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12748374 No.12748374[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder the only true intellectual of today and the future is the autodidact.

Universities are pseud shitholes that are more interested in teaching you about gender politics than giving you an actual education, today with the internet I have the entire source of human knowledge at my finger tips, beyond any bias. I am more intelligent than you, I am more educated than you, I am better than you and I get more pussy than you. You stupid, dumb college scum.

>> No.12748385

Very stupid post, but autodidactism is pretty dope.

>> No.12748387

I agree with Yo. But Your post is shit because of the last part which is just a cope for missing out on
>the college experience

>> No.12748398
File: 8 KB, 249x300, FAC98630-B257-4FEE-9920-A5AB97C7D1E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We go over this 4 times everyday, both have pros and cons and double majoring would be one of the best choices. You just look upset you missed out

>> No.12748414

tfw double major in philosophy and biology t. the next aristotle

>> No.12748416


>> No.12748427

but yes college does suck and sucks the wonder out of everything because at higher level classes it becomes apparent that teaching is nothing more than a shitty , sort of well paying job for people who think they are too good for it and would rather be doing research all day. we need more monastic learning centers where learning is not a job/inudstry but a god given gift and imperative.

>> No.12749695


>> No.12749701

>thinking knowledge alone will help you get a job

Enjoy your wageslavery pond scum.

>> No.12749713

>Thinking a degree alone will help you get a job
Enjoy your wageslavery, pondscum.

>> No.12749734

It won't if you're a humanities faggot. But it will if you do engineering.

>> No.12749743

you're a piece of shit if you actually study just to get a job

>> No.12749770
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Abandon academia. Become an autodidact.

>> No.12749780

OP is strawmanning.

>> No.12749790


the top is still the top. you're just jealous and don't know where to look to find actually really good information.

the best intellectuals still have the best reading lists, the best knowledge, the most power, etc.

you've just been left behind by your age.

>> No.12749813

>Universities are pseud shitholes that are more interested in teaching you about gender politics than giving you an actual education
Whenever anyone says this on this board, its a guarantee that they've never set foot in a humanities seminar. But of course, its so much easier to just assume that ALL universities are narrow-minded ideology factories, because then you can keep on pretending that you're smart for disavowing them. When in reality, you're just rattling off a lot of assumptions about higher learning that you haven't actually any familiarity or experience with, you're just regurgitating what everyone else on this board says about university.

>> No.12749847

>Whenever anyone says this on this board, its a guarantee that they've never set foot in a humanities seminar.
Whenever somebody says this, I assume they're a boomer who last set foot in a university when the USSR was still a thing.

>> No.12749854

Imagine still pretending universities are places of 'higher learning' lmao. If you're not studying stem you're basically paying to go to a really gay church

>> No.12749863
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>I have the entire source of human knowledge at my finger tips, beyond any bias.
Imagine being such a pseud that you get blown the fuck out by a Talking Heads song.
>Facts are simple and facts are straight
>Facts are lazy and facts are late
>Facts all come with points of view
>Facts don't do what I want them to
>Facts just twist the truth around
>Facts are living turned inside out
>Facts are getting the best of them
>Facts are nothing on the face of things
>Facts don't stain the furniture
>Facts go out and slam the door
>Facts are written all over your face
>Facts continue to change their shape

>> No.12749867

What's wrong with gender studies?

Intersectionality is the theory of relativity of our time.

>> No.12749871
File: 203 KB, 1507x1155, yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The greatest work of this generation will almost certainly be produced by a NEET who ends up killing himself over sexual language witch trials.
>His Boomer parents will burn the manuscript along with all their get receipts as Global Weimar finally collapses.
>The manner of his suicide will be an unknown pill.

>> No.12749875

>t. double major in intermodern sexology and trans archaeology

>> No.12749881

>Imagine still pretending universities are places of 'higher learning' lmao
imagine thinking the term 'higher learning' refers to anything other than the fact that university comes after college/sixth form. Projecting your delusional definitions onto things doesn't make them right

Also stem is now an oversaturated field because everyone (academia included) convinced you to study something with apparent utility, but yet its very rare to find someone who actually feels fulfilled by their graduate stem job.

>> No.12749895

>But it will if you do engineering
Pajeet called, he wants your job.

>> No.12749944


The only true writers of today are the autodidacts.

This is the big open secret that MFAland does not want you to know

>> No.12750923

Missed out on what? You can always go back to college.

>> No.12751012
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>> No.12751017

Drinking way too much, wasting daddy's money, and fucking arthoes while they waste their dadddy's money.

>> No.12751070

that's my dream. shame my shitty country doesn't gives to option of double majoring

>> No.12751077

>today with the internet I have the entire source of human knowledge at my finger tips, beyond any bias
absoutely fucking wrong, but you will realize in a few years if you're truly intelligent. otherwise you're right, don't waste time domesticating yourself in school kids

>> No.12751219

y-y-you're right morty *buuurp* school isn't for smart people

>> No.12751259

>today with the internet I have the entire source of human knowledge at my finger tips
Lmao, imagine actually believing this.