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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 220x336, CormacMcCarthy_BloodMeridian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12748295 No.12748295 [Reply] [Original]

>and they rode on and the bloody sunrise crept in over the flat plains and The Judge killed and murdered and raped another indian and spat on the ground
Why is this book always in the /lit/ top 10? Is it actually good or is it a meme? Are Americans just pretending that their literature is good and spoiling the polls?

>> No.12748330

I don't think thats an actual line buddy

>> No.12748732

I just checked. It's an actual sentence. Holy shit i knew Mccarthy was bad but the man is a complete hack. Is this the "best" american fiction can provide?
>And then the flat plains led them to a village where severed heads adorned the pathway and bodies lay in the thousands. The Judge approaches a wounded boy dragging his frail carcass towards him and asks him for help and The Judge asks the creature if he knows about any tortillas and beans and the creature responds that he knows not about any tortillas or beans and the Judge strikes him with a bullet to his head. Then, the Judge, in swift motion searches the body and reveals for astonishment of them all a can of beans and some cooked tortillas and like a god who punishes nature The Judge announces that man shall not live by the word alone and they all eat beans and tortillas under the pale moon light.

>> No.12748736

I got called a retard here yesterday for saying McCarthy's prose is bad.

>> No.12748739

americans insist that corncob "tortilla" memecarthy is not hack... I think this proves otherwise.

>> No.12749006

>The Judge asks the creature if he knows about any tortillas and beans and the creature responds
Fucking christ, I wrote better in 8th grade

>> No.12749010


>> No.12749013


>> No.12749014

It's literally edgy teenage crap, it's so bad holy shit

>> No.12749054

You could write better than this in 8th grade?

See the child. He is pale and thin, he wears a thin and ragged linen shirt. He stokes the scullery fire.Outside lie dark turned fields with rags of snow and darker woods beyond that harbor yet a few last wolves.His folk are known for hewers of wood and drawers of waterbut in truth his father has been a schoolmaster.He lies in drink, he quotes from poets whose names are now lost.The boy crouches by the fire and watches him.

Night of your birth. Thirty-three. The Leonids they were called. God how the stars did fall. I looked for blackness, holes in the heavens.The Dipper stove.

The mother dead these fourteen years did incubate in her own bosom the creature who would carry her off. The father never speaks her name, the child does not know it. He has a sister in this world that he will not see again. He watches, pale and unwashed.He can neither read nor write and in him broods already a taste for mindless violence.All history present in that visage,the child the father of the man.

At fourteen he runs away. He will not see again the freezing kitchenhouse in the predawn dark. The firewood, the washpots. He wanders west as far as Memphis, a solitary migrant upon that flat and pastoral landscape.Blacks in the fields, lank and stooped, their fingers spiderlike among the bolls of cotton.A shadowed agony in the garden.Against the sun's declining figures moving in the slower dusk across a paper skyline. A lone dark husbandman pursuing mule and harrow down the rainblown bottomland toward night

>> No.12749065
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, oys7flxnqt011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks this is good
Holy shit it's so bad. How can anyone like this shit? YA is unironically better than this trash.

>> No.12749078
File: 16 KB, 210x295, 237234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations on being contrarian in 4channel's /lit/.

>> No.12749079

Post your better YA and explain why with analysis and evidence

>> No.12749091

>lol bro not liking corncob yeccarthy is being a contrarian
Only in pleb boards or in America. Absolutely no one outside of america knows or takes Yeccarthy seriously. He is a joke. A bad american joke, and when his book got into Oprah not only i laughed out loud, but my disgust towards him only grew.

>> No.12749107

Evidence? Analysis?

>> No.12749124
File: 26 KB, 396x396, DwQ7voCU0AAS3O3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evidence? Analysis?
Made me laugh. You're not on reddit. You're not in your high school debating club. No one's going to do the work of "evidence" and "analysis" for you because this isn't a debate. We're just shitting on a terrible writer. Go back to Oprah's book club.

>> No.12749347
File: 39 KB, 601x266, What+are+they+rioting+in+front+of+a+_7bb45b9921e56dac5c95279f9357cbea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I get it, and you are not wrong.
Its ok not to like it anon. I'm just reading it for first time and i love many aspects of it, and it just feeds and confirms my bias towards modern literature rather than classics. No big deal, finish the book and move on, but dont pretend it's bad because you cant get over your contrarianism, and that it is keeping you for enjoying nice oeuvres. It happens to everyone.

Pic semirelated, the guy is the attention seeking sperg 90% of fine arts boards trolls want to be, while they are just artistically limp.

>> No.12749360

If that amuses you then you must have a really deformed sense of humor. Its actually quite pitiful to see someone joyfully celebrating their own anti-intellectualism. And the fact that you had to use greentext, 6 sentences, and a frogpic too is quite terrifying- since 1 sentence would have been enough to get whatever you wanted to convey across. You really should think about joining a debate club at your highschool , since I think that would teach you how to cull that embarassing tangle that goes on in your head and foster more discipline and precision. Really, if I ever got to the stage where my mind and thought process was in as scattered a state as yours, i think I would have killed myself a long time ago rather than let the rot fester.

>> No.12749393

Ironically, two words in one sentence would have sufficed to express the sentiment behind your rambling, pseudo-intellectual, desperately condescending diarrhea dump of a post: "I'm mad."

>> No.12749406

But I'm not mad anon. I'm just sad. I really wish the best from you and I feel you aren't reaching your full potential.

>> No.12749447

That guy is not me. You're definitely mad, nerd. I didn't even read your post btw. Back to plebbit.

>> No.12749501

Now I'm sad that you're willing to disown your own words so easily. Really need to believe in yourself anon rather than foisting your own comments on imaginary people.

>> No.12750461

First of all, its still not correct. Secondly, you are under the impression that this parody of MacCarthy's writing is bad because of the repetition of 'creature' and the lack of punctuation. Similar criticism has dogged McCarthy ever since he became well-known. You do realise its a stylistic choice to write like this, not a lack of understanding syntax and sentence structure? McCarthy works in the Santa Fe institute for fucks sake. Surely, you're not this stupid anon? You may not like this style of writing, but surely you're not so much of an idiot to believe that you, as a child, could do better than McCarthy?

If so, please, I'm begging you, post your work.

>> No.12750733
File: 2.62 MB, 1964x2619, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12749006 (Me)
>and and and and and and and and and and
Fucking genius I tell you, genius. You plebiscites are far too dimwitted to comprehend the complexity that stands before you.
>I once had an egg and cheese and lettuce sandwich and I told my mother and it was great and I really really really liked it and it made me full and she then told me that I was her favorite child and even though I was her only child and that made me felt even more greater.
America's next greatest writer, everyone! Give him a prize!

>... MacCarthy's writing is bad because of the repetition of 'creature' and the lack of punctuation
It's due to the fact that he writes like a toddler: fragmented sentences that don't make sense even when spoken, constant repetition of unnecessary words [doesn't include creature], atrocious prose [The mother dead these fourteen years did incubate in her own bosom the creature who would carry her off >>12749054], and the deferral to mock any criticism as contrarian/foolish.
>McCarthy works in the Santa Fe Institute [ffs]. Surely, you're not this stupid anon?
If the work cannot hold itself and must be upheld by an external [the author's name/title/occupation/associates/etc. or companies/people that review it], the work-in-itself is shit.

>> No.12750737

do you even know what a plebiscite is?

>> No.12750749
File: 29 KB, 450x306, d891b57c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the deferral to mock any criticism as contrarian/foolish.

maybe your criticism is just bad

>> No.12750826

is this like one of those r*ddit parody accounts?

>> No.12750956

Any book can sound bad if you just pull a single sentence. Tell us your favorite book and I guarantee we can find a stupid line.

>> No.12751068


>> No.12751146

I live in an American town of about 70,000 people, last year a man was arrested and tried for two murders, one of a bail bondsman shot to death in his office, the other a taxi driver shot to death in his cab, the accused was remorseless in court, about three or four years ago, not far from this city, two police officers were shot to death while sitting in their patrol car, casualties of widespread violence against officers across the country, a few years before that 2 girls, aged 8 and 10, were found dead in the woods, murdered, more recently two young women were murdered, one was found about a month later, buried in a field, the remains moldering, i guess wherever you're from, Europe, Australia, Canada, things are much more complacent, bourgeois, mediocre, here McCarthy's writing reflects a very real ongoing struggle within American life against violence, cruelty, abandonment, how fortunate you are not to live in the midst of it, guess that's why all European prose is about chivalrous dandies accompanying young debutantes about their errands and relaxing in salons to the tinkling melodies of some dilettante pianist

>> No.12751552
File: 131 KB, 584x354, hellboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the most believable thing in the world to me that a board with so many commie apologists on would be retarded enough to get worked up over a bait thread this graceless. /po/ would've just called OP an nigger and posted some infographs.

>> No.12751589

go back to papercraft and origami faggot

>> No.12751636

Grammar exists for a reason. There's literally no good reason to avoid using it. 'Stylistic choice' doesn't cut it.

>> No.12752345
File: 348 KB, 1600x900, tfw he will never die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb frog poster

>> No.12752774

>and when his book got into Oprah not only i laughed out loud, but my disgust towards him only grew.
what does this even means. lmao fucking contrarian kys

>> No.12752792

>We're so poor and stupid in america that's why we use run on sentences! we can't afford punctuation
you're embarrassing yourself.

I love how every american author needs a gimmick to make their bland prose and uninspired plots stand out. memecarthy's is his lack of punctuation, wallace's is his footnotes, John Green's is his repressed pedophilia

>> No.12752858

Oprah usually has good picks.Picking Yeccarthy was pathetic.

>> No.12752883

Don't forget the wacky pynchon man XD, and the "look at how i ape KJV and write like a 10 years old" and the undescribable horror and the "there's another corncob chronicle for you sir" and the "i just grabbed whatever quotes i could find and aped the kjv to make it sound "biblical"and "mystical" ain't my poem good?"

>> No.12752900

His prose isn't bad, but he's way overrated. He basically writes screeplays as prose. He sacrifices way too much, and his books end up (though good) kind of soulless, and hard to really connect with. I'll read him, but I don't expect it to make me feel anything except for empty, lonely, and scared. Some people love that though. To each his own.

>> No.12752908
File: 278 KB, 712x532, you're_simple_ain'tcha_boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You took five hours to come up with that lame response? You're projecting embarrassment. As for the stylistic gimmicks, it's called innovation.

>> No.12752927

>You took five hours to come up with that lame response?
I'm sorry I wasn't waiting around on 4chan for you to post sir, I'll try to do better next time my refined amerilard friend.
>it's called innovation
>meme pic
this is surely bait, no?

>> No.12752993

Getting into the true crime side of the internet changed by perspective on this kind of thing

People generally consider serial killers a thing of the past, the famous ones are from the 60s-80s, Zodiac, Dahmer, Bundy, etc.

There are estimated to be 2,000 active serial killers in America right now

Think of how many killers have yet to have their victims linked

think of how many bodies have not been found yet

think of how many people have only had their first kill, so they are not a "serial" killer yet

How many people have you passed in your life that were killers? Not a soldier or a gangbanger or a mugger who shot someone, but someone who just decided they wanted to kill someone for sport.

Naively, I used to think, yeah people get killed, getting robbed, in a drive-by, a shootout or something.

Then I looked at the missing children list for my state and I see how many teenage boys between 13-16 have gone missing in the past few years, regular kids walking home from school, or to a gas station, just gone.

That kind of evil, in this day, I don't think people want to see it or recognize it.

>> No.12753004

>reddit spacing

>> No.12753097

Looks like you're waiting now. Glad to have your attention. Now just display some intelligence. Calling things 'bait' and a 'meme' is an adequate way to avoid forming a coherent opinion, children can do that though. You're not a child, are you? You've already lost the ability to 'not dignify that with a response,' back down now and you back down from your conviction you coward. Show some backbone.

>> No.12753145

You're nothing but a yellow dog, white material.

>> No.12753167

>pls give me more (You)s
You're pathetic.

>> No.12753243

No, I won't give you more (You)s. You'll spoil your dinner that way.

>> No.12753434

OK just post it without then

>> No.12753448

this tbqh
newfags think this is r/books smdh

>> No.12753460

Why are you people making claims about American literature based on McCarthy? And how moronic do you have to be to discredit an entire remarkable national tradition just to stir the pot on 4chan? Consider reading.

>> No.12753462

>entire thread is people circularly litigating the validity of different types of flippant stock meme response to other stock meme responses

yes this is surely so much better. we're the real intellectuals here

>> No.12753465

you have to go back

>> No.12753473
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12753521


>> No.12753542


>> No.12753557

Reminder that Americans actually consider Hemingway a great writer lmaooooooo

>> No.12754288

I'm not American and he's one of my favourites.

>> No.12754290


I read The Road straight through in a single session. I put down Blood Meridian out of sheer boredom.

I'd say he's hit and miss.

>> No.12754327

So what do yall make of the ending? A little ambiguous but I have my own interpretation...

>> No.12754337

>comprehend complexity

Clearly you were too dimwitted to see that he derives style that directly from the KJV Bible you fucking pleb.

KJV: And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already.

6And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation.

7And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.

Also prose doesn't just comes from grammar but lexical choice. Notice the consonance of r and l sounds in here?

>Outside lie dark turned fields with rags of snow and darker woods beyond that harbor yet a few last wolves

Also the fact that you label perfectly good prose as atrocious by fiat is stupid as well. In that line McCarthy forces the dead verb group to modify the mother noun directly and create flow of prose

>The mother dead these fourteen years did incubate in her own bosom the creature who would carry her off. The father never speaks her name, the child does not know it.

The rhythm perfectly fits with the later line, having the beat cut shorter and shorter for each family member, and the comma splice is used to great effect. If he had wrote it as

>The mother, dead these fourteen years, did incubate in her own bosom, the creature who would carry her off. The father never speaks her name, and the child does not know it.

It would be languorous and slower.

>fragmented sentences that don't make sense even when spoken

This isn't a play. That's why you can experiment with language more. This criticism doesn't make sense since no real person ever speaks like they do in fiction anyway.


Tons of writers have used repetition, like Beckett. Goodness or badness depends on context. But it is not a negative by fiat.

>If the work cannot hold itself and must be upheld by an external [the author's name/title/occupation/associates/etc. or companies/people that review it], the work-in-itself is shit

I agree. Good thing the work holds up regardless of whether you spout your crap unsupported opinions with your tin ear. Jesus christ how can you exist on a literature board if you don't even know how prose works?

The anon retarded by the empty sound of his own skull did fuck off from the board hence. The idiots remained in their misery, the ignorant remained unwashed.

>> No.12754675

Are you going to keep making this exact same thread?

>> No.12754692

Don't even talk about /po/ you fucking savage. /po/ is pure and amazing.

>> No.12755073



>> No.12755085

u ok?

>> No.12755176

>he wrote, from his parent's spare room in their 100% white suburb

>> No.12755783

>"there's another corncob chronicle for you sir"
Someone please explain

>> No.12755835

We need another like this, a pic of him dancing, dancing, saying he will never die

>> No.12755850

>T.S Eliot
American literature is so bad. The only good ones are Melville, Hart Crane and Emily Dickinson. The rest are pure cringe.

>> No.12755858

Does Faulkner ever address the reader as sir?

>> No.12755870

>Lee, Salinger, Fitzgerald, Thompson and Twain aren't good
Contrarian pseud

>> No.12755903

William Kennedy
Irwin Shaw
Thomas Wolfe
James Baldwin
Mencken (for essays)
Charles Johnson (for oxherding tale)
Eugene O Neil
Tennessee Williams
Wallace Stevens
Robinson Jeffers
Conrad Aiken
John Berryman
Richard Wright
James Emmanuel
Countee Cullen
Charles Olson

>> No.12755908

Only Twain is good in that list. The rest are memes.

>> No.12755936

>There are estimated to be 2,000 active serial killers in America right now
No way thats correct? I remember hearing figures of 50 or 100 but 2000 is surely not the accepted figure?

T.no time to google

>> No.12756390

You are right, 50-100 is more accurate. The 2000 came from unsolved cases where at least two murders had been linked together. So there are around 2000 cases where two or more bodies have been linked to an uncaptured perpetrator. "Active" was the wrong word, my mistake.

>> No.12756395

Reddit spacing but you are right and it's interesting to me as well. That side of America doesn't like to be seen.

>> No.12756573

>and as the boy scanned the curve of the earth, the azure web of cold sky, the ruins of slategrey plateaus bolstering the lugubrious cosmic wounds, he still never stopped on his scribbling never not once. The deacon asked him what is was he was scribbling about
>what's that there
>that there in your lap what's that there you're writin
>he spat
>sure looks like somethin
>what's it to ye. I've always been'a writin since id come out the womb even before id been thought up of ive been writin with never no stopping to it just'a kept on goin no dots or dashes or nothin never gonna stop neither
>no need to
>a man never needs a reason to write or not write ye can jus a well live out not writin a thing but fer me writins a thing and i never stop
>its something that goes on indefinitely
>the boy wrote, and he says that he will never stop writing. He's writing, writing. He writes in darkness or by moonlight. On the flats or in the valleys. He says that he will never punctuate.

>> No.12756595

Melville, Lovecraft, Faulkner, Whitman?

>> No.12756613
File: 11 KB, 220x273, 9D066C7C-CF9D-43D7-988C-2E4FEB6EF7E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t forget Flanny

>> No.12756811
File: 98 KB, 850x400, autistic dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel an autistic dark descending upon this thread.

>> No.12756922

>corncob yeccarthy
wow so clever

>> No.12756936

>all I know is Oprah and frog memes

>> No.12756987


>> No.12757036

Honestly I think Cormac's style of prose is interesting but not ideal. In terms of writing *or* reading it, it's like wading through wet cement.
For readers it's confusing and even after reading multiple books of it I found myself frequently doubling back to re-read a sentence because it just didn't parse the first time.
And in my experience it's very limiting if you try to write like that. You will encounter whole sentences that just don't work without a comma.

On the other hand it is a very "objective" style of writing. Many times writers use commas in a suggestive way, a way to separate unimportant ("structural") clauses from important ("meaningful") clauses. Cormac's prose treats everything as equally important. It does not provide any suggestion on how to read the book. He will describe the dirt on some boots with the same monodrone prose he uses to describe an Indian war detachment cresting a hill on horseback and flailing decapitated heads. And you find yourself almost having to take a second to wake up and realize with surprise that something important is happening, because it wasn't suggested to you by the sentimental structure of the prose.

There is something beautiful about this. You never feel that the writer is communicating to you or trying to decide how you absorb the book. When you read McCarthy you're just witnessing a story, a fact of life, a recorded series of events within a universe. When reading other authors I constantly see them mildly chipping at the fourth wall, but with Cormac he respects its sanctity completely and simply gives you a mechanical, totally objective counting of events. Even his language use is impartial and objective. He never calls the sunset "beautiful", he calls it dyed gold.

>> No.12757047

It's interesting that you mention objectivity since in my experience scientific journals are written in much the same way. Cormac is also well-known to hang around scientists more than other writers.

>> No.12757048

Ham on Rye

>> No.12757050


>> No.12757957

Read it and you know why.

>> No.12758168

is this already a pasta

>> No.12758405
File: 142 KB, 525x303, Ull.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the dawn there is a man progressing over the plain by means of holes which he is making in the ground. He uses an implement with two handles and he chucks it into the hole and he enkindles the stone in the hole with his steel hole by hole striking the fire out of the rock which God has put there. On the plain behind him are the wanderers in search of bones and those who do not search and they move haltingly in the light like mechanisms whose movements are monitored with escapement and pallet so that they appear restrained by a prudence or reflectiveness which has no inner reality and they cross in their progress one by one that track of holes that runs to the rim of the visible ground and which seems less the pursuit of some continuance than the verification of a principle, a validation of sequence and causality as if each round and perfect hole owed its existence to the one before it there on that prairie upon which are the bones and the gatherers of bones and those who do not gather. He strikes fire in the hole and draws out his steel. Then they all move on again.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12758595

>the kid curved the corner and passed the oakslats and rubworn shelving to his left and stood silent in the economics section. He drew threadthin the piece of mint gum in his mouth between his teeth and tongue, his jaw loudly settling like a wild whipcrack in a sweltering desert heat.
>he picked up a copy of Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State and edged the tome against the sunlight crashing from the rear window lined with dirty ratchel in swathes of dustladen rays like hell's own stinking vapors.
>he began to sweat
>whats that there
>the boy looked to his left and there stood el hombre de jalisco in an almagre aguayo wrapped slovenly around a sullen sark topped in a faded sombrero looking down into the center of a jacketless hardcover. He swigged his pulque and wiped his mouth. He ran his thumb down the soft edge of the pages feeling out the rimple and spat in the spine of the book and slammed it shut
>needa water these words here. theys the seedling of an infant mind n this'll round out theys intentions n give it meaning real meaning now
>so what's there
>that there in yer paws m'boi
>sure looks like somethin
>its a book on economics
>economics? dint ye know thas a dismal science? sorry science that is there fer sure. ain't no hearth in't no place n space fer the heart
>ye pick'n up son? its a sorry way'a life a sorry way'a thinkin its a heavensent grief mask'd in graphs and plotpoints all n' the purpose of steepin heavy in ye heart't make it drop to ye guts'n pine fer death
>el hombre stepped a few feet back abreast and reached for a copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad and heaved it towards the kid
>he dropped it
>ye want purpose? thet there book is no demon. thet there is a baleful angel thets brought you in here n now to meet me to gentle ye into sanity
>itll change yer life if it don't kill yer ass first.
>the kid took the book to the counter and purchased the book, and with it took home a complimentary tortilla. and he left.

>> No.12758622
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Corncob has his moments, but he's definitely overrated.

>> No.12758651

This but unironically

>> No.12760020
File: 380 KB, 1280x1001, 1241234124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the old buffalo hunter was your favourite part of the book but you're not even entirely sure why
There's just something about the imagery there, the idea of men almost continuously shooting for months on end until their stocks crack and shoulders bleed.

>> No.12760089

When you realize Child = Father of Man

>> No.12760139

I feel like people on this board have forgotten that literature is art... It's not nonfiction where precise grammar and logical constructs are necessary. Like it or hate it, do so for aesthetic reasons, not because MUH PUNCTUATION

>> No.12760234


>> No.12760276

on page 1?

>> No.12761381

this is not the problem. the problem is that mccarthy's prose is bad, whether he respects grammar or not. there's also the fact that mccarthy takes "creative license" with grammar and achieves absolutely nothing but boring sentence structures derived from the usual suspects, kjv, faulkner, paradise lost etc etc

>> No.12761393

>mccarthy's prose is bad
lol stopped reading here

>> No.12761397

What surprise, this post was written by a retard.