tier content to becoming an extremely watered down and /pol/-approved version of Filthy Frank and 99% of his content is still garbage, yet he can get spammed across 4chan and even /lit/ because he said the N-word and reviews literature? Big yikes.

>> No.12750025

He has a poster of EoE on his wall too

>> No.12750036

People are programmed to worship celebrities. 4chan is not an exception. It's so obvious that Pewdiepie has some kind of middle life crisis in the sense that he's realising that he's a buffon for kids and teenagers.

He doesn't want to be remembered as the game guy that's it. And he's got nothing to do with /pol/, what has he done to be /pol/ tier ?

>> No.12750047


>> No.12750099

Whats there to review? Its just a roman emperor being mopey and writing in his diary that everyone around him sucks, instead of beating his shithead of a son like he should have been doing.

>> No.12750103


>> No.12750111

>dunkey did that embarrassing The Shining review
I’m unfamiliar with this, someone redpill me.

>> No.12750141

That’s an insult to Filthy Frank because he at least tries to be funny. He parodies conspiratards in a song about David Icke whereas Pewdiepie just makes a song out of bitch lasagna and calls it a day. Where’s the fun in that?

>> No.12750281

There's nothing wrong with getting your opinions from others if you sincerely think about and agree with what they say.

>> No.12750348

Something doesn't have to be a political statement to be funny.

>> No.12750365

>making fun of David Ike
Wew there laddy.

>> No.12750393

T-series vs Pewdiepie is literally the favourite conversational subject of my 14 year old nephew and from what I've understood the rest of the kids at his school are the same.

>> No.12750401

Of course it is.

>> No.12750417

I'd rather have threads hating on Instagram "poets" than threads about a screeching Youtuber. At least the former is a form of criticism.

>> No.12750472

You can skip The Histories for the rest of your life but you should probably read The First Philosophers, it gives a nice background to early ancient thought.

>> No.12750481

>10 years old watches pewdiepie
>video about Plato
>suddenly, the kid is more interested in the subject
>teacher can discuss it in class and kids will be more open to it because "my favorite youtube likes"
I hope Pewdiepie reads a few collections with short stories too, the interest of the kids in literature would skyrocket.

>> No.12750489

>what has he done to be /pol/ tier

>> No.12750784


>> No.12750795


>> No.12750828

I don't know one of his videos

>> No.12750928


>> No.12751137

not literature fuck off forever

>> No.12751266
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>If he gets 1000 out of 10 million kids to start reading, that's probably 1000 kids who would have never started in the first place.
Absolutely correct. Anyone who disagrees with you is just strutting their pessimism on the /lit/ catwalk. It is absolutely nothing but positive for a guy with that big of an audience to promote reading. Even a 0.5% success rate would be a big impact. It's actually really admirable that he's at least trying to do something so practical and positive with his influence. I forget that I like him.

>> No.12751337

He isn't rewieving books for anybody's sake he's obviously doing it just to fellate his own ego. Stop pretending it's some altruistic act made so the poor children will get into reading. "Admirable" holy shit.

>> No.12751375

nah it is just reading from the comments, you can clearly tell most of them are underage. there's a few old zoomers that stuck around since back when he did cringey horror game let's plays (which was admittely kinda funny when I was 12) but I think most of us have moved on. occasionally watch when he's done something controversial, but it's mostly lowest common denominator normie content.

>> No.12751401

Why all this bitterness?
Here is someone influential doing something good and this is how you react?

>> No.12751410


>> No.12751432

Honestly seeing how many books he read last year got me reading seriously again.

>> No.12751434

I'm not bitter at all, why do you think I am? Something good? I don't consider it something good, I really don't give a fuck if children read or not. I react that way because this thread shouldn't be on this board and this fag deserves no respect or admiration.

>> No.12751439

How many did he read?

>> No.12751444

You’re a fucking loser, buddy.

>> No.12751445

t. lizard

>> No.12751464

Only zoomerfags consume youtube

>> No.12751465

>I'm not bitter at all, why do you think I am?
I wonder why

>> No.12751476


>> No.12751479

Plato has nothing to do with artistic fiction or verse.

Why the fuck do you people even care?

>> No.12751486

Did my words hurt you or something? Listen, you are free to like whatever, people eat shit and enjoy it. Just don't bring your shit to /lit/ and act like it's something worthwhile.

>> No.12751495

Fug I can't let this streamer manlet beat me. I gotta READ

>> No.12751510

If Pewdiepie knew how to handle The Republic correctly, he could use it to address practically any social or political topic. He could discuss the issue of the evils of technology by the means of the Cave allegory and the attachment of unenlightened souls to material goods, or he could bring in phronesis by talking about the difference between philosopher-kings and tyrants. He could pontificate on the European migrant crisis by bringing up Plato's proposed alliance between the Greek city-states. He could even talk about inceldom and volceldom too using other passages from Plato's Republic.

>> No.12751524

Exposure is still exposure, you bitter faggot.

>> No.12751554

I don't fucking care. Explain why does this thread exist. Why should this specific faggot's "effort" to get people to read be commended and praised?

>> No.12751575

You are very bitter

Judging by your posts, you care a lot.

>> No.12751580

You didn't answer my question.

>> No.12751604

He will review the Culture of Critique eventually

>> No.12751620

I'm not >>12751524
That said, a popular figure getting his fans to read Plato is something to be praised. Reading Plato is valuable.

>> No.12751638

What does it have to do with literature board of 4chan? As you can see this thread is not about Plato, but about this youtuber's persona, so completely off topic, this is cancer killing the board.

>> No.12751650

It's possible to address The Culture of Critique, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and Mein Kampf's concern's by discussing Plato's Republic. Anybody who were creative enough would be able to talk about the different kinds of social order and the role of education in the shaping of culture, and then be able to link that to the Jewish question. Being able to read a book and giving a summary of it is not the same as being able to relate a book to certain other real life event or phenomenon.

>> No.12751668

This is about a popular person recommending people to read good books

>> No.12751686

A thread about a popular person, yes. The fact that this popular person reads books/talks about books doesn't make this /lit/ related. This is ultimately about his persona, so off topic cancer.

>> No.12751695


whoever doesn't mention timaeus has not read it

>> No.12751696

It is about someone promoting literature.

>> No.12751711

Point me to where the discussion about promoting literature takes place in this thread.

>> No.12751747

This sublime reply proves that there is no relation between how promising an original post looks, and how rewarding it proves to be. I receive these 20,000 keks in an undersea bliss of orgasm's bastard twin.

>> No.12751749

>The Republic sucks
hell yeah #yanggang!

>> No.12751755

OP's post

>> No.12751765

I wasted a bunch of time, oh well. Good luck trolling someone else.

>> No.12751776

Disagreeing with your bitterness is not trolling.

>> No.12751781

Stop fucking crying about it faggot

>> No.12751824

Kaczynski missed his chance to mention Pewd in later revisions written to liberate the last of his wrath on his usual culprits. Sometimes I wish God existed, only as a means to witnessing certain sets of persons in the same room.

>> No.12751857

>this is cancer killing the board
You think there's actual standards to be upheld here? So you're a newfag. That's half of your desperate faggotry explained.

>> No.12751898

Here here.

>> No.12752040

How odd to think of a guy with enough money to live in a conservatory packed with tropical exotics, broadcasting from what looks like a random corner of a utility room. For some people, the only possible biography is the unauthorized kind.

>> No.12752267

Just finished it today. Interested to hear other people's views as well

>> No.12752407

>Yeah so the city guardians can only fuck each other to create perfect babies.
>These are then raised by the entire guardianship so they don't know their parents. Parental bond is a weakness
>Don't give guardians possessions
>Manipulate them into believing that they are made of the gold of gods, and interacting with IRL gold will only dull them

Plato knew what was up. He also thought it'd be ridiculous to live in a world where people would have to go to doctors to be healed. The idea of not knowing how to do that yourself was appalling to him.

>> No.12752623

Only meme book there is arguably Book of Disquiet but even then its super well known in Portugal, Lolita, House of the Dead and Count of Monte Cristo aren't obscure, the latter two don't get that many threads on /lit/ either.

>> No.12752868

Its to make his dumbass underage fanbase think "he's just like me!!!" despite having a 20 million dollar networth

>> No.12752952

I think his highest demographic is men in their early 20s (like me). Before he started talking about Mishima, he was just another author I saw in chart threads.

He also mentioned that young guys typically fall into just reading non-fiction books, and encouraging them to consider the value of reading novels and fiction.
And if he's going to be a role model regardless, I prefer he spends it promoting books people don't read instead of just making fortnite memes

>> No.12753037
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Oh god, I thought this was gonna be some pic related humor but I was simply not prepared.

>> No.12753039

>found the poster so obsessed with reading in the “right order” that he never starts.
Misunderstanding is part of the learning process.

>> No.12753114

didnt he read beyond good and evil and say it was too hard?

>> No.12753174

>o-only us can be intellectual now if you excuse me I'm going to keep working on my thesis about post-acc-necro-mantis-excrement feminism

>> No.12753195

He should review The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.12753216

This, but unironically

>> No.12753268

You forgot about the accretions. There were accretions.

>> No.12753621

>kill all poets
No wonder you're off by one.

>> No.12753629

don't forget to subscribe, can't let t-series win am i right fellow nine year olds

>> No.12753673

yes of course commenters are a uniform sample of his audience

>> No.12753708
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Fuck you bitch, Pewdiepie should recommand controversial books and not boring Plato

>> No.12753716

If you are not attacked by reddit, u are doing something wrong

>> No.12754596

Brexit is still happening don't worry

>> No.12754621

You are both so envious it's cringy.
Yeah, guy made a fortune creating a channel for kids. That indicates absolutely nothing about his life other than that he plays video games and knew how to game Youtube.

Why are you so salty?
>The Republic sucks
Why is your taste so shit?

>> No.12754629


>> No.12754681

>implaying he will understand it

>> No.12754734

Pewdipie interview with Harold Bloom when?

>> No.12754775

No, when the /lit/ chart reached the front page of Reddit is when it died.

>> No.12754786

>eugenics, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, absolute monarchy are all non-controversial

>> No.12754789

>you can't be interested in what you're interested in and you can't share it with an audience that begs you to either

>> No.12754919

When he starts reviewing ''A brave new world''
>Jewtube shoas the video.

>> No.12754946

this is equivalent to reading war and peace and posting pictures of the book with your avocado lunch on facebook to signal to everyone "me so smart". Being intellectual isn't something you need to virtue signal to everyone, it is something that people know simply by listening to you. Its why it is so easy to tell apart a pseud from the real deal.

Pewds doesn't like how he is basically a joke on the internet and thinks this (and other desperate things) will make people respect him.

>> No.12754951

>Kaczynski missed his chance to mention Pewd

Did you get that backwards? I don't think he has internet in prison.

>> No.12754974

>Pewds doesn't like how he is basically a joke on the internet and thinks this (and other desperate things) will make people respect him.

Maybe true or maybe he is just interested in getting into philosophy and literature. It's not a bad thing to want to "improve" himself. Doesn't signal that he's done with the children's meme entertainment or whatever else interests him to make.

>> No.12754990

>Maybe true or maybe he is just interested in getting into philosophy and literature. It's not a bad thing to want to "improve" himself.
Perhaps but you don't have to make videos on your interests especially if it is vastly out of character for the 'show'. Going from meme reaction videos and eceleb faggotry to reviewing ancient greek philosophy is pretty jarring and something 99% of his audience wouldn't appreciate. Its clear that it is just an ego project.

>> No.12755062

Isn't there meant to be a really good Swedish translation of the Iliad? If you're reading this, Felix, which I know you are, read Mythology, that Iliad translation, the Odyssey and some easier Plato like Euthyphro and Apology. Also Bryan Magee's Story of Philosophy and the Oedipus Cycle.
Also read some Shakespeare and see how your fan base that's still in school reacts to you praising Hamlet and Macbeth.
Then completely fuck your fans up and recommend Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow (you'll be prepared as you'll ever be for Ulysses once you've read the Odyssey and Hamlet). Don't forget to read Dubliners first though, A Little Cloud, Counterparts, A Painful Case and The Dead are god tier.
If you want some genre fic that /lit/ won't make fun of you for reading, read Titus Groan and Gormenghast as well as The Book of the New Sun

>> No.12755133

Nothing really against the idea of a gen-z influencer telling them to read books, but I have a feeling only 5% of the viewers will bother to crack open the books he recommends, and far fewer will actually finish them.

>> No.12756274

I think the effect is twofold: he clears his stigma, and his audience feels as though they're not purely consuming trite internet culture. It's as much an ego project for himself as it is for his viewership.

It's pretty funny how he managed to monazite /lit/ desu.

>> No.12756320

He's a manchild that enables manchild culture.

He thinks that by reading books that are seen as "adult" and "serious" he will escape the air of contempt adults have for people like him....this will fail.

vidya,weeb culture,youtubers etc will succesfully eradicate serious literature. pewdiepie is a significant actor in this process.

also, he's reddit-as-fuck

>> No.12756343

Literature is a dying culture. If the biggest youtuber talks about it and promotes reading i think that's a good thing for everybody.

No one can judge him for his videos. He did that screaming bitch thing because that's how you'g get famous back in the day. Now he is so big he can do whatever he wants although the whole >memes thing is a big part of his channel. I dont like him being such a jew obssessed with money but i guess no one is perfect

tl;:dr respect the biggest youtuber promoting your hobby

>> No.12756354

I read sun and steel after his review
Gen y though

>> No.12756376

>tl;:dr respect the biggest youtuber promoting your hobby

1. all yootoobers are cancer
2. he's damaging "my hobby" by attracting the wrong sort of people to it

>> No.12756391

1. no
2. there's no such thing as wrong sort of people when the matter is reading. Everybody has to start somewhere

>> No.12756869


>> No.12756890

Haha imagine being so much of a faggot you read books to be a hipster

>> No.12756955
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> he's damaging "my hobby" by attracting the wrong sort of people to it
lol really

>> No.12757103
File: 65 KB, 623x263, 2019-03-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ADL is already screaming — where have you been? Plato is controversial, and I'm sure that you'll hear about a million thinkpieces describing Pewdiepie's anti-SJWism for promoting such philosophy.

>> No.12757154
File: 26 KB, 400x462, 1518200860490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading them all in the same time
The only way to consume Plato

>> No.12757380

Who made you gatekeeper?

>> No.12757527

>Stop reading all the books, they are all mine.
Imagine being this insufferable.

>> No.12757658

He didn't like Kierkegaard did he? I wouldn't assume straight away that he's gonna be "promoting" Plato, he might not even like it. Most young people read Plato and come to the conclusion that he's stupid these days.

>> No.12757669

He should read the dialogues about the death of Socrates instead of starting with the Republic

>> No.12757717

thank you mr armchair psychologist, very cool!

>> No.12757736

reminder these are shill threads

>> No.12757950

>you don’t like Justin Bieber because ur jealous!!!

>> No.12757976
File: 46 KB, 468x895, 1524408797962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plato has nothing to do with artistic fiction or verse

>> No.12757988

>all the comments sucking his dick

>> No.12758041

Shut up.

>> No.12758064

Why are there so many people who regularly unironically watch pewdiepie here. I’m not even some bitter old fag. I’m 21. I’m still young. right guys..

>> No.12758141

Ideally you should be leaving 4chan in your early twenties since the vast majority of posts are made either by teenagers or by thirty year olds with the mentality of teenagers.

>> No.12758554

That was understood. The irony is what comes with the psychopathy it represents: 20 million dollar net worth notwithstanding, he stews in the mentality of a dumbass underage fanbase like a convict of the Dunciad's lowest deep, wishing only that a lower one would open beneath him. Fred Rogers would set his home alarm.

>> No.12758614

The outlandish hypothetical was intended. Wondering if it's true that Gacy would throw fits to get TV and pizza, I like to imagine Kaczynski furnished with a suite of electronics, charting our doom.

>> No.12758678
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>> No.12758695

This is obvious. Evidence of Mental Illness: Even if the $ 20 million he was attacking, such as the Duncanth, he wanted to release the corpse. At least, Fred Rogers offered a renovation in their family.

>> No.12758704


>> No.12758707
