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12746050 No.12746050 [Reply] [Original]

Books to read while in rehab?

>> No.12746055

are you okay, anon?

>> No.12746061

I’m addicted to tranny porn

>> No.12746062

They give you wi-fi? You must be in one of those nice rehabs

>> No.12746076


>> No.12746117

No I'm not in yet. I'm making a list of books I want to bring.

>> No.12746160


>> No.12746194

Everything by William Burroughs

>> No.12746214

How does an average american rehab looks like? How much simillar to the Infinite Jest?

>> No.12746217

infinite jest also if you're feeling close to a relapse drop acid or do some dmt instead (unless you have a family history of psychosis in which case idk AA is cool) psychs helped me get over my addictive personality

>> No.12746221

They give you drugs in them so they can keep you in longer and keep billing your insurance

>> No.12746222

Why? Why do you 4channers like that stuff? I see it mentioned on here all the time, but I never got why it appeals to you guys...(i've only been here since 2016 btw)

>> No.12746233

Because women are evil

>> No.12746253

You don’t love tranny porn? What are you doing here?

>> No.12746467 [DELETED] 

Ive been around sex addicts and experts on sex addiction, and this is the progression of hardcore porn addiction that people experience. You get used to literally jerking off to other guys, which is a homosexual act, and become desensitized to the normal stuff and start needing the more taboo stuff. If you must watch porn, avoid stuff with guys in it, and you wont get that energy into you.


>> No.12746475

Ive been around sex addicts and experts on sex addiction, and this is the progression of hardcore porn addiction that people experience. You get used to literally jerking off to other guys, which is a homosexual act, and become desensitized to the normal stuff and start needing the more taboo stuff. If you must watch porn, avoid stuff with guys in it, and you wont get that energy into you.


>> No.12746587

It's not even me. I'm actual op. I'm going to rehab for weed addiction

>> No.12746590

Haha definitely read IJ then you big faker

>> No.12746597


>> No.12746625

Infinite Jest, you tastelet

>> No.12746632

Hey OP. I went to rehab for a year for heroin and xanax addiction. If the rehab has a wifi connection you can use, bring a kindle or something so that you can download books directly on it, that's what I did.
Anyways, read Man's Search for Meaning and Meditations (Marcus Aurelius). And for fun, 100 Years of Solitude.
Good luck.

>> No.12746635

This. But seriously if you're going for weed it is the most relevant kino possible. Will also take about 3 weeks to finish.

>> No.12746683

Book recommendations...

I still don't see the connection between something so bizarre and 4channers, who are a very funny and endearing culture to me...(like your greentext posts and stuff, it's all very unique and very cute)

>> No.12746719


Are you rich or some shit? I've been in tons of rehabs, some 30 days and some long term and none of them allowed shit like that, clothes and hard candy that they had to search were pretty much all you could bring, and you get wanded with metal detector and strip searched, I didn't have either both times anyway. I read the garbage they had at the place OP, some western author and outdated newspapers. Good luck getting sober off whatever you do, I couldn't get off heroin until I got on methadone five years ago but if you arent retarded like me you should be able to do it

>> No.12746781

You should read Lolita

>> No.12746785

>(i've only been here since 2016 btw)
How did you end up here? Been here since 2007, myself.

>> No.12746812

You still chasing the dragon?

>> No.12746864

what's weed addiction like?

>> No.12746869

I'm a huge Orson welles too

>> No.12746879


Nah I haven't used heroin for about three years now, glad I got out when all the fent adulteration started hitting hard, overdosed twice in one week before i got accepted into my methadone clinic, not gonna pretend I'm clean since i take 120mg of methadone daily but I'm not shooting dope or homeless anymore which is what matters to me I've been using heroin since 16 and I'm 30 so it's been a long time coming. Took a few years on ,ethadone to finally quit for good.

>> No.12746935

If I recall correctly, I kind of accidentally discovered /tv/ while searching for film communities online. I was really into film back then, and wanted a place outside of Reddit that discussed them. I spent most time on there at first, then curiosity came over me and I slowly explored the other boards, like /lit/. Only a few of them though, I'm still not familiar with most. I'll probably leave here soon though, I've been in a bad place in my life since 2016 and this place has been a haven for someone as depressed as myself. But it hasn't helped me, only hurt me, and at this point I'm so sickened by the sickening things here that my plan is to leave and never return. You should too, if you also find this place disturbing. Your soul is too precious to lose to depraved parts of the internet.

>> No.12746943

>I'm still not familiar with most.
I mean I've been here for over a decade and the only board I've posted on regularly is /lit/ (since probably 2010). Before that i was an edgy /b/tard, but /b/ was different back then. None of the other boards have ever interested me

>> No.12746954

Good work man. Fent is what turned me off.. It's like if I loved oreos and suddenly all the oreos had poison in them instead of cream. Still struggling with alcohol though. What a life ruiner that shit is.

>> No.12746973
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>I'll probably leave here soon

>> No.12746993


Thank you friend, I guess I'm grateful personally since i believe that was a huge reason I ended up getting off, I hope you get clean man, as you know I'm sure that shit and benzos will kill you outright and is devastating to the system. I hope you find peace my friend.

>> No.12746998


Go back to your containment board

>> No.12747009

Thanks man I'm actually doing better I relapsed a bit last week when my mom died (possibly due to excessive kratom use to deal with her own issues--be skeptical of that stuff too btw) but yesterday and today were sober again and I'm happy with it. I realized that little good choices, little noble actions are really something to strive for and be satisfied by--most of my life I beat myself up for falling short of sainthood but I'm going to try to see that differently if I can. Peace bro.

>> No.12747010

You should try some comfy boards like /ck/ and /out/

>> No.12747019

I'm inteen challenge right now on a phone I smuggled in. We can only read Christian books too. We have an underground secular book trading ring. This shit is crazy bro.

>> No.12747021

/b/ terrifies me tremendously. i went there a few times, and despite being immensely repulsed by the seeming absence of morality in posters there, who with no qualms of conscience post pictures of their families, schoolmates, girlfriends, etc for depraved strangers to literally pleasure themselves to, there was only images of g*re, which I was so terrified by I never returned again. Absolutely disgusting beyond words, that someone could not merely look at that but desire to and derive satisfaction from doing so.

You guys say this, and I get why. It's difficult to leave this place. It's like a vortex which sucks you up. But in reality that vortex is one's own inner dysfunction, be it depression, loneliness, disconnection to the masses (i.e "normies"), and so on, which then pulls one to places like this to grieve from such afflictions. If I or anyone can fix the internal problem, which holds the source of the dysfunction, we can most definitely rid ourselves of visiting here, which is only the symptom of it.

>> No.12747030

Also I'm reading crime and punishment secretely, and mere christainity in public.

>> No.12747034

/ck/ is really cute, people there are so unbelievably friendly compared to the rest of this place, that when I went there it felt like I was on a different site altogether. i have no clue why those culinary b*stards are so kind and jovial, must be all the good food they make keeping them in a good mood. but i'm vegetarian as of several months ago, i'm pretty sure they are mostly carnivorous over there. fast food places and the like. if they have veggie meals on there i'll definitely revisit it, since i've been needing to learn how to cook. /out/ i've never been to, i'll try and check it out. thanks for the recommendations though <3

>> No.12747069

Really? Are you new to the internet? It's a cesspool of shit that's been collectively validated, why do you think people are so gay now? It's the internet. The internet unleashed a collective unconscious "gay" onto our generation.

>> No.12747078

People are starting to realize they’re gay bc people have always been a little gay and there is no longer some great, exterior force to surpress it. People still fuck women. Women still want your dick. Well, maybe not yours since you sound like a scaredy-cat incel with an enlarged amygdala

>> No.12747110

>bc people have always been a little gay and there is no longer some great, exterior force to surpress it
Very questionable, now go away you 18 yr old non-reader

>> No.12747114
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Good luck fren.

>> No.12747171

<3 thank you fren. apu/frenposters are the best people on this entire board, easily

>> No.12748373

I didn't go to rehab in the US. The country I went in has a much higher standard of mental health treatment (Despite being a 3rd world country) and the rehab I went to was really nice. It was almost like a hotel with a ton of therapy and therapeutic activities thrown in every day. Also paid for entirely by insurance. I haven't done opiates/benzos in a little over 2 years.

>> No.12748388

Oh and congrats on kicking the H habit, man.

>> No.12748662


Wow that's not something I would expect at all, wish rehabs down here were like that without needing to take a fuckin loan out to pay for. Thanks man, good job as well, I hope things continue to work out for you

>> No.12748770

some of us are unironically zoomers, so we literally only got old enough to find this place for ourselves in 2014/2015

>> No.12749236
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>> No.12749243


>> No.12749649
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>My time with anon had come to an end. During our time together, I had learned about his general cyniscism and misanthropy, but also his irreverent, self-deprecating style of humor and his ability to show compassion toward those who shared his "feels". What had started as a journey into the "dark side of the internet" had become a poignant investigation into the lives of wayward young men. With no community to fall back on and plenty of free time to spend online, they had forged an alliance not out of common interests but a common sense of displacement. Although they have been attacked in the media as nazis, perverts, and nihilists, the picture I was presented with was one of loneliness and desperation. I finally realized that the "Internet hate machine" hates nothing more than itself.